The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 169 The Demons Of A Queen

- POV General -

While Freya was still hundreds of feet underground proudly bearing the name Lucifer and accompanied by her sister, she had no idea what was going on outside. Neither the Empress nor her warriors knew that three days had passed, and although they were about to surface to take stock, they knew nothing. In the Empire of Elysium, the Queen was not only very pregnant but had just fainted.

Gaya, the last of the earth dragons, had just met a little being of whom she was totally unaware until now. Indeed, this little being was none other than her little brother who 10 years ago was only in the form of a fetus. Of course, the dragoness didn't know anything about it but her sense of smell didn't lie and without even knowing what had happened, she had no problem defining their relationship immediately.

At that moment, the pressure on her soul, heart and mind had been too much for her to bear. Her pregnancy was wearing her down more than she cared to admit and the Queen was already in a state of severe daily fatigue. So, only seconds after laying eyes on her little brother, Gaya had fallen without warning.

"Mom Gaya !!"

Shiro who had witnessed the scene rushed to her without knowing what was happening and even wondering if she was not responsible. The young hybrid did not move, trembling, exhausted and even less able to understand what was happening. He too had felt this feeling of closeness with Gaya, but knew nothing of her race, her family and these feelings that were running through him.

"Gaya-sama !!"

Lia, who had just returned with a few more snacks for the afternoon, rushed towards the Queen and Princess, followed by the soldiers posted at the entrance to the garden. In a few seconds, the young rabbit woman found herself near her and without even glancing at the young boy, knelt down beside the dragoness. Before she could do anything, Lia turned to the soldiers and shouted.

"Get a doctor ! Hurry !"

The Queen was lying in the grass, her face white, her breathing jerky and her body trembling slightly. Nobody knew what was happening to her and everyone was worried, especially little Shiro who was panicking. She had seen that it was the moment her mother had laid eyes on the little dragon that she had fallen. At that moment, the little Princess felt guilty and was convinced that she was responsible.


The little Princess had her dirty little hand on her mother's and tears were starting to run down her dirt-filled cheeks. In a few minutes, the situation had completely changed and several people were running around in the previously calm and silent garden. Women in maid's clothing were rushing in with supplies to help Gaya while Lia tried to wake her up.

"Queen Gaya ? Can you hear me ?"

"*sniff*...M-M...*sniff*...Mom !! Mom !!"

The garden had become chaotic and it didn't take long for everyone working in it to become aware of the situation. In all the commotion, no one seemed to have noticed the terrified young boy who was shaking more and more. Everyone was focused on the Queen and as two hospital doctors finally arrived, the little dragon began to back away little by little.

"What happened?"

The doctors were an elf and a dryad, both blond, wearing white jackets sewn to fit. In the absence of Commander Caipy and Lieutenant Nina, they were both in charge of the hospital near the imperial mansion. The taller one, the elf, wore glasses and the shorter one, the dryad, a black flower in her hair. It was the latter who, while kneeling down, had asked the question.

"The Queen fell suddenly while standing right there and no one knows what happened. The baby in her belly is growing faster every day and as you know, she is exhausted ! Maybe she has reached a state of exhaustion such that...that...I don't know.."

Lia was panicked, didn't know what to do and couldn't stop thinking about the Empress who didn't know. For the moment, nothing indicated that it was serious but to see such a strong woman suddenly collapse was never very reassuring. While the butler moved to make room for the two doctors, she took the opportunity to kneel down near Shiro.

"Princess, what happened ? were the closest, we need to know if anything special happened."

"'s my fault..."

Shiro at that moment had thrown herself into Lia's arms, crying her eyes out. She was sure that she had caused her mother to faint for a reason that she herself did not know. A lot had happened since the young dragon's untimely landing and the mentally exhausted and still very young Princess was lost.

"Queen Gaya ! Can you hear me ?"

Suddenly, without the half-human rabbit even being able to answer Shiro, the elf who had been examining Gaya for a while, had exclaimed. Indeed, the dragoness, lying in her black dress, had started to move slowly, then more and more vigorously. As if she were having a nightmare, Gaya was stirring and seemed to be struggling against something in her sleep.

