The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 165 The Little Princess And The Little Dragon I

[N/A: NEW ARC - Arc that will be as long or even longer than the previous one. Characters such as Titania, Kalaa will make their appearance so don't worry. The other plots concerning them will not be put aside despite the title of this new volume. Beware very little dialogue]


- POV General -

As Freya and Kira stood before the Empire soldiers as the Nightshade sisters, life outside continued. On the surface, three days had passed since Freya had spoken to her wife telepathically. Since the Empress' group had ventured behind the black door, they had passed through a space filled with darkness before finding the lighted door to the pantheon room.

What she didn't know was that this place was imbued with powerful Time magic, designed to trap any intruder in a small-time loop. This was the reason why Titania could not enter the large room, where the Nightshade journal lay, also imbued with strong magic. Only Freya, as Lucifer carrying the blood of the Nightshades, had been able to bypass this magic.

Initially, the surrounding dense mana would trap anyone in an ocean of darkness until death, with time accelerating with each passing second. However, Freya and her soldiers were spared from this magic, although she did suffer some consequences. The people of Elysium and their Empress had found the white door leading to the pantheon after walking towards it for 30 minutes but...

The reality was quite different, for those thirty minutes were in fact three days that had passed before their battle with the three demons. Kalaa's magic had endured but still allowed the Empress and her companions to cross that black void. However, the lost time could not be made up and while the group was once again unaware of the days that had passed, outside things had begun to move.

In the east of the Kingdom of Zal, a person who did not yet know the Empress and the Empire, stood in the southwest of the forest. He was a young boy of 10, very small for his age, skinny and full of scars. He had two broken horns on his forehead, hair full of holes, very short crimson and wings on his back of the same color. His eyes were made of several shades of amber, covering the whole surface like those of chameleons.

Indeed, the young crimson dragon who was not really a dragon anymore, raised in pain, experiences and fear, sent by the Church had taken the road a few days ago and was already in the Dark Forest. Thanks to his wings that had been left intact, the journey that should have lasted days had only taken him three. This young boy was only 10 years old and yet the humans had ordered him to go there on pain of death.

So while Freya was getting ready to go home, a young dragon cross chameleon was walking through the forest. He was shaking, terrified and didn't even know where to go as he walked silently through this huge place. All he had on him was a simple map drawn in a hurry with funny symbols that only he could understand and a tiny pouch with stale bread and a canteen of stale water.


The young hybrid boy was dressed only in a loincloth covering his lower body, but remained bare-chested with his legs uncovered. All over his body, one could see the marks of the stigmata that had been inflicted on him throughout his life, bruises, burn marks, indelible scars and many others. He had been thrown into the unknown without any trace of remorse on the part of humans and was wandering around like a zombie.

Thanks to his ability to naturally disappear and blend into the environment, the hybrid child had no trouble hiding and moving through the forest without being detected. His almost non-existent level also allowed him not to be found because of his aura which was more than weak. His small, skinny body shook, his empty eyes flickered with each blink, but his bare, wounded feet did not stop.

All he knew was that he had to find a lot of different people like him, gathered in this forest and find out if a white-haired woman with purple eyes was there. The little crossbred dragon didn't even know why he had to do this but all he wanted to do was complete his task so he wouldn't suffer anymore. For ten years he had grown up in a place worse than Hell and never wanted to go back.


With his tongue cut off, the young boy could not speak but still managed to utter onomatopoeia. At that moment, his right foot, already bleeding, had struck a huge root full of thorns, one of which had sunk into his heel. Despite the pain, he maintained his flickering spell of concealment, which cost him almost no mana thanks to his cross with the chameleon race.

It was midday, the sun was high in the sky and the rays that managed to pierce the layer of foliage of the trees, fell like a divine light on nature. This scene was of a rare beauty but the young hybrid did not bother to look at it and appreciate it. He wished for nothing, understood nothing, felt nothing and feared only one thing: the daily pain.


After hours of walking, in spite of his wound, much less painful than what was inflicted on him every day, the little dragon was at the edge of the sea after having gone along the West of the Dark Forest. Now he was standing in front of a huge wall that rose imposingly high into the sky and next to it, the young boy seemed tiny and unable to cross it as it was so huge and solid.

The sea was to his left, the forest to his right, and while his eyes were still raised to the sky, two voices were suddenly heard. Two mage soldiers of the Empire were approaching his position without even suspecting his presence. They were talking quite loudly although taking their rounds seriously, the two newcomers were deep in discussion.

"Are you going to the training tonight t? I hear Mister Vig is going to fight as many volunteer soldiers as possible. It promises to be pretty amazing !"

"I don't know...since the Commanders and her Highness are gone I've been training like crazy, I might be way too tired !"

They were two elven men with brown and blond hair, wearing an armband representing a green leaf on the right bicep. They belonged to the section of Commanders Ynir and Persea, who at that moment were still underground. The two men moved forward and approached the little dragon more and more. In panic, he spread his damaged wings without realizing that he was no longer invisible.

"YOU !! What are you doing here ?"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Did you get lost ?! Maybe we can h...wait !!"

The two elves rushed at the frail little boy without any bad intention, but the latter couldn't understand and was taken by an immense fear. He flew along the wall with difficulty, tired from his journey, having eaten almost nothing and overwhelmed by an uncontrollable fear. The young hybrid flew with difficulty but still managed to reach the top of the structure before disappearing on the other side.

The soldiers who had witnessed the scene, then rushed into the forest towards the guarded gate of the Empire. Neither of them had dared to use their elements against such a small creature for fear of hurting him. However, this event they had witnessed should not be kept secret and the first thing they had to do to avoid any trouble was to warn the others as soon as possible.

