The law of Fiction: Harem in the fiction world

Chapter 163 Ch 161: The Purpose [Pt3]

"Alright, you've had enough drinks in you so it is time to get you back to the academy before someone finds out that we are gone."

Yohan picked up Liza but she was putting up a fight. He had no way to get her out other than to knock her out with a simple command. And it worked instantly which caused Liza to fall unconscious.

"Hey, I would like to pay for my stay here."

Yohan could have left easily without letting anyone know that he was going back. But he wanted to ensure that no one knew about his involvement with Liza. And to do that, Yohan needed some of the local help he could get.

He quietly slipped a lot more money than he was charged with to ensure no one knew he had visited this place. Something he had learned throughout his journey was that money talks, no matter what world you were in.

And handing bribes worked best when you were doing undercover work.

"Ah, thank you. We hope to see you back here soon again and enjoy your alone time."

The person in charge of the counter understood instantly what Yohan wanted to convey. He also seemed like an expert at hiding dark secrets and that was why Yohan had chosen this place in the first place.

It was a good way to bury what happened with Liza and no one would be able to pin her change in attitude on Yohan no matter how hard they try.

It was pitiful how easy it was getting to slip into the academy grounds. All Yohan had to do was maneuver around the cameras and the other security system a bit and let his system take care of everything else for him.

"Master Yohan, where were you? Do you know how worried-? And what is that bug on your shoulder? Should I get rid of it?"

Diantha met Yohan at the gate of the academy just as he walked in. Yohan had a feeling that he would run into Diantha once he came back.

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After all, she had looked rather uncomfortable with the thought of him venturing out. But that had never stopped Yohan from not doing something he wanted to do anyway.

"Calm down Diantha. Since you looked so worried about my future in this academy, I decided to go ahead and take care of it. I don't think we will have to fear being backstabbed by Liza again."

Yohan turned Liza's body resting on his shoulder just a little bit to show the subordinate bond he had with the other female. It was a good way to solidify that she was no longer a danger to him.

Diantha looked turned on and mad at the same time. Her eyes were flashing with rage as she considered what she should say to Yohan. She had not wanted him to ignore Diantha's warning, but he had.

In the end, anger won out and Diantha was no longer able to suppress it.

"Was it necessary for you to do that to me without telling me? You could have been killed Yohan. And then, what would I have done? Huh?"

Diantha tried to let her anger across but she was faced with the blankest look in front of her eyes. Yohan had not taken kindly to her rebuttal and his face showed it.

"Diantha, you might be someone I have a relationship with but you do not have enough of a right to restrict me. And even if you want me to do something, it is only right that you share the reason behind it first."

Diantha was shaken by Yohan's cold words. She knew that he was capable of being rude and even outright terrifying. But knowing about it and facing it were different things.

She could feel her limbs freezing in place and she was not able to look at Yohan again. Her instincts asked her to keep her head down for now.

"I-Yohan, that is-I know I-"

"I know why you did what you did Diantha. But I am not someone under your protection, it's the other way around. So next time, do use your words and let me know what is happening and I will think about taking your advice."

It took some time for Diantha to move after that, but once she was able to, she realized that she had made a big mistake. Yohan was not only angry at her but also disappointed. And it was somewhat her fault that all this happened.

'Next time, I will tell him about the vision. I don't want him to look at me with those cold eyes again. They make me unable to breathe.'

Meanwhile, Yohan was thinking about the same encounter but his thoughts took a separate line from Diantha's.

'Maybe I was a little too harsh on Diantha. But she needed to learn that she cannot control me.'

Maybe it was an after-effect of drinking but Yohan had found himself irritated all of a sudden when Diantha had questioned him about his freedom. And he had lashed out toward her a little.

"Here you go. At least this is one problem taken care of."

Yohan was tired all of a sudden once he put Liza to bed. He knew he needed to go back to his room but he did not want to do that. His body wanted to lie down and go to sleep. So that was what he did.

He allowed his body to fall onto Liza's bed and sleep claimed him pretty soon. And Yohan did not wake up until it was morning again.

But he was not the first one to wake up. And unknown his actions, caused a huge misunderstanding to appear on Liza's part.


'Huh, what is this situation? I was sure that all we did yesterday was hold hands. So why is Yohan in my bed today?'

Liza wanted to scream as she felt Yohan's body heat all around her. She had not meant to sleep with him like this. But there seemed to be no way for her to move now.

Not with her snuggling Yohan's chest this comfortably. She was nuzzling more and more into him unconsciously and had even moved into his arms in the night.

'No, don't think too much about it. There is no need for you to feel uncomfortable Liza. you can extract yourself comfortably from Yohan's embrace.'

With that confidence, Liza decided to push herself up a little. Of course, her breasts managed to brush against Yohan's arms and she stopped moving. She was almost afraid that he would wake up and say something to her.

In all her life, Liza had never been in such an awkward situation before and she could not help but feel like it was her fault.

Thankfully for her heart and her consciousness, she was easily able to pull herself out of that embrace and Yohan did not wake up.

That is until she reached the end of her room and decided to look behind. Yohan looked back at her with tired eyes but he was undoubtedly awake now.

"Y-Yohan, Ummm, so, what am I doing in your room? Did I get smashed yesterday?"

Liza could feel the alcohol on her breath and she was aware that she had drunk. But had it been enough to make her blank out like this? She was not sure if that was the case or not.

For some reason, the more she spoke, the more amused Yohan looked at her words. She needed to stop now but it was really difficult to do when you were used to babbling in such situations.

Somehow, the way Yohan sat with his hand on his face seemed mocking to Liza.

"H-Hey, say something, darn it. How long are you going to just sit there and look at me like that?"

Yohan finally blinked and laughed a little at Liza's panicking. He sat up and Yohan turned out to be fully dressed. It seemed like Liza's overly active imagination had made her a little delusional.

"My room? Liza, this is your room and I was here to send you back yesterday. Of course, you decided to pull me into your bed and we both went to sleep."

"L-Liar. I never pulled you in my bed…right?"

Liza remembered nothing of that sort happening. But then again, she was completely out of it when she reached her room and possibly way before that as well. There was not a lot she could remember right now.

And the way Yohan was walking toward her did not sit well with her. It was a little predatory and there was something sharp about his gaze that was making Liza's knees go weak.

Suddenly, she felt like she should not look at Yohan at all. So she looked down all of a sudden and missed Yohan's tired sigh.

"Nothing happened so you can relax Liza. We just talked about your brother and other things."

As soon as Liza heard the term 'brother' she waited for the sadness and rage to come her way. But surprisingly enough, nothing of that sort happened. It was like a dull ache now which had never happened before.

And Yohan's smile told him that he knew Liza's thoughts. Had he done something to make her feel better?

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