The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 164 In Front Of The Most Powerful Warriors

- POV General -

Outside the pantheon, just above the stairs rising to the ceiling, all the Commanders and Lieutenants were gathered and waiting. It had been several hours since the Empress had entered the building, leaving them behind as it was impossible for them to follow her. Each soldier was resting and waiting patiently, totally unaware of what was happening inside.

The 10 most powerful Warriors in the Empire were now all at level 30, had the ability to evolve, and were looking forward to this moment. To trigger the process, the young women had to go into a sleep and let their mana and the system do the rest. However, at the moment there was no time to sleep as the Commanders were far too busy taking care of each other.

"I...Commander Ralph...may...may I speak with you for a moment ?"

"Oh ? Sure !"

While everyone was resting and looking out for each other, Nina, Caipy's lieutenant, approached Ralph and wanted to talk to her. In her head, the events were still spinning and the young dryad could not forget what the young hybrid woman had done for her. Her hands were shaking, her green eyes were staring at the ground and her hands could not help but play with her blonde hair.

"I...I would like to thank you once again for what...what you did when...I was stuck in front of that griffin demon. I...I thank you for risking your life for me...thank you, Commander"

Ralph stood in front of Nina and towered over her as she patiently listened to what she had to say. The young Commander's brown tail was wagging and a fierce-looking but sincere smile was on her face. The dryad had already thanked her many times but always seemed to want to do so, which amused Ralph slightly, who usually answered as sincerely as possible.

"It's nothing, we have a duty to protect you and I will not fail in this mission ! It's okay, it's all don't have to thank me again because in the end we were both rescued by her Highness. Instead, promise me that you will become stronger so that you will always be able to cope in the future, okay ?!"

Ralph had a big, confident smile on her face despite the bandages covering her muscular body and Nina couldn't bring herself to look up. From a distance, one could see a beautiful and proud young hybrid woman with brown hair and blood-red eyes standing in front of a young blonde woman with green eyes, as beautiful as she was shy. One seemed to be brute force in a glove of incandescent lava and the other pure softness in a glove of silk.

"I...I promise you to...grow stronger and learn alongside Commander Caipy with fervor. I will learn so....that I can heal you get hurt !"

"Mmmh ! I'm counting on you Lieutenant Nina hehe~"

At that moment, Ralph was smiling with all her teeth and her natural arrogant air made her unconsciously very attractive. The young dryad had finally looked up to nod but found herself paralyzed. She remembered the warmth of the young hybrid woman's body, her strong arms, her gaze and her voice that had reassured her. Nina now had her gaze plunged into Ralph's and was blushing furiously.

"Y-Yes I...I promise !!"

Nina had pronounced these last words with difficulty before turning around and leaving to join her Commander in running, the cheeks as red as the eyes of Ralph. Luna, Emilia, and Naïa had assisted to all the scene and were further behind not being able to stop giggling. Their hybrid friend was a real tomboy, but when it came to relationships and feelings, she was always off the mark.

"Another one ! Do you think Ralphy realized she liked her ?"

Naïa, the youngest of the Commanders, had whispered this question to her new girlfriend Emilia and her friend Luna. Ralph didn't know it, but among her friends, there was a sort of no-stakes bet about the day the young hybrid woman would be able to understand the feelings of her admirers. Until now, in the Empire, she had turned many hearts but had never realized it, to the great misfortune of young men and women.

"Mmh no, it's Ralph after all ! That brute only thinks about fighting haha~"

"Yeah ! However, they have been through some fast and furious things, at least Ralph won't have any trouble remembering her. Personally, if I were to see her with anyone it would be Nina ! They are different but that's what's interesting pffpffpff~"

Emilia had answered first, followed by Luna who, chuckling, was in complete agreement with her words. The three young women all had one hand on their chins and were nodding their heads while analyzing the situation far too seriously. The pressure was off for everyone and despite the uniqueness of the situation, it was their way of taking a breather. Neither Ralph nor Nina was aware of what was going on and that a secret ship had been formed among the three Commanders.

