The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 166 The Little Princess And The Little Dragon II

- POV General -

In the large private garden of the Imperial Manor, the little Princess was taking a walk before a little boy appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the sky. He had crashed a little further into the small forest of trees that surrounded the white stone pavilion and Shiro had been the only one to see him. The little moon of the Empire was picking flowers in the garden and had watched the scene without really understanding what was going on.

She was alone and was not supposed to be gone very long because Lia the rabbit butler had gone to get some snacks for her. Everything had happened very quickly and Shiro, without asking any questions, had rushed towards this strange person. The little Princess had run over out of curiosity and her innocent desire to help this boy who had just fallen from a great height before her eyes.

This is how the white-haired girl had met for the first time the one who, at the cost of his life, was to find her and report her. She had discovered a young boy who was in a horrible state, wounded, terrified, almost dying. His body bore indelible marks, pieces of his flesh had been removed in some places, he was covered with bruises, huge scars, some of them still fresh, open and painful.

Despite her young age, Shiro knew very well the cruel nature of most humans and although she didn't understand it at first, after meeting her moms, everything had become clearer. Seeing this boy's body reminded her of those days that seemed so long ago, those dark days when her white skin was dotted with ocean-colored spots. The little Princess didn't know where he came from or who he was, but, buoyed by a new feeling, she didn't hesitate for a second.

When her innocent purple gaze had landed on the young hybrid, for the first time, Shiro could be the one to decide what she wanted to do. Without even thinking of telling anyone, she knelt down to help. The spray carried by the wind swirled around the little princess, making her simple light blue dress and moon-colored hair fly.

"Don't...don't move..."

Despite the injured boy's restlessness, for the first time, Shiro, at the age of five and a half, was helping someone because she had the power and the will. The purple ribbon she had tied in her hair slid down her strands as she removed it before wrapping it around the boy's right foot. The little Princess did as best she could, her hands and dress staining with blood in the process.


The wounded and exhausted boy tried to get out of the way with a groan, fearing what she might want to do with him. However, as he watched the little girl manipulate his foot, his moans became weaker and weaker before disappearing. He always trembled, his body always made him incredibly suffer but for him who had never lived anything except the fear and the pain, lived something new.

The little Princess had never been faced with a situation like this before, but driven by her heart, she gathered her courage. Her little hands were shaking but Shiro was applying herself. Her beautiful violet eyes flickered at the sight of the wound and blood but Shiro didn't even blink once. She was terrified but brave, inexperienced but strong-willed, very young but had a heart of gold.

An incredible amount of information was flowing through the little dragon, who for the first time had a direct interaction with someone other than the members of the Church. He didn't understand, was she treating him to make him suffer after ? Even though Shiro was much younger, he had never known anything but suffering, the darkness of hearts and could not understand the concept of compassion.

"I...I know it shouldn't bleed anymore but...but I never did that be-before. Please don't cry...I...I'll help you !"

The 10-year-old boy didn't understand her actions but there was still something he felt second after second. That fear of blood that vibrated in this little girl's eyes, he knew it well and yet she continued to heal him. The young hybrid's head was spinning and all his limbs were aching but more than being paralyzed by it all, he was paralyzed by the Empire moon herself.

At the back of the Imperial garden, the Princess was kneeling and tending to a wounded boy who had come out of nowhere. The age difference was still visible despite the physical condition of the hybrid dragon with broken horns, but the situation gave a different impression. The little girl with such a pure and innocent look was the one who was taking care of this stranger without even knowing who he was, like a big sister.

"I...Mommy once told me that bandages are important when you hurt yourself ! Are you okay ?"

Her slender fingers finished wrapping the ribbon around the wound as Shiro spoke these few stammering words. The little girl who at first appeared well dressed and well-coiffed was now covered in blood, trembling and with her hair tangled, beaten by the wind. In her violet eyes could be seen fear, worry but also a determination almost as great as that of her mother.

