The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 321: The plan of attack.

Chapter 321: The plan of attack.

Nightfall soon came around as Haru took up guard duty for a couple of hours as the rest of the soldiers decided to take a nap so they would be ready in case of an enemy attack. He sat down on the edge of the wall surrounding the camp and looked out into the distance seeing nothing at all.

"I really can't believe that this used to be a city with millions of inhabitants. It seems just like yesterday that I was here living out my life happily." Haru said to himself as he felt the wind rush through the air around him and across the vastness of the battlefield.

'When I find the ones from the demon clan who are responsible for all of this mess, I will crush them. I will kill anyone who gets in my way, be that human or elf. I am done playing around with people like that.' Haru thought as he couldn't wait to reach the upper realms.

He felt guilty about all the trouble that he had caused to the inhabitants of the earth by becoming a cultivator. A war wouldn't have broken out if he didn't lead the demon clan back to earth.

He wondered how things would have turned out if he never returned to the soul tempering grounds. But he also knew that he wouldn't be able to sit around after hearing one of the friends he made cry out across the universe like he did. Just hold out up there wherever you are, buddy.' Haru thought as he felt like he alone had to get revenge for what had happened. 

After all, he was the one who antagonised one of the members of the demon clan. But as Lao said, if they had managed to break down the barrier surrounding the soul tempering grounds, they had probably been planning it for some time, and it would have happened regardless of what Haru had done.

But despite that, he just couldn't forgive himself for what he had caused. If it wasn't for him, then Suyin would still be alive along with the dozens of cultivators and civilians who were lost during the battle.

"This place really went to shit," Haru said quietly as he heard the sound of someone lighting up a cigarette behind him. 

"Are you ready to go? Where's the Captain?" Second Lieutenant Mishi said as he walked out of his tent and began to approach Haru, who was sitting on top of the wall.

"I'm ready, but the last I heard of her, she said that she was going to take a nap. She went into the tent over there." Haru said as he pointed over at the largest tent within the camp that was easily able to house more than twenty people at one time. 

"Who's sleeping? I have been ready for a while now." Captain Liegan said as she stepped out from the tent, rubbing her eyes a little as she looked up at the night's sky.

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"The stars sure look pretty tonight." She said before looking over to Haru and Mishi.

"Well, that's what happens when there is no light pollution. I bet you would be able to see other planets here if we had a telescope." Mishi said in response as he too looked up at the night's sky. 

"Other planets" Haru thought out loud as he, too, turned his head upwards and looked up at all the shining stars above them.

"Haru, are you good to go?" Captain Liegan asked as she turned her attention back to the task at hand.

"Yes, ma'am," Haru said in reply before hopping down from the wall and taking a few steps to a smaller tent where four people were sleeping. 

"It's been three hours, guys. It's your turn to watch the gates. Get your asses up and ready." Haru said as he pulled back the door to them immediately getting up and out of their beds before rushing out of the door to stand by the gates.

"You trained them well. I have never seen people respond like that to the orders of a private. You would make a good leader someday." Second Lieutenant Mishi said with a smile as he looked at Haru, but Captain Liegan was quick to correct him.

"That right there is just fear. Haru here also helps me train them in hand to hand combat. You should see the kind of hell that he puts them through on a regular basis.

He manages to fight against all of them at the same time and still come out of it without a scratch on him. It's still difficult for me to understand how he does it if I'm honest." Captain Liegan began to praise Haru for his skills, but the reality of it was that he wasn't anything like the rest of the soldiers with the fact that he could move faster than their eyes could perceive.

If he wanted to, he could kill any regular person or mage without even breaking a sweat. The only people who would be able to stand against him were either cultivators or the strongest mages using their most powerful magic.

But magic alone wasn't enough to take out Haru since he developed a power of his own by combining the two powers that were strong enough to cancel any spell that was used against him.

So the only threat to him now on earth was advanced weaponry or other cultivators. He felt comfortable knowing that there was hardly any chance of him dying while fighting. But that wasn't the thing he was concerned about. 

His main goal wasn't surviving or even taking revenge. The thing that was on his mind the most when he thought about what he was doing there was that he wanted to keep all of the friends that he had made during the last couple of months safe and sound.

He wasn't going to let anyone close to him die. And certainly not Jake, who became his first-ever friend in this life and his last.

Haru looked back at Captain Liegan and Lieutenant Mishi, who had started to walk while discussing their plan of attack to be able to cause a distraction for Haru to make it to the Chinese soldier's camp.

"I'm counting on you to stay alive while I'm gone. I promise to be back before you know it." Haru whispered quietly as they all stopped, and both Mishi and Captain Liegan turned their heads back to Haru.

"Did you say something just now?" Captain Liegan asked as she thought she heard Haru say something but wasn't certain if he did or not.

"Ah, Yeah. Don't mind it. I was just saying I still feel a little bit hungry." Haru said with a sigh as they all continued to walk out into the middle of the battlefield before coming to a stop when they saw lanterns and flashlights in the distance as the enemy soldiers patrolled the area.

"Get down. That's it over there." Second Lieutenant Mishi whispered as they all locked their eyes on the camp in the distance. Unlike the wall built at the Japanese camp, the one surrounding this camp wasn't made using earth magic but instead using ice magic. 

From a distance, Haru could tell that the soldiers who were walking around it were cold from the temperature of the nearby ice. They all wore thick coats even though it was a relatively warm night. 

It would certainly be to their advantage if the soldiers were cold and encumbered by the thick coats. They wouldn't be able to fight as well as they usually would, and it would make it easy for the Japanese forces to storm the camp, but that wasn't the aim for now.

The only goal that Mishi and Captain Liegan had was to keep the enemy distracted so Haru could slip past undetected, which wouldn't be hard since he could use a movement technique and be past them before they could take a single breath.

But he knew that if he did something like that, it would cause suspicion, so he decided to let them help in any way possible.

"Okay, so the plan of attack is to cause as much of a ruckus as possible. Me and Second Lieutenant Mishi will make our way over to the opposite side of the camp and launch attacks from both sides before moving and then attacking again to create the illusion that they are surrounded before burrowing down beneath the ground and then creating a sinkhole beneath the camp.

As the camp sinks down underground, that will be Haru's signal to go. And he will run as fast as he can towards the Chinese camp to let them know that we are here to help and try to coordinate a plan with them." Captain Liegan explained as both Haru and Mishi nodded their heads.

"I should probably warn you, but the ice magic user that created that wall is a force to be reckoned with. He alone took out fifteen of my soldiers. But for some reason, he just froze them instead of killing them.

He is definitely more than strong enough to do so, however for some reason, he decided to let them live." Mishi explained as Captain Liegan nodded.

"Sounds a little dangerous, but if our plan goes according to plan, then we shouldn't have to worry about that." Captian Liegan said before they both moved into positions while Haru held back and waited for his signal.

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