The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 205 Kiss Of War [Hell - Part XI]

- POV General -

So far in this first real war for the Elysium Empire, everything had gone well, especially for the Empress, the Princess and the Commanders. Of course, except for Freya, the others had not come out of their battles completely unscathed but were still standing. They had all fought valiantly at the cost of many wounds that at any moment could have cost them their lives.

But even though Elysium had the upper hand and the first to fight came back victorious and alive, this was a real war. While the Commanders were causing chaos, a little further on, the bulk of the Empire's army was fighting Zal's. Gaya stood in front of all her soldiers, the Lieutenants right behind her, facing the Knights and Paladins of the invading Kingdom.

In the front line were Sir Myles and Saint Leto, respectively Captain of the Knights and Chief of the Paladins of the Church. Unexpectedly, the King was not leading his army and was instead at the very back, holed up like a rat and waiting for the end. For the moment, no one had moved, each side watching the other carefully for any useful information.

"You ! You are an earth dragon aren't you ?"


"How did you survive ? Your whole race was wiped out years ago."

The one who had spoken first was Saint Leto, who spoke directly to the Empress' wife without any respect. In the distance, the noises were deafening but he remained focused on the woman who was standing in front of him and whose race he had guessed. Gaya, on the other hand, did not respond and seemed to be waiting for something, forcing the irritated Chief of Paladins to pick up where he left off.

"Are you deaf, you dragon bastard ? I just asked you what you are doing here when ten years ago your whole family disappeared !"

Despite the situation and the fact that he was facing a real earth dragon, the human spoke without fear and even had a hint of disdain in his voice. Being at the head of an army of 3000 soldiers against one half the size of theirs gave him total confidence. The absence of Freya and the Commanders was also the reason why Saint Leto and everyone else felt less terrified of their fate.

The provocations were flying and yet the Queen did not move, still unmoved and staring intently at the one who was trying in vain to push her over the edge. She was dressed in red, perfectly matching her crimson hair and amber eyes, making her dazzling even to humans. Gaya did not evoke mortal fear like her wife, but rather a strong, majestic presence that was impossible to pin down due to her thousand-year-old race.

"H-How dare he insult the Queen in this way !?"

"I would so love to rip him to shreds...grrrr"

"Patience my friend, patience"

Behind the dragoness, the Lieutenants were having a harder time keeping their composure as one of the people they respected the most was being insulted. All of them were there, there was Liz the half tiger woman under Ralph, Zak the red bear under Emilia and Kurumi the pink haired elf under Naya and Nixia. Of the eight Lieutenants they had been the first to whisper to show their anger.

Next to them were Leon the kobold Lieutenant of Thorunn, Nella the harpy under the orders of Trioa, Ash the half-leopard of Luna's section, Itham the elf Lieutenant of Ynir and Persea without forgetting the dryad Nina under the orders of Caipy. Thanks to their participation in the exploration of the crypt, they were all between level 18 and 20 and could stand proudly behind the Dragoness Queen.

Always silent despite the provocations, she was waiting for something or someone, which made Saint Leto's rage grow ever stronger. It was obvious that he was up to something and the lack of reaction was obviously not part of his plan. The scene was almost surreal because no soldier had attacked yet and no alert had been given despite the start of the war and the noises around.

"This reminds me of the useless little being who had the same race as you, that the Church traded for black-scaled lamias to the Vancesia Empire. Hahaha~ he was crossed and served for years as a test subject in exchange for good treatment, board and lodging. He...

"Torturing, starving, beating, maiming and traumatizing a poor child for his entire life, is that what you call good treatment ?"

The Chief of Paladins didn't even have time to finish his sentence when Gaya finally reacted to the mention of the one she knew very well. The words the human had said resonated particularly with her as it was her little brother Angel whom she had found less than two months ago. His mere mention was enough to make the Queen react, which did not escape Leto who spoke again with a wide smile.

"For beings like you it is indeed a good treatment."

"How cruel...even death would be more life-saving."

