The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 203 Chaos II [Hell - Part IX]

- POV General -

On the battlefield, in the middle of this vast treeless expanse, was a huge area buried in dust and wind. Inside, the most powerful humans of the Kingdom of Zal were isolated and fighting the ten most powerful warriors of the Elysium Empire. As if alone in the world, the wall of dust cut them off from the outside world, and the other soldiers did not know what was going on.

Being drowned out by a barrage of attacks from all sides, the humans had made the decision to regroup in the center to face them together. Then, a Knight had acted in haste and raised a large platform into the air to escape the confusion. This action gave them a few minutes of respite before the ones they feared most finally appeared.

"They're here !!!"

The ten Chaos Commanders had emerged from the fog on all sides, armed with their weapons and elements to keep the pressure on. At that moment, time seemed to stand still as an easily palpable rage emanated from those who had suddenly appeared. Their faces could not be seen and only the faces of the helmets that the Commanders wore were visible, representing different expressions.

The moment one of the Paladins shouted, a huge ball of elements was created just above their heads, blocking out all light. It was made of black and orange flames, wind, lightning, spiky roots, and it fell on the astonished humans. The mana was concentrated in it and the aura that this attack gave off was by far the most enormous they had ever had to stop and for good was a combination attack.

Just as they had done in the crypt, the Commanders had opted to mix their elements to strike a powerful blow right from the start. They were together, so why not take advantage of this arrangement ? This ball had appeared out of nowhere and threatened the Knights and Paladins of Zal with its power. Space seemed to distort all around as everyone reacted as quickly as they could.

"Fuck !"

"It''s a pure concentration of mana !"

Without even coordinating, the humans incanted before launching their own attacks into the sky in hopes of stopping or weakening it. Once again, some of them erected horizontal walls while others aimed directly at the mana ball. Thus, a geyser of water also appeared followed by a huge spear made of fire, a whirlwind made of wind and huge pylons made of stone.

"Watch out for the impact !"

"As long as the walls hold up !"

Very quickly, all these attacks reached the ball of elements causing a huge explosion on impact and an incredible blast. A white light dazzled the whole center of this dust storm, forcing the humans to hide their eyes. A powerful and hot wind followed the explosion that blew everything away, the walls that had been created earlier were breaking down one by one and the platform they were standing on was cracking.

"Aaaag !"

"Hang in there !"

Pieces of ice, wood, stone and earth from the walls flew in all directions injuring those who did not protect themselves sufficiently. In an instant, a completely different atmosphere prevailed and once again, the humans could only suffer what fell on them. The air had become even hotter than before and the heat was clouding the minds and slowing down the movements.

After a few minutes, a deafening silence returned to the place where everything had exploded while an intense burning smell rose into the air. The 19 humans on the platform had managed to stop the ball of elements in time without too much injury but had been shaken. All of them had fallen to the ground on the stone platform and were shaking from the force of the impact, which had been very powerful.

"W-What the hell was that ?"

"Is everyone okay ?"

"Is it over ?"

"W-Where are these...these monsters?"

Once again, the Commanders had disappeared from the field of vision of their victims, who did not even have time to recover from the explosion. They had appeared to launch their combined attack and disappeared immediately, creating doubt and fear in their hearts. When and where would they appear ? The pressure and uncertainty were there and the already tired minds were being tested.

"Stay on guard !"

Suddenly, as the blonde Knight took control, new cracks could be heard coming from under their feet. At first faint, gradually becoming louder and drier, shaking the humans. They didn't even have time to question the position of the Commanders when the stone platform collapsed. The power of the explosion had been such that it had shattered the construction from the inside.

"Aaaaaah !"

With a thud and an incredible jolt, the Knights and Paladins were all propelled not upwards but downwards. As everything collapsed, the shadow of a wyvern could be seen in the dust, plunging to the ground. It was following the fall of the humans and had nine people on its back, none other than those sought by Zal's warriors, who were too busy to notice them at the time.

"Shit shit shit ! Watch out it's possible that...AAAAAARGGGH !!!"

