The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 119 Chookies And Patpatissier [Elysium Festival - Part VIII]

-- POV Freya --

The dance we had done with Gaya and Shiro had now been over for several hours and I was sitting on the sidelines watching the festival go on very well. The night was already well underway and I knew that the light of dawn would be shining on the Empire in only a few hours, yet the center of Elysium was still bustling. Fatigue didn't seem to affect all those faces depicting a joy they had never known before. Gaya had gone with Shiro to visit the various stalls and bring us back plenty of food to eat while I stayed and watched.

[It was a really good idea to do this festival. I don't think I've ever seen so many happy people in one place. My little niece had a really good idea !]

*Ara ara~ aren't you going to give me a long-winded nickname this time ?*

[Tsk, you'll see the next one I prepare will leave you speechless pffhaha~]

The more time passed, the more Kira's laughter became as if Machiavellian and very expressive. I had noticed for a while that she was becoming much more lively in her words, her reactions and her feelings. My little sister, who before becoming one was just a helper in the system, had already come a long way and I couldn't be happier and more proud of her.

We had both come into this world with a heart as non-existent and a soul as cold as stone, and yet today everything was different. It was at her side that I discovered the most basic emotions that I had never known before. I had never known the happiness of having a family, the anxiety of a mother, the desire of a wife, the pride of an Empress and above all the love in all its aspects that one bears to one's loved ones.

[Oi ! Onee-san you dreaming ?]

As I smiled slightly at the thought and at Kira's rather cute insolence, I replied.

*I'm looking forward to it, little sister kufufu~! Otherwise yes, Shiro's idea was excellent especially when you think about the fact that no one had experienced such an event before*

[That's right...when I'm out there I can experience it all instead of watching hehe~]


After the festival and during the exploration I had planned, I had to find a way to free the souls of the twins, especially Kira. I had promised her that when my second child was born, she would be there. I hadn't forgotten at all and I still had a little over 3 months to keep my promise and finally free her from her mental prison.

[Onee-san ? Are you still lost in thought ?]

*Oh, um, yeah, sorry*


As I heard Kira's teasing laughter once again, I could see my wife walking towards me in the distance. Since the dance, the cloak Gaya wore was off her shoulders and her open dress revealed her bare back which made me secretly long for her. In the wind, her crimson hair fluttered freely and her amber eyes shone beautifully like the most beautiful of stars.

With each step she took, the crowd moved aside to let her pass while everyone bowed. Gaya was beautiful, gorgeous, magnificent and so different from the one I was. My wife always smiled tenderly and despite her motherly side, she always had that little something that inspired passion and respect. My love was not only the Mother of Dragons but also the mother of this Empire.

My gaze was fixed on her and while I could hypnotize every person who crossed my eyes, the only one who haunted my thoughts, the only one capable of hypnotizing me was my wife. When she walked, her steps were graceful, her hips swayed almost sexily and her presence gave me chills. As Gaya came up to my level, her soft voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"Honey ? What's going on with you ? I could have sworn you were looking at me like you wanted to eat me haha~"

The dragoness had said this while tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear, a sign that she was embarrassed and shy. I knew her by heart, every facial expression, every habit, and as she waited for my answer, I couldn't help but draw her to me.


Without thinking, I had gently pulled her arm to sit on my lap. We were still among the citizens, and though some were watching us out of the corner of their eyes, I didn't care. The one in my arms, radiant and glowing was the most important. As Gaya showed her surprise, I moved closer to her ear to whisper back.

"Baby...I didn't get a chance to tell you but you look absolutely gorgeous in that dress. And to answer your question, right now, I am indeed very interested in eating you..."

My violet eyes were plunged into hers and I knew perfectly well that she could read the desire that had intruded there. My tongue unconsciously ran over my lower lip as I could see my wife blush slightly before I heard my little sister's voice that I had forgotten about this time.

