The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 171 Kira Nightshade

- POV General -

Things were seriously starting to move on the surface in both Elysium and Zal, and the future was not without its challenges. The King marched with an army of knights to find his daughter Alayna Zal, the first Princess of the Kingdom, and to regain face with his citizens. The Paladins of the Church of Humanity were also present, led by some of the most powerful Protectors.

In the Empire, the Queen had just been reunited with her little brother and, like the Empress, was unaware that he was directly linked to the Supreme. They didn't know that Sage could keep an eye on him, and bringing this young boy into their family circle was, for the time being, leaving an important place for the Church. Besides, the hybrid dragon hadn't come here for nothing, no one knew yet what he would decide to do.

However, while Freya's newly formed Empire was about to experience its first real War, other characters were working in the shadows. Titania, the Goddess who lied to Freya and hid many things from her for her own purposes, was somewhere waiting for her to come out. Kalaa too, still trapped under the mountains of Vancesia, soon to be delivered, was planning to head for Elysium.

Lucifer's older sister, formerly known as Archangel Goddess of Infinite Time and Celestial Wisdom, Kalaa was today only sadness and revenge. She was seeking revenge for her sister, whom she believed to be dead, and for this she had decided to attack Freya, who she believed was in league with Titania. Kalaa did not know for the moment that the one she wanted to avenge was the one she was planning to visit.

So many people gravitated around the Empress with different goals and aspirations, most of them obviously evil. Yet the one in the middle of it all was unaware of all the plans that were being made, as if cut off from the world hundreds of meters below the ground. Freya, knowing now who she was, accompanied by her little sister, was about to come to the surface.

Although things were moving away from her, a lot had also changed for her and her warriors. All of the Commanders had the opportunity to evolve through the system, June and May could finally be released and a lot of changes had taken place in her system. Freya had new skills, new memories and her abilities were growing.

So Lucifer stood before her warriors for the first time, although her demon form had not really changed, she stood before them for the first time, aware of her identity. Just knowing who she was, made the Empress different, which had caused all the soldiers to kneel down without exception. No one knew yet who the young woman who looked like her was, and yet no one spoke.

"Soldiers ! Please stand up. I have a lot to tell you and we have a lot to do, but first I'd like to introduce you to someone very important !"

Lucifer Nightshade was finally speaking, and as she spoke the words, she turned to the young woman beside her. Kira Nightshade said nothing and waited patiently for her older sister to continue what she had to say. Her face was serious, though softer than the Empress', but her fox ears kept twitching. The contrast was special and no one knew what was going on in the newcomer's mind.

At the words of the Empress, everyone stood up, still in silence, and all eyes passed from Lucifer to Kira. The two young women, dressed in the same way, with piercing purple eyes, different but at the same time similar, interested them. The young silver-haired vixen had come out of nowhere and it was almost impossible to understand where she came from.

"I'd like to introduce little sister Kira who you've all already spoken to at least once through me..."

"....uuh...Yo !"

All eyes turned to the silver fox who had just spoken for the first time. Kira had uttered this one word as she mimicked a V with her fingers before withdrawing her embarrassed hand. Everyone remained silent and watched the young sister of the Empress as they tried their best to understand. Meanwhile, Kira was still not very good at hiding her emotions and it was starting to show.

The three tails she had were slowly folding in on themselves, her ears were starting to droop and her face was turning red. Kira was doing what she could but suddenly finding herself in front of so many people staring at her was something new. The Empress, guessing immediately what was going on, took a step forward, before speaking again.

"As I told you, a lot has happened and I will explain everything in detail. So you are the first to meet the second princess of the Elysium Empire, Kira !"

Lucifer had pronounced her last sentence with a certain pride that was reflected in her voice, slightly warmer than usual. At that moment, the soldiers all bowed their heads, before speaking as usual with one voice.



- POV Kira -

I was finally in a body, for the first time in my short life I could feel, touch, move and speak. I didn't really have time to experience everything of course, but everything I was already experiencing was great. Everything was incredible and I felt overwhelmed with a lot of information at the same time, which I could not wait to discover.