"And by the way, while we're on the subject...have you seen how Nixia acts with Lynn ? Do you know what's going on ? She's not the type to talk about feelings either but there's something different !"

While Emilia and Naia were still looking at Ralph hand in hand, Luna had suddenly broached the subject of another of their friends. At these words, the young fox's fire-colored tail started to wag while it was not difficult to understand that she liked to talk about love. It was therefore quite natural that she was the first to answer with an unconcealed enthusiasm.

"You noticed too ?? I didn't dare to say anything but for some reason, Nixia seems rather fond of this little succubus haha~"

Emilia this time did not say anything but listened to everything with an attentive ear. The three young women were all wounded but had not lost their smiles and took advantage of it to think of something else. Luna, who still had her hand on her chin, nodded again before speaking again.

"Mmh, you'd have to ask Nixia directly I guess. Although I can already feel her gaze analyzing me as if I were planning a bad move pfffhaha~!"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

As the half-panther young woman spoke these words, she and her two friends turned their heads to the right. A little further away was a girl with pink hair and a small tail ending in an arrow. It was Lynn, but next to her there was no trace of the beautiful black-scaled lamia. As the three friends squinted, suddenly a soft but firm voice rose behind them.

"What do you want to ask me ? And what gaze are you talking about Luna ?"

Luna, Emilia, and Naïa turned around hurriedly as if they had been caught making a joke. Nixia was behind them, her grey snake eyes, piercing and bewitching, her smooth black hair falling in her back and her arms strewn with scales, crossed on her generous chest. The lamia had moved forward without a sound, sliding on the ground and surprising them.

"...this one ! Like I did something suspicious ! And then you could still warn before you sneak up behind us like that, I...I almost had a heart attack !"

"Like you did something suspicious ? Mmmh...didn't you ?"

Despite her cold demeanor, Nixia smiled slightly and her friends who had gotten to know her, knew that this was her way of being and that behind this sometimes haughty face, there was another heart of gold. As the Lamia was about to speak, a new Commander joined them, not knowing what they were talking about but too excited to care, it was Ralph who had finished talking with her Lieutenant Liz.

"So girls ? How's it going for you ? What do you think is going on behind the door ? It's already been a little over an hour since her Highness returned but we still haven't heard anything !"

Ralph had jumped up right next to Luna and put her hand around her shoulders as she came in with a smile on her face, totally unaware of what she had just interrupted. Suddenly, as if her words had just triggered something, the huge door to the pantheon began to shake. It shook with a thud before opening and revealing the same magical veil that had prevented the Commanders from advancing further.

"This is it ! Her Highness is coming out !!"

At that moment, all the soldiers who had been seated stood up, all heads turned towards the entrance and everyone lined up waiting patiently. Everyone had recovered from their emotions and now everyone wanted to know more about what was hidden deep in that crypt. The door was now wide open but there was no sign of the Empress and the seconds that passed seemed to be gradually becoming very long minutes.

"What's going on ? Why isn't the Empress coming out ?"

"I don't know...maybe...wait...look !"

Persea didn't have the time to finish her sentence that finally, at the end of the dark corridor appeared a silhouette that advanced slowly towards the exit. The glances began to light up and the faces to smile but that was of short duration. All expressions changed to questioning and anxiety as a second figure emerged behind the first.

"Her Highness is not alone...who is it ?"

"Someone she would have met there ? However it's also weird because I definitely feel the presence of the Empress but...there's something different, something terrifying..."

At that moment, no one dared to add any more words because everyone agreed and felt what Commander Ynir had just described. This unique aura that Freya had was already imposing in itself, but after several days, all the soldiers had gotten used to it. However, this time it was different, this aura had not completely changed but gave a feeling that exceeded them all.


Lynn had whispered this one and only word while she was the one trembling the most, feeling her blood heat up and her instincts panic. It was screaming at her to run as far away as possible, to hide from this creature that was about to emerge from the pantheon. The warriors of the Empire were waiting and even if it was much less than the young succubus, they all started to tremble, to breathe rapidly, their heart getting a little more excited every second.

