The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 172 Heading To The Surface

- POV Freya -

I was holding my little sister for the second time since she now had a body and I couldn't help but enjoy the feeling. Was it because Kira was once a part of my soul that I felt this need ? I didn't know, but while my soldiers were busy, I went over to her and gave her a discreet hug while placing a kiss on her forehead, just like I used to do with Shiro.

"Let's go home Kira.."


It was time for us to return to our family, our Empire, and everything we had built together. I had not yet contacted Shiro as promised, but we had only spent a few hours in this room. In the end, we were faster than I expected because we had only been underground for a day, two at the most. I was proud of my soldiers, my little sister and we had earned some rest.

The Commanders and everyone else had been resting while we were gone, and like Kira and me, they were anxious to get back. So we agreed that we would go to the surface first and then do the rest. Of course I wanted to explain to them what had happened in the pantheon while we were up there to save time and avoid making them wait.

Once up, we would decide whether to make them evolve into the Syn Forest or the Empire. I also had to distribute my attribute points, free the twins, discover my new skills and of course investigate my past. Shiro's condition also intrigued me and I was pretty sure now that I could get past the question marks of her status.

There were still many mysteries in my mind but little by little the pieces were falling into place. I now knew my identity, I knew that Titania was not who she claimed to be and most importantly...I remembered my older sister. All my memories were available in my mind and were waiting for only one thing, that I go through them to finally wear the name of Lucifer with dignity.

* doesn't stop but I have to be patient. I still don't know more about this 7th Sin thing or what it means but I have to get used to the fact that I can't know everything. I'll find a time to figure out all these memories once we get home and have some good family time...all together for the first time. When do you say Kira ? I think that...*

As I thought in my mind as usual, I stopped as I realized what I had just done. I had just addressed my little sister as I always did but this response. This realization was somewhat difficult and the moment I realized it, a twinge of sadness caught me off guard. Kira was no longer in my mind, she was no longer there.

Since my arrival in this world, or at least in this temporality, my little sister had never once left me. Of course there were times when she would lock herself in her space but we were literally one. Today Kira had a body, I felt happy, extremely happy for her but somewhere I felt sad, more than I had imagined.

*It's all right...I just have to get used to it*

It was not easy to be alone in my mind when my little sister had occupied it for so long. I felt like an emptiness, like I was missing something and thinking about it made me feel weak. After all, I was far from being a little girl unable to fend for herself and yet...this empty feeling still wouldn't go away.

*Kira will always be next to me. What is the difference between having her by my side physically or in my mind ? Neither. Then why won't this little pain go away ?*

The Commanders and soldiers were packing up their things as we were about to leave, while I stood there trying to figure it out. I had never experienced a feeling like this, as if I could lose my bearings at any moment and even though I didn't want to admit it...I felt sadness. Even though my joy was much greater, a small part of my heart wanted to spend more time with Kira.

[Hey onee-san ! You know I'll always be there, right ?]

As I accepted these feelings, a soft voice echoed in my mind with words that warmed my heart. My first instinct was to turn my head towards my sister who was on my left, my face still neutral but quite surprised. I didn't say a word and looked at Kira who was smiling at me, showing her white canines and dimples in a mischievous expression.

[I'm level 15, remember ? I have the telepathy skill, so I can talk to you like before, any time we are close. I know you're a little sad but in the end nothing really changes, does it ?]

*How did you know I was...ahem...sad ? I didn't say anything and as you know my face isn't the most expressive*

Kira's words had slightly destabilized me, as well as her sudden appearance to reassure me, just at the right moment. I used to share my feelings with her through dialogue, but this time it was different because she could no longer hear my deepest thoughts. How had she managed to understand ? While I was asking myself this question, Kira answered with a silent smile.

[Onee-san...I have lived most of my time in your mind observing and understanding how hard it is for people to read you. However, since I've seen you with my own eyes...I can't agree with others. You say that your face is inexpressive ? It's true !...but not to me.]

*Not for you ?*

[Mmmh. When you're sad your eyes take on a particular hue and you clench your jaw slightly from frustration and pride. When you're in inner conflict, you start tapping your finger and your eyebrows furrow very slightly and I could go on like this for a while. You also convey a lot of emotion through your eyes, which change slightly depending on the situation]

*My eyes ?*

[Bright as the stars when you're happy and serene, dark when you're thinking or angry, dull when you're cold or sad, and glittering dangerously when you're drawing blood. Don't ask me how I know...I just know]

Kira had only been watching me for a short time because she had only had a body for an hour or two and yet she already knew all this. I was still the Empress of Ice but it seemed that my little sister was one of the only ones who could read me. This thought made me smile, although deep inside I felt a kind of embarrassment, which was quite rare for me.

[But in the end, that's not the only reason I know exactly how you feel...]

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

*Tell me...*

[Freya...everything you feel...that little lingering pain hidden in that ocean of happiness, that sense of emptiness and lack...I feel them too deep inside my heart.]

Kira was smiling tenderly at me and her violet eyes were locked in mine while neither of us said a single word out loud. At that moment, I could see the purple color of her eyes shining a little more intensely and I understood now exactly what she meant. Without saying another word, I smiled, she smiled before we turned back to the others ready to leave.


We were standing in front of the bright white doorway and everyone was ready to walk through it again. Everyone had a smile on their face and even though we weren't all in a perfect state, we had finally accomplished what we wanted. I still had my demon form because I felt better that way but for the moment it seemed to confuse the more tired soldiers.