"Ho-Hold her !"

At that moment, the two doctors had rushed to the Queen as she began to violently beat her hands and feet on the floor. She was agitated and fighting a nightmare that no one knew about without controlling her strength. Her fists were pounding the ground and beginning to crack the earth, her feet shaking with no one able to stop her.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"The Queen is currently in a state of severe shock for an unknown reason and there is nothing we can do. She is not injured and although her pregnancy is progressing at an incredible rate, the baby is healthy. I...we have never seen this before, it looks like a...panic attack in a deep sleep. The...the Queen needs to calm down on her own, we can't...not risk waking her up suddenly..."

The dryad with the black flower in her hair was trying to explain what was going on while, with the help of her colleague and Lia, they held Gaya down. After examining her, they had come to the conclusion that the Queen was not suffering from any physical problem except fatigue. She was in a psychological state that medicine could not treat.

"But if she keeps struggling like this...she...she'll end up hurting herself or someone. I...she would never forgive herself...we have to do something...quickly !"

Indeed, despite her condition, Gaya was still a powerful dragoness compared to all the people around her. More people were bustling around her to help the three young women who were doing their best to keep the Queen from hurting others and themselves. The dragoness was becoming more and more agitated without saying a word, her eyes rolling under her lids and her usually radiant face distressed.

"Queen Gaya ! Calm down ! Everything...everything is fine ! Breathe...whatever you see is not real...we...we are here beside you !"

While almost everyone in the mansion came running, the rabbit butler did her best to wake the Queen gently. No one dared to speak because she was the second ruler of the Empire and only Lia seemed close enough to her to, at that moment, ignore her status. No one knew what was going on in Gaya's mind, but for the first time she was afraid.

Her eyes rolled under her lids and her breathing became faster and faster, as if she was hyperventilating. At that moment, Gaya was reliving those bloody days that had ended in the total annihilation of her fellow dragons and a long descent into Hell for her soul. The sight of that little boy had brought back all those memories that she had buried deep in her heart to avoid suffering.

"Breathe !"

Lia didn't even know if the Queen could hear her, but she did her best to calm her down so that she would wake up. Unfortunately, this was not enough and a fire-colored aura came out of the dragoness' body. Suddenly, everyone could feel the emotions of the one who was fighting her demons, like an unfathomable ocean in the middle of a storm. Unlike the Empress, at that moment her aura was not of a raw strength but of an equally great intensity.

What was happening was inexplicable, but one by one, the people around the Queen were overcome by an incomparable sadness and pain. The dragoness was suffering so much, this period having traumatized her, that she transmitted her emotions through her flaming aura. The contrast was disconcerting because she shone like a warm sun full of love, but conveyed despair.

Everyone was silent and couldn't take their eyes off the Queen as everyone tried to cope with all the sudden emotions. Gaya was the mother of the Earth dragons, not only because she had fought for them until the end...but also because today she was the only one to carry the burden of an entire race, the guilt, the sadness and the memory of her fellow dragons.


In this moment out of time, the little Shiro was also invaded by these emotions which, like memories, made tears flow on her small face. Without thinking, she threw herself on her mother by burying her head in her chest. The little Princess didn't know what was going on either but had no trouble understanding that her mother needed help.

"Mom...*sniff*...I...I'm sorry ! I should have told you about...*sniff*...about the boy who fell from the sky. I...*sniff*...sorry...sorry...*sniff*"

The scene was heartbreaking and no one could hold back their tears in front of such a spectacle, enhanced by the Queen's aura. The little moon of Elysium that the whole Empire admired, so joyful, so smiling, so cute and sweet, was crying her heart out. Her little voice was weak, broken, and even though Lia and the others did not understand what she was talking about, no one dared to ask.

"Mom, I...I promise...*sniff*...I only *sniff*...wanted to help. I...*sniff*...only wanted to help ! He...*sniff* was bleeding a lot...*sniff*...and was hurt, I..."