[Ahem could at least wait until I've gone to rest before saying such things ! You are indeed a Demon Wolf of Chaos to dare to corrupt your little sister like that fufu~]

To be honest I had acted on my instincts and even though I wasn't planning on doing anything indecent in the middle of this whole crowd, my wife's whole being had overwhelmed me. Upon hearing Kira's words, Gaya had chuckled softly as she wrapped her arms around my neck to place a tender kiss on my cheek in response.

"For now, that's all you'll get your Highness...

And while she was laughing, it was her turn to lean into my ear and whisper.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

...but tonight if her Highness is still hungry, I will devote myself body and soul to satisfy her."

These words sent shivers down my spine as I noticed that Gaya could be very shy as well as very teasing at times, which couldn't help but make me smile. As I kissed her as if to seal this promise, once again my little sister's voice echoed in our minds.

[Ahem ahem..uh...far be it from me to ruin this moment but where is Shiro ?]

When my wife had returned, although she had left with our daughter, Shiro was indeed no longer with her. I thought she had gone to have fun with her friends and especially little Kate but Kira seemed worried. While getting up from my lap, Gaya smiled before answering.

"Shiro definitely wanted to bring us something herself but she was delayed in her mission by cookies haha~"

[Eh ? Delayed by cookies ?]

In response, the dragoness simply nodded to the stand that was much further to our left. As I turned my head to understand, I could see a crowd of people parked out front, seemingly eager to taste what was coming. At that moment, I took a deep breath, using my senses to separate each scent and smell a sweet, intoxicatingly sweet aroma.

"I didn't know Irrena made cookies, Shiro often talks about her cakes, her pies but she never mentioned cookies."

It smelled so good and of course the first person that came to mind was the Imperial Chef who worked at the mansion. Her cooking was divine and I knew for a fact that my little moon loved her very much so it was only natural that I would think of Irrena, normally being the only one who could delay her so much.

"Haha~ it's not Irrena who makes these cookies, look closer, you might be surprised."

Gaya was still giggling and as I looked at the person standing in front of the stand, I never thought I'd see this one day.


[VIIIG ??]

As Kira had said with a shocked voice, the person who was holding the cookie stand so popular was the former adventurer. He stood there, very tall, imposing and scary but wearing a white apron where a flower looked like it had been drawn by a child. The eye patch Vig wore was now white and prettier than the previous one and the contrast that his huge, muscular, scarred arms gave, made him oddly endearing.

I hadn't talked much with him or followed what he did as a soldier, but I never expected to see him like this. This man who had made the children tremble when he arrived was now surrounded by those same children smiling. For the first time, Vig was smiling as he handed out as many cookies as he could to his small crowd of admirers. The kids were laughing, jumping on him, swinging on his arms as if he were a sideshow, and the former adventurer was grinning like he never had before.

"This is... unexpected."

[Wow indeed. Looks clearly do not define a person !]

As I continued to watch this scene, a small head of white hair caught my eye to the left of the stand. My little moon was standing there patiently waiting to receive her share. Unlike the other children, she was trying not to disturb Vig even though her eyes were watching them with obvious envy. As the man noticed Shiro's presence, I could see him bow awkwardly before holding out a small box with his big hands that were almost as big as my daughter's head.

With her little box in hand, my little moon made her way through the crowd of children who were too busy demanding their share to let the little princess pass. After having passed this tide of children, she was working to cross the adults who let her pass with a smile. No one could resist my little princess and secretly I was sure that she was much more popular than I was among our citizens.

"Mommy ! Mommy ! I have chookies !"

*Chookies ?*


Shiro was running towards us in her white dress, which was slightly stained on her feet, and once again she had just said something in an adorable way. I was expecting to hear Kira screaming in my head, but this time she was strangely calm, which didn't reassure me either. Had she reached her quota of cuteness ? Had her mind shut down unable to handle any more cuteness ? With our little moon it was more than likely.

"Hey sweetie !"

Shiro finally reached us with her childish smile that never left her and as she climbed onto my lap, she handed me the little box.

