The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 168 The Little Princess And The Little Dragon III

- POV General -

While the Supreme, for some unknown reason, was cruelly planning the fate of Shiro, the little Princess was still in the garden. Always accompanied by her guardian, the butler Lia, she was busy collecting as many cookies as possible to bring to the little boy she had just met. Hidden in the thicket only a few feet away, the young hybrid was slowly recovering from the poison.

He had also just received the orders and the pill of the Supreme which had been transmitted by Sage with the help of his mana bird. His organs and entrails that were on fire were beginning to calm down and that suffocating feeling was slowly disappearing. But despite his weak recovery, the nameless boy did not move, still terrified of being discovered.

His encounter with Shiro had intrigued him but this fear he felt deep inside, in his body, heart and soul, burned intensely. Even though the little moon of the Empire had bandaged his foot, he still needed care and his frail body was getting more and more exhausted. He had never been out in the open for so long, and yet for three days he had been forced to walk for miles.

The drug that circulated in his body was the equivalent of a stimulant capable of boosting the physical and magical effects that the Church was developing. For the moment the drug was effective, but the price to pay was still too dangerous. The hybrid boy was the one experimenting with this drug and although he was not exhausting his body, his life was getting shorter day after day.

The drug in the pills contained concentrated ambient mana, so that she could use it in addition to her body mana. However, no being except Freya had yet had the opportunity to use ambient mana and for good reason. Although the young dragon had developed a low mana consumption when using his skills, his organs, unaccustomed to so much ambient mana, were deteriorating.

Every day, his veins, muscles, organs, nerves, his whole body, was assaulted by a quantity of magic that was not supposed to be there. The young boy had a different constitution, but behind these seemingly advantageous effects, his life was threatened. It should not be forgotten that this drug was a poison and his body, although destroyed little by little, could not do without his daily dose.

The young hybrid dragon was slowly assimilating the pill while holding firmly the little statue that Shiro had given him. A whole series of emotions were running through his mind without him knowing what they were, but contrary to what the little Princess might think, his heart was almost out already. Tortured for 10 years without knowing why, without ever knowing anything but pain...closed the hearts.

His meeting with Shiro had obviously intrigued him, but instead of wondering why she was helping him, he was wondering when he would have to pay the price for that help. For Gaya's hidden little brother, everything had a price and everything was paid with violence, blood, screams and pain. If he was shaking, it was because he didn't believe in free kindness when he didn't even know what kindness, compassion and love were.

Still in the bushes, hidden so that Lia would not hear him, his body trembling, the young hybrid waited silently. His sickly heart was beating at a frantic pace and his shallow breathing kept accelerating. He felt trapped in an unfamiliar place, not knowing what was going to happen to him or what he should do. The order was simple: capture Shiro, but everything seemed easier in writing than in practice.

While he held the statue of Birdy in his right hand and the pill to put Shiro to sleep in his left hand, he listened. Not far away, behind some trees and bushes, Lia and the Princess were standing there talking. The half-human rabbit had brought pie, cookies and milk for the little moon of Elysium and found her completely different from usual.

"Princess, don't you want to eat inside ? The Queen your mother is probably waiting in her study to spend time with you. We could go inside and I'll help you change your dress if you like."

" I know how to dress myself now you know ?...hehe~ I have lots of dresses that go on easily and super fast ! Mom Gaya says that...that it's okay not to dress myself at my age but...but I want to manage on my own and...and..."

The little girl with white hair and a dress covered in dirt had begun to respond to her guardian and had let herself be carried away by a new topic. Her little voice was soft, her arms made big gestures as Shiro expressed herself a lot with her body and her tangled hair was still floating with the sea spray. After a few words, she had realized that she was drifting off topic with a dangerously adorable face.

"No I didn't mean that !'m going to eat a little bit here and I...I'm going to go see Mom Gaya later. Can you tell her I'm eating a little in the garden before I go see her ?"