However, this was not the time to be distracted because at that moment, onee-san was introducing me to the Commanders and others. Of course we had already spoken, but it was different to see them in real life, just a few meters away. Now that I had a body, I could feel their auras, which were quite powerful and shook me more than onee-san's. I was used to her aura, which was very strong. I was used to her aura and even in her demon form, I could not feel anything.


*How do they always speak at the same time and say the same words ? Is there some kind of dictionary of phrases to say to the Empress ? Pffffhaha~ I should write one ! I even know how to write ?*

My mind was wandering like never before and I was having trouble focusing on one thing at a time. Once again, I shook my head to focus on what was in front of me. All of my older sister's soldiers were there and were greeting me as one which was honestly quite disturbing in real life, after she introduced me as the Princ...

*Wait a minute ! A Princess ? Seriously ? I thought she was kidding ! Well I didn't want to actually become the Queen but...isn't that a little...too cute for me ? I mean, Shiro is the little Princess of the Empire because she's Freya's daughter but...*

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

While I was lost in my thoughts, my eyes rested on the Elysium warriors who still had their heads down. For the umpteenth time, I cursed myself for not knowing how to concentrate more than that, and no matter how well I thought I was hiding my emotions, my mind was difficult to tame. Every soldier was in front of me and seemed to be waiting for something from me...that I didn't know.

*Double wait ! Should I say something here ? Woow no the trouble, I didn't know ! Why do I have to be caught off guard like this ? Damn it onee-saaaaaaan ! And why do they always have to bend over like that ? My god it's embarrassing !*

Turning to Onee-san to try to understand, I could see her smile very slightly as she nodded. I knew she wanted me to get into the habit of communicating but it wasn't easy. All my short life I had been in a kind of shell that was my sister's soul and now, although I was very happy to have a body, I felt like I was naked in a big world.


*Aaaaaah fuck I'm going to die ! Why do I have to go through this now ? Aaaaaarg onee-san you're so cruel !!...Okay...focus...continue ! Do like onee-san...what did she say before ?...Oh yes !*

"I...please stand up. I'm happy meet you and please...just call me Kira..."

*Yaaay ! I think I handled the situation perfectly hehe~! matter what walls stand in front of me, I'll break them all down mwhahaha~*

At that moment, I felt very proud of myself and I couldn't help but smile. It was a very special feeling because the skin on my face was stretching without me being able to control anything. My cheeks hurt a little, I was hot, but the feeling that this simple action gave me, made me happy. For the moment, one thing was sure, unlike onee-san...I liked to smile.

"Good ! Now we must all talk about what has happened since we arrived here as far as I am concerned and as far as you are concerned. What I propose is that we...

Onee-san was talking, but at that moment I couldn't listen, while my eyes were observing everything around me, my nostrils were picking up different smells, both interesting and disgusting. Everything was new and an irrepressible urge to run around was running through me in spite of myself. While I was asking myself this question, my eyes landed on Nixia, the lamia with black scales.

*Wow...I wonder what it feels like to touch scales !! Is it cold and hard ? Or warm and soft ? Mmmmh, now that I think about can also be cold and soft, hot and hard ! I would have to touch it to be no ! Concentrate Kira ! Onee-san is talking, I have to stay focused !

As I quietly shook my head to try not to think about all the questions that were going through my mind, onee-san's voice was still echoing in the big underground room. It was different to hear it near me and not all around me but it was a nice feeling. Her voice was soothing to me and even though some people found it cold and overbearing, to me it was confident and reassuring.

"...If you feel like holding out until we get back up then I have no objection. So we'll discuss any changes on the way back, we haven't been gone long but I might as well get back to Elysium quickly."

Apparently, the soldiers had just affirmed that they were still ready to hold on to the surface before resting and thus evolving. We would soon return to the surface where so many things were waiting for me, so many things to discover, to taste, to experience. However, what I wanted most was to be able to hug Shiro and Gaya. I too wanted to return to Elysium as soon as possible...home...our home.