"It's chookies and it's super good ! I told mom Gaya I'd bring something back by myself so I took this !"

My little princess smiled proudly as she looked at Gaya who was stroking her ears gently. Her little white tail was gently tapping my legs with vigor and as I responded, I couldn't help but stroke her cheek either.

"Thank you so much sweetie, that's very sweet of you, you're definitely an adorable little princess hehe~ but didn't you mean cookies ?"

"Huh ? Isn't that chookies ?"

"Actually it's..."

[Yes ! Totally ! It's called chookies and nothing else ! Isn't it onee-san ?]

Kira had cut me off and I could almost feel a hint of menace in her last question.

*Sigh...please don't involve me and don't drag me down with you and your lies*

As I sighed, Shiro, who had noticed my change, looked up at me with a worried expression. Her little tail had slowed and her fluffy little ears were slightly lowered as she asked a question in a small voice.

"Mommy ? What's going on ? Did I...did I make a mistake ?"

My little girl was always worried and afraid of doing things wrong, so it was important for me to reassure her and make her understand every time that she didn't have to be afraid of making mistakes.

"No sweetie you didn't do anything don't worry about it. I'll tell you about it later but it's nothing and it's even pretty funny haha~. Also, did you ever try Vig's food when you were there ? I saw that you didn't join the other kids having fun with him."

"N-No I...I wanted to act like a big person. said I was the Imperial Princess, I have to set an example I want to act like you and mom !"

I was already so proud of her and looking at her adorable little smiling face was already enough for Gaya, Kira and me. I didn't want her to worry about her princess duties because she could live her life as she wanted but even after telling her all this many times, Shiro was sticking to her decision. Despite the fact that she wasn't my biological daughter, she clearly had my stubborn side, and then finally, my little moon followed her heart and that was the most important.

"Alright my little Shiro, but don't forget to have a lot of fun anyway okay ?"

"Mmh promise ! And then to answer your question, I haven't tried Mr. Vig's chookies yet but everyone says he's a great patpatissier !"


As Shiro finished her sentence, I could hear my little sister almost choking after hearing the last word. I didn't know how Kira managed to cough but now anything was possible with her. Smiling fondly as I tried not to laugh at my little sister, I replied without really having the time to do so.

"Patpat...tissier ?"

[Sshhhhhhhh !!!! Don't you dare !!!]

As I made a mental note to remember to pull Kira's ears when she had a body, Gaya who had been silent until now giggled before kneeling down to Shiro's level to talk to her.

"Sweetheart, thank you so much for the chookies haha~ let's eat them together shall we ? We have to announce the news of the baby to the whole Empire soon so let's taste it now."

"Yes mom !"

In a few minutes, we planned to go up on the stage to finally address all the citizens about the happy event that we had kept secret until now. Under the sky, moon and stars, our little family sat around a table to enjoy delicious chookies, made by the best patpatissier.



Name : Freya

Age: 0 years / Mentally: 25 years

Gender: Female

Course : Ice Demon Wolf of chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles: Blessed by Titania, Goddess of Endless Chaos and Eternal Frozen Hell.

Dragon tamer

Ruthless slayer

Level : 36/70

Exp required for next level: 16 600 / 37 000

HP : 120 000 / 120 000 MP : 60 000 / 60 000

Strength: 500

Defence: 500

Agility: 506

Endurance: 503

Speed: 502

Intelligence: 500

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate: 0

Married to : Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Empire (menu)

Subordinated: 439

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos

Skills (all):

Attack - Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of Hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal Ice Peaks (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (lvl max)

- Katana mastery (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 5)

Defense - Ice Demon Wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

Pain resistance (lvl 4)

Attack/Defense - Ice Empress Domain "frozen wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

Other - Humanoid form

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Analysis

- Second soul (lvl max) - unique

- Telepathy

Detection and control of mana (lvl 5)

Master of souls (lvl 1)

Passives - Commander (lvl max)

- Ice Empress's Natural Aura ]

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