Shiro had asked Lia this question while looking her in the eyes despite her small size. Every time she asked something, her face took on a more than adorable expression resembling that of a little puppy. The little Princess was not doing it on purpose and while Lia was doing her best not to hug her, she kept her seriousness.

"Why don't you eat together here ? Princess Shiro, I'm sure the Queen won't mind and I even think it's a great idea. For the past few days she has been getting more and more tired and her baby seems to be growing at an incredible rate..."

As she spoke these words, Lia looked worried, thinking about how fast Gaya's belly had been growing for the past few days. This strange phenomenon coincided perfectly with the moment when Freya had become aware of her name as Goddess, but no one knew that. Not wanting to worry the little Shiro any further, the half-human straightened up before speaking again.

"Ahem...I'm going to go get her Highness the Queen, don't go too far away Princess. I'll be back very soon !"

"Y-Yes Miss Lia !"

As Shiro shyly nodded her little head, Lia walked away, signaling the soldiers positioned at the entrance to the garden to stand by just in case. The white-haired girl watched her guardian walk away as she grabbed the cookies and a glass of milk. Her little hands couldn't take it all in but she did the best she could because she knew she didn't have much time.

With a plate of cookies and a glass of milk in hand, she quietly went back behind the trees and bushes where she had met the young dragon. He had not moved, his foot still hurting and his body shaking like a leaf. Seeing Shiro coming, he instinctively backed away slightly before freezing and looking at her fearfully with his empty, amber-hued eyes.

"It-It's me don't be afraid...I brought you something to eat and drink as I promised. You'll see it''s really good ! It's called a pie, chookies and this is a little glass of milk."

As the little moon of the Empire knelt down to the terrified boy, she pointed one by one to each item on the plate she was holding. Shiro had a big smile on her face and seemed more than happy to be able to introduce someone to her favorite snack. He didn't say anything and watched everything with a wary look even if this new delicious smell of the cakes was starting to wake up his hunger.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"The pie and chookies Lady Irrena made them and it's really really good ! The milk I...I don't really know where it comes from but it is very sweet and when I drink it I always feel super happy ! And...and you know when you drink you can get a little white mustache hihi~"

Shiro spoke with great enthusiasm and seemed almost to have forgotten the situation, far too happy to have someone to help. Despite her dirty and very different appearance, she was still as cute if not cuter. Her chubby little cheeks had traces of dirt, her hair was matted and her beautiful eyes were tired but her radiantly innocent smile remained.

The little dirty princess, at the age of 5 and a half, was trying her best to be like her mother the Empress. She wanted to help, she wanted to make people smile like Freya did so well since they met. However, even though she was driven by the admiration she had for her mother, Shiro still wanted to help from the bottom of her little heart.

"Here...drink a little and eat..."

Despite his unfathomable fear, the young boy could not resist what the girl he was supposed to kidnap was holding out to him. Those years of confinement and torture seemed to have slowed down his brain development a bit and more than a 10 year old child, he looked like a little animal, following orders to avoid suffering but finally, totally guided by his basic desires.

Without thinking, his belly crying out, the little lost brother of the Queen literally threw himself on these delicious cakes that he had never had the chance to taste. Fed only on bread and water, the slice of pie and the cookies were divine and for the first time, different textures and flavors were mixing in his mouth.

From the first bite, the young hybrid found himself unable to stop while once again, dark red tears ran down his cheeks. He did not realize it, much too busy to swallow everything completely hungry. Shiro smiling, looked at him without saying a word knowing completely what he could feel. After all, only a few months ago, it was she who was so hungry.

The little hybrid dragon ate, drank, ate, drank without stopping and for the first time his mind was totally focused on something other than pain and fear. At that moment he forgot everything, the Supreme, his mission, his suffering and like the child he was, his empty eyes took on a little life. In a few seconds, all the cookies and the piece of pie had been swallowed while he coughed a little.

