The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 320 1 Vs 100 (You Did Well)

Aizel clenched his teeth and tried hard to take control of his body again.

He exerted his willpower and managed to bring himself to a halt, his feet firmly planted on the ground.

Every time he moved, a sharp pain shot through his back, reminding him of Ragnath's strong punch. 

Damn it, that guy punch packed a lot."

His keen eyes surveyed the scene before him, taking in the sight of all four mages standing united. He looked at his opponents and observe different looks.

The lady of the Avian race looked like a thin human, but she had beautiful wings that grew from her back, and her face looked like that of a chicken. 

The Seafolk woman was about 8 feet tall and had a slim build. Her skin was a pale blue that shimmered like the waves of the ocean. Her ears were just like those of an elf.

The Whiskerkin exhibited feline characteristics, boasting a little human body with a long tail, cat ears, and sharp canine teeth. 

However, it was the dragon that held his attention the most. Despite lacking any overt draconic traits, this individual appeared entirely human, with light red hair and eyes providing the only hints of their true nature.

"It is quite interesting to see a cat getting along with a fish," Aizel commented.

"What did you say?" Katherud growled a little.

"You are really bold as a human," Marina replied.

"I don't need to be bold in front of a cat, a fish, a chicken, and a... don't know what he is," Aizel said.

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"C-Ch...Chicken...this trash called me chicken, Marina?" Aeris quickly asked, flapping her wings.

"Who are you calling trash, you asshole? I will fucking deep fry you."

"Guys, don't listen to him. He is just trying to make us lose our cool so that we can make mistakes in the battle. 

"Just learn from Ragnath, he doesn't seem fazed by any provocation," Marina replied.

That guy is like a statue." Meanwhile, Aizel thought the same.

[Master, he seems dangerous.]

What are you even saying? I don't want to get humiliated. I don't even know how strong this guy is," Ragnath thought at the same time.

"Seriously, the last thing I knew was that many races are not that close to each other. Especially the Whiskerkin and Seafolk," Aizel said, wanting to satisfy his curiosity.

"They might have differences, but we four are different," Marina replied.

"Yes, we were the same as others.  We four were caught in a battle and were made slaves to humans.

"We set our differences aside and escaped from them by working together. From that day on, we became good friends," Katerud explained.

"Oh my," Aizel swiped a fake tear and clapped a little for him.

"You did well,"

"This assh...

"Wait... don't move," Ragnath said.

"Haaaa.... you dragon boy. You are really good." Aizel suddenly said.

"Move back hurry...


Suddenly, a seemingly harmless container hidden among the grass and soil burst, drawing the attention of everyone in the area.  I think you should take a look at

When the force of Ragnath's hit dragged and rolled Aizel to the ground before, he had deftly planted it on his way down. 

As the container shattered, a vibrant green gas and smoke billowed out, swiftly enveloping the area.

[Master, only that cat guy got hit with the smoke]


The four of them moved back quickly to avoid the smoke that was getting closer. 

But Katerud's reaction was a little slow, leaving him momentarily exposed to its effects. 

To everyone's surprise, nothing seemed to happen to him, leaving them perplexed as to the purpose of this mysterious smoke.

In the middle of all the confusion and doubt, Aizel quickly appeared near the Aeris.

"Idiots, that was just a distraction."

Aizel quickly swung his double-edged sword at Aeris with full force. She acted quickly and started flapping her wings quickly, trying desperately to get away from the strike that was coming.

As Aeris moved away, she opened her long beak and fired a series of bursts of wind at Aizel. The gusts of wind carried with them incredible force, intending to push him back and disrupt his advance.

Simultaneously, both Katerud and Marina swiftly closed in on Aizel. 

Marina clenched her fist, aiming for a powerful blow to his face, while Katerud mirrored her movements, poised to strike from the opposite side.

Their combined attack sought to overwhelm Aizel from both directions.

Aizel dodged the attacks from Marina and Katerud by stepping a little back. Their fists whizzed past him, failing to find their mark

Seizing the opportunity, Aizel swiftly manipulated his palms in a precise and calculated manner, redirecting their momentum.

With a twist, their own attacks hit each other, causing Marina and Katerud's fists to collide, striking their faces simultaneously.

The unexpected collision left them momentarily stunned and disoriented.

Aizel quickly grabbed both of their heads with both hands, forcefully guiding them to collide with each other. 

The impact resonated with a resounding thud as their faces met, repeating the action in a dizzying sequence.

As the ground shook beneath him, a colossal metal spike erupted from the earth behind Aizel, hurtling toward his back. 

Reacting with lightning reflexes, he released his grip and swiftly leaped away, narrowly evading the lethal attack.

Ragnath, donning powerful gauntlets on both hands, closed in on Aizel. Above him, Aeries flew through the air, providing him with support.

Aizel threw an object at Ragnath in a quick and sneaky way, which caused him to be cautious and change his path.

However, to Ragnath's surprise, the object turned out to be nothing more than an ordinary stone, a clever ploy that allowed Aizel to swiftly close the distance between himself and Marina, and Katerud.

Marina quickly conjured waves on the ground, temporarily obstructing Aizel's mobility. Sensing the challenge, Aizel fortified his footing and enhanced it with mana, skillfully navigating the watery terrain.

With a well-thought-out move, he sent a bolt of lightning through the water and pointed it right at Marina.

In an instant, the waves dissipated, showing Katerud, who quickly answered Aizel's lightning bolt with a surge of his own. 

Ragnath and Aeris closed in on Aizel at the same time, flanking him from both sides.

Meanwhile, Katerud and Marina maintained their positions, forming a formidable barrier that left Aizel surrounded on all fronts.

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