"Maybe you should return to your normal form ? You're beautiful Lucifer but you're scary as fuck pfffhahaha~"

Kira whispered these words to me as we walked along, always with a sarcastic expression on her face, matching her perfectly. Smiling slightly, I closed my eyes and shook my head as my blood red hair turned as black as night. My horns became smaller and I could feel my ears and wolf tail growing.

As I was experiencing the changes, suddenly a huge tremor was felt, accompanied by thuds. Like the others, I turned my head to discover that the pantheon we had just left was changing. The ground shook but nothing collapsed, however the huge structure began to shake while changing appearance before our eyes.

The white stones were beginning to crumble, the smooth edges were becoming grainy and plants were beginning to appear everywhere. The beautiful pantheon seemed to be aging at a disconcerting, almost terrifying rate. But that wasn't all, the huge room began to change as I felt a familiar mana slowly dissipate.

The time that had stood still resumed its course, the years passed again, turning the place into a ruin. The Time magic of Kalaa had held until I returned and as we were about to leave the place, the atmosphere was quite different. There was unusual vegetation, the walls were broken, but the strangest thing was that the traces of our battles had disappeared.

"How is that possible ?"

"What magic is powerful enough to allow such a thing ?"

"Imp-Impossible !"

All the soldiers were observing the same phenomenon as I was and could not help but exclaim in surprise at such a sight. It was very impressive because everything was happening very fast, giving us the impression of going back in time. In reality, it was the present that we were seeing before our eyes, but not being aware of my older sister, the soldiers were panicking.

"Don't worry, this is a Time magic used to keep the place intact until I arrive. I'll explain it to you on the way but you don't have to worry, everything is fine. It looks like the whole room was under the spell but do not be afraid of anything !"

Faced with the distress of some, I raised my hands gently, explaining calmly so that they could breathe more easily. Soon, the magic disappeared and at last the real appearance of this forgotten underground room stood before us. In ruins, its grandeur having disappeared to make way for a place devoid of charm, abandoned and completely banal.

"Well I have to say it's pretty awesome to see ! I felt everything ! Every little tremor, every vibration and I wasn't even scared hehe~"

Kira was at my side, still barefoot and with both arms crossed behind her neck, very relaxed considering the situation. I didn't say anything as I turned back to all my soldiers and Inferno who seemed to be doing better. I didn't know if I would ever return to this great hall, but I would never forget that this is where part of my story was given back to me.

"Good ! Let's get through that white gate like we did at the alle,y before it disappears !"

"Yes your Highness !"

As they had done when they arrived, my soldiers, my companions in this adventure, passed one by one through the white portal that led to this space filled with darkness. This time, I was the last one to stay, always accompanied by my little sister. Little by little, they disappeared to finally leave the two of us alone, standing in a corner ready to follow them.

"In the end we didn't leave for very long considering what we experienced during those two intense days ! Isn't that right onee-san ?"

"It's true. It's all just beginning, but I'm proud of what we've all accomplished on this journey to the center of the earth."

As I was about to wave Kira through the door, she spoke a few words that made me freeze.

"It's funny though, we've been in a time magic all this time and yet none of us have aged or anything like that. Maybe it's the other way around, who knows ? Maybe we were also victims of this place trapped in time and months went by outside pfffhahaha~...."



Kira said this in jest, but as she spoke, she realized, as did I, that what she had just said was far from silly. If time was passing more slowly and we were not affected, it meant that the magic was only applicable to this place. However, in that case, only our perception of time would have been slightly altered.


"Yes Freya...I know...*

"We absolutely have to get back !"

At that moment, neither I nor Kira was joking and our serious faces looked at each other with a trace of panic in our eyes. We didn't know how long we had been here and it could have been a few days or a few weeks. I had never planned to leave the Empire without news and in a world like this, things change a lot.

So my little sister and I hurried through the white portal towards the surface.

"My little moon..."

[N/A: I kept the [ ] when Kira speaks telepathically, it will be easier for everyone especially when Freya speaks with more people]



Names : Freya / Lucifer Nightshade

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course: Ice Demon Wolf of Chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles :

- Demon Goddess of Primordial Blood and Death (former - until all powers are regained) - 20%.

- Wrathful Lucifer (7th Sin) - Master of the unique Sins Demons (to unlock it please collect the other 6 - 3/6 - (locked)

- Dragon tamer

- Ruthless slayer

Level : 45/70

Exp needed for next level: 0 / 46 000

HP : 80 600 / 170 000 MP : 32 610 / 85 000. BLOOD : 100 / 100

Strength: 560

Defense : 560

Agility : 566

Endurance: 563

Speed : 562

Intelligence: 560

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 600

Married to : Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Little sister : Kira (Greedy Fox)

Big sister : Kalaa Nightshade

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 1239

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos (Freya) - Blood / Death (Lucifer)

Skills (all):


- Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 6)


- Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

- Pain Resistance (lvl 5)


- Domain of the Ice Empress "Frozen Wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

- Death Gaze (lvl 1)

Others :

- Humanoid form

- Demonic form (linked to the title so incomplete) - 20%.

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Master of Souls (lvl 2)

- Lucifer's Threads of Blood (lvl 2)

- Healing Blood (lvl 2)

- Analysis

- Telepathy

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