"Oh but don't worry about it, as I speak this little scumbag is already dead, making you the last of your race hahahaha~ That said, it's a bit of a shame, I'm going to miss its fearful eyes, its muffled screams and the sound of its bones...sigh"

At his words, the calm aura of the dragoness exploded in a veil of fiery colors tinged with shadows and crimson gradations. She was still too affected and sensitive about her little brother and all sorts of images crossed her mind in spite of her breaking the calm image she had kept until now. A strong killing intent was now emanating from the dragoness seeming to scare the humans but also to delight them.


As Gaya clenched her fists, a powerful desire to tear the Paladin's head off rose within her as her wings appeared on her back. Her horns also grew on her forehead and her hands gradually took on the appearance of dragon paws with their claws and scales. Anger was rising in spite of herself, the Queen was trembling, almost growling and as she was about to move forward, a hand was placed on her shoulder.

"My love...calm down"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The Empress had appeared at her wife's side like an undetectable gust of wind and her action instantly calmed the dragoness who retracted her aura. With a snap of her finger, Freya then conjured up small spikes of ice that she nonchalantly threw towards the human army. As they approached the Chief Paladin and the Captain of the Knights, their throw was stopped by what was normally an invisible dome.

On contact with it, it appeared and the ice spikes automatically disintegrated, leaving the humans unharmed behind this protection. In her anger, Gaya did not realize that this trap was set for her, which explains Saint Leto's audacious behavior. Raising her head towards her wife, the dragoness realized that her mistake and her lack of self-control could have put her at a serious disadvantage.

"Kira fought bravely but needs to rest a bit. It took me a little while to get here because I was helping with her care but now I'm here."



Gaya did not have time to respond as the leader of the Paladins shouted in the direction of Freya recognizing the one who had made a bloody spectacle. The confidence that he and the army had shown was now replaced by tremors and incredible fear resulting from the mere presence of the Empress. Not only had she prevented the Queen from falling into the trap but her power was not to be taken lightly and they perfectly knew it.

Turning her head towards Myles and Leto, her piercing violet eyes paralyzed them almost immediately as the soldiers all instinctively took a step back. Without saying a word, it was the she-wolf's turn to release her dense black aura like a flash, breaking the invisible barrier the humans had placed. Like a shattering mirror, the dome made of mana exploded into a thousand pieces on contact with the black veil with disconcerting ease.

"Now that there are no more magical barriers between us and you, let's get started, shall we ?"

On Freya's lips, a frightening smile appeared at that moment, all the more nightmarish as blood was still covering the part of her face that revealed her broken helmet. At her words, the soldiers of Elysium exclaimed while making a deafening noise, praising the arrival of the Empress at their side. On the other side, they were not so enthusiastic but were ready to fight for their lives.



Leto and Myles took turns rekindling the flame of their troops with words that to Elysium were empty lies. For all the soldiers of the Empire, hearing these words only fueled their bloodlust, which was mixed with the resentment that each of them shared towards this kind of human. The Empress, on the other hand, chuckled softly, for more than anger, these words reflected the naivety and stupidity of those in front of her.

"No God will come to save you from the Hell that will soon fall upon you all and nothing and no one will be able to change your fate. Waiting for your best soldiers ? I doubt they will ever return but I must admit you are right about one the end you will all be judged by your actions."

Freya had spoken quietly but with great power, covering the sound of voices that rose in the air on both sides of the two camps. She had a small smile on her face that suddenly disappeared as she turned to Gaya who nodded. At her signal, the she-wolf then turned to the Lieutenants who were backing away knowing the plan, before turning her palm towards the ground uttering a final sentence.

"You think you command your armies ? I don't think so."

Suddenly, just as one of Zal's Knights had done during her fight with the Commanders, a huge ice platform rose into the sky. On it were the Empress, her wife, Myles and Leto, who had not had time to react. Divide and conquer. This is what the she-wolf had just done by cutting off all the opposing soldiers from their two brains that were supposed to command their units.

