The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 319 1 Vs 100 (Aizel Vs 4 Different Race Mages)

"His presence vanished suddenly...

"H-How can i-it hap-happen?...

Aizel stayed hidden in the calm depths of the lake while the other mages got together near the lake. 

Unbeknownst to the mages, their every movement and whispered conversation were observed by Aizel through his enhanced hearing.

[Master at least 10 mages]

They don't seem strong; maybe scout for their team or group? Let's get rid of them fast,"

Aizel pulled out two of the most important tools for this task. The first was a small container filled with a thick cloud of smoke. It had a special quality that could mess up the fine web of mana sense.

When released, it induced coughing fits, uncontrollable itching, and a stinging sensation that caused the eyes to burn, rendering the afflicted temporarily blind to the hidden energies that permeated their surroundings.

The second tool was a small flask with elaborate designs on it. Inside was a tiny but powerful creature: a bright electric bug that was crackling with unrestrained energy.

This remarkable insect served as a conduit, channeling the power of lightning into its tiny form. 

He started to tie them all together, and by enhancing his strength through mana, he launched all five of them toward a tightly knit cluster of ten mages, their presence a threat that required swift and decisive action.

Aizel's strengthened arm gave the containers a boost as they flew through the air, hurtling toward their intended targets like guided projectiles. 

As the containers descended upon the clustered mages, they exploded into action. 

The first container broke, letting out a billowing cloud of dark reddish-black smoke that filled the area with thick tendrils that curled and spread, infiltrating the very air the mages breathed.

"What the...

"W-Who did this...

*Cough* *Cough*

Right away, they all started coughing, their eyes burned, and they couldn't stop itching. The once-coordinated group fell apart into a flurry of disoriented moves as their mana sense and focus broke apart.

At the same time, the second container burst open, its veil broke, and the electric bug inside rushed out, sending out a crackling cloud of energy. Lightning danced across the battlefield, lighting up the chaos and putting fear in the hearts of those who got caught in its electrifying grip.


With a fluid leap, Aizel emerged from the depths of the water, his body glistening with droplets that cascaded down like liquid fire. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Instantly, Sekki complied with his command, morphing into two fiery blades connected by a chain. 

In an instant, the chaos yielded to Aizel's mastery. 

Mages, who were looking at him with a mix of doubt and fear in their eyes, had no chance against the seamless onslaught that awaited them.

The blades flew through the air with a fluid grace under Aizel's control, their flaming trails leaving a wake of wonder in their wake.

Ten heads, each belonging to a mage who had dared to stand against Aizel, were severed simultaneously. The blades moved with precision, cutting through skin and bone without stopping. 

[42 Down, Master, close to halfway]

Yeah, but it is going to be difficult from now on. Let's find some other place."

Aizel quickly left and went deeper into the forest. His heightened senses let him pick up on the subtle energies around him. 

Like tendrils of intuition, his mana sense whispered of an impending presence—the approach of four mages converging upon him from the shadows of the woodland.

As Aizel moved through the thick vegetation, his movements were deliberate and cautious as he navigated through the dense foliage.


"Kikiki... he is too nimble and agile," The Whiskerkin mage said.

"Don't take it lightly, Katerud. The fact that he is still alive indicates that he has already killed some mage," The seafolk woman replied.

"Marina is right. He isn't a simple one." The Avian woman said, flying on top of their heads.

"What do you think, Ragnath?" Katerud asked.

Ragnath, who was from the Dragon race, was the leader of their group. 


How should I give them an answer when I am confused about the situation? I would like to avoid humiliation in front of everyone," He thought.

"See, even Ragnath isn't replying; it means he is serious too," Marina replied.

"If Ragnath is considering this a threat, then I will take it seriously," Katerud replied.

Idiots, when did I even say anything?" Meanwhile, Ragnath thought.

"He has noticed us," Marina replied.

"Spread out," Ragnath ordered.

Under Ragnath's orders, the group quickly split up, each member taking their designated positions to encircle Aizel. 

Ragnath himself trailed closely behind, maintaining a calculated distance from his target. 

