The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 343: Haru's plan.

Chapter 343: Haru's plan.

It grew silent once again as everyone looked towards Haru as they knew that he was the one that had been spotted going around the city taking care of any demons that he ran into before vanishing again without a single trace.

The rumours had spread so far that not even a single person hadn't heard about him from one of the soldiers that had seen him. 

Haru looked back at them before the attention was gained by the two demons who were sitting beside each other as one of the soldiers held out his rifle and shot a bullet towards Hanying out of anger.

Haru waved his hand and the bullet dropped from the air as he stared at the soldier who had shot with a menacing glare.

"What is the meaning of this? Aren't the both of you Human? Are you really siding with these monsters?" A man yelled in Japanese as an old man stood out from the crowd.

Jake was surprised to see his boss staring at him but as for Haru he simply sighed upon seeing Major Samson. He wasn't in the mood to deal with anything and especially to deal with someone who had betrayed him and tried to arrest him. Haru looked back up at the sky and zoned out as Jake began to argue with Major Samson about what was going on until Haru was called back into the conversation.

"Haru, Please help me explain what is going on," Jake said as he turned around to look at his friend with desperation in his eyes. He didn't know what was going on himself so there was no way that he was going to be able to explain anything to them so he wanted to rely on Haru.

Haru turned his head towards the crowd of people waiting for an explanation and sighed before speaking.

"Those things that they dropped from that ship before flying away They are bombs that are strong enough to destroy the whole planet. There is a timer on them and there is nothing that we can do to defuse them." Haru explained as everyone began to fear for their lives. But it wasn't like it would do them any good to panic so they remained still, some with tears in their eyes and most of them with defeated looks.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"What? You can't be serious? Why would they want to destroy our planet? What did we do to them? Why are we being punished like this? There are so many innocent people that didn't even take part in the fighting" Major Samson asked as Haru explained again what had happened but this time so the Chinese soldiers could understand.

A few seconds went by before the Chinese soldier spoke.

"Is there really nothing that we can do about it? Is this really the end for humanity?" The old soldier asked himself as Haru looked at him for a few moments before looking back down to the ground. He couldn't bear to look at the people around him as he felt as though he had failed them yet again.

He blamed himself for everything yet again as it was still his fault that the demons returned to earth for a second time. But just as he was beginning to feel sorry for himself Hanying said something that planted a seed of hope in Haru.

"If only this planet had a transportation tunnel to the upper realms nearby. We could ascend to the upper realms with all the bombs and detonate them somewhere else." Hanying explained as Haru's eyes widened slightly upon hearing it.

He knew that the black star sect had a transportation tunnel but their sect was miles away from Beijing and it would be nearly impossible to get there in time. But he also knew that when someone reached a stage above the nascent soul, a transportation tunnel would form around them and transport them to the middle realm. 

Haru became hopeful as he knew that if he decided to break through the manifestation stage he would make it to the nirvana stage at least and he would end up in a different world somewhere in the universe. 

He didn't feel as though he was ready to leave everything behind just yet but if he could just save his friends and family from certain extermination he didn't care about the consequences.

Haru stood up and held out his hand to Hanying who looked back at him in confusion.

"What are you doing?" Hanying asked as he looked up to see a determined look in Haru's eyes. It became obvious that Haru was asking for something but Hanying didn't know what it was exactly.

"I want you to make me a promise. Although I don't trust you and I know that you like to go back on your word. I want you to promise me one thing and I will make sure that you and your brother don't die today." Haru said as the Chinese soldier looked at him for a moment before calling out to him.

"Hey, aren't you that man that fought alongside Major Niu in Shanghai!?" He shouted as the rest of the Chinese soldiers looked on in confusion as Haru kept his hand, held outwards towards Hanying.

"Major Niu died back then! And you dare to make deals with the people responsible for her death!?" The Chinese soldier shouted as he raised his gun towards Haru who wasn't paying attention to the situation as his mind was elsewhere.

"What is it you want? As long as my brother doesn't die today I will keep any promise you ask for." Hanying said with a devious smile as it seemed as though he was eager to go back on his word at the first chance he got.

"I want you to leave my world and never come back. As far as the other demons who came here are concerned, this world was destroyed by the bombs they dropped. I don't want my family and friends to be in danger anymore." Haru said as a loud bang shot out from the Chinese soldier's rifle as it was aimed at Haru's head. 

Haru turned to see the Chinese soldier had fallen to his knees as a woman with long blue hair held a sword to his neck with her hand on the barrel of the gun as she had pulled it away from Haru and pushed it into the air just before he had shot.

Haru smiled slightly, knowing that even after all this time his friends still had his back before turning back to Hanying he didn't need any time to consider.

"That's all you want from me? I was hoping that you would suggest that we get revenge on whoever dropped those bombs in the first place. But that would be too much to expect from the compassionate humans now wouldn't it?" Hanying mocked before nodding his head in agreement.

"That's fine by me. From today onwards earth is dead to the demon clan. It no longer exists and I will try my best to make sure that no one comes here again." Hanying said with a smile as he reached out to shake Haru's hand.

"Then we need to hurry. We need to collect all the bombs and stack them on top of each other in this ditch." Haru explained as Hanying, Fen and Haru rushed to gather the bombs. 

They used the manpower from the remainder of the demon army to make sure that they had gathered all of them before setting them down in a large pile in the trench that had been created by the collapse of the tunnel and Haru looked around at the soldiers who all looked unsure of what was about to happen.

"That's it. There should be around 6  minutes before they go off. What do you plan to do anyway?" Hanying asked as he felt as though gathering the bombs would only help in destroying the world in one explosion instead of many. 

Haru sat down on the pile of the bombs and gave Hanying the general idea of what was going to happen when he broke through to the nirvana stage.

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