The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 344: Goodbye.

Chapter 344: Goodbye.

"You're crazy, I never thought that anyone would be willing to do something like that let alone a human from some unknown planet in the lower realm. A word of advice for you, when you are in the tunnel make sure you kick the bombs out so they don't follow you to where you end up.

The last thing that you want to do is end up on another planet just to destroy it with the bombs that you tried to save your people from.

But I have a question for you now. How do you know that I won't go back on my word and kill all the people here as soon as you're gone? No one would be able to stop me if you go. What is giving you so much confidence?" Hanying asked as it seemed strange that Haru had gone from wanting to kill him just a few moments ago to entrusting him with the lives of all the humans on earth.

"I know that you are smarter than to go back on your word." Haru laughed slightly as he reached into his storage ring and pulled out the ancestral chains that had been stolen from the first demon that had tried to kill Haru.

"How did you!? You wouldn't dare. That would be genocide!" Hanying shouted out upon seeing the ancestral chains as he knew that those specific chains just so happened to be connected to his family line.

If Haru destroyed those ancestral chains, both Hanying and all of his family members would die. He quickly went quiet as not to antagonise Haru anymore.

"I wouldn't dare, you say? You do know that humans get pretty desperate when you kill the people they love right? If you want to push me to that desperation then be my guest but I promise I will wipe out as many of your people as I possibly can." Haru spoke with the same smile which added to the worry that Hanying felt.

"Okay, I see. You had that option all along yet you didn't destroy it because you knew that it would kill countless Innocent members of my clan right? Well since you have been merciful to the people of my clan I can make sure that no harm comes to those here that don't provoke me." Hanying said as he looked around at all the remaining demons that he had brought with him.

"All of you! Follow me! We have some things to talk about." Hanying shouted to the demon clansmen before leading them away behind one of the remaining buildings where screams of pain shot out from seconds later before Hanying emerged alone with his thumbs up towards Haru.

"You're planning something stupid again aren't you?" Jake asked as Haru was smiling as the countdown ticked down even more.

"When is he not planning something stupid? After all these years I still can't believe this idiot. He got a tunnel dropped on his head just because he was too stubborn to retreat. I don't think there is anything more idiotic than that." Mia laughed as she hopped down from the ground level into the ditch where Haru and Jake were and then walked over to them.

There was a gasp as Mia appeared before everyone as the Japanese soldiers began to whisper. Since the start of the battle, there had been rumours about her too since no one knew who she was yet whenever she appeared at a camp, even the highest-ranking officers would salute her.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"You've got that right. But he's always been like this since the first day I met him. Like when he jammed his foot in the door to help you get onto the train on the first day of school. He could have lost his leg. Or that time that he rescued us when those terrorists attacked the school. Or even that time he" Jake went on a rant as he recalled the past but Haru was quick to cut him off.

"Okay, I get it already. I'm an idiot. What of it?" Haru asked with a tired laugh as he felt nostalgic. It had been a long time since they were all together like this. But despite that, they could still make fun of each other as good friends did.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to get mad at you for not coming with me I just" Mia tried to explain herself to Haru but he didn't let her finish.

"No, I'm sorry. I was so full of rage that I let it get the better of me. I snapped at you for expecting you to be the same person you were when we were kids. You've grown and I didn't expect that. Thank you for coming to my aid too. You helped a lot." Haru thanked Mia as he couldn't have gotten the president out of the tunnel without her but just as he was about to question her about what happened another person stepped through the crowd of soldiers.

"There he is! That's the man who threw me across the room! And that's" The president's voice called out as Haru looked up to see him standing with a few guards surrounding him with angry looks on their faces until they noticed Hanying and Fen standing beside Haru.

"Is there some kind of issue here?" Hanying asked as he waved his hand towards the president while flashing a toothy smile.

The president retreated as quickly as he could as he thought that he would be captured again but Hanying kept to his word and didn't attack him as Haru had requested of him.

"Sorry about that. I should have tied him up somewhere. He kept yelling something at me after we got out of the tunnel together but I didn't understand so I handed him over to the first soldier that I saw." Mia explained before looking back up at Haru with a sad look in her eyes.

"What are you planning to do about those bombs? They are strong enough to destroy our planet right? So why did you gather them all here?" Mia asked as Jake took a few steps closer as he was concerned too. 

He didn't want to see Haru sacrifice himself if that was possible but he knew that due to Haru's stubbornness there would be nothing they could do to talk him out of it even if he was planning to lay down his life for them.

"It's not really that important. I just plan to take them on a trip with me. Somewhere far away from where they can't hurt anyone." Haru explained as he thought that Mia was clueless about but he was surprised to learn that she wasn't when she questioned him further

"You're ascending to another plane of existence aren't you? They call them realms right?" Mia asked as it seemed as though she knew a little more than he expected.

"Yeah, that's right. I will be going to a different realm." Haru said as he had nothing else to add.

"Well, how long will you go for? You know, the three of us should catch up sometime. Maybe we could get some drinks or something?" Mia asked as Haru remained silent.

"You're not planning to come back are you?" Jake asked as Haru looked down at the ground.

"There is a lot I need to take care of before I come back. I need to make sure that this doesn't happen again and to do that I need to get as strong as I possibly can. I'm not entirely sure when I will return. But I will come back eventually." Haru said as he tried to explain himself but both of them knew that for a cultivator time worked differently.

They would age slower and might even achieve immortality. But for a regular human, they would age and eventually die. Jake looked at the ground, saddened by the news that he might never see his best friend again.

"Hey, you're cutting it close. You have less than 30 seconds. You might want to start your breakthrough already." Hanying explained as he notified Haru that there wasn't much time left.

"Well, you heard the man. You two might want to take a few steps back or you will be dragged with me." Haru said as he closed his eyes and began to cultivate but as he did he felt something wet and soft brush his cheek.

"I was too scared to do that when we parted last time. But I wish you luck out there. And I hope you make a safe return whenever you feel ready to come home." Mia said as she retreated after kissing Haru's cheek.

Haru felt a little surprised by what had just happened but his heart already belonged to Suyin. 

"I'll let your parents know you're okay and make sure that they are well looked after while you're gone. Just leave it to me!" Jake called out as a faint blue glow emerged from Haru's body.

Haru nodded his head slightly as he focused more on the feeling of breaking through the bottleneck as Hanying and Fen also took a few steps back as they watched Haru's qi turn from a shade of blue into gold as he began to feel the true Qi flowing through the universe. 

Suddenly a beam of light shot down from the sky and illuminated the city like a golden collum had descended from the heavens around Haru as the transportation tunnel opened up around him.

Haru opened his eyes when he felt a pop in his body as something warm was released from within his chest as he watched all the Qi he had gathered for the last few years of his life disperse away from his body.

"Goodbye," Haru whispered as he felt his body being pulled up into the sky.

The light became more intense around him before turning white as it began to fade away. As Hanying and Fen watched on as the tunnel began to close around Haru a dark shadow appeared for a moment before vanishing alongside Haru.

"Did you just see that? It looked like a person." Fen said as Hanying looked at the ground as the tunnel completely closed. 

All of the bombs had vanished alongside Haru. 

They had done it. The crisis was averted but without a ship, they were both unsure of how they were going to leave.

They could release their real power and be transported somewhere but it wasn't the same as when someone broke through for the first time and they could be separated if the realm rejected them. So instead of leaving right away, Hanying decided to stay on earth along with his brother as they still had yet to figure out how to leave together.

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