The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 120 The Future Empire Star [Elysium Festival - End]

[N/A: Well, originally this chapter was not written from Shiro's POV, but in view of the many adorers of this living cuteness I have rewritten everything. Here is my gift (praise me)]


-- POV Shiro --

I had just eaten the best chookies of my life even though they were actually the first ones I had eaten...but I was sure they were the best ! The mister who made them was very very very tall and looked like a huge mountain. At first, I was a bit afraid of him and I didn't dare to approach him but when I smelled what he had just prepared I couldn't help but go and see.

So with my moms and my auntie, even though she wasn't really there, we ate all the chookies in the box Mr. Vig gave me. It was so good that I wanted to cry and even after I finished all the chookies I still wanted some. Mommy had agreed to let me go get some more but Mom Gaya said it was not good to eat too much sugar before going to sleep.

During the big party I had tasted a lot of things and especially sweet and soft things because that was what I liked best. My little belly hurt a little but never in my life could I eat so much and be so happy during a festival.

"Sweetie, why are you smiling like that ?"

Mommy and Mom Gaya were next to me and I had unintentionally not listened to them at all. At that moment, I was thinking very hard about it all and I wasn't paying attention at all. While Mommy was wiping my mouth with a towel, she was stroking my hair once again.

"Shiro aren't you tired ? Even though you took a nap this afternoon, you've been up all night."

"Mmh a little bit but it's okay, I can still stay awake I...*yawn* !"

As I answered, I started to yawn without being able to control my body. I was a little tired but I didn't want to leave everyone here and not have fun with all these nice people and especially my moms and my funny auntie. At that moment, it was Mom Gaya, sitting in front of me who answered me.

"Sweetheart, if you want to go to sleep you can go to bed, we just have to call Lia or Triss and in less than 5 minutes you can be in your little bed."

"N-No I want to stay ! You said you were going to say soon that the little baby is in your belly, I...I want to be here !"

I rubbed my eyes as I answered Mom Gaya and even though I felt a little sleepy I wanted to stay. I was the big sister of the baby that was about to be born so I couldn't sleep in my bed right now. Even though my eyes were starting to close, it was important to me. As I rubbed my face, Mommy stood up before she spoke.

"Alright then let's go. Shiro, when the announcement is over you go to bed okay ? I still have to meet the last of the citizens that arrived and you need to get some rest."

"Okay, Mommy..."

She had agreed that I would stay until they told everyone the big secret about our family. I was super excited, super proud and I couldn't wait for all the nice people to find out that I was going to be a big sister. So far no one knew and I had kept it a secret since I knew it. I hadn't even told Kate and yet I wanted to.

As Mom Gaya was getting up too, I tried to get off the bench where I was sitting but couldn't. I was much too small, my feet were not yet touching the ground and could only swing in the air. I was much too small, my feet did not touch the ground yet and could only swing in the void. Mommy, who had noticed my situation, took me in her arms, smiling, and walked towards the wooden platform.

In the center of town there were so many people, more than at my moms wedding and to see everyone from Mommy's arms was incredible. Everything seemed so much smaller, the noise was coming from everywhere, the smells, the laughter and the music all blended together like magic.

"Sweetie, we'll try to be quick since you have to go to bed, hold on a little longer okay ?"

[Courage little Shiro, keep your adorable little eyes open for a few more minutes !]

"Pfffhihi~ yes I will do my best Mommy, auntie. "

I was really determined to stay awake and as Mommy walked up the steps to the stage, Mom Gaya followed us smiling silently at me. All the people talking were turning towards us reminding me of when I had missed the anthem making me stress like earlier.

*Don't think about's over...*

Suddenly, as we reached the middle of the wooden stage, the noise of the whole town stopped. Every time this happened, I thought it was incredible, not knowing how Mommy could do such a thing.

*Hihi~ when mommy has to talk everyone listens*

I knew that for the moment I was far from being able to be like her, but I couldn't help dreaming. It's true, I didn't know how to do much yet and I even thought I was a little bit useless, but I wanted to at least act like a real little princess to make my family proud of me.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"People of the Elysium Empire !"

Mommy's voice echoed in the sky and when she took on her deep, cold voice, I felt chills run through me for a few seconds. When Mommy talked to me, she was sweet, kind, smiling and always gave me lots of hugs and kisses but when she talked to others, she was different.

*She's a little scary...*

Even though I thought that, I wasn't afraid at all, but those who listened to her were always tense. No matter how terrifying she was and how much she hurt the evil humans, she was the one who had accepted me and loved me like no one had before. No matter what she did, she was my Mommy, I loved her and thought she was amazing.

*Tonight in my room, I'm going to practice Mommy's voice and try to sound as cool as she is !*

As I was planning to do what I did every day, Mom Gaya's voice suddenly rang in my head.

"I don't think so young lady. Tonight you're going to bed and sleep to stay healthy."

As she finished her sentence, I turned my head in her direction remembering that when I could talk to auntie Kira, everyone could hear me. Mom Gaya was still smiling and winking at me discreetly making me smile despite what she had just told me as Mommy spoke.

"Elysium's first festival seems to be a success for everyone and I'm glad to see everyone having a good time. If we were all able to enjoy this festive night, it is also thanks to the many Leaders working with me every day without respite. So before I continue, I would like to congratulate in front of you all my section Leaders and their more than outstanding work."

Mommy used a lot of complicated words and my tired head couldn't follow and understand everything, but I kept my ears open. For a few minutes, the crowd of people below us applauded those who had done well, and as Mommy raised her hand, silence returned.

