The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 204 Chaos III [Hell - Part X]

[N/A: sorry for the late I took a break]


- POV General -

Of the ten most powerful female warriors in Elysium, only five had shown up once the platform had collapsed to the ground. They were only five and yet they were already wreaking havoc on the human ranks, weakening them both physically and morally. Like them, the Knights and Paladins had little mana left in reserve and little by little the battle was becoming physical rather than magical.

Of the 20 humans, only 18 remained and despite the difference in level, the teamwork of the Commanders was enough to close the gap. Everything was perfectly calculated, every movement, every attack... they fought without communicating and yet nothing was done at random. The idea was to exhaust the humans enough to finish with them in one last massive attack.

On the other hand, the confrontation in the middle of this dust cloud was so violent and powerful that the fog did not disappear, always cutting them off from the outside world. No one knew what their respective armies were doing, no one knew where the war was at, but at that moment they didn't care. It was already long minutes that Ralph, Trioa, Luna, Nixia and Emilia had appeared putting in difficulty alone 18 lost and panicked humans.

"Fuck, touch them they are only five !!!"

"Use what mana you have left and kill them !!!"

"Uuurgg !!!"

Some of the Paladins and Knights continued to shout orders in this madness to motivate the others, but to no avail. Unlike their opponents, the Church of Humanity was not used to fighting alongside Zal's army, making it very difficult to coordinate them. Moreover, this selfish and instinctive desire for survival had taken over every human heart, unconsciously driving them to fight for their own interests rather than those of the group.

"Watch out !!!"

"Damn I think AAAH !"

The clash of swords, the screams of pain, the sound of armor breaking, all created a deafening cacophony. In this cacophony, where everyone was both musician and conductor, life and death were only two sides of the same coin. At that very moment, a struggle for survival was taking place between only ten level 30 young women and 18 level 35 humans.

Like any war, this deadly and chaotic free-for-all was incredibly powerful and neither side was immune. The five strongest female warriors of Elysium were drawing blood, but theirs was also drawing blood, staining the ground an ever more scarlet color. They didn't show it, but the ten young women were all equally terrified, fearing for their lives and those of their friends.

"Damn monsters !"

"Shit !"

Gradually, the efforts of the five Commanders began to pay off as more and more Knights and Paladins were being affected. Their half-human nature was one of the reasons for the narrowing of the gap in levels and it was felt. Emilia and Ralph, although also tired, were touching more and more people and were able to push their opponents in their last steps.

Trioa, Nixia and Luna, slightly less brutal, kept the rest of the humans busy to put pressure on them mentally. Kicks and punches rained down, bones cracked, screams rang out and the situation became more and more unbearable. Then suddenly, the five young women jumped into the air while an explosion took place once again in the middle of the human ranks.



New roots had sprouted from the ground to scatter Zal's fighters further and further, propelling them in different directions. At that moment, the other five Commanders who were not there finally appeared to rotate with their friends. Like a war of attrition, the ones who would win would be the ones who could still stand despite the intensity of the fight, the fatigue and the wounds.

The remaining 18 humans were in a terrible state, armor was broken, clothes were torn, some had broken bones and others had bleeding wounds. But, unfortunately for them, it was far from over, because Caipy, Persea, Ynir, Naïa and Thorunn were now appearing. Taking the place of their friends to let them breathe a little, they were there for the second part of the confrontation.

Thus, a vampire with eyes as red as blood could be seen running among the human tide cutting everything with her nails which had lengthened. Caipy, on the other hand, was taking care of the five others while Persea was imprisoning her victims with her plants. Passing behind the dryad, a small fox covered with flame but fierce as a lion, zigzagged igniting each root holding a human.



Ynir was also there and against all odds, was fighting with two very thin long swords that she wielded very well. Most of the Commanders, like the humans, had little mana left, leaving only hand-to-hand combat. Being the least powerful in this area, Ynir, Persea, Naïa and Caipy mainly targeted Paladins while the others targeted Knights.

