The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 202 Chaos I [Hell - Part VIII]

-- POV General --

Freya had watched her little sister's first fight from where she stood and was somewhat shocked at how quickly it ended. Using everything she could, Kira had not hesitated to change her form even if it meant being naked on the battlefield in order to live. So she surprised the human and with her flawless dwarf-forged scythe, she sliced off the Paladin's leg and head without hesitation.

Blood had spurted out, staining her face red as well as most of the front of her body that was standing over it at the time. Yet the beautiful naked young woman with the three silver tails did not move and remained motionless next to her victim. Her purple eyes stared into the void when suddenly she seemed to come to her senses, realizing for the very first time that she had just taken a life.

"Cough cough !!!"

Suddenly falling to her knees, Kira sputtered and coughed as the adrenaline flowed back down making her shake and slightly panic. The smell of fresh blood, the pain in her leg and fingers, the intensity of what she had just experienced still vibrated inside her and gave her so many emotions. Joy, fear, excitement, disgust, pride, it was all in her mind and had assaulted the heart of the Princess of Elysium.

Tears were slowly running down her face but it was not sadness, everything was so intense that Kira's body instinctively reacted to all these new things. However, after a few minutes, she got up shaking from her injury but was not crying anymore and even had a smile on her tired face. All this was so exhausting that she wobbled before toppling over on her side, exhausted and unable to continue standing. Yet, the brave Princess did not crash to the ground.

"I...I was fierce, right onee-san ?"

Freya had appeared out of nowhere as fast and unobtrusive as a shadow to catch her little sister who had looked up with tired eyes at the one holding her tightly in her arms. With a small smile, Kira had spoken as she snuggled up to Freya who had covered her with her black cloak. The she-wolf smiled in return, gently stroking her little sister's bloody cheek and pressing her forehead against hers before replying as a whisper.

"Little sister, you were the bravest, fiercest, strongest fox Princess I know. Kira...I am so proud of you."

In the midst of this bloodshed, in the midst of this Hell of blood and screaming stood two people, two sisters who were in their bubble. An Empress and a Princess, a wolf and a fox, who at that moment knew they could always count on each other. Freya didn't show it, but she had been afraid for her sister and couldn't help but appear in person in the middle of that killing field.

"I'm going to take you to be healed now."

"Umu..t-thank you onee-san"

Suddenly disappearing from where she was just moments ago with her little sister in her arms, the Empress left the Commanders to concentrate. They hadn't seen the Princess' fight, but had felt the presence of their leader. Each one's battle was incredible and even those who could not manipulate magic were no match for those who could.

As they fought, what was supposed to be an individual kill gradually turned into a group fight. Thus, the remaining 9 Paladins and 10 Knights were all facing the 10 Chaos Commanders of the Elysium Empire. These 19 humans were out of breath, some were covered in blood and wounded, but none of them had yet been killed by the 10 half-human women.

They were not in a better state because the injuries and fatigue had also taken hold of the Commanders who were fighting with 5 levels less. In the middle of the huge fire arena that had been created, a group of huge beasts stood there as determined as ever. The women, although mostly wounded, had gathered to face the enemy, feeling much more powerful together than alone.

Nixia was in her snake form, huge, black and frightening alongside Ralph who was in her wolf form almost as big as the Empress herself. Her fangs were glowing, her claws were covered in lava while her whole body was smoking from the heat she was giving off. Luna was also there, a huge panther who like Kira, had hundreds of deadly yellow lightning bolts crackling around her.

Above these three commanders, a majestic gray wyvern flapped its wings powerfully alongside a beautiful butterfly that made no sound. Trioa and Ynir towered over the battlefield and cast a menacing shadow over those below. In front of them, Emilia was not in her animal form and brandished her large sword with force in spite of the tiredness which crossed her like all the others.

Naïa was at her side, her hair of fire always shining more beautiful, growling like the fire fox that she was. Persea and Caipy were there too, and the two quieter women were there as support for the more experienced fighters. Freya thought she could see them fighting alone, but she didn't count on the strong and unbreakable bond that bound them all together.


"We know..."

"We mustn't linger any longer"

"And we must not exhaust ourselves and drain our mana"

"The war is not over and we must help our soldiers"

"Then it's time to get serious !"

"What ? Weren't you serious this whole time ?"

"Of course I was !"

"But with you girls, we all know that everything will be different"

"So let's go !"

