The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1124 Strange Old Man

Zhao Li Xin stare at Lory back running hastily towards the restroom past several women without caring, Zhao Li Xin tilted his head thinking what if those people thought Lory was in a hurry to take a pee? Then again knowing Lory's character he might not care about it.

Zhao Li Xin looked around him and then realized there wasn't much he could do so he pulled his legs up and then form into a lotus position he took a deep breath before closing his eyes and started to cultivate.

For most people, cultivation is an arduous process and it takes a lot of time where patience is gravely needed in order to be successful but there are very few people who are born with special bodies for cultivation that they don't feel any difficulty like normal people and they cultivate as easy as breathing, for them to cultivate is a natural process and Zhao Li Xin s one of those very few people.

The first thing he did in cultivation was to open some blockages in his body and then slowly push out the impurities from his body that was flowing out along with his sweat.

Normal people would need all day to clear their impurities however Zhao Li Xin only needed fifteen minutes to do it.

When Zhao Li Xin opened his eyes he could feel a significant difference in his whole body like someone who used to live in a crowded city and then moved to a mountain peak far from society.

The air felt pristine thus breathing became much easier, and his body felt much lighter and stronger, the only problem was the traces of sweat that felt sticky on his body. Zhao Li Xin felt that he also needed to go to the restroom, at least he wanted to wipe her body with a wet towel.

Unfortunately, he had promised not to go anywhere, after all, he didn't know what to do when he entered the restroom, moreover, he wasn't sure he could tell the difference between the women's bathroom and the men's bathroom, therefore, for now, he could only restrain himself and obediently wait for Lory.

Zhao Li Xin lowered his feet from the bench and then cast his eyes aimlessly around him all of a sudden his gaze stopped on a painting that was displayed in one of the antique shop windows.

the painting style is very similar to the ink paintings in his world but the quality is far inferior compared to the paintings in his world even Mong Yi who has no talent for painting can paint better than that however he is curious to find something familiar.

Zhao Li Xin glanced at the clock to make sure he still had enough time to look at the paintings. Before he go Zhao Li Xin make sure his hoodie still cover his head then he walked toward the front of the shop.

As he stand in front of the shop window display Zhao Li Xin clasped his hands behind his back gracefully and then begin to examine the painting on the glass window just like an ancient scholar...only with a hoodie.

After a while, Zhao Li Xin let out a long sigh, the more he looked at the painting the more obvious the flaws became.

The unstable strokes, the messy style, cause a lifeless, it seem the painter depend on bold color to bring out the visual he want but that just make the painting too excessive it didn't look harmonious at all.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Instead of looking at this painting, he preferred to enjoy Lory's unique drawing. Compared to this painting Lory's picture had so much life that he could feel Lory's mood at that time when she was drawing as if he was peeking inside her head, that's why Zhao Li Xin honestly thought Lory's drawing was so much better than this horrible painting.

"Do you like it?" a middle-aged man suddenly approached him.

Zhao Li Xin had actually sensed this old man's arrival a few minutes ago but because he didn't feel any threat from this man Zhao Li Xin let him be, but why this old man suddenly spoke to him? Zhao Li's face subconsciously scrunches up.

No matter how much he has changed Zhao Li Xin is still not a social person so it's unavoidable that he feels disturbed by this stranger's approach.

[I don't understand what you're saying...] Zhao Li Xin replied shortly.

The man seemed to be unaware of the dislike on Zhao Li Xin's face, he looked at Zhao Li Xin with a surprised face.

"Oh, you speak Aster, don't you? Are you from Xiya country?" the old man suddenly got excited?

The corner of Zhao Li Xin's lips twitch, the old man is so noisy but he keeps reminding himself not to make a scene so he will not trouble Lory.

Zhao Li Xin turned his face towards the ugly painting which immediately dampened his mood for the worse, at this moment Zhao Li Xin had never missed Mong Yi and Mong Ki's presence so much.

Getting no reaction from Zhao Li Xin, the old man realized he was still babbling in his language, knowing his mistakes he cleared his throat and then spoke [Do you perhaps like this painting?]

Unfortunately, because there were grammatical differences and some words had different meanings, what Zhao Li Xin heard was [That painting is cool, isn't it!]

In an instant, the formal sentence turned into an informal sentence that was too intimate for two people who had just met.

Zhao Li Xin's expression darkened even more, he didn't understand why this old man acted too close to him yet Zhao Li Xin remind himself to be patient so he answer the old man as politely as he could.

[There's still room for improvement!] he answers politely.

Yet what the old man heard was: [It's look like sh*t!]

The old man's face turned red, he pointed his finger angrily at Zhao Li Xin [You… how can you say that, this is the best painting in my shop, you think you know better than me?!]

What Zhao Li Xin heard was:

[What did you say? this painting it's so great, you are the fool!]

Zhao Li Xin didn't understand why this unknown old man suddenly scolded him when he kindly answer his question was this considered normal here?

Zhao Li Xin didn't want to prolong the problem after all he had to go back before Lory left the restroom.

[Then forgive me sir perhaps due to my lack of knowledge I have offended you] Zhao Li Xin gives a slight bow.

unfortunately what the old man heard was: [Then sorry if you feel offended, let's just say I'm stupid, okay!]

