The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 320: What do you think you're all doing!?

Chapter 320: What do you think you're all doing!?

"She took that surprisingly well, didn't she?" Jake said as they both found themselves alone as Captain Liegan walked off into the distance.

"Of course she did. She's our friend, right. We have all been together practically every day for the past four months. Do you think that she would just betray us after finding out something like that?" Haru asked as he felt as though he could trust her with what they had just talked about. 

"I guess you're right. But I do feel a little bit guilty for not telling her sooner. I just hope no one else finds out. I mean, if a situation comes where we both have to fight with our full strength, then we won't have a choice. But I doubt anyone could push you to that point, could they?" Jake asked with a smirk since he had yet to win against Haru in his whole life.

"I thought the same thing until the day this place was destroyed," Haru said with a sigh as he looked down at the ground. 

'This area where we're standing right now would have been part of a road in the past, but all that's left is dirt. I really want to know how it got to this stage. Was there another attack after I left?' Haru thought as he looked back at Jake.

"Are there really people that are stronger than you?" Jake asked with a surprised look on his face.

"Haha, In the scale of things in the cultivation world. I'm not strong at all. My teacher, for example. He could probably crush a whole planet with a single finger." Haru said with a smile as Jake chuckled a little, thinking that Haru was joking.

"Anyway, we should probably head back and see what she's up to. I doubt it's anything good." Haru said as he felt a little awkward since Jake didn't believe him, so he decided to head back, so he could think about things for a while. But as they both arrived back to the main part of the camp, they saw all of the soldiers that were under Captain Liegan's command had begun to fight each other, and it looked like things had developed into an all-out brawl as they punched and kicked each other indiscriminately while people wrestled on the floor. 

"What's going on!" Jake yelled as he saw the commotion before him.

"Stop! Everyone get a hold of yourself! This is a warzone, not a playground!" Jake shouted out once again, but he went unheard as each of the soldiers ignored him and continued to fight each other.

'Was this her idea? They are supposed to be fighting the enemy. If they exhaust all of their strength out here, then we won't stand a chance on the battlefield.' Haru thought as he too wanted to put an end to what was happening.

"ENOUGH!!!" Haru shouted as he amplified his voice with magic. 

A shock wave shot out around the camp as dust flew up into the air, as the ground began to tremble as he shouted out for them to stop. 

Every single one of the soldiers stopped in place as the ground shook below them and their ears began to ring from how loud Haru had just shouted. They all turned to see Haru and Jake standing beside each other and wondered why they interrupted. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Thank you for that," Jake said quietly as he pushed on the inside of his ear to make sure that his ears weren't bleeding before addressing the soldiers who were looking back in shock.

"What do you think you're all doing!? You are being paid to fight the enemy, Not to fight among yourselves. Can one of you tell me just what exactly is going on here?" Jake asked as the soldiers all looked at him with blank stares.

"There was only one piece of chicken left. We were arguing about who gets it before Captain Liegan said that the last person standing could have it." One of the soldiers said as Haru looked over to a metal plate that was sitting on a table beside one of the tents.

"Is that so?" Haru asked as the soldier's attention switched from Jake toward him as he walked towards the metal plate.

"You mean this piece of chicken right here?" Haru said as he picked up the plate.

"Hey, teach. Put that plate down right now. Not even you can stand a chance against all of us." Another one of the soldiers said as he stood up from the rest of the group and hesitantly began to walk towards Haru.

"Really? Do you care to test that theory? But you know. I was actually feeling a little bit hungry since we arrived here." Haru said as this time he picked up the chicken and put the plate back down before slowly raising his hand towards his lips. 

"I'm warning you! Don't do it!" Another one of the soldiers shouted as Haru opened his mouth and bit a chunk out of the chicken. 

"Mhm, It's not bad. This is quite the luxury for a battlefield. Who would have known that the food would be so good here." Haru said as the rest of the soldiers now began to walk towards him with angry looks on their faces.

"You should have listened to our warning. Now you have to die!" Another one of them yelled out as they became furious that they had fought against each other for the chicken only to have it stolen from them while they were fighting.