One by one, they spoke to each other for the first time since the beginning of the fights after unconsciously coming together to be able to win. Together they felt stronger but their teamwork being incredible and intelligent, reinforced this feeling that was well and truly real. The 19 humans standing in front of them also felt this newfound confidence that made them tremble with fear inside.

"Look out, they're coming !"

The moment one of the Paladins had said these words, the 10 Commanders dashed forward at the same time without saying a single word to each other. The dust was kicking up, the ground was cracking, fangs were out, claws were sharp, the elements were raging, looks were murderous and hearts were more determined than ever. The women were charging straight at the humans with impressive speed, making the ground shake and vibrate like the drums of chaos.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The first to arrive was Nixia who, instead of attacking, slid on the ground with ease and speed around Zal's group who didn't understand what she was doing. Then it was Trioa and Ynir's turn to arrive from the sky and flap their wings over them as hard as they could for the same reason as Nixia. The three young women alone were raising mountains of dust creating a fog of dirt.

"Attack !!!"

"But we can't see anything !!!"

"Quickly have the one wind mage dispel this thing !!!"

The fog, intensified by the remaining mana Ynir possessed from her general illusion spell, was blindingly thick that it was difficult to see. Raising his arms to the sky, the Paladin, being the only one able to control the wind, finished incanting before creating a huge tornado. The fog was beginning to dissipate under the power of the spell when suddenly another tornado formed outside, circling around them.

Almost all of the Commanders had joined Nixia and were circling around the humans to kick up more and more dust, but only one had not joined. Thorunn, the beautiful vampire, stood a little further back, her nose bleeding, but it was she who had created the second tornado. Its spinning force coupled with that of her friends, negated the power of the Wind Paladin's spell, which was now unable to dispel the dust.

"What the hell are you doing ? Dispel that shit !!!"

"I...I'm trying b-but...but they're too fast !!!"

The more the man spoke, the more his companions disappeared behind the dirty brown veil that had surrounded them for a few minutes now. The sun's rays were barely coming through, hidden by the wyvern and the butterfly above hovering like the angels of death. Suddenly, a wolf howl could be heard coming from all sides followed by several wild beast growls.

Huge shadows also began to dance in the thick fog, dancing menacingly, appearing and disappearing all the time. Sometimes a snake, sometimes a wolf, a panther or even a cat, all ready to pounce on their prey at any moment. Indeed, the Commanders of Chaos, had in just a few minutes, blinded the humans and began the psychological torture.

"Where are those monsters ?"

"I-I...I don't know !!!"

"We have to get out of here !!!"

"H-How ?? We can't see and I don't even know where you are !"

Everything was blurred for those caught in the middle of the dust storm and no one could rely on sight, taste, smell or touch. Knights and Paladins alike were deprived of almost all their senses and only verbal communication remained possible. They were close but could not see each other, they were powerful but overwhelmed by what was happening but acting was not an option and it had to be done quickly.

"Fuck !!! Whoever can put up walls, do it fast !!!"

The humans, lost in this unforeseen storm were not letting themselves be put down for all that, the words of the last one having remotivated the most panicked. They may have been level 35, but none of them had ever faced such creatures before or in such a situation. Walls of stone, earth, wood, and ice now rose toward the sky in hopes of cutting off this whirlwind and bringing down this constant pressure.

"Look out !"

However, just as they appeared, attacks from nowhere, fast, powerful and perfectly coordinated destroyed them one by one. A snake's tail with a blade at the end whistled through the air and shattered the ice walls, glowing lava paws exploded the stone walls, arrows of fire burned the wooden walls and huge roots fell mightily to destroy those made of earth.

Minute after minute, the humans repeated the same operation, building walls that were destroyed immediately afterwards. The pressure was getting stronger and stronger and the situation was untenable, because little by little, attacks were being added, aimed directly at those who were in the middle. The walls were not only destroyed, but in the air yellow lightning was falling, spears of black flames or even poisoned needles.

"Don't get hit ! Paladins, Knights, protect as you can, follow the sound of my voice and try to reach me ! I have...I have an idea so hang on !"

"YES !!!"

The same female voice that had asked to put up walls had once again risen in the midst of the chaos they were in and everyone was obeying. They followed the direction of the voice and all finally gathered at the same point, in the middle of this prison of wind and earth. Swords and spears rang out, the elements were unleashed and more than attacking, the 19 humans were defending, buried under the attacks.