Unlike the humans, Elysium always had 8 people in charge of operations, allowing for an advantage from the start. At that moment, a mass slaughter would take place on the ground while in the sky, a four-way fight would rain blood. Leto and Myles could no longer get out, the platform was much too high but the she-wolf had also built a cage-like dome around it.


"Forcing us to...fight away from our ranks..."

The division had been strategic because although they were not at the level of Zal's Mage Knight, Erina (Jade), the Paladin and the Knight were both level 40. In their Kingdom there were a few more powerful people, yet both men held important positions. The Empress assumed that they were very experienced and her theory confirmed by Alayna, chose to fight them alone with Gaya.

Thus, two separate battle zones had been created and while the she-wolf and her dragoness were on the gigantic, high platform, the Lieutenants were on the ground. Everything had been planned in advance and the invaders could only adapt to what had just happened. Then, under the hate-filled gaze of the two humans, it was the beautiful Queen who finally spoke, finally releasing her aura completely with every word.

"Do you understand now ? You signed your death warrant by entering this forest. The moment you set foot in it, your end was already written. No one can lead your army anymore...maybe your pathetic King but he seems far too busy hiding for that."

Gaya's voice had an unexpected coldness that even her wife had never heard, and as she spoke, the air grew more and more stuffy. While Myles and Leto looked at her with disgust and fear, to her right, Freya's eyes glistened. Seeing her wife like this had triggered a new feeling that made her heart pound and gave her chills she couldn't explain.


"YES !"

The two men began to incant with fervor, preparing their weapons and magic for the fight of their lives, but in front of them, it was the opposite. Suddenly, as Gaya prepared to do the same, Freya grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in for a passionate kiss. Their tongues rolled sensually, their saliva mixing with the blood that the she-wolf had on her lips.

The situation didn't seem ideal, but no matter how prepared they were, what was to come would be a tough fight. It was the right time because it wasn't the right time so releasing her embrace and slowly pulling away, the Empress opened her eyes to look at the beautiful red face of her Queen. As the two humans finished getting ready, she smiled before whispering words in a soft voice that only Gaya could hear.

"Baby, you're so hot when you talk to humans like nothing, I couldn't help it fufu~"

For the first time, they were going to fight together and although they trusted each other, the fear of losing the other was present and this kiss was the strength they needed to reassure their hearts that beat only for each other. Despite the seriousness of the situation, it was with a knowing smile that the Empress and the Queen turned back to the Paladin and the Knight they were to face.



Names : Freya / Lucifer Nightshade

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course: Ice Demon Wolf of Chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles :

- Demon Goddess of Primordial Blood and Death (former - until all powers are recovered) - 20%.

- Wrathful Lucifer (7th Sin) - Master of the unique Sins Demons (to unlock it, please gather the other 6 - 3/6 - (locked)

- Dragon tamer

- Ruthless slayer

Level : 45/70

Exp needed for next level: 0 / 46 000

HP : 170 000 / 170 000 MP : 50 000 / 85 000. BLOOD : 100 / 100

Strength: 560

Defense : 560

Agility : 566

Endurance: 563

Speed : 562

Intelligence: 560

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 600

Married to : Gaya Nightshade

Daughter : Shiro Nightshade

Twins (sound & daughter) : Tyle & Altaïs Nightshade

Little sister : Kira Nightshade (Greedy Fox)

Big sister : Kalaa Nightshade

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 2239

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos (Freya) - Blood / Death (Lucifer)

Skills (all):


- Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 7)


- Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

- Pain Resistance (lvl 6)


- Domain of the Ice Empress "Frozen Wrath" (lvl 4)

- Death Gaze (lvl 1)

Others :

- Humanoid form

- Demonic form (linked to the title so incomplete) - 20%.

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Detection and control of mana (lvl 5)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Master of Souls (lvl 2)

- Lucifer's Threads of Blood (lvl 3)

- Healing Blood (lvl 3)

- Analysis

- Telepathy

Passive :

- Commander (lvl max)

- Natural Aura of the Ice Empress ]

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