"Bring it," Haru said with a smile as he ate the rest of it while they watched.

'Why does he always have to pick fights like this? But I should be happy that they are not fighting each other, right?' Jake thought as he felt a little tired as he noticed that the rest of the soldiers that were at the camp had all come out of their tents after hearing Haru shout and were now watching as the unit of eleven soldiers teamed up to fight against him.

Haru remained still until one of the soldiers approached him with a sprint and began to flail his hands as he tried to punch Haru in the face.

"Kenny. Didn't we talk about this? You are supposed to punch with your body, not your shoulders. Even if you  could hit me, you wouldn't manage to hurt anyone like this." Haru said as he easily bobbed his head side to side and dodged each one of the punches.

"Just stay still! Let me beat you already!" The soldier called Kenny shouted out as he tried his best to hit Haru, but that was short-lived as Haru caught one of his punches with his hand and laughed.

"Now, what do you plan to do?" Haru asked before pushing him back into the crowd of soldiers that were rushing towards him.

"Look, this is the teamwork you should have all the time. Even I feel a little bit intimidated when you all work together like this." Haru said with a laugh as the rest of them rushed towards him and began throwing punches together, thinking that they would be able to hit him if they worked together.

But without warning, Haru jumped up in the air and landed behind them all. 

"But in battle. Even teamwork might not be good enough if you encounter an enemy who can withstand all of your attacks when you work together. Then your only options are to run or die." Haru said as he kicked his leg out and tripped over three people at once before grabbing two more soldiers with one hand each and throwing them up into the air.

The two soldiers flew back and landed on the roof of one of the tents as Haru didn't want to hurt them but just teach them a lesson.

In a single moment, he had just defeated five of them, and with only six of them remaining, they seemed a little less confident in themselves as they rushed forwards, all the while trying to strike Haru, but it was no use. He simply moved his head to avoid them.

"I will kill you!" Another one of the soldiers shouted as he stepped forwards on his own to try his best to hit Haru, but before he could even swing his arm, Haru kicked him in the stomach and took a step back as he fell down to his knees and gasped for breath.

"Five of you left. Do you still want to fight? Or are you going to run? You might manage to keep a little bit of pride if you stop right now." Haru said as they continued running towards him together, thinking that they might actually defeat him if they continued to work together.

"Well, don't say I didn't warn you," Haru said with a smile for grabbing another one of their punches and then grabbing the soldier's arm before spinning him around in a circle and using his body to strike the remaining four people, wiping them out in a single move. 

"That's not fair; You can't do that!" Kenny shouted out as he got back to his feet and tried to run towards Haru, but as he did, Haru let go of the other soldier's arm, sending him flying back towards Kenny, which knocked him back down to the ground. 

"I have to admit. You did a lot better than usual. I might just manage to make fighters out of you yet." Haru said before rubbing his hands together to signal that he was done before turning around to see that a crowd had formed to watch the fight.

"No matter where we are, you always end up being the centre of attention. I swear I can't take you anywhere." Jake said with a sigh as he began to walk away.

"What? They wanted to fight, so I gave them a reason to fight." Haru called out as Jake headed into one of the tents before turning around and beginning to help everyone to their feet.

"You all did great. I'm genuinely impressed with every single one of you." Haru said as he addressed all of the soldiers he had just humiliated, but they didn't feel happy.

"Being impressed doesn't bring back the chicken, does it!?" Kenny coughed as Haru helped him to his feet.

"Come on. Don't be mad. I will cook for you all tomorrow night." Haru said in an attempt to ease their pain, but it didn't work until Jake immediately poked his head out from the tent.

"You're really going to cook for us!? Oh god, this is the greatest day of my life. I haven't tasted your cooking in around five years." Jake said as he remembered being a kid at school and having Haru cook for him and Mia at the end of a long day of training.

"Sure, If we have enough ingredients, then I will cook for everyone. Haru said with a smile as the soldiers looked back at Jake with interest as they now couldn't wait to see what Haru would make for them."

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