The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 241 Passing The Test

Orion approached the elder with a sense of deference, bowing respectfully before him. "Elder Winston," he said, his voice respectful. "I have come to hand in my beast cores for the test."

"Elder Winston," he said, his voice respectful. "I have come to hand in my beast cores for the test."

The elder regarded him for a moment, his eyes studying Orion's face. He had seen many young cultivators like Orion over the years, and he knew that the forest could be a dangerous and unforgiving place.

"Ah, yes," he said, his voice deep and rumbling. "I have been expecting you. Let me see the cores."

Orion reached into his bag and pulled out the cores, placing them gently on the ground before the elder. Winston stooped down to examine them, his eyes scanning each one carefully.

Elder Winston scanned each beast core with a practiced eye, inspecting them for their quality and rarity. As he reached the last core, his eyes widened in surprise.

"Interesting," he muttered under his breath. "This is a Fourth-Stage Warrior Realm beast core."

As Elder Winston examined the beast cores that Orion had presented, his expression remained neutral and unreadable. But as his gaze fell upon one of the cores, his eyes widened in surprise, and his brows furrowed in deep concentration.

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Orion watched the elder carefully, trying to gauge his reaction. He knew that he had managed to secure some rare and powerful beast cores during his time in the forest, but he didn't expect the elder to be so surprised by one of them.

The other disciples who had gathered around to watch the exchange were also taken aback by the elder's reaction. They had all heard about Orion's success in the forest, but they didn't expect him to have a Fourth-Stage Warrior Realm beast core in his possession.

Elder Winston continued to examine the beast's core, his fingers tracing the intricate patterns etched into its surface. He remained silent for several minutes, lost in deep thought.

Finally, he looked up at Orion, his eyes shining with a mixture of curiosity and admiration. "You have done well, young cultivator," he said, his voice low and reverent. "This Fourth-Stage Warrior Realm beast core is a rare find. You have truly surpassed my expectations."

The other disciples murmured their agreement, their eyes fixed on Orion with newfound respect. They had all known that he was a talented cultivator, but this revelation had taken them all by surprise.

Orion felt a sense of pride well up inside him as he realized the significance of his achievement. He had managed to secure one of the rarest and most powerful beast cores in the forest, and he had done it all on his own.

He nodded respectfully to Elder Winston, thanking him for his kind words. As he gathered up the rest of his beast cores, he couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment wash over him.

Elder Winston smiled warmly at Orion, recognizing the look of satisfaction and pride on the young cultivator's face. "You have certainly earned your place among the elite," he said, his voice full of admiration.

Orion felt a sense of gratitude and respect towards the elder, who had always been a source of guidance and inspiration to him. He knew that without the elder's teachings and guidance, he wouldn't have been able to achieve such success in the forest.

As Elder Winston finished examining the beast cores, he handed them back to Orion with a smile. "Here you are," he said, his voice cheerful. "You have passed the test with flying colors. Congratulations."

Orion accepted the beast cores with a grateful nod, carefully placing them back into his bag. He then looked up to see the elder holding out a small, ornate ring to him.

"And as a token of my appreciation, I would like to offer you this spatial ring," Elder Winston said, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Consider it a passing gift from me to you."

Orion was surprised but grateful for the elder's gesture. Spatial rings were rare and valuable items that could store and transport objects over long distances, making them highly prized among cultivators.

"Thank you, Elder Winston," Orion said, his voice filled with gratitude. "I will treasure it always."

Orion bowed respectfully to Elder Winston, thanking him for his kind words and bidding him farewell. As he turned to leave, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction and pride welling up inside him.

But just as he was about to step away, the elder's voice called out to him once more. "Wait," he said, beckoning Orion back towards him. "Before you leave, I advise you to go to the Market Plaza and sell that Fourth-Stage Warrior Realm beast core."

Orion turned back towards the elder, his curiosity piqued. "Why should I do that?" he asked, unsure of what the elder was getting at.

Elder Winston smiled knowingly, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Because a beast core like that is sure to fetch a high price," he explained. "And I think it's about time you started investing in your cultivation. With the right resources and guidance, you could become one of the most powerful cultivators in the kingdom."

Orion nodded thoughtfully, his mind racing with possibilities. He had never considered selling his beast cores before, but the elder's words made sense. If he could get a good price for his Fourth-Stage Warrior Realm beast core, he could use the money to buy better equipment, resources, and training to help him become even stronger.

"Thank you for the advice, Elder Winston," he said, bowing respectfully. "I will take your words to heart."

The elder nodded, a pleased expression on his face. "Good luck to you, Orion," he said warmly. "I have no doubt that you will go far."

With that, Orion turned and left the forest entrance, his mind buzzing with excitement. He knew that the Market Plaza was a bustling hub of activity, filled with merchants, traders, and cultivators.

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