Shiro didn't even have time to finish her sentence when her words instantly made Gaya's eyes open. As the little Princess tried to finish her sentence, two arms wrapped around her tenderly as the flaming aura gradually retracted. Just then, a soft voice, slightly shaky but full of love and tenderness, rose from among the trees.

"Don't cry sweetheart..."

"Mo-Mom ! *sniff* Mom, Mom, Mom !!!"

At her words, the little white-haired girl hugged her mother even tighter, crying a little more. The Queen did not cry but was still livid, a faint smile on her tired face, hugging her daughter back. Everyone was relieved to see her wake up and even though it had all happened in just a few minutes, given their concern, it seemed like an eternity had passed.

"Queen Gaya !"

"Gaya-Sama ! Are you feeling better ?"

Everyone had recovered from their emotions and were bowing awkwardly to the dragoness who was slowly coming to her senses. Her slightly glassy amber eyes were becoming a little more alive with each passing second and as she stood up with Shiro in her arms, she changed. Gaya had been sitting, almost helpless, lost and sad but the moment she straightened up, the Queen of Elysium was back.

"I'm fine, thank you to you all. I apologize for scaring you so much, I...myself I don't know what happened but...

Gaya had answered as sincerely as she could and felt guilty for doing so even though everything was still very unclear. Lowering her head to her little daughter, the dragoness then spoke only to her, while she gently stroked her white ears stained with dirt.

... your voice helped me. Thank you sweetheart"

Then, suddenly, as if everything that had happened before suddenly came back into her mind, the Queen straightened her head before turning her head in all directions. Her face had regained that panicked look as Gaya was looking for the little boy she had seen. Putting Shiro gently on the ground who was now sucking her thumb and sniffing, the dragoness rushed into the small forest.

She was looking for the little boy she had seen and instantly recognized as her little brother despite the changes he had undergone. Unfortunately, she couldn't see him anywhere, and no matter how much she crossed the garden he was nowhere to be found. The Queen was still overcome with emotion and even with concentration she could hardly catch his scent which was very light, almost imperceptible.

However, a small amount remained in the air and following it, the crimson-haired dragoness found herself in front of the white stone pavilion. Hidden under the table with the rest of the cookies Lia had brought was her little brother, curled up like a scared little animal. He had managed to drag himself here, attracted by the smell that had made his body move instinctively, driven by this divine and unknown food.

The wind blew softly, whistling in the blue sky and as in their world, the two dragons looked at each other without blinking. With each passing second, the Queen approached slowly, taking in more and more of her little brother's condition. He didn't understand but felt strangely good in her presence, no longer trembling, staring at the one who intrigued him even more than the little Princess.

While Freya was still underground, the King's and Supreme's army marched towards the forest...Gaya, the last earth dragon, met her little brother.



Names : Freya / Lucifer Nightshade

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course: Ice Demon Wolf of Chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles :

- Demon Goddess of Primordial Blood and Death (form - until all powers are regained) - 20%.

​ - Wrathful Lucifer (7th Sin) - Master of the unique Sins Demons (to unlock it please collect the other 6 - 3/6 - (locked)

- Dragon tamer

- Ruthless slayer

Level : 45/70

Exp needed for next level: 0 / 46 000

HP : 80 600 / 170 000 MP : 32 610 / 85 000. BLOOD : 100 / 100

Strength: 560

Defense : 560

Agility : 566

Endurance: 563

Speed : 562

Intelligence: 560

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 600

Married to : Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Little sister : Kira (Greedy Fox)

Big sister : Kalaa Nightshade

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 1239

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos (Freya) - Blood / Death (Lucifer)

Skills (all):


- Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 6)


- Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

- Pain Resistance (lvl 5)


- Domain of the Ice Empress "Frozen Wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

- Death Gaze (lvl 1)

Others :

- Humanoid form

- Demonic form (linked to the title so incomplete) - 20%.

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Master of Souls (lvl 2)

- Lucifer's Threads of Blood (lvl 2)

- Healing Blood (lvl 2)

- Analysis

- Telepathy

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