No one had died yet, but it was only a matter of time before this little war of attrition finally bore fruit. The blood continued to spill and even the young women were getting more and more injured by the humans. The swords that remained cut their skin, the fists broke some of their bones and it was hard to say if they would last.

"NOW !!"

Suddenly, Persea's powerful voice echoed up to the sky causing a chain reaction from her friends that the Knights and Paladins had not anticipated. Once again, a dense aura of different colors enveloped all the Commanders of Elysium, making their enemies instinctively retreat. They were finally going to end this and were gathering all their remaining power to end this confrontation.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Watch out they are up to something...we...we have to keep fighting !"

The voice of the blonde knight was heard again, but it was weaker, even more trembling from fatigue, fear and obviously pain. Her armor was completely shredded, her arm hung motionless in the air and her forehead was covered in blood. Just like her comrades, this human was only holding on to the strength of her will, her body having already given up all strength.

"We must...

The exhausted Knight didn't even have time to finish her sentence when a huge jaw closed on her, tearing her legs from her trunk with a sharp blow. The humans who were right next to her, were now hidden by the shadow of a beast that dominated them with its size. Shaking their heads, they could see huge fangs full of blood above them, pieces of their comrade's flesh still attached.

A huge black panther had just bitten the woman without a moment's hesitation, its blue and gold eyes glowing dangerously. That was it, the humans were exhausted enough to be picked off by the Commanders, who were also beginning to be unable to stand. Six of the ten female Elysium warriors had taken on their animal form and were soon wreaking havoc on the ranks of Zal's soldiers one last time.


"NOOOO !!!"

After those long minutes of intensive fighting, all exhausted, they could only beg for their lives, unable to bear the sight of those huge beasts again. No more mana could be used for either side and only strength of body and determination could lead to victory. In the dusty heap, the smell of blood grew stronger and stronger as the Commanders were finally able to kill.

Ralph was tearing off heads with her sharp jaw in her wolf form, Nixia was decapitating with a single blow of her tail and Naïa was biting the jugular in her small fox form. Emilia in her humanoid form, sliced bodies in half and cut off limbs much more easily while Thorunn threw herself at the throat of the most disoriented to empty them of their blood before they could even react.

A little further away, Trioa shot arrows in the chest or in the foreheads, Ynir did the same with her swords and Persea pierced hearts with her bare hands. Never had the confrontation been so bloody and deadly as at this moment, now that the Knights and Paladins were totally weakened. The cries of pain and despair rose into the sky along with the agonizing sounds of bones cracking.


"M-MERCY !!"


Guts spilled onto the ground, heads rolled, limbs came off, and in the middle of this mess, ten young women went wild. There was no strategy, no coordination because the only order was to kill, exterminate and annihilate. For the first time, far from the eyes of the other soldiers, the Chaos Commanders were engaged in a massacre worthy of their title.

They could finally unleash all their anger against those who had come to destroy what was dearest to them and kill without shame those they loved. The fangs snapped, the beasts growled, the auras were terrifying and the young women were unrecognizable. Caught up in a vengeful, murderous, almost demonic frenzy, they almost seemed to forget what they were doing it for.

Monsters, wild beasts, this moment, all these names were perfect to describe the strongest female warriors of the Empire. They did not torture, but the death of these 18 humans was far from painless. Their final hours were a mixture of terrifying feelings of fear, exhaustion, despair, and even the desire to die to end the slaughter. The Chaos Commanders had struck.


After several very long minutes, it was quiet again but the smell of blood in the air was still present, stronger than ever. The sun was still slightly veiled by the dust that still gravitated around this human graveyard. The best warriors of Elysium had won and were standing again in their humanoid forms, hair blowing in the wind and silent.



"Mmmh... it's over."

The Commanders were standing there in the middle of a field made of 19 bodies, the ground of which was no longer visible and was covered with blood. Naïa, the youngest and the last to speak, was stunned by this realization, while her friends were not in a different state. The young fire vixen was shaking, her forehead was bloody and she carried on her body the proof of her hard fight that she had led until the end.

"It's over..."

"Naïa !"

