The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 269: What's going on.

Chapter 269: What's going on.

Hong Xia sat down with the old woman and explained what she had seen in full. She mentioned the part about him defeating hundreds of demons and then getting complimented by Sect Master Shen. The old woman's eyes widened slightly upon hearing that. But she was still focusing on healing Haru so she remained quiet and listened to what Hong Xia had to say. 

"It was amazing, You should have seen it. It looked like something straight from a movie screen. One minute the demons were floating in the sky and then the next they had turned into balls of red mist before they fell to paint the ground in blood. 

I have never seen anyone fight on that level before so when I saw that it was Haru I almost had a heart attack. I didn't know he had that much power within him." Hong Xia praised Haru's efforts like a true fan and then went silent as she realised that she was talking about him a little too much.

The old woman stared at Hon Xia as her cheeks turned a little bit red from embarrassment.

"It seems like you two know each other then. I bet he will be happy to learn that you saved him when he was in trouble." The old woman said with a smile as she looked at Hong Xia with suspicion. 

"No, It's nothing like that I swear! We just met a couple of times before and he came to my house to speak to my grandfather about helping him out here. He also has a girlfriend so it can't be anything like that." Hong Xia said in her defence. She felt like the old woman thought that she and Haru were having a thing so she knew she had to clear things up before it got out of hand. 

The last thing she wanted was for Haru to hate her because his girlfriend broke up with him. After all, she thought that he was cheating on her. She just felt like she wanted to become Haru's friend. Nothing less and certainly nothing more. 

He was practically a stranger at this point but she was interested in him and to find out how he had gotten so strong in such a short amount of time as well as find out how he knew how to make pills. Her family had many pill refiners but not a single one of them could even dream of creating a pill with the same quality that Haru had made. 

She looked down on Haru as he was laying on the ground and noticed that his breathing had started to calm and it was more rhythmical than it was before. It seemed like he was just drawing breath mindlessly before like a fish out of water but now it looked just like he was sleeping. 

"It's okay, You don't have to explain your relationship to me. It's none of my business but strong men tend not to stay with one woman for the rest of their life. A friend of my husband had four wives at the same time. Well, that was until they killed each other" The old woman said with a sad expression on her face.

"I- I'm sorry to hear that." Hong Xia sympathized with the old woman since it seemed to make her a little sad and the last thing she wanted was her to think that she didn't care about the fact that she just mentioned her friends dying. The old woman then looked up with a smile. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"No don't be. They were a bunch of bitches anyway. I never liked them but, unfortunately, they killed their husband during the fighting. He was never very strong yet he decided to surround himself with strong and jealous women. It was only a matter of time before they killed him." The old woman said again this time with a little chuckle as if the thought of death didn't bother her at all. 

"Ex-excuse me." The man in the suit called over to the old woman from across the room. He didn't dare to approach her since he had seen what happened to Mr Cheng when he got too close to her.

"What is it? Don't you see that I'm having a nice chat with this young lady over here?" The old woman yelled. Without so much as exerting an ounce of Qi, the man dropped to his knees and apologised profusely. 

"Yes, of course, I will wait until you finish. I'm sorry ma'am!" The man yelled before hitting his head against the ground to show that he was sorry. 

"It's fine, don't hurt yourself. You might as well go ahead now that you have interrupted me." The old woman sighed. She wasn't impressed by that fact but she was willing to listen to what he had to say despite his interruption.

"Yes ma'am It's just that my boss is. Well is he alive?" The man asked as he looked at Mr Cheng who was laying on the floor. The old woman then looked down at the lifeless body on the floor. 

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I hope it isn't too late." She said before lifting one of her hands and then holding it out towards his body. Suddenly a vine-like substance emerged from her hand and wrapped around Mr Cheng's body before a loud bang shook the room. It was as if lightning had struck the whole building but on closer inspection, the sound had come from the vines and there was an ark of electricity passing through the vines as it was wrapped around his body. 

Mr Cheng gasped as he suddenly began to breathe again. He then groaned in pain before rolling on to his side and passing out. But at least now it was obvious that he was alive given the fact that he was breathing. 

"Go ahead and take him. He's all yours." The old woman said before waving her hand to dismiss the man in the suit. 

The man ran over to Mr Cheng and began to drag his body out of the room and back outside before getting into one of the cars outside and driving away. 

"Now where were we? The old woman asked but as soon as the man had left the room the other healers that were too frightened to do anything ran over and flocked around the old woman.

"Thank you so much!" 

"You saved our lives."

"I thought that they were going to kill me for a moment!" The healers began to sing the old woman praise for standing up against Mr Cheng but to her, these people were as worthless as cockroaches. 

In the face of danger they froze and didn't dare to fight back yet they still called themselves cultivators. That was something that she couldn't forgive. A true cultivator to her fought regardless of the chances of survival and used any means necessary to defeat their enemy.

It wasn't the fact that they were scared that bothered her. It was the fact that they refused to overcome that fear and instead decided to sacrifice a young girl and an injured boy for the sake of survival. 

"You should be ashamed of yourselves. You stood by and watched as a young girl was targeted by a man twice her size and didn't say so much as a word when he was about to kill an injured boy. Do you dare to call yourself cultivators? I will tell you this right now if you were in my sect and you did something like that I would personally cripple your cultivation myself and leave you stranded in the mountains to become food for the animals. 

You are a bunch of cowards and you came over to me to praise me for saving you in hopes that you could get on my good side and rely on me to get you out of situations like this in the future didn't you? You are a subclass of humans.

Despicable." The old woman criticised their cowardly actions and then continued healing Haru's injuries in silence. 

"Her attitude is a bit"

"Who is she to call us cowards? Did she not see that we were completely outclassed?"

"I know right. There would have been nothing that we could do against him" The people began to talk amongst themselves and judged the old woman right in front of her which she ignored until one of them directed a question towards her.

"Then what would you have done in our situation? What if someone stronger than you was stopping you from protecting someone? It looks nice to act like a hero by coming in to save the day but what if you couldn't do anything?" A red-haired woman asked the old woman. 

"Then I would die. To be a cultivator is to stand against the heavens. Every day could be your last day alive so it is best if you try to live without regrets. The last thing I want is to lose my humanity before death. So I would fight. 

I would fight regardless of the outcome. If I die then so be it. But I know that if I sat by and watched as two kids were killed then I would regret it for the rest of my life. So if it means dying before them and attacking the man then I would do it.

That is what it means to be a cultivator. To put your needs above others is fine but just make sure that you live without regrets." The old woman said out loud causing everyone to go silent once again as they stared at her for a few moments.

"What's going on?" A weak and feeble voice called out as Haru opened his eyes and looked up at the crowd of people standing around him.

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