As a Knight spoke, a root appeared and pierced his right calf with incredible speed through flesh and bone. Still falling on the platform and under the weight of his own body, the man fell, tearing what skin remained between his leg and his foot. His companions did not have time to react as once again, roots appeared but this time in tens.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Comrades, protect him ! Hold on until the fall is over, we have no fallback !"

"H-How ?"

"Figure it out !!!"

Roots rose from the ground and swarmed like huge, deadly worms, invading from every side and attacking as if they were alive. Panic invaded the humans stuck on the falling platform because they could neither jump nor get away, surrounded by the massive attack of Commander Persea. The only solution was to defend themselves as best they could until they had an environment conducive to counterattack.

Swords, spears and halberds sliced through roots, fire burned them, ice froze them before they were destroyed by kicks and punches. The attacks came from everywhere with incredible intensity in a noisy, bloody and out of control chaos. Everyone was overwhelmed, exhausted, unable to know what was going on, who was attacking them and where the Commanders were.

Despite the danger and urgency of the situation, most Knights and Paladins managed to avoid the deadly attacks with great effort and injury. Then, in a new explosion of stone, earth and dust, the platform finally reached the ground and exploded into a thousand pieces. Just as everyone was jumping to avoid as much debris as possible, the ten best warriors of Elysium showed themselves again.

"I...I'm shot, I'm losing a lot *cough cough* of blood and...

A Paladin hit in the stomach was the first to get up and as he finished his sentence, a wind blade discreetly split the air preventing him from doing so. The man in the white toga, now a dirty brown, did not move, his gaze remaining fixed in the void. The 18 others did not understand and were about to speak when suddenly his body separated in two, cut perfectly in the middle, the two halves slipping on the ground slowly.

Before the wide eyes of his allies, the man had simply been killed by a simple wind blade created by Thorunn. Already weakened by the strategy of the young women of Elysium and with almost no mana left, his death had been quick. He didn't even have time to realize what was happening before he lost his life. Of Zal's 20 humans, only 18 remained.

"Damn those scumbags killed him ! T-There they are here !"

"Kill these monsters ! Ignore the pain, the blood, the wounds and get it over with even if you have to end up disabled for life !"

From the dust came Ralph to the South first, running on all fours despite her humanoid form, as ferocious as in her wolf form. Her hair behind her helmet was bristling, her fangs sharp and her red eyes deadly and piercing. She was charging straight at them, her hands and feet covered as usual in lava. More than a half-human, a wild and dangerous beast had been unleashed.

To the East, it was Emilia's turn to come running, holding her huge sword in both hands firmly, ready to slice and decapitate. Her steps were light, fast and just like Ralph, the young half-human cat was frightening with her sad-faced helmet. To the West, Luna wearing a helmet with an angry demonic face also appeared, surrounded by yellow lightning and wielding two long, curved, glowing daggers.

To the North it was the turn of the black-scaled lamia to slide with ease across the ground towards the humans who had gathered. In her hands, two black fire spears of impressive length, burning intensely and inspiring death. She was dressed entirely in black like the others and her helmet showed an equally demonic face with a frightening mad laugh.

Finally, just as the humans thought there were four of them showing up, Trioa, who was in the sky, swooped down on them. At first in her wyvern form, she started to turn while gaining speed with her wings before suddenly changing her form. Then appeared a half-human with a bow with blade ends and a helmet representing a demonic face with a big deceptive smile.

"In formation !!!"

In an instant, five Commanders came at the humans with a killing intent so powerful that it could be felt for yards around. As they circled, the Paladins in the middle and the Knights raising their weapons all around, the collision was unbelievably violent. All sides of their formations were assaulted and the swords, daggers and spears that were supposed to hold them back seemed to be useless.

Ralph had charged into the pile without even worrying about the blades, her strong, muscular body smashing through the first lines of humans with power. Emilia swung her sword from side to side, creating a space around her, each of her movements causing a gust of wind. Luna, on the other hand, was sneaking through the first row of Knights, moving as quickly and silently as a shadow to do the most damage from the inside.

The young half-wyvern woman, had landed with a crash on the ground right in the middle of the group, propelling the Paladins forward. In just a few seconds, the formation that had been created was already a big mess resulting simply from the action of five Chaos Commanders. This time they weren't kidding around, and the most skilled Elysium warriors in hand-to-hand combat had been unleashed with a crazy rage.