*Wow cool ! *


"Tonight we celebrated the arrival of all the new people I have to meet later, we celebrated our victory over those humans who came to prevent us from living peacefully and we celebrated the arrival of a happy event."

Mommy was finally going to say about Mom Gaya's baby but just as I thought she was going to continue, she leaned slightly towards me to ask me a question quietly.

"As a big sister do you want to break the news ? My love, do you mind ?"

"Of course not, I was even going to suggest it. The choice is yours Shiro."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing and even though I really wanted to do it, I didn't know if it was a good idea. What if I was wrong like I was during the song ? What if I ruined this very important moment with my clumsiness ? I couldn't do that to the little baby who could probably hear us and I didn't want to embarrass my family again.

"I...what if I..."

The longer I waited to answer, the longer the people around us waited. Again, I was making everyone wait and I didn't like that at all. I felt like I was afraid of everything and even though my moms had given me the responsibility to announce something important, I was still useless. It was then that the voice of auntie Kira, rose in my head.

[Shiro. There's no right or wrong way to do things when it comes to breaking this kind of news. Take your time, but if you really want to tell it yourself, the three of us are here for you as always. Don't be afraid, breathe, take your time, after all we have waited several days before talking about it so they can wait a few more seconds. Breathe in, breathe out, calm down and when you're ready, go ahead and remember you're not alone].

For once, auntie Kira wasn't making a joke and the words she had said made my chest feel very warm. She was right, my family was with me and made me happy every day so as long as they were there I shouldn't be afraid of anything except losing them.

"Okay I'll...I'll do it !"

I really wanted to and what Mommy's sister had told me made me want to succeed and get over the fear I had. Mommy and Mom Gaya didn't say anything but I could see them nodding and smiling fondly as Mommy set me down on the floor so I could talk more easily.

Again, the people below us were all looking at me and as I began to shake, I felt a cold hand grab my left hand and a warm hand grab my right. It was my moms who had once again come to my rescue to give me courage. I had finally stopped shaking as I spoke shyly.

"I...we...uh good evening everyone ! T-Thank you for coming and being so nice to it's not that ! Uh...we have something to tell you. There's...I...I'm going to Gaya, is...she..."

I had no idea how to break the news and I was panicking again. I wanted so badly to be the one to tell everyone the news so without thinking, clutching my moms' hands tightly and closing my eyes, I screamed.


I had finally managed to say what I so desperately wanted to say and as I opened my eyes and placed my hands over my mouth, I realized that I had just screamed.


Turning my head to Mommy to apologize, I could see her looking out at the crowd with her beautiful violet eyes.



I didn't know if everyone understood, but everyone was shouting, all shocked by the news. My moms were silent and as I stood straight as she did despite being tired, she spoke up again.

"As the Princess has told you, we are expecting a happy event. My wife, the Queen...has been pregnant since our wedding and in less than three months, my second daughter or first son will be born among us"

Many of the tall people in the crowd seemed happy. Some were almost teary-eyed and others were in shock at the statement. As Mommy finished her sentence, it was Mom Gaya's turn to step forward and speak. Her voice was very different from Mommy's because it was soft, gentle, sweet and warm.

"Soon in the Empire a new light will be born, a new Star that will come to shine under the sky of Elysium. I count on all of you to give it a warm welcome on the day this baby arrives. The Empire will soon have a little Prince or Princess who will come to brighten our days and I hope bring us good luck."

If in front of the others Mommy was a bit terrifying, super strong and too cool, well Mom Gaya was soothing, smiling and super nice. I didn't know how to explain it, but together they were perfect and I was looking forward to one thing, my little brother or sister going out to tell her all about it.

I wanted this baby to be able to see the wonderful family he was going to be born into, to be able to see this beautiful place with his little eyes and most of all I wanted to have someone to protect with all my heart. Until now, I was always the one to be protected, the weakest and the smallest in the family but that was about to change.

Suddenly, the crowd, which had been silent, began to shout in unison in a movement of joy, pride and wonder. Some jumped for joy, others whistled and the soldiers pounded their chests with force.

"Long live her Highness ! Long live the Queen and the Princess ! Long live the future Star of the Empire ! "

Balls of fire were thrown into the air, the wind rustled the branches of the great tree under which we stood, causing thousands of dark leaves to fall upon us. The tree was whispering, the crowd was cheering, the moon and stars were shining and the wind was singing to the new Star we were all looking forward to.

*You hear that, little baby ? Everybody loves you already*



Name : Freya

Age: 0 years / Mentally: 25 years

Gender: Female

Course : Ice Demon Wolf of chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles: Blessed by Titania, Goddess of Endless Chaos and Eternal Frozen Hell.

Dragon tamer

Ruthless slayer

Level : 36/70

Exp required for next level: 16 600 / 37 000

HP : 120 000 / 120 000 MP : 60 000 / 60 000

Strength: 500

Defence: 500

Agility: 506

Endurance: 503

Speed: 502

Intelligence: 500

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate: 0

Married to : Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Empire (menu)

Subordinated: 439

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos

Skills (all):

Attack - Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of Hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal Ice Peaks (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (lvl max)

- Katana mastery (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 5)

Defense - Ice Demon Wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

Pain resistance (lvl 4)

Attack/Defense - Ice Empress Domain "frozen wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

Other - Humanoid form

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Analysis

- Second soul (lvl max) - unique

- Telepathy

Detection and control of mana (lvl 5)

Master of souls (lvl 1)

Passives - Commander (lvl max)

- Ice Empress's Natural Aura ]

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