"Alert the soldiers inside ! We need to warn the section leaders that a strange little bat boy has broken into the Empire from the west side ! He doesn't look very dangerous but we need to find him...he looked terrified, something is wrong."

The brown-haired elf spoke first while the blonde-haired one nodded. They had not seen the young boy well and had not noticed his small broken horns, mistaking him for a half-bat. As they ran to warn the other soldiers, the dragon chameleon landed on the beach on the other side. This effort had taken a lot of strength and now his vision was blurred.


All he could see was a pale veil moving before his eyes as all his limbs shook painfully and his injured foot bled more and more. Yet, he should not stop until he found a hiding place and so he forced himself to move forward with difficulty on the hot sand. Each step was heavy, his exhausted muscles screamed in pain and his thin bones felt as if they might break under his weight.

Seconds seemed like minutes, minutes seemed like hours, but this little being never stopped walking. The deadly drug that ran in his veins was beginning to wake up and in a few hours, without a daily pill, he would die in excruciating pain no matter where he was. So he had to find a safe and distant place to wait for the bird that would save him from death.

"There footprints ! He can't be far away, especially considering the blood he's losing ! Let's find him !"

"Kid ! Don't hide, we mean you no harm !"

"We just want to help you and know what's wrong ! Everyone is welcome here, you have no reason to be afraid !!"

Suddenly, several voices could be heard in the distance at the level of the road that from the Empire descended to the beach. In spite of what they were shouting, the 10-year-old boy trembled more and more and in a last effort, took off again, this time taking great care to remain camouflaged. He rose once more into the sky, but instead of controlling his wings, they trembled and wavered, preventing him from steering properly.

The drug was taking effect more and more, his stomach was screaming, his bones and muscles were more than exhausted, and his vision was starting to blur more and more. The young hybrid boy didn't even look at where he was going anymore, while high up in the sky, his consciousness was slowly fading away. He was falling, rocked by the air currents and no longer had the strength to stand up even if his mind wanted to.

Gradually, his chameleon camouflage faded before disappearing completely as he came upon a tree slowing his fall. He had made his way through the dense foliage, branches and ended up in a strangely comfortable bush. Once on the ground, the little dragon could not move, as if paralyzed from all sides and remained with his eyes closed as if unconscious.

But, movement was already being felt in front of him, as he heard small footsteps coming towards him. The fear was still there, intensifying and yet the little boy still could not move. In a superhuman effort, he opened his eyelids with difficulty to understand what had just happened and who could come near him in this way.

The first thing he saw was a quiet place surrounded by greenery, flowers and plants. The young boy could see a white stone pavilion in the middle of this small forest and behind it, much further away, a huge building. He didn't know it, but he had just landed suddenly in the private garden of the Empress, the Queen and the Princess of the Empire. While his vision was still blurred, a small voice came from behind him.

"A-Are okay ?"

That small, sweet, childlike voice had risen behind his back so tilting his head back weakly, the young hybrid could finally put a face to the words. In front of him was an adorable face, belonging to a little girl even younger than him. She had hair they had never seen before and eyes of a unique and recognizable color.

The little girl had a slightly chubby face due to her young age, a smile that although radiant conveyed a concern she could not hide. As the young dragon watched this face, so pure, so innocent and so sweet, a terrible realization came into his mind. The little wolf-eared girl in front of him had hair as white as the moon and violet eyes as bright as two gems.


Instinctively, after hearing so much horror coming from the Church, despite the sweet appearance of the little girl, the little dragon could not help but become agitated seeing his end coming. He had tried to struggle but the fall, the fatigue and the drug did not allow him to move as he wished. Without knowing what was going on but understanding the pain of this strange boy, the little girl rushed to him.

"Wa-Wait ! Don't...don't move you must be in great pain...I...OH! Your little foot !!"

In a glance, this little girl, even smaller than him, had just seen his bloody foot and was already untying her hair to recover the beautiful ribbon that was attached to it. Without giving him time to do anything, this little white-haired girl bandaged as she could the suffering foot of this little dragon she didn't even know.

This is how the little Princess of the Elysium Empire, had met for the first time the one who had the order to take her or to report her presence to the Church. The little Princess Shiro, without knowing it, had just met the little brother of her other mother, the one who had survived and had been separated from his big sister, having lived far from this home that was once happy...tortured for 10 years.

[N/A: Don't worry we'll come back to Freya/Lucifer and Kira soon but since this is a new arc, I'm taking a break. It's necessary to tell what's going on outside as well because these are equally important chapters].



Names : Freya / Lucifer Nightshade

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course: Ice Demon Wolf of Chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles :

- Demon Goddess of Primordial Blood and Death (former - until all powers are regained) - 20%.

- Wrathful Lucifer (7th Sin) - Master of the unique Sins Demons (to unlock it please collect the other 6 - 3/6 - (locked)

- Dragon tamer

- Ruthless slayer

Level : 45/70

Exp needed for next level: 0 / 46 000

HP : 80 600 / 170 000 MP : 32 610 / 85 000. BLOOD : 100 / 100

Strength: 560

Defense : 560

Agility : 566

Endurance: 563

Speed : 562

Intelligence: 560

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 600

Married to : Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Little sister : Kira (Greedy Fox)

Big sister : Kalaa Nightshade

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 1239

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos (Freya) - Blood / Death (Lucifer)

Skills (all):


- Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 6)


- Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

- Pain Resistance (lvl 5)


- Domain of the Ice Empress "Frozen Wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

- Death Gaze (lvl 1)

Others :

- Humanoid form

- Demonic form (linked to the title so incomplete) - 20%.

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Master of Souls (lvl 2)

- Lucifer's Threads of Blood (lvl 2)

- Healing Blood (lvl 2)

- Analysis

- Telepathy

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