Just like that the courteous world magically turns into sarcastic words.

The old man was trembling with anger he had never felt so humiliated like this he pointed his finger at Zhao Li Xin [You think you are very smart eh, then come at me, show me what you got!] He grabbed Zhao Li Xin's wrist and then pulled him inside the store.

Zhao Li Xin wanted to slap the old man's hand but many people were watching them so Zhao Li Xin didn't want to attract attention anymore so she let the old man drag her into the antique shop. As they entered the beach, the old man led Zhao Li Xin to an antique painting table in the middle of the shop.

[Try drawing something if you think you're really good!] The old man chides Zhao Li Xin but still, kindly spreads out the drawing paper for Zhao Li Xin to draw on.

Zhao Li Xin stopped and was silent for a moment because she had never faced a situation like this in his life normally people either avoided him or attacked him and anything in between they had to meet his subordinates first before meeting him therefore Zhao Li Xin needed a few minutes before he realized the old man asked him to draw.

The old man lifted his chin as he made a smug expression thinking Zhao Li Xin didn't know how to draw but then he was shocked Zhao Li Xin took one of the brushes then his eyes turned to the ready ink next to him, Zhao Li Xin dipped the brush carefully in the ink but then his brows furrowed when he felt that the drawing ink was not as dark as the normal ink he used to use and when tested on other paper it doesn't feel smooth so he concludes the ink must be bad quality.

[Could you do it or not?] the old man snorted derisively.

Zhao Li Xin gave an indifferent glance at the old man for a second while contemplating what kind of painting he could finish quickly before Lory finished because he didn't want to worry his wife.

Zhao Li Xin decided to draw a simple plum blossom.

With a swift movement, Zhao Li Xin's hands the tip of the brush glided smoothly as his brush trace the white paper calmly without a hint of hesitation or worry and it didn't take long for the strokes to transform into beautiful flowers.

The old man's eyes widened as if his eyeballs were about to pop out of their sockets, the old man alternated between looking at Zhao Li Xin and the unfolded paper in front of him to make sure he wasn't dreaming, that what was happening in front of him was real!

It didn't take long for Zhao Li Xin to draw a bunch of blooming plum blossoms, after giving the finishing touch Zhao Li Xin put down the brush and then say flatly [Done...]

The old man was dumbfounded his mouth slightly open as his eyes fixated on the painting that looked so alive it was almost like the flower swaying by the wind and what make it more amazing it only took less than ten minutes for this man to draw this magnificent painting.

The old man was taken aback from a daze by the sound of the doorbell when he back to his sense a young girl with a light brown-haired girl entered the shop however, Zhao Li Xin had disappeared his eyes frantically searching for that young man.

"Grandpa what are you looking for?" the young girl was confused to see her grandfather looking at her with a face of panic.

"Lily, did you see a guy with a hoodie?" the old man rush to the door.

Lilly chased his grandfather "You mean, a man with a hoodie? he just left when I'm come in"

"He left?" The old man gaped then he ask again  "Did he say his name?"

"No?" Lily shakes her head in confusion.

The old man hit his head while groaning in despair, "Oh no!"

Lily was confused by her grandfather's reaction "What's wrong with that person, grandfather?"

"Come here quickly!" he motioned to his grandson impatiently, "Look at this!"

Lily stepped towards her grandfather and then stared at the half-wet painting as her brown eyes widened "So beautiful! Who drew this, was the man your grandfather mentioned earlier?"

"YES!" cried the old man then his shoulders slumped "But now he's gone..."

What is he looks like?" Lily was also curious about this mysterious man who was able to draw this beautiful painting. Unlike any other painting, ink painting is a technique that is almost extinct, there are only a few people left in the world that are able to paint with this technique.

However, after the War of the Dark Ages, ink painters dwindled even more, and to make matters worse many ink paintings were destroyed or lost during the war.

The old man had been infatuated with ink painting after being introduced by his wife who was from Xiya country coincidently she was also quite a famous ink painter but sadly she passed away four years ago and since then he was more active in collecting ink paintings from all over the world as a reminder of his beloved wife who shares the same passion as him.

But after he saw Zhao Li Xin's painting, he realized how inferior his other collection even his wife's painting cannot match the plum blossom painting that only took a few minutes to make.

"He's a young man in his early thirties and he's from Xiya country like your grandma, he's a bit arrogant but I guess that's natural" The old man automatically turned biased after seeing Zhao Li Xin's painting he then looked at his granddaughter again with glittering eyes "Lily I've never seen anyone with this kind of talent even your grandma is inferior to him if I get him I could promote him as the best ink painter in the world, you know how great this is?! I believe that man could change the world of ink painting like never before!" the old man squealed with joy like a teenage girl who met her idol.

Lily didn't understand ink painting but she felt that this painting was much more beautiful and lively than all the ink paintings she had ever seen even though it was only a black-and-white painting.

"Oh we have CCTV in our shop right, we might be able to identify him," Lily said.

The old man clapped his hands, "You're right - you're right! I know someone who can do this job!" he rushed into the inner room in a hurry.

Lily let out a long sigh, she had never seen her grandfather so excited after her grandmother passed away, she thought it wasn't a bad thing even though she was worried about the mysterious man's character because so many people tried to take advantage of her grandfather.

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