The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 271: Where is everyone?

Chapter 271: Where is everyone?

Fire filled the air as the last remaining colossal ship was being attacked and thunder and lighting rang out throughout the air.

"Ugh. I didn't plan for things to go this way." The demon leader muttered to himself as Lao pinned him to the ground with one of his mighty talons across his chest and was holding him to the ground without even an inch to move.

"Then what was your plan? You dared to come to this world because you thought you would dominate the people here just because you are from the middle realm. It's pathetic really. If you want to fight someone then go and challenge other people from the middle realm.

Or are they too strong for you? Can you not fight against people from the same realm as you?" Lao asked a bunch of questions as he looked down at the demon. 

His voice rumbled the ground for miles with its thickness that the earth couldn't contain.

The fight on the other side of the battlefield consisted of the tired nascent soul stage cultivators running around in circles and trying to catch the last remaining ship which was avoiding their attacks with minimal effort. 

As soon as they tried to attack the ship a white light would emerge from the back of it and propel the ship forwards, causing the attack to fail. 

That was something that the cultivators present couldn't overcome and they felt like they were chasing their tails while trying to destroy it until suddenly a plan came to Sect Master Shen's mind. 

"Lin." He called out. But as he did so both Teacher Lin and Granny Lin turned their heads and replied. 

"Yes?!" They both called out in response at the same time before turning to look at each other. 

Sect master Shen couldn't help but smile. It had been hundreds of years since he had seen those two together and it reminded him of the past for a moment but he knew that he didn't have time to think about the past right now. He needed to do something about the last ship that was targeting them with its cannon. 

"Both of you I need your help with the Caliteon Asteroid technique." Sect master Shen said and then gestured with his hands for them to come closer to him. 

As he did so they both followed his instructions which gained suspicious looks from the other cultivators who were still chasing the ship around in circles while trying to attack it. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The three of them whispered together before separating from the circle they had formed with looks of determination on their faces and then flew away from the main battle. 

"Both of you stand in a line across from each other and I will fill in the remaining point of the triangle and then begin to gather your Qi within the palms of your hands. To call upon the Caliteon Asteroid field we need as much power as we can gather so don't hold back at all." Shen instructed them both and they replied with a simple nod of their heads before looking at each other once again. 

The smiles that were exchanged between the two of them carried a lot of tension and it spoke plenty of words between them. Teacher Lin was smiling at her while regretting his past actions and Granny Lin was looking back at him with eyes that said that she had forgiven him already. But it wasn't time for their reunion. 

It was time to take care of business and deal with the colossal ship that kept dodging their attacks. They both began to gather Qi within the palms of their hands and waited for Sect Master Shen to do all the planning he needed to do on his side. 

He looked up at the sky and gathered Qi of his own and began to recite a line to himself. 

"*The great Caliteon empire of long ago. Lend your aid to this humble one in the form of strength from your ring of asteroids. Release your strength upon my enemies from the shadow realm and reveal yourself to the world before you.*" Shen repeated over and over again in a mantra in a language that was unknown to the cultivators present as the Qi from all three of them began to spread out and form a wall around them in the shape of a triangle. 

The Qi was a thick blue colour and connected all three of them together as black circles began to gather within the triangle. All of the cultivators that were previously fighting had now all stopped as they looked up to the sky to see the triangle of Qi that was surrounding them. 

Ruella was helping hold the colossal ship back and was also chasing it along with Drobo but as she looked up and saw it her heart nearly exploded with fear. She recognised the attack that Sect Master Shen and so did Drobo as he stopped to see what she was looking at.

They looked back and forth at each other before retreating. 

"Everyone retreat now! Get out of the triangle!" Ruella shouted and warned the people who were staring up mindlessly at the sky while trying to figure out what was happening. 

"What? What is it?" One person shouted as a black dot appeared before his face. 

Suddenly a hand grabbed him by the back of his shirt collar and pulled him away before throwing him through the sky and out of harm's way as a rock shot from the black void corridor in the sky. 

"Cecilia! Get back!" Ruella shouted as Cecilia got there just in time to save the cultivator and then retreated to Ruella's side. 

"What's going on here? Why are they using this thing again?" Cecilia asked, She too knew what technique was being used and thought that it might have been a little overkill for something like this. And not to mention it would completely drain all the Qi from their bodies after it was used. 

She couldn't understand why they were taking such a risk for a colossal ship since they were relatively easy to destroy since they were slow but she didn't have the full story and that was swiftly answered by Ruella who was waiting to tell her what had been going on.

"It's because there is something strange going on within the ship. Every time we try to attack it ends up moving out of the path of the attack before it even connects and there is this weird white light that keeps being emitted from the rear of the ship. 

Do you know those thrusting engines that they use on those rockets here on earth? It is very similar to one of those. I don't know how the demon clan has learned how to develop technology but this isn't a good thing." Ruella said with a look of concern on her face.

In the last twenty thousand years, the demons had been barbarians that didn't even use transporters to travel. They thought that it would make them look weak since they were relying on tools that were developed by the human clan but the fact that they were in colossal ships meant that something had changed in the demon lands, 

Something that made them decide to change their way of life for the sake of becoming stronger and smarter. And that was probably the main reason behind their attempt to overthrow the other two members of the three clans but that was also something that they had so it wouldn't make sense for them to do it unless they had a secret weapon that they had yet to show off. 

But just as she thought about it the technique had been completed. The triangle was covered with what looked like black dots but were in fact void corridors of all different shapes and sizes. 

Another bolt of lightning shot down from the sky and struck the earth all-around Lao as he looked down at the demon's leader. 

"So what was your true goal in coming here?" Lao asked. He didn't know why but he had a feeling that looking for Haru was just a secondary objective. He felt as though they had something else up their sleeves even though they were down to two people from the several hundred they arrived with.

They had used up their resources since two of the ships had been destroyed but there was always the other ship. As Lao thought about it he remembered the order that they appeared from the sky.

The first ship that was destroyed was the first to come through the clouds and then it was followed by the bigger one. And then the remaining ship to arrive was the one that hadn't been destroyed yet. 

Lao looked own at the demon on the ground beneath him with suspicion but as he did so the demon began to smile. He looked up at Lao with a sinister grin and spoke.

"You have begun to figure it out haven't you?" The demon questioned Lao and then began to laugh as Lao turned his head and looked over to the remaining ship. 

Flashes of white light had begun to emerge from it as it was surrounded by the triangle of Qi that the sect master had set up. 

"No! Don't do it! This was their plan all along!" Lao shouted out as a flash of white light erupted from the ship. 

The city fell silent as the white light absorbed everything it touched as it made its way through the city before hitting the barrier that Lao had set up over the resort. A grinding and crunching sound came from above the resort as Haru lay on the ground.

"What is it this time?" He thought as he looked up at the sky with questioning eyes. He felt like he had enough strength to stand and decided to take a look outside to see what was going on. 

But as he opened the door there was nothing but silence. Before suddenly a sound similar to glass breaking shot through the sky as Lao's barrier broke down and shattered down to the floor. 

"Where is everyone?" Haru asked as the rain poured down in front of him. There wasn't a single sign of life in the city. The city was silent and the Qi from the battle had faded to nothingness. He was alone in the destroyed city with no one.

AN: Sorry for the spam lately. I have started a novel for the WSA if you like this novel then you will love my new one. I have put much more effort into it and it shows with the plot and the grammar. I really do recommend you check it out if not just to take a look at the amazing cover.  But if you could show it some support to get it ranked in the wsa then I would really appreciate it. Thank you for reading :)

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