The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 322: Ice needles.

Chapter 322: Ice needles.

It fell silent as Haru was left alone, and the other two rushed over towards the camp before stopping in opposite positions. 

Captain Liegan crouched down behind a mound of dirt that was created by a bomb blast and prepared for her chance to attack as Mishi began to use long-distance earth magic.

Mishi held out his hands above his head while the earth from the ground rushed up into the air over him to form a large ball of rock as it compressed together. 

It took a few moments for the magic to reach an apex as the rock quickly became the size of a small car before he released it over the top of the camp.

A loud bang followed by a thud shot through the surrounding area as the rock hit the floor and caused a small shockwave from the weight. But the sound was quickly followed by the screams of soldiers as they rushed to their feet to see what was going on.

The scent of iron drifted through the air as a current of warm air shot towards Haru. He knew immediately that the rock that Mishi had dropped definitely caused more than one casualty. But there was a feeling that he just couldn't shake, and he wasn't sure what it was.

Haru continued to watch as he awaited his signal to move forward as Mishi and Captain Liegan quickly moved positions as the enemy soldiers prepared to leave the camp but as soon as they got to the exit, Mishi used another large spell that made them question where the enemy was located.

They didn't have a clue how many of them or how far away the enemy was from their base, but they figured one thing out in the short amount of time since the first attack, and that was that whoever was attacking them couldn't be underestimated. 

"Boss! Boss! They have come for revenge!" One of the soldiers yelled out in English as he ran towards a tent in the centre of the camp.

Haru began to use his newly developed radar technique to observe the situation, and from what he could tell, there were around two hundred soldiers still alive in the camp. But the ones with more natural Qi within their bodies remained in the centre.

Haru could sense that they were angry, yet one of the people in the middle of the camp didn't seem even slightly mad about what was happening.

In fact, he seemed worried from what Haru could tell. He wasn't scared like he would be if he thought that his life was in danger but worried as though someone else's life was in danger. 

"So they've come back for more? I thought that Silver taught them a lesson they wouldn't forget. I didn't think that they would come back for more  of a beating this soon." Large muscular soldiers said as he looked around in a circle at the people who were surrounding him. It seemed as though he was the leader from a distance, but Haru couldn't be sure of that unless he took a closer look which he didn't have the time to do.

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So instead, he remained back and continued to let Captain Liegan fight alongside Mishi while awaiting his signal.

"But as he watched on, something strange began to happen. A cold mist quickly filled the air above the camp as a chilly aura emerged from one of the gates as a man stepped out into the front of the camp."

"So who thought it was a good idea to come here? Didn't I give you all a warning earlier that if you come back that I would kill you? 

Do you really think that you could ever stand a chance against me?" A familiar voice called out as Haru watched a tall and slim man with long silver hair step out from the camp and recognised him instantly.

"That's Kazuo. What is he doing here? He was back in Japan just a few months ago. Don't tell me that he decided to abandon his country and team up with the enemy." Haru thought as he watched on to see what would happen next.

"Oh, there are only two of you here? I thought there would be many more of you, given the attacks coming from different locations. But it's just something like this. I won't even need to go all out to defeat you two." Kazuo said as he looked at both Captain Liegan and Second Lieutenant Mishi.

"Wait a minute Are you Japanese? Why are you fighting alongside these animals? Why would you betray your country like this?!" Second Lieutenant Mishi asked as he stepped out of his hiding spot and began to face Kazuo. He knew that there was no use in hiding since he had already realised that there were only two people who were attacking the camp.

But Captain Liegan was caught a little bit off guard when the man with long silver hair began to speak Japanese to them.

"Wait, Stand down. I know this man. He's an S ranked mage. There is nothing we can do to fight him. It will just be worse if we start to fight." Captain Liegan shouted out as she looked over at Mishi, who was just preparing to attack before coming to a dead stop.

"Wait, Really? An S ranked mage? But there are only a handful of them in the whole world. How could I not even know who he is?" Second Lieutenant Mishi asked as he thought that he knew all of the S rank mages so he wouldn't accidentally get into a dispute with one of them.

"Well, he is one, So stand down. This man right here is called  Kazuo Satou; He used to participate in fights for money until he was defeated by an audience member, and he decided to step down. But I never thought that I would see him here of all places." Captain Liegan said as she looked up at Kazuo.

"Hey, Do I know you?" Kazuo asked as he thought that he recognised Captain Liegan from somewhere. He didn't know how she knew who he was.

"No, I don't know you personally. But I saw your last fight on tv. I believe that you will be surprised to know that the person who defeated you is here too. Hey Haru, change of plan. Come out and say hi." Captain Liegan shouted out with a smile. 

'What!? She watched that fight and knew that it was me who defeated him that day? Is that why the army treated me so well? They thought that my hand to hand combat skills were good enough to defeat an S rank mage? Well, they're not wrong but even so. Why did they pretend not to know?' Haru thought as he stood up and began to walk towards the camp.

Kazou's face grew pale as his head turned back where he saw Haru walking towards him while wearing a military uniform. 

"I'm sorry, Haru, I didn't get the chance to thank you for what happened the last time we met, but after that night, I hoped that I would never run into you again. I don't have a choice but to fight here. You're going to have to kill me if you want to destroy our camp!" Kazuo said as Haru began to approach.

"You don't have a choice? So that means someone is forcing you, right?" Haru asked as he walked towards Kazuo, who gulped for a moment before holding out his hand. 

[Glacier spear!]

A long bolt of ice shot from Kazuo's hand and flew towards Haru's face. 


Haru swiped his hand to the side and destroyed the spear that Kazuo had shot towards him without the least trace of effort. Kazuo instantly knew that Haru's power ran much deeper than he had been shown during their sparring match. But he wasn't sure just how strong he was. So to test again, he tried one more attack.

'I didn't think that I would have to use this skill right away. Just why on earth did he have to come here? I don't know if my strongest skill will even work on him. This guy is a total monster.' Kazuo thought as he began to panic.

[Deep freeze area]

Kazuo used a type of magic that affected the area around the camp. Everything down to even the time in that area began to freeze and turn into crystals.

The spell only lasted for a few minutes, but whatever was frozen during that time would have no way to defend against his attacks as the crystals infiltrated their bodies.

All he would have to do to kill someone is destroy their body while the ice crystals halt their bodies from moving. Once the spell was deactivated, the people he didn't kill would go back to normal as if nothing had happened. But the people he had attacked would feel the pain of whatever Kazuo decided to do.

And he only had the intention to kill as he looked at Captian Liegan and Mishi as they froze completely still.  His eyes then glanced back at Haru as he wondered whether or not it worked, to see that he too had stopped moving.

"I'm a little bit surprised. I thought you might have the same type of strength as the guy who took Kaira away from me. Even though you are certainly the strongest human, I know. That beast is on a whole other level.

I apologise that I have to tell you this right before you die. But the night that you fought against me, a strange man approached Kaira and me after the fight.

He claimed to be from another company and was offering a large amount of money to have me fight for him but then before I knew it, I was unconscious and woke up in a dark room. I really am sorry for this." Kazuo said before raising his hand above his head and forming mana in his hand before striking Haru in the chest.

[Ice needles.]

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