Shiro had blood on her hands, traces were also on the front of her dress which also had stains of dirt and green grass. Since her arrival in Freya's life, since the creation of the Empire, she had never found herself so dirty and yet. Yet, despite her ruined appearance...never had the little Moon of the Empire found herself more worthy of the title of Imperial Princess than at this very moment.

"Princess !!?? Where are you ?? I brought chookies, pie and milk !"

As the young dragon and the little princess were talking to each other with their eyes, Lia's voice suddenly sounded a little further away near the fountain. The butler had returned with the snacks she had gone to get and was now trying to find Shiro. At this moment, the intruder who had fallen from the sky and calmed down, started to shake his head while again, the tremors of his body became more and more evident.

"Don't be afraid, it's Miss Lia she...she will be able to help you ! I need to...I need to warn her !"

The little Princess had stood up shaking slightly and wanted to go towards the one who was also her nanny but was stopped by the young boy. With a great effort, he had grabbed a flounce of her dress and pulled it to stop her. His eyelids were almost closed, his heart was pounding and the more time passed, the more his body was heating up from the inside.

"Mmmmh mmmmh"

" don't talk ?"

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"Mmmh mmmh."

You... you don't want me to...warn her ? But why ? We..."

"Mmmh mmmh..."

With his tongue cut off, the little hybrid dragon could only communicate with gestures but being too weak, everything was transmitted through his eyes. While all his distress, tiredness and suffering could be seen in his empty eyes, Shiro was confronted with new things. The desire to run to find Lia to help this mysterious child and the desire to follow the will of the one whose eyes made her little heart suffer.

As the dragon's tired and scarred face pleaded with the girl, dark red tears began to flow down his cheeks. His tears were no longer their original color due to the many experiences and the 10-year-old boy seemed to be crying blood. What to do ? Lia was getting closer by the second and Shiro, who didn't know what to do, was concentrating on not crying in her turn.

With her desire to absolutely help, the little Princess had thrown herself without hesitation to heal this young hybrid, without even considering her own fears and nightmares. She was only five and a half and yet she had just braved the fear of blood for the first time and dealt with the stress that came with it. However, Shiro was not completely well either and the pressure kept building up.


What would mommy do in a situation like this ? This question alone ran through her mind as the little Moon thought of her mother who had already been gone for more than three days. As she felt herself wavering again, the reminder of a small object in her pocket managed to stop her. Dipping her trembling hand into the right side of her dirty dress, Shiro pulled out a small ice statuette.

Birdy, the bird created by the Empress that the little Princess loved so much, was carved there, motionless and eternal. He was standing on a small pedestal and stretching his white wings towards the sky, his head high and proud and his crest more beautiful than ever. While Shiro's lucky charm had saved Freya's life, it was her daughter's turn to calm down at the sight of hers. Taking a deep breath, the little girl had made her decision.

"I...I'll be back. I promise not to bring anyone back for now so I'll...I'll bring you food and drink first. T-There...I'll give you this. It's a very important lucky charm for me from my mommy who is amazing. I...I'm lending it to you !"

Yes...the little Moon of the Empire had decided for the moment not to tell anyone. All the images of her former life in the street and the orphanage had mixed up in her mind. Shiro had remembered the sickly, uncontrollable fear that had overtaken her when she first met Freya and understood the boy. He was mute, hurt, afraid and she knew better than anyone that he should not be rushed.

Shiro had decided to go to Lia to bring back some food before telling anyone. Was this the best decision ? She didn't know but she followed what her heart desired. So it was with a trembling but sincere smile that the little princess had entrusted her most precious gift to the young hybrid. He couldn't catch it properly but he understood that it was precious.

Lia was not far away and the white-haired girl had to get away quickly before the rabbit came towards them. So, before walking away, Shiro did what she never thought she would do before, kneeling in the dirt before dipping her little fingers into the ground. With the earth turned over, she rubbed her fingers and every spot where the blood had soaked her blue dress.