Then, finally, after what seemed like a very long time, the Empress of Elysium finally broke through the protective veil, shattering it on contact. In front of the best fighters of the Empire stood not the usual form of Freya, but for the first time, that of the powerful Lucifer. The Empress hadn't changed much, but what she gave off was on a whole new level.

The tattoos on her face were of a more intense black, they seemed almost etched directly onto pearly skin and filled the entire area with demonic symbols. Her long red hair floated softly behind her, carried by her equally red aura coming out of her body for the moment in an uncontrollable way while her sculpted black horns, pointed to the ceiling proudly and worthy of one of the most beautiful crowns.

No one dared to speak and everyone watched this woman they all knew and who at that moment seemed so different, so unknown and of immeasurable beauty. Then, it was the turn of the second figure to appear next to Lucifer while a much less powerful but similar aura hit the warriors. Minds were confused, bodies trembled, hearts raced but eyes did not turn away.

A young woman with hair of a magnificent silver color took her place next to the Empress without a word. She had ears and three fox tails, a single horn similar to Lucifer on the right side of her forehead, and fangs that were just as bright. This young woman was beautiful, while her face had freckles and unique dimples. Kira was finally next to her sister.

The Commanders, the Lieutenants, no one wanted to talk and kept their eyes fixed on these two women of unparalleled beauty. On one side was their Empress, more beautiful than ever, dominant, terrifying and deadly, and on the other, an unknown young woman who strongly resembled her, more childlike but very beautiful. Their violet eyes were shining with the same gleam and staring at the line of soldiers in front of them.

The two sisters were dressed alike, which accentuated the resemblance even though one wore gloves and boots and the other did not. This scene had only lasted a few seconds, but the moment the Empress appeared, time seemed to slow down. However, in spite of this general state of shock, Lynn was the first to move and carried by her instinct, approached while trembling to pass the line of the Commanders.

Her heart seemed to be able to give out at any moment but her whole soul was screaming at her to act, animated by new sensations and feelings. Without hesitation, the young succubus knelt down and lowered her head as low as she could. From her action, dozens of others followed as all the soldiers began to follow this young woman who, although the most terrified, had been the first to act.

19 citizens of Elysium were there, prostrated before this young woman with blood-red hair and eyes brighter than the most beautiful of purple stars. Silence reigned, heads were bowed, knees bent, and eyes closed. A multitude of feelings ran through the soldiers who, although overcome by fear, felt honored to be in the presence of these two beings who had burst in before them.

In front of the most powerful warriors of the Elysium Empire, was for the first time their Empress under her former identity and her sister who had never come out in the open. In front of the most powerful warriors of the Elysium Empire, was Lucifer Nightshade, former Goddess of Primordial Blood, of Death, and her little sister Kira Nightshade.

[N/A: End of the Revelations Arc]



Names : Freya / Lucifer Nightshade

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course: Ice Demon Wolf of Chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles :

- Demon Goddess of Primordial Blood and Death (form - until all powers are regained) - 20%.

- Wrathful Lucifer (7th Sin) - Master of the unique Sins Demons (to unlock it please collect the other 6 - 3/6 - (locked)

- Dragon tamer

- Ruthless slayer

Level : 45/70

Exp needed for next level: 0 / 46 000

HP : 80 600 / 170 000 MP : 32 610 / 85 000. BLOOD : 100 / 100

Strength: 560

Defense : 560

Agility : 566

Endurance: 563

Speed : 562

Intelligence: 560

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 600

Married to : Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Little sister : Kira (Greedy Fox)

Big sister : Kalaa Nightshade

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 1239

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos (Freya) - Blood / Death (Lucifer)

Skills (all):


- Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 6)


- Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

- Pain Resistance (lvl 5)


- Domain of the Ice Empress "Frozen Wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

- Death Gaze (lvl 1)

Others :

- Humanoid form

- Demonic form (linked to the title so incomplete) - 20%.

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Master of Souls (lvl 2)

- Lucifer's Threads of Blood (lvl 2)

- Healing Blood (lvl 2)

- Analysis

- Telepathy

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