On Aizel's right, Marina jumped from branch to branch in a fluid way, her agile movements blending seamlessly with the surrounding foliage.I think you should take a look at

Meanwhile, high above, Aeris soared through the air, his wings propelling him with swift precision as he kept a keen eye on Aizel's every move.

On Aizel's left side, Katerud moved with the grace and agility of a feline predator. 

His nimble strides carried him effortlessly through the underbrush, closing the distance between him and Aizel.

[Master, all four seem to be different.]

Hmm, so 1 kitty Cat, 1 flying Chicken, 1 blue fish, and 1 Dragon that has an almost human appearance."


[Yes Master on it]

As Aizel ran through the forest, Sekki changed into a sleek bow. 

With swift and practiced hands, Aizel notched an arrow and secured a small veil flask containing the electrifying bug onto its shaft.

In a brave move, Aizel suddenly turned around and pulled back on the bowstring, making it tighten up like a spring. 


Aizel let go of the arrow in one smooth move, its flight carrying it swiftly towards the sky.

The arrow's trajectory aimed true, honing in on its intended target: Aeris, the airborne member of the pursuing group.

"Aeris, look out!" Marina shouted.

Aeris detected the imminent threat hurtling towards her in the form of an arrow. 

She made a split-second choice to turn off her original path to try to avoid the coming projectile. But the arrow had a surprise element that no one expected.

As the arrow got close to its intended target, Aizel swiftly shattered the small veil flask attached to its shaft with just a thought. 

When the bug in a flask got out, it set off a flash of lightning that made the air buzz.

In a fateful twist of fate, the unleashed lightning found its mark, striking Aeris directly and jolting her with an electrifying force.

She was stunned for a moment by the hit, and she lost control of her flight as she quickly fell to the forest floor. 

"I will help Aeris.... Marina, hold him with Katerud," Ragnath ordered, charging towards Aeries, who was going to crash on the ground.

Marina conjured her power with a swift motion of her hand. In response, a series of medium-sized waves materialized, crashing towards Aizel with forceful intent. 

The sound of their collision echoed through the air, making a symphony of splashes and waves all around them. 

Aizel was unfazed and took immediate action by drawing on his own elemental strength.

With a commanding wave of his hands, he summoned flames that leaped to life, dancing and intertwining with the oncoming waves.


When fire and water met, they made a show of steam that filled the area with a whirling mist.

The steam billowed and spun, obscuring the view of both mages and giving their fight an air of mystery.

Katerud, as quick and nimble as a cat on the prowl, dashed toward Aizel with deadly intent. In each hand, he wielded a pair of gleaming daggers. 

A mischievous grin adorned Katerud's face, confident in his impending victory as he closed in on Aizel. 

The thought of easily dispatching his opponent brought a gleam of satisfaction to his eyes.

With a swift motion, Aizel spun on his heel, swiftly launching a jet-black dagger towards Katerud.

Katerud, anticipating the strike, sidestepped the projectile without so much as a scratch, a smug twitch playing at the corners of his lips.

In a strange turn of events, Aizel seemed to disappear into thin air, leaving behind only the black dagger he had just thrown.

Katerud's eyes widened in alarm, realizing the impending danger that lurked behind him. 

When he turned around, a blade was just a few inches from his neck. But all of a sudden, water tentacles grabbed his leg and pulled him out of the spot. 

Katerud breathed heavily as he noticed Marina charging toward Aizel.

This guy is really dangerous," he thought.

[Damn it, this bitch saved him]

Pay attention," 

Marina shot a bunch of water bullets at Aizel, but he dodged them all with ease. His agile form weaved through the air, effortlessly sidestepping each watery projectile that threatened to impede his advance.

As their weapons were about to hit each other in a clash of steel, Aizel's keen senses caught a glimpse of Marina's sly smile.


The ground cracked under Aizel's feet with a loud rumble, letting him know that an unexpected enemy was coming.

Before he could do anything, Ragnath appeared behind him and swung his strong fist at his back.

The impact shook Aizel's body and armor, sending pain through his back and sending him flying like a rag doll on the ground. 

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