Repeating these words once again, the youngest Commander fell to her knees, letting all her weight guide her to the ground, completely exhausted. At this sight, Emilia her girlfriend, had rushed towards her to lift her by the waist while the eight others approached slowly. Naïa had the head lowered, shook and as she raised her head, all could see tears running from her green eyes on her face.

"W-We did it...we...I..."

All the pressure of the last few hours was finally falling as a multitude of strong emotions invaded the youngest warrior. An immense pride mixed with the fear she had not dared to express as well as an overflowing joy. She was not the only one to feel this, because all those around her who had shared the same moment, shared exactly the same feelings.

"Yes...girls, we did it."

While Luna answered softly, pushed by the same desire, the eight young women fell all to knees close to Naïa and Emilia. They did not cry but their eyes were all the same, misty, accompanied by a tender smile which drew itself on their face. Out of sight and still hidden behind the dust that was gradually dissipating, the Commanders were all hugging each other happier than ever.

"We can say that the Chaos Commanders fought valiantly and chaotically while sowing chaos. Long live Chaos ! Aouch ! *cough cough*!"

Ralph had said these words while raising her arms to proudly show her biceps with a big smile before suddenly touching her stomach. She was wounded in the stomach and this little demonstration had made her cough blood under the worried, amused and desperate look of the others. Shaking her head slightly, Thorunn put her arm around Ralph's neck to bring her back into the general embrace not without scolding her.

"Silly girl, be careful you're hurt !"

"Aaaaah ! So don't catch me like that bloodsucking woman, you'll kill me !"

As the ten young women, exhausted, wounded but proud and victorious, hugged each other and laughed tenderly, a huge noise resounded in the distance. The war was far from over and at the other end of this huge arena of fire, another equally violent and deadly battle was taking place. Yes, the Commanders had killed Zal's strongest soldiers but their respective armies were still fighting.

Guided for the first time by the Lieutenants of the Commanders and the Queen herself, these valiant soldiers of Elysium, who numbered about 1500, faced the bulk of the human army, which numbered 3000. Once again, the battle was uneven, but that was without counting the Queen of the Empire, the Mother of the Earth Dragons and wife of the Empress, who alone stood before the Chief of the Paladins and the Captain of the Knights.

The two of them were protecting the King who, despite his so-called warlike exploits, was hiding behind his royal status to let his people die. The Lieutenants led the army against Zal's and Sir Myles and Saint Leto were alone against the dragoness who weren't alone. Gaya was on the battlefield for the first time and was about to fight a memorable and bloody battle, worthy of her wife, to protect her family and her Empire.



Names : Freya / Lucifer Nightshade

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course: Ice Demon Wolf of Chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles :

- Demon Goddess of Primordial Blood and Death (former - until all powers are recovered) - 20%.

- Wrathful Lucifer (7th Sin) - Master of the unique Sins Demons (to unlock it, please gather the other 6 - 3/6 - (locked)

- Dragon tamer

- Ruthless slayer

Level : 45/70

Exp needed for next level: 0 / 46 000

HP : 170 000 / 170 000 MP : 50 000 / 85 000. BLOOD : 100 / 100

Strength: 560

​ Defense : 560

Agility : 566

Endurance: 563

Speed : 562

Intelligence: 560

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 600

Married to : Gaya Nightshade

Daughter : Shiro Nightshade

Twins (sound & daughter) : Tyle & Altaïs Nightshade

Little sister : Kira Nightshade (Greedy Fox)

Big sister : Kalaa Nightshade

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 2239

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos (Freya) - Blood / Death (Lucifer)

Skills (all):


- Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 7)


- Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

- Pain Resistance (lvl 6)


- Domain of the Ice Empress "Frozen Wrath" (lvl 4)

- Death Gaze (lvl 1)

Others :

- Humanoid form

- Demonic form (linked to the title so incomplete) - 20%.

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Detection and control of mana (lvl 5)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Master of Souls (lvl 2)

- Lucifer's Threads of Blood (lvl 3)

- Healing Blood (lvl 3)

- Analysis

- Telepathy

Passive :

- Commander (lvl max)

- Natural Aura of the Ice Empress ]

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