The rocks were flying in all directions, the earth in the air was suffocating and stung the eyes, making it difficult to orientate oneself. The situation was unbearable, no one knew where the next attacks would come from and knowing that they were surrounded by monsters did not help. The Knights and Paladins were defending themselves as best they could, but being in such a small space, all huddled together in one place, limited their movements.

"Is everyone here ?"

"Y-YES !!!"

"Perfect ! If we can't make this damn tornado disappear to the sides, then we'll go through the sky ! Hang on !!!"

Suddenly the voice spoke again and as it finished its warning the ground began to shake under the feet of the humans who didn't know what was going on. Only after a few seconds, a huge platform rose up under their feet, carrying them to the sky at great speed. It was made of gray stone, very thick, very wide and incredibly large and hard capable of withstanding many shocks.

"W-We're almost there !"

In this suffocating fog, the Knights and Paladins were hanging on while avoiding the rain of attacks that fell on them as best they could. Soon they were several feet above the ground where everything seemed to be a little calmer and less dangerous. The humans were still in the midst of this dust but the sun's rays were coming directly onto their skin, warming their hearts.

"There...there's no more more shadows.."

"C-can we breathe a little ? I..."

"You think those horrible creatures can't climb ?"

"Impossible ! The walls of my stone column are smooth and even with sharp claws it would be impossible to climb up from the ground !"

The one who had been guiding everyone removed her hands from the stone floor before standing up and removing her white knight's helmet. She was blonde, had green eyes, her face was wounded, blood was running from her nose but her voice did not tremble. Everything had become quiet and the Knights and Paladins were mute in front of the one who had found the courage to guide them all.

" hear ?"

As the woman was about to speak again, one of the mages a little panicked, had suddenly spoken up, beckoning the others. All listening, a slight sound echoed through the whistling of the wind. The rain of attacks had suddenly mysteriously ceased and instead, small, increasingly distinct beats could be heard in the distance.

No one was talking, everyone was listening, and the deafening silence was covered by the beating of their hearts under the pressure of the situation. Suddenly, the sun's rays no longer touched their faces because a huge shadow had appeared from nowhere hiding the light. Looking up all at the same time, the humans could see a beautiful, gray and imposing wyvern slowly flapping its wings.

"Above !!! The flying trash !!!"

Unfortunately, just as they were about to direct their attacks at Trioa who had just appeared, a strong killing intent began to emanate not from above them but all around. Watch the sides ? Shoot from above ? No one had time to make a decision when 9 young half-human women appeared from the fog on all sides, throwing themselves at the humans without hesitation.

All dressed in black, their helmets as intriguing as they were frightening, none of them were in their beast form anymore, now that their strategy had worked. The Chaos Commanders had surrounded and isolated their prey on high ground and were now about to eat them alive. Like Lucifer's ten Death Knights, they were ready to spill blood and plunge this place into deadly chaos.



Names : Freya / Lucifer Nightshade

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course: Ice Demon Wolf of Chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles :

- Demon Goddess of Primordial Blood and Death (former - until all powers are recovered) - 20%.

- Wrathful Lucifer (7th Sin) - Master of the uniques Sins Demons (to unlock it, please gather the other 6 - 3/6 - (locked)

- Dragon tamer

- Ruthless slayer

Level : 45/70

Exp needed for next level: 0 / 46 000

HP : 170 000 / 170 000 MP : 50 000 / 85 000. BLOOD : 100 / 100

Strength: 560

Defense : 560

Agility : 566

Endurance: 563

Speed : 562

Intelligence: 560

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 600

Married to : Gaya Nightshade

Daughter : Shiro Nightshade

Twins (son & daughter) : Tyle & Altaïs Nightshade

Little sister : Kira Nightshade (Greedy Fox)

Big sister : Kalaa Nightshade

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 2239

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos (Freya) - Blood / Death (Lucifer)

Skills (all):

Attacks :

- Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 7)

Défense :

- Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

- Pain Resistance (lvl 6)

Attack/Defense :

- Domain of the Ice Empress "Frozen Wrath" (lvl 4)

- Death Gaze (lvl 1)

Others :

- Humanoid form

- Demonic form (linked to the title so incomplete) - 20%.

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Detection and control of mana (lvl 5)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Master of Souls (lvl 2)

- Lucifer's Threads of Blood (lvl 3)

- Healing Blood (lvl 3)

- Analysis

- Telepathy

Passives :

- Commander (lvl max)

- Natural Aura of the Ice Empress ]

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