The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 342: We will all die.

Chapter 342: We will all die.

The dust settled as Haru caught wind of the situation as the screams from countless people echoed out as a dark shadow formed overhead. 

An airship flew down through the clouds over the city of Beijing causing everyone nearby to run in fear as they saw the damage that one of the ships had caused earlier in the day and they didn't have the ability to destroy it themselves. 

He then turned back to Hanying who was smiling as Fen brushed off debris as he remained sitting in a pile of rubble.

It seemed that the explosion that the military had planned to drop the bunker on everyone inside had gone wrong and instead of making it collapse it had caused everything to be blown up into the sky as the pressure from inside had blasted its way to the surface.

Haru looked around, impressed by the damage it had caused as he knew that even he wouldn't have been able to survive such a powerful explosion without a barrier protecting him. And the same could have been saying for Hanying and Fen too. 

But their plan had backfired. Instead of trapping Hanying underground and helping the president escape, they had caused more trouble by making it easier to get out.

"Hahaha, I didn't see that coming. Who knew that they would send reinforcements. I bet they're laughing at our incompetence. Or maybe they see this small lower planet as a threat since we have already lost 4 airships here." Hanying sighed as he looked up at the ship before becoming excited again as he looked back at Haru for a moment to see that he was visibly worried.

"I can't wait to see you humans beg for your lives when we take over your entire planet." Hanying continued to speak before suddenly stopping as a mechanical scratching sound came from the ship. 

'What are they doing?' Haru thought as he watched a gigantic hatch open up at the bottom of the ship as large black spheres drop from within. From what he knew there shouldn't have been a need for something like that since all of the passengers on the ship were able to fly down when they had to. So his first thought was that they were filled with supplies and weapons as he watched the pods float slowly down to the ground but as he turned his head again to look at Hanying as a feeling of dread struck him in the chest.

Hanying was speechlessly staring at the ship with a look of horror on his face as the ship flew higher after dropping the pods down and soon vanished above the clouds.

"What did they do? What was that?" Haru asked he looked at Fen who also had the same reaction as Hanying did.

"They have just killed us. We will all die. Those things are what we call world destroyers. They are powerful enough to blow a hole from the surface of a planet directly into the core.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

They have a 10-minute timer to give the ship enough time to get away. And our ship is currently destroyed." Hanying spoke with a blunt tone as it sounded as though he was trying his best to accept their fate without wanting to do such a thing.

Haru was also speechless as he felt powerless in the situation. If Lao and Li Jun were still around he just knew that they would be able to come up with a plan to solve the problem. But he had been alone since the first invasion in Shanghai. 

There was nothing he could do but sit back and live his final minutes alive. Hanying didn't seem to be in the fighting mood anymore as he instinctively dropped to his knees.

"Brother" Fen said as he turned his gaze to Hanying.

Hanying quickly turned around to see his younger brother had tears in his eyes once again along with a serious look in his eyes as he stared at his older brother. 

"What is it?" Hanying asked impatiently as he was thinking about too many things at once as he realised that his doom was impending.

"I think I think that I I don't want to die." Fen stuttered which came as a shock to Haru as a few moments ago he had just seen Fen beg to be killed. 

'Maybe he realised that life is worth living after knowing that he is going to die.' Haru thought to himself as he felt empty and began to think about his life so far.

'Who would have thought that it would end here. I imagined that I would at least get to see the universe as Li Jun described it. But I'm really going to die on earth once again it seems But so is everyone here. My Mom, my Dad, my sister and all the friends that I have made along the way.

Are they really going to die here?' Haru questioned as he sensed the airship leaves the area and presumably fly back off into space making it clear that the count down on the world destroyers drew nearer.

But just as he too was about to give up on living a voice called out to him.

"Haru!" A man's voice yelled as a fireball shot through the sky like a rocket and made its way towards Haru. 

Suddenly a flash of fire zoomed past Haru's face and struck Hanying in the face, causing him to lose his balance and get pushed into a large pile of dirt as he tried to comfort his brother.

Haru looked over at the fire that hadn't dispersed yet to see the silhouette of a person within and he knew what was going on immediately. 

"Jake Just stop already. Fighting isn't going to achieve anything. It's just a waste of time at this point." Haru sighed before sitting down as he sensed Jake's presence from within the cloak of fire.

Hanying suddenly stood back up and brushed off his clothes before walking over to his brother and kneeling beside him once again while ignoring the attack that he was just subjected to.

Jake looked around for a few moments, feeling confused as he expected a fight to break out but nothing happened. But not only did nothing happen but Haru had also told him to back down from the fight. 

"The fights over," Haru explained quickly as Jake became even more confused. From what he had been told there was a good chance that Haru was already dead so he rushed over as fast as he could but after all that had happened Haru was no longer in the mood to fight.

"What do you mean the fight is over? I only just got here." Jake complained as he expected something more from his attempt to rescue Haru.

"It's all over. Everything will be gone soon. We're all going to die. Why do you think that I didn't kill you when you attacked me? I would feel regret if I killed someone right now and that is the last thing that I want to do." Hanying said as looked over at Jake and sighed.

Jake turned back to Haru for confirmation that the demon was speaking the truth to which Haru nodded his head in defeat.

"That ship that came and vanished a moment ago dropped some bombs that are capable of destroying whole planets," Haru said as he stared up at the clouds while trying his best to recall all of the good things that had happened to him recently. But if he only managed to remember the things that he wanted to do before he died.

There were so many things that he had planned for himself but suddenly it seemed like all of those things didn't matter anymore and his life purpose was now meaningless.

Suddenly a loud roar erupted from the distance, followed by footsteps as the sound of running soldiers could be heard getting closer to their location.

"Make sure that you kill them all while we have the chance!" A voice called out as the footsteps sounded almost as though they were next to them as the area became overpowered with the life force of hundreds of people.

Haru sighed once again as Jake stuck his head up from the trench they were standing in to see that most of the Japanese and Chinese combined force was now surrounding the hole with their guns raised.

Jake waved his hands over his head as he yelled out to show that they weren't a threat after all the last thing that he wanted was to be caught in the crossfire of a large scale attack.

"It's over! The fight is over! Stand down!" Jake screamed loudly as there was a moment of hesitation from the soldiers as one of the older Chinese men in the force stepped forward from the group and began to talk.

Jake tried his best to understand what the man was saying but with his limited knowledge of the language, he failed to understand what he was talking about.

"He asked for your name and what right do you have to stand in his way?" Haru said bluntly since he knew that Jake was lost in the conversation but as Haru spoke, all eyes were soon drawn to him.

"It's him" One of the soldiers said as they continued to stare at Haru with disbelief and admiration.

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