Covered in dirt, no more red marks were visible at that moment as the little Princess quickly got up. She was sad to have ruined such a beautiful dress and as she apologized in her mind, Shiro promised herself to clean it herself, even if it took days. She was ready to intercept Lia and just before she left, with a radiant smile, the little Princess spoke a few words that the boy would never forget.

"By the way, name is Shiro hihi~!"

This little girl of almost 6 years old who had arrived from nowhere, who had helped him as she could and who had promised not to signal his presence, despite the urgency of the situation had just shown up. This little girl who at this moment did not look like a princess anymore, covered with dirt and with a tired face, was smiling as if there was no tomorrow, with a warm, soft and comforting smile.

The daily pain that the drug triggered was getting stronger and stronger, but for some reason, the 10-year-old boy felt different. This little girl walking away, her hair and dress flowing in the wind, had just given him the first sign of something he had never known: love. As he watched her disappear, Lia's voice suddenly sounded a few seconds later.

"My goodness ! P-Princess ! What happened to you ? Why are you in such a state ? I thought you were out picking up some flowers, what happened ?"

"Miss Lia,'s a secret but...I'm fine !"

Even in a situation where she could lie to protect the little boy, Shiro had not been able to bring herself to do so. She didn't want to lie because she knew that was what her mother hated the most and didn't want to betray that belief. The little Princess wanted to protect and help this child that she already considered a friend, while remaining true to her heart just like her moms that she admired so much.

"I...sigh...fine I won't push it any further but I've never seen you like this ! I'm...worried but I trust you Princess."

While Shiro was keeping Lia busy and collecting the snacks that Chief Irrena had specially prepared for her, a small bird high in the sky was flapping its wings in her direction. It was quite small, with brown plumage and carried a small bag and a small pill in its beak and a piece of paper between its legs. This bird was the one sent every day by the Church and was supposed to be the go-between for the nameless boy and the Supreme.

Landing quickly near the dying child who was used to opening his mouth weakly, the bird spat the pill directly into his throat. The effect was immediate and the pain he was feeling began to disappear little by little as he slowly straightened up and grabbed the piece of paper. Inside were symbols that only he could read because the Supreme had made sure that he could neither read nor write.

The young hybrid hadn't forgotten for what, for who he was there and that he had already found the one that seemed to terrify humans. Glancing at the beautiful ice bird, he took a breath burning his lungs before unfolding the paper.

[ It seems that you have found everything you were asked to find. You're not as useless as I thought. New order: capture the child and bring her here. In the little bag is a drug that can put anyone to sleep. Use it and come back. If you are not back in three will die. ]



Names : Freya / Lucifer Nightshade

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course: Ice Demon Wolf of Chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles :

- Demon Goddess of Primordial Blood and Death (former - until all powers are regained) - 20%.

- Wrathful Lucifer (7th Sin) - Master of the unique Sins Demons (to unlock it please collect the other 6 - 3/6 - (locked)

- Dragon tamer

- Ruthless slayer

Level : 45/70

Exp needed for next level: 0 / 46 000

HP : 80 600 / 170 000 MP : 32 610 / 85 000. BLOOD : 100 / 100

Strength: 560

Defense : 560

Agility : 566

Endurance: 563

Speed : 562

Intelligence: 560

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 600

Married to : Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Little sister : Kira (Greedy Fox)

Big sister : Kalaa Nightshade

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 1239

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos (Freya) - Blood / Death (Lucifer)

Skills (all):


- Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 6)


- Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

- Pain Resistance (lvl 5)


- Domain of the Ice Empress "Frozen Wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

- Death Gaze (lvl 1)

Others :

- Humanoid form

- Demonic form (linked to the title so incomplete) - 20%.

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Master of Souls (lvl 2)

- Lucifer's Threads of Blood (lvl 2)

- Healing Blood (lvl 2)

- Analysis

- Telepathy

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