"cough cough"

"You shouldn't have eaten so fast hihi~ here, drink this"

Like a big sister, little Shiro gently handed over the remaining glass of milk, ignoring the feeling of hunger she also felt at the sight. Just like the rest, in a few seconds, the milk had been drunk and no more noise could be heard. The two children looked at each other, the little Princess wearing a radiant smile in front of the young hybrid boy who didn't know what to think anymore.

"Shiro my sweetheart where are you ?!"

Suddenly, while they said nothing, a soft, motherly voice could be heard from across the garden only a few feet away. In the middle of the flowers, near the fountain, was a beautiful woman. Dressed in a black dress, the Queen of the Empire had just appeared and was standing in the garden of the imperial mansion.

Gaya's long, wavy, crimson hair danced in the air as she moved closer to her daughter's position. The sound of her heels clicking on the carved stone slabs rose into the sky in rhythm with her graceful and particularly sexy walk. The dragoness wore her beautiful crown proudly, but what drew the most attention was her belly, which had grown even larger.

Gaya wasn't even in her third month of pregnancy yet her belly was now the size of a watermelon. The Empress' wife looked much more maternal and pregnancy suited her so well. Carrying life, Gaya had a whole other form of beauty that only pregnant women possessed. She was gorgeous, radiant, incredible, beautiful and unique.

"Shiro ?"

In search of the Princess, the Queen was getting closer and closer to her daughter's position having detected with her senses, movement in her direction. At that moment, the hybrid dragon who had calmed down, started to panic again while Shiro instinctively stood up, unable to know what to do. The seconds passed more and more and Gaya was only one tree away from the two children.

"I...don't be afraid, it''s my second mom and she's very nice !"

The white-haired girl murmured these words as she saw and felt the inexplicable fear that invaded the one beside her. The young boy didn't have enough strength to stand up and although he was using the mana around him, his body was far too tired to allow him to camouflage himself. As the two children panicked, Gaya was already emerging from behind the last tree that was hiding them.

"What are you doing here ? Didn't you hear me when I..."

The Queen had stopped in the middle of her sentence as her gaze fell on the young boy. At that moment, thousands of images crossed her mind, all related to her former clan of which she was the only survivor. Gaya, the mother of the earth dragons, knew better than anyone those wings, that color, those scales and even if the young hybrid had no more horns, it was not difficult for her to imagine them.

Without even being able to utter a single word, the Queen, straight, proud and dignified, had become livid in front of this little creature. Not only was the state of the boy's body worrisome, but Gaya knew very well how to recognize a member of her race, no matter if he had become a hybrid. Among dragons, the sense of smell was also very important between members of the same family and one similar to hers was floating faintly in the air.


"Mom !!"

The Queen of Elysium was lost, shocked, sad, confused and the mere sight of the child was enough to shake her enough to make her faint. In the garden of the imperial mansion, far from her wife, Gaya had fallen, unable to bear or understand what she had just seen.



Names : Freya / Lucifer Nightshade

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course: Ice Demon Wolf of Chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles :

- Demon Goddess of Primordial Blood and Death (former - until all powers are regained) - 20%.

- Wrathful Lucifer (7th Sin) - Master of the unique Sins Demons (to unlock it please collect the other 6 - 3/6 - (locked)

- Dragon tamer

- Ruthless slayer

Level : 45/70

Exp needed for next level: 0 / 46 000

HP : 80 600 / 170 000 MP : 32 610 / 85 000. BLOOD : 100 / 100

Strength: 560

Defense : 560

Agility : 566

Endurance: 563

Speed : 562

Intelligence: 560

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 600

Married to : Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Little sister : Kira (Greedy Fox)

Big sister : Kalaa Nightshade

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 1239

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos (Freya) - Blood / Death (Lucifer)

Skills (all):


- Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 6)


- Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

- Pain Resistance (lvl 5)


- Domain of the Ice Empress "Frozen Wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

- Death Gaze (lvl 1)

Others :

- Humanoid form

- Demonic form (linked to the title so incomplete) - 20%.

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Master of Souls (lvl 2)

- Lucifer's Threads of Blood (lvl 2)

- Healing Blood (lvl 2)

- Analysis

- Telepathy

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