The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 324: What is this?!

Chapter 324: What is this?!

'So this is the place, huh?' Haru thought to himself as he stepped through a portal that he created to the location that he had seen when he infiltrated Kazuo's mind. He knew that they were underground somewhere, but he found it strange to see medical equipment all around the room along with things that he had never seen before.

'There's no cultivators here right now. I don't like how this feels. Is it a trap?' Haru thought as he held out his hand and opened another portal. 

'No, I can still leave at any moment. I doubt it's a trap but does this mean that they have something more important to do than look after this place and keep out intruders?' Haru thought as he began to hear footsteps appear from down the corridor.

"Why do we have to stay here when we could be out there fighting? Didn't they say that they needed people like us? So why don't they just let us out already?" A voice asked as the footsteps got louder.

"You're asking me that? How am I supposed to know what's going on in their heads? I guess they just really want to make sure that none of the hostages escapes." Another voice returned a reply to the first with a laugh as the footsteps got closer and closer.

Haru remained still as they walked towards him. Haru expected to see two members of the demon clan but was severely disappointed to see that they were both humans.

"Huh? Who's that?" One of the men asked as they looked at Haru, who was standing still and thinking. 

"I've never seen him before. Is he new here or something?" The other replied as Haru wasn't making any attempt to hide.

'It seems this place is so hidden from the rest of the world that they don't even worry about people breaking into it. Did they really not set any traps for me?' Haru thought as he looked over at the two men who were staring at him with looks of confusion.

"Hey, Are you knew? You know you change your clothes before going any further into the lab, don't you?" One of them called out to Haru. It was at that moment he realised that both of the men were wearing hazard suits. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The one who called out to Haru was wearing dark blue, and the man beside him was wearing yellow.

"Come on, If you don't want to get into trouble, then you had better come with us. We will show you to the changing rooms." The man in yellow then called out to Haru while expecting a reply, but Haru remained still and didn't say anything.

'A lab? This is a lab? So what does it make the people that they captured? They said hostages, but if this is really a lab, then does that mean they are test subjects?' Haru thought as he knew that there wouldn't be an easy way to navigate through the lab without knowing where he was going. So he decided to follow the two other men.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I was told that everything I needed would be down here. I am just supposed to wait until the others get back. Apparently, they want to run a few tests later tonight." Haru said as the other two men looked at him with a look of confusion for a few moments before one of them replies.

"Really? Do they actually want to run more tests? I thought it was decided that we would stop for the rest of the week? The last tests left them on the brink of death. I don't think they will be able to withstand any more testing." The man in the yellow said as he looked back and forth between his friend and Haru.

"Hey, that's not my decision. That Japanese guy failed his mission, so we're going to continue testing on his wife. I was told to meet them where she is being kept. Would you guys mind taking me to her?" Haru asked as he made everything up on the spot to make it sound like he was meant to be there, but they were growing more suspicious as they didn't believe what he was telling them.

"What really? But I thought that the boss said that we can't do tests on her since she's pregnant? Are you really sure that they said that?" The man wearing yellow questioned Haru again as the man in blue began to reach his hand behind his back.

Haru sighed.

"It would have been so much better if you just went along with it," Haru said before holding out his arm in the direction of the man wearing the blue hazard suit. 

A beam of fire shot from Haru's hand and hit the man in the face. The flame was so hot that it melted a hole straight through the centre of his head, and the man dropped dead without so much as a cry for help.

The other man immediately raised his hands in surrender as Haru eyed him up and down for a moment. 

"Good choice. Now take me to the hostages." Haru spoke softly as the other man looked up at him with fear. The man nodded his head and immediately began to walk, and it gave Haru time to look down at the other man to see exactly what he was going to do. 

When Haru looked down at the body, he saw that the man was holding a gun in his hand and was more than prepared to kill Haru. He knew that he was up to something by the way he put his hand behind his back, but he didn't know what it was.

He felt glad that he didn't just kill a man for sending a text message or something of the like. 

The man in the yellow hazard suit led Haru through the corridors of the lab before ending up at a large open room where there were dozens of women and children trapped inside glass cubes. 

"I brought you here. Will you let me go now? I promise I won't tell anyone that you're down here." The man in the yellow hazard suit said as he turned back to look at Haru. 

"Sure, I can let you go. Thanks for bringing me here. You were such a great help." Haru said with a smile as the man in the hazard suit turned away and began to run towards the door, but as soon as he arrived at the door, he collapsed.

"What? Did I scare him to death?" Haru thought as he turned around to see the man lying on the floor as a thick green gas made its way out from one of the vents.

"Did you really think that I would allow just anyone to come into my lab? We have motion detectors, and I know that only two people are supposed to be down here at any one given time. Who are you, and what are you doing here?" A voice shouted out in English from a large monitor that hung down from the ceiling as an old man appeared on it wearing a white lab coat and thin wire glasses.

"Shut it, old man," Haru muttered in response before holding his hand up to the monitor and releasing a fireball towards it.

"Hu, hu, hu. Did you think that would silence me?" The old man spoke once more but this time from a speaker in the corner of the room. Haru held up his hand once again to destroy the speaker, but the old man panicked a little.

"Wait, No! Don't destroy the speaker. Do you happen to be one of those cultivators or whatever they call them? I need your help." The old man said as the sounds of people running emerged from outside the room. 

"Shit, They're already here. Let me lock the doors." The old man said as a red light began to flash in the room as metal shutters began to lower down from the ceiling on the inside of the room. 

"Hey, What are you playing at, old man? Do you think that those things will manage to hold me?" Haru asked as he saw that the gas was no longer coming out of the vents.

"Don't misunderstand me, boy. The shutters are to keep those guys from getting in. I don't want them to interfere in our little chat." The old man explained as his face appeared on the screen of a laptop that was opened on one of the desks in the room.

"Is that so? Well, what is it that you want? I'm not here to play around. I have come to take these guys somewhere safe." Haru said as he looked around the room to see large glass cylinders filled with water, with each one containing one person with wires and tubes attached to their bodies.

"Wait, what are you guys doing here? What is this?!" Haru questioned as he looked at a few of the people and noticed things that didn't look right.

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