*The first thing I would do is obviously hug my sister-in-law and my cute niece ! Then I would love to taste Irrena's cakes because Shiro likes them a lot and play with her all day ! Oh and then we could also play bad tricks on Onee-san hehe~ I still haven't forgotten the flick that...*

"What are you thinking little sister ? You have way too evil a smile kufufu~"

Once again, I was oblivious to what was going on around me and Freya's voice pulled me out of my evil plans. Looking up, I could see the soldiers resting for a few more minutes before leaving and Onee-san was now the only one beside me. Her violet eyes were staring at me intensely and her face full of tattoos, made her very imposing if not to say a bit scary.

"I...I wasn't thinking of anything in particular ! Why are you looking at me like that ?"

"For nothing Kira haha~ also you did great earlier !"

As she said this, I could feel her hand once again on my head before she stroked my hair. This feeling was divine and just like the first time, my three tails started to wag by themselves. Is this what Shiro felt when onee-san did the same thing to her ? I wondered but deep inside I knew the answer very well.

"Well, we're going to surface now little sister. I hope you're ready to experience the outside world haha~ you seem somewhat excited at the thought."

"I...Yes of course...but I know how to control myself in front of others onee-san !"

*Oh Hell yeah !! I've been dreaming about this since I was your little sister ! There are so many places I want to visit, that I want to see with my own eyes. The trees, the water, the land, the nature, the music...I definitely want to put all my senses to work and catch up on everything I've never been able to experience on my own !*

A multitude of ideas were brewing in my mind again as Freya looked at me without a word. Everyone said she had a cold, paralyzing face, but the more I looked at her, the more I realized that her face was not as inexpressive as I thought. In fact, if I looked closely, it was easy for me to understand my older sister's emotions.

In the few minutes I spent with her, I already knew a lot about her. Was it because I had lived in her soul so far that I was better able to understand her ? I didn't know, but the Ice Empress, with a face as beautiful as cold, was not as cold as I thought. Onee-san always had that something that allowed me to understand what she was thinking or feeling.

"We are going to go, Kira ! We're going home and for the first time, you're by my side like I promised you !"

"Mmh onee-san, thank you I..."

Just as I was about to answer, once again I felt my big sister's hands discreetly grab me. She hid me from her waist and body and while the others were busy getting ready, Freya hugged me once again. However, for the first time, she placed a soft kiss on my forehead before whispering away.

"Let's go home Kira.."


Today, I was finally going to start my new life near my family, by their side as I had always dreamed. This was the first day of the rest of my life because from now on, I would live for myself...I would live under the name of Kira Nightshade.

[N/A: Kira is the type of person who talks a lot in her head compared to Freya. She is very talkative and says everything she thinks, but when the situation doesn't allow it, Kira comments the situation in her head. She is also very childish in this chapter but it's at the beginning because Kira is discovering everything, she will resume her more serious and focused side little by little].



Names : Freya / Lucifer Nightshade

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course: Ice Demon Wolf of Chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles :

- Demon Goddess of Primordial Blood and Death (former - until all powers are regained) - 20%.

- Wrathful Lucifer (7th Sin) - Master of the unique Sins Demons (to unlock it please collect the other 6 - 3/6 - (locked)

- Dragon tamer

- Ruthless slayer

Level : 45/70

Exp needed for next level: 0 / 46 000

HP : 80 600 / 170 000 MP : 32 610 / 85 000. BLOOD : 100 / 100

Strength: 560

Defense : 560

Agility : 566

Endurance: 563

Speed : 562

Intelligence: 560

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 600

Married to : Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Little sister : Kira (Greedy Fox)

Big sister : Kalaa Nightshade

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 1239

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos (Freya) - Blood / Death (Lucifer)

Skills (all):


- Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 6)


- Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

- Pain Resistance (lvl 5)


- Domain of the Ice Empress "Frozen Wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

- Death Gaze (lvl 1)

Others :

- Humanoid form

- Demonic form (linked to the title so incomplete) - 20%.

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Master of Souls (lvl 2)

- Lucifer's Threads of Blood (lvl 2)

- Healing Blood (lvl 2)

- Analysis

- Telepathy

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