The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 242 Market Plaza

Orion arrived at the Market Plaza in the Celestial Harmony Sect, his eyes wide with wonder at sight before him. The plaza was a bustling hub of activity, filled with vendors selling a variety of goods, from rare and exotic beasts to powerful cultivation techniques.

Orion walked through the crowds, taking in the sights and sounds of the marketplace. He watched as vendors hawked their wares, shouting out their prices and descriptions in a bid to attract customers.

The air was filled with the scent of spices and exotic fruits, and Orion's stomach growled as he passed by a vendor selling grilled meat skewers. He made a mental note to come back later and try some for himself.

As he walked further into the plaza, he saw that the stalls became more and more opulent, the goods on display becoming rarer and more expensive. He watched as wealthy cultivators negotiated deals with vendors, their faces serious as they haggled over the price of a rare beast or a powerful cultivation technique.

Orion knew that he was here for a different reason, however. He had come to sell the Fourth-Stage Warrior Realm beast core that he had obtained during his time in the forest. He knew that it was a rare and valuable item, and he hoped that he could fetch a high price for it.

As he made his way through the crowds, Orion's eyes caught sight of a towering building in the distance. Its walls were made of gleaming white marble, and its ornate architecture was unlike anything he had ever seen before.

Curious, he decided to investigate and made his way toward the structure. As he drew closer, he saw that it was named the Celestial Plaza, and he could tell that it was an important part of the market.

As he entered the building, he was struck by its grandeur. The walls were adorned with intricate carvings and frescoes depicting scenes of celestial beings and powerful cultivators.

As Orion entered the grandiose building of Celestial Plaza, he was immediately impressed by its opulence and extravagance. The walls were adorned with intricate carvings and decorations, while the floors were polished to a mirror-like shine. He could see countless stalls and vendors selling various goods and items.

As he walked further into the building, he was approached by an attendant who greeted him with a polite bow.

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"Welcome to Celestial Plaza, young cultivator," the attendant said, his voice smooth and refined. "How may I be of service to you?"

Orion returned the bow and spoke in a polite tone. "I have been advised to sell a beast core here. Can you direct me to a vendor who specializes in such items?"

"Of course," the attendant replied with a smile. "We have several reputable vendors who deal in beast cores. Follow me, please."

The attendant led Orion through the bustling marketplace, passing by rows of stalls selling everything from weapons to talismans. Finally, they arrived at a small booth with a sign that read "Beast Emporium."

"This is the place," the attendant said, gesturing towards the booth. "The vendor here is renowned for his expertise in dealing with beast cores."

Orion thanked the attendant and approached the booth. He was greeted by an elderly man with a bald head and a wispy white beard.

Orion walked up to the attendant at the counter and opened his spatial ring. He rummaged through it and pulled out a pile of beast cores, placing them on the counter. The attendant's eyes widened as he saw the impressive collection of cores.

Orion had managed to acquire a total of 20 First-Stage Warrior Realm beast cores, 10 Second-Stage Warrior Realm beast cores, 5 Third-Stage Warrior Realm beast cores, and 1 Fourth-Stage Warrior Realm beast core during his time in the forest. He had worked hard and risked his life to obtain these rare and valuable items, and he knew that they would fetch a high price at the market.

The attendant picked up one of the First-Stage Warrior Realm beast cores and examined it closely. He nodded in approval and turned to Orion. "These are some impressive cores you have here. Where did you get them?"

Orion smiled modestly. "I obtained them during my time in the forest," he said. "I was fortunate enough to come across some powerful beasts."

The attendant nodded, his eyes still fixed on the cores. "I can tell," he said. "These are high-quality cores, and they will fetch a good price in the market. Would you like me to appraise them for you?"

Orion nodded and handed over the cores to the attendant. The man took his time examining each one, his fingers tracing the intricate patterns etched into their surfaces. As he inspected them, he murmured to himself, his lips moving in the silent calculation.

Finally, he looked up at Orion and smiled. "These cores are worth a small fortune," he said. "Especially this Fourth-Stage Warrior Realm core."

Orion nodded, feeling a sense of satisfaction wash over him. He had worked hard to obtain these beast cores, and it was gratifying to know that they were worth so much. "What kind of price can I expect to get for them?" he asked the attendant.

"How much can I get for all of them, including the Fourth-Stage core?" he asked the attendant eagerly.

The attendant thought for a moment, then replied, "I can offer you 100 Low-Grade Qi Stones or 1 Middle-Grade Qi Stone for all the cores, including the Fourth-Stage one."

Orion's eyes widened in surprise at the offer. He knew that Qi Stones were a valuable currency in the cultivation world, and he had heard that Middle-Grade stones were particularly rare and expensive.

But after a moment of consideration, Orion began to have doubts. He was just starting out in the cultivation world, but he didn't want to sell himself short. He had worked hard to collect these beast cores, and he believed that they were worth more than what the attendant was offering.

"Are you sure that's the best price you can offer?" he asked, his voice hesitant. "I feel like these cores are worth more than that."

The attendant looked at him with a patient smile. "It's already a good price for them," he said. "You are still a beginner in the cultivation world, so this kind of money is already good for you."

Orion nodded, understanding the attendant's point of view. He was still new to this world, and he had a lot to learn about its economy and customs. But he couldn't shake the feeling that he was selling himself short.

"What about the Fourth-Stage beast core?" he asked, pointing to the rarest core in his collection. "Isn't that worth more than the rest?"

The attendant nodded. "It is a valuable core, but it's not as rare as you might think," he said. "The demand is quite high, but high-rank cultivators rarely want to hunt for these cores."

Orion took a deep breath, considering his options. He knew that he needed Qi Stones to advance his cultivation, but he didn't want to sell his hard-earned beast cores for less than they were worth. He thought for a moment before deciding it.

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