The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 325: Is there really nothing I can do?

Chapter 325: Is there really nothing I can do?

Inside each of the tanks of water, there was a person. Ranging from young child to old woman. It seemed like they didn't discriminate against who they were running tests on, but as Haru looked at the people a little closer, he began to notice some irregularities with a few of their features. 

'That boy's arm is completely black with golden runes on it. What are they trying to achieve by putting a formation on a human body?' Haru thought as he looked at a boy that was no older than twelve with a pained expression on his face.

His sight then switched to a woman who looked to be in her early twenties with what looked to be a tree branch in place of one of her arms. At first glance, Haru could tell that it wasn't any regular branch by the fact that it contained more Qi than some of the cultivators he had met.

'What is that thing? Why have they disfigured her like this?' Haru wondered about what they were up to while feeling disgusted that they could do something like this to someone. But from then on, it got worse as he looked at the others.

A girl of around ten years in age had all of her limbs missing and replaced with blades. And an old woman had her head exchanged with bears.

"This wasn't my plan. I built this place to make super soldiers for the US army a while back. But ever since those monsters have come here, they have taken over my laboratory and turned it into a place where they run human experiments in order to create some kind of puppet that will do their bidding.

I never meant for any of this to happen. But there is nothing I can do to fight against them. I am just a frail old man. The last time I tried to defy them, they cut off one of my legs." The old man said before pointing his camera towards his leg to show that there was no longer one there.

'So he says, but how does he expect me to know that he's telling the truth? I don't care who's at fault here. I will kill anyone who was involved. This is a monstrosity. If the human clan in the upper realm knew what was happening here, there is no doubt that they would send strong cultivators to wipe out all the demon clansmen on the planet.

But so will I when I find them.' Haru thought as he used his senses to survey the area. But no matter how hard he tried to look, there wasn't any in the area.

"You claim not to be involved. But why are there none of those so-called monsters around here? Where did they all go?" Haru asked as he knew the best way to find them would be to ask him.

"Uh, I'm not entirely sure, but they had decided to lead their army to Beijing a few hours ago to take over the country and put in place a new government." The old man explained with a sad look on his face.

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"Is that so. Then I will leave here without killing you. But on one condition. You release that woman over there. And try your best to help the others." Haru said as he pointed over at Kiara, who was in a chamber on her own, away from the people they had been running tests on. 

"Thank you, sir. I thought you were here to massacre all of us. But thank you for being reasonable, But I find it a little difficult to understand. Did you really come all the way here for a woman? Don't tell me she's your!? I'm so sorry, sir!" The old man shouted out as he rushed to a control panel in his office.

"No, I don't have any relation to her. Just an old classmate from a long time ago. I met her husband a few hours ago, and he is distraught that there was nothing he could do to get her back. But like I said, release her, and you can live." Haru said once again.

He took a moment to look at the people in the chambers filled with water once again as he saw that they were all disfigured and injured beyond repair. Even the strongest of healing spells wouldn't do anything to aid them, and he knew that the demon clan wouldn't be doing something like that with no goal in mind.

There was a good chance that they had already succeeded in making a puppet that they could bend to their will with one of the test subjects, so he knew that he couldn't just leave without doing something.

"I'm sorry I couldn't make it here sooner. I will make sure to avenge all of you for all the suffering that you have gone through. I will now let you all rest. I hope in your next lives you will all live happily and be reunited with your loved ones." Haru whispered to himself as he heard water splash against the concrete floor behind him as the chamber opened up, causing Kaira to gasp for air as she awakened.

Kiara began to fall as the chamber opened up, but Haru was quick to catch her before she did as he saw the bump in her belly and didn't want to let anything happen to the unborn child. 

"I got you," Haru said as he caught her before looking up at the monitor once again to see the old man looked sad once more as he looked at Haru and Kiara on a screen from where ever he was hiding. 

"It's safe to pull out the tubes; however, she might bleed a little." The old man said as Haru quickly but carefully took out the tubes and pipes that were going into Kaira's body before healing her with magic and then opening another portal that connected to the exact location he was standing in before he left the battlefield.

"I will try my best to help the others as you have requested of me. Please just take revenge and kill those monsters." The old man said with a look of uncertainty.

"Yes, of course. I will kill all the monsters. Don't you worry? There won't be a single on the left." Haru said with a smile as he looked up at the monitor to see the old man's face.

Haru took a few steps back towards the portal before creating a small flame in his hand using Kun's power and then dropping it down to the floor. 

There wasn't a single thing that Kun's flame couldn't burn, so as it touched the floor, it used even the concrete as fuel and began to spread throughout the room.

"Thank you for having gas pipes run through this place. It serves me well on my quest to wipe out the monsters. So long." Haru called out as he looked down at the floor with grief. He felt awful that there was nothing he could do to help the people that they had experimented on.

"Wait, You will kill everyone in here!? I thought you said that you will let me live if I let the girl go!?" The old man shouted out in horror and disbelief as he couldn't believe that he was lied to.

"I did let you live. Just a few minutes longer than you would have done if you didn't let her go." Haru said with a smile as he took another step back towards the portal. 

"You monster! How could you do this!? You will be killing innocent people and the test subjects!?" The old man called out as Haru vanished into the portal.

The laboratory soon erupted into flames as the fire spread throughout the rooms and made its way into the gas lines before causing a gigantic explosion that blew high up into the sky as everything connected to the gas lines ruptured and sent flames and clouds of dark smoke into the atmosphere casting a dark cloud overhead as fragments of stone and glass rained back down to earth.

A portal appeared in the middle of the battlefield as Captain Liegan and Mishi tried to figure out where Haru had gone. He had told them to face away, and then when they weren't looking, the enemy camp had gotten destroyed, and he had vanished without a trace.

"Where did he go? Didn't you see where he went?" Captain Liegan asked as she grabbed Kazuo by the collar, but he was in shock, and nothing came to mind when she asked him. He remained silent and stared up at the sky in defeat as it began to rain once again. 

A slight sniffle emerged from behind them as Mishi and Captain Liegan saw Haru holding a woman in his arms as he tried his best to help her stand. 

Kazuo turned his head slowly before his eyes shot wide open, and he saw Haru was standing there with his wife. 

"Kaira!" Kazuo shouted out and ran over to her before pulling her into his arms as Haru knelled down on the floor and slammed his head against the ground.

'I act tough and show off my strength whenever I need to. But why am I so damn weak!? I wish I had the strength that Lao and Li Jun had. But I'm still here on earth like a pathetic failure as I watch my homeworld be violated by the demon clan!

Is there really nothing I can do? Why do people have to suffer like this for my actions!? I should have just died the first time. Why did I reincarnate in the first place? I have only brought damage to the people here. If I just stayed dead, then this never would have happened.' Haru thought as he felt defeated once again as he just killed innocent people because he couldn't run the risk of them being controlled by the demon clan.

He knew that it was for the greater good if they lost their human experiments, but he just couldn't put his humanity aside and accept that he gave them mercy by letting them die. 

If it was the Haru of the past, then he wouldn't have felt a thing after doing such a thing. But in the past nineteen years, he had felt love. He knew what it was like to lose loved ones, and he felt guilty that he had just taken away someone else's friends and family members.

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