"K-Kill them, there are only five !"

"Aaaaarggh !!!"

The young woman with brown hair and red eyes growled, still on all fours, she struck to break bones and bit to draw blood. Her movements were incredibly fast and strong and her lava was much more incandescent than before. Ralph no longer thought, she let herself be guided by her animal instincts, breaking swords with a single blow of her fists and ignoring the pain of the weapons that cut her skin.

Emilia, using her cat attributes even more to perfection, did not get hit and always found a way to stop the attacks that were aimed at her. She wielded her sword with ease and even used it to move more easily and quickly. Using its weight to her advantage, calculating everything perfectly, the young woman propelled herself high into the sky, dodging and striking with precision and strength without much effort.

"We are human s! We can't lose !! Sacrifice yourself if you have to, but we have to stop them !!"

As for Nixia, her approach was a little less savage but just as effective and dangerous thanks to her long tail ending in a blade. She had no more blind spot worries and protected every space with her black flame lances that she mastered perfectly. The young lamia woman twirled them in the air repelling all attacks without exception, helped by someone in the shadows.

" of the subrace invincible and helps them !!"

"I-Impossible !!"

Indeed, this was not true but Luna was so fast that she was just an uncapturable draught who knew perfectly what she had to do. The half-panther young woman, fought alongside her friends Ralph, Emilia, Nixia, Trioa and used her skills as an assassin to help them in the shadows. Luna used her lightning not powerful enough to kill but enough to paralyze a few seconds offering them an opening.

So when Ralph was about to take a dangerous blow, the attack was stopped by a powerful lightning. When Emilia was overwhelmed, she was given enough time to recover by discharges targeting her enemies. When elements were about to hit Trioa, they were deflected by a dagger and when Nixia didn't react fast enough, paralyzing lightning protected her.

The five Chaos Commanders didn't even speak, but they didn't need to because they knew and trusted each other deeply. At that moment, each of them had placed her life in the hands of the other nine, their hearts beating in unison, driven by the same desire for victory. Despite the difference in numbers and the five levels separating them from the humans, the women warriors of Elysium had something far more precious.

Unlike those who had come to invade their Empire, a real and strong bond bound them together, made of love, trust and totally devoid of selfishness and cowardice. Therefore, they were not fighting for their own interest and survival but for the interest of all with a strong desire for protection. More than companions or friends, at that moment...the ten Chaos Commanders were like sisters united in life and death.



Names : Freya / Lucifer Nightshade

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course: Ice Demon Wolf of Chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles :

- Demon Goddess of Primordial Blood and Death (former - until all powers are recovered) - 20%.

- Wrathful Lucifer (7th Sin) - Master of the uniques Sins Demons (to unlock it, please gather the other 6 - 3/6 - (locked)

- Dragon tamer

- Ruthless slayer

Level : 45/70

Exp needed for next level: 0 / 46 000

HP : 170 000 / 170 000 MP : 50 000 / 85 000. BLOOD : 100 / 100

Strength: 560

Defense : 560

Agility : 566

Endurance: 563

Speed : 562

Intelligence: 560

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 600

Married to : Gaya Nightshade

Daughter : Shiro Nightshade

Twins (son & daughter) : Tyle & Altaïs Nightshade

Little sister : Kira Nightshade (Greedy Fox)

Big sister : Kalaa Nightshade

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 2239

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos (Freya) - Blood / Death (Lucifer)

Skills (all):

Attacks :

- Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 7)

Défense :

- Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

- Pain Resistance (lvl 6)

Attack/Defense :

- Domain of the Ice Empress "Frozen Wrath" (lvl 4)

- Death Gaze (lvl 1)

Others :

- Humanoid form

- Demonic form (linked to the title so incomplete) - 20%.

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Detection and control of mana (lvl 5)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Master of Souls (lvl 2)

- Lucifer's Threads of Blood (lvl 3)

- Healing Blood (lvl 3)

- Analysis

- Telepathy

Passives :

- Commander (lvl max)

- Natural Aura of the Ice Empress ]

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