The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 270: What is going on?

Chapter 270: What is going on?

Haru looked up to see a crowd of people gathered around him as well as Sect Master Shen's wife who was leaning over him and looking up at them also. But as soon as he spoke everyone turned to look at him with shocked expressions he didn't know what had happened but the way everyone was looking at him was strange. 

"What?" Haru asked as he looked up at the people surrounding him. He then tried to move but felt a pain shoot up through the bottom of his spine all the way to the base of his skull. He wasn't sure what caused it but he knew that whatever it was it couldn't be good. 

He tried to move once again after groaning in pain but Cecilia put her hand on his chest and pushed him back down to the ground.

"Stay down. You're not fully healed yet." She said in a stern voice that said she had no time to play games with him and that she knew what she was talking about. 

Haru nodded his head and closed his eyes. He was confused by what was happening and his head was a little bit muddled but he did remember that Li Jun had been caught in the blast of the cannon from the colossal ship. He couldn't believe that it had come to this and was eager to seek revenge.

But with the condition his body was in now, it would be impossible for him to stand let alone take down a flying ship in the sky. He knew that he was down for the count for the remainder of this fight and wasn't sure what to think about it. 

He just wanted to sleep for a while and hope that all his problems went away when he woke up but he knew that even if he did it wouldn't bring Li Jun back.

And that was the main thing he was concerned with. He didn't mind being injured or even the casualties that their side had bound to have taken. The only thing that he was concerned with was the fact that Li Jun had sacrificed himself in exchange for Haru to continue living. 

And as he thought about it he felt his lower lip begin to tremble and his jaw became unsteady. 

"Is everything okay?" Hong Xia asked as she noticed that he was on the verge of breaking down but In response, he clenched his Jaw and covered his face with the crease of his elbow as he lay on his back and received the healing from Cecilia. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"It's probably for the best that you leave him be for a while. A man's pride is something that we women will always fail to understand. I bet he feels defeated since he has been injured." Cecilia used her spiritual sense to directly talk to Hong Xia without Haru overhearing them.

Hong Xia simply nodded her head and left the room before walking back into the street outside. She stood by the front door for a few moments before taking a deep breath. She couldn't believe what had just happened. She was almost killed by someone who she thought was an ally.

But not only that. She was almost forced to watch as a defenceless man was killed in front of her. A tear ran down her cheek as she stepped outside into the could.

The thunderstorm that had happened earlier had seemed to bring a nasty rain cloud over the city and it poured down from the sky before washing the tears from her face. She looked up at the sky and took a deep breath. 

"I'm so useless. I need to become stronger." She said to herself before pulling the hood of her jacket up over her head and then flying up into the sky. She headed straight back to the battlefield in hopes of finding a few stragglers that had yet to die since she felt like she needed to take her anger out on something. 

"You should be okay to move around for now but don't even think about fighting until you have rested for at least forty eight hours. Your whole spine was shattered and your kidney had ruptured. You are lucky to be alive right now so you had better thank that girl for bringing you here when she did okay?" Cecilia scolded Haru for his lack of gratefulness but that was the last thing on his mind right now. 

"Mhm." Was the only thing that could escape his lips as he replied to her with a nod. He was clenching his jaw to hold back his cries but that didn't stop the tears from pooling up in his eye socket and streaming down his face. He tried desperately to wipe them away with his overhand as he still kept his face covered but it was no use.

By the time he had to move his hand, Cecilia had already spotted the tears and she looked up at the group of healers who were still waiting for her to say something else. She sighed slightly before opening her mouth.

"All of you get out!" She shouted at them, as soon as she had finished the healers scuttled into a single file line and ran out of the room that they were in. Leaving her alone with Haru. 

"Why!" Haru yelled out as he knew that he was now alone with Cecilia. He removed his arm from his face and looked up at the sky with an empty look in his eyes as the tears continued to fall from his eyes and slide down his cheeks before splashing into a pool that was starting to form on both sides of his head.

"It's okay my dear. I promise you that it will all be okay" Cecilia responded to his cry gently. She could see that he was feeling vulnerable right now and was embarrassed by the fact he was crying so she decided to be as gentle as she could as she didn't want to add more to the pain that he was feeling. 

She then reached down and put her hand on his head to comfort him a little and then reached down into her pocket before pulling out a handkerchief and wiping the tears from his cheeks. 

Haru just closed his eyes in response. 

But to Cecilia who had lived for hundreds of years, she knew all too well what that meant. If a man lay down and closed his eyes after crying that only meant one thing He was giving up. Giving up on everything and he was ready to die. She had seen that look on people's faces many times but it pained her to see it on a face as young as Haru's.

'He's so young. This is just the start of his life and yet he already feels like giving up? I wonder just what could have happened to make him feel like this?' She thought to herself as she continued to wipe away the occasional tears that rolled out from underneath his eyelids.

Suddenly Haru's lips moved as he tilted his head back a little and opened his eyes. 

"Aren't you going to ask what happened?" Haru asked. He was wondering what was taking her so long to ask since she was just sitting silent and wiping the tears from his face. He found it a little strange but he was glad that she didn't ask him anything and was just there to comfort him in his time of need. 

"Not at all. That is for you to tell me when you feel ready to. Until then, I won't ask you a thing. I just want you to know that this isn't the end and there is still so much left for you Haru. You can't give up just yet." She said and then patted the top of his head. 

"Mhm, Thank you. And I know trust me. It is going to take a lot more than this to bring me down. But I just hate how it feels. It's as if someone is standing on my chest and stabbing me with a sword." Haru replied with a smile. Although his smile was weak it was still a smile and that meant that he was willing to get over whatever had happened to him. 

Cecelia felt happy as she looked at him smiling but as soon as he closed his eyes once again a loud bang came from outside. 

"What was that?" Haru asked with a bit of panic in his voice. The last thing he wanted to hear is that the demons had managed to break through the defence line and had come closer to the resort. 

"Don't worry I will check it out," Cecilia said before standing up and walking toward the door. As she stepped outside another boom rang out throughout the air and a fireball erupted in the distance. 

"I will be right back!" She shouted back to Haru before slamming the door closed and rushing outside, leaving Haru laying on the floor all by himself. 

"Just what is going on?" Haru asked himself as yet again another boom rang out from behind the door.

AN: Hello, Author here. I just wanted to let you know that I have started a new novel for the spirity contest an I would greatly appreciate it if you went and checked it out.

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