The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1125 New Hunter

Zhao Li Xin knew that Lory was most likely done and was looking for her, therefore Zhao Li Xin took long steps to where she should be, and as expected a red-haired woman was looking around as if looking for something anxiously.

The woman had much shorter hair than Lory, which was just a little below the shoulders and straight too, but from her back posture, Zhao Li Xin recognized that woman was Lory.

[Lory!] Zhao Li Xin called out to her with a slight shout.

Lory turned around in haste, her beautiful face which was now painted with thick make-up that turned her gentle face into a fierce woman.

When she saw Zhao Li Xin, Lory's eyes which were purple before had turned green and immediately widened wide, however, those eyes filled with a large sense of relief immediately she ran towards Zhao Li Xin.

[Li Xin where have you been, I thought I lost you!] Lory jump to his arms then hugged him tightly.

Zhao Li Xin felt guilty for making Lory worry but he herself didn't expect that he would be stopped by a strange old man in her heart he blamed the old man even though it was mostly still his fault.

[Sorry Lory, I met a strange person earlier] Zhao Li explained.

Lory let go of her hug then her eyes reflexively traced Zhao Li Xin up and down to see if there was something wrong with him then Lory's face turned worried again.

[Are you okay, you can't follow random people, Li Xin, I told you before Li Xin there are lots of weirdos here so you always be careful!] Lory became agitated knowing Zhao Li Xin lost most of her powers and didn't only that, the people of this world not only possessed supernatural powers like him but also possessed dangerous technologies that Zhao Li Xin had yet to understand.

[I'm fine Lory] Zhao Li Xin was not bothered by how Lory treated her like a gullible child, on the contrary, he rather enjoyed it.

Zhao Li Xin looked at the woman full of make-up it was able to change the contours of her face completely so that her natural beauty was utterly covered but Zhao Li Xin didn't feel anything strange about her after all in his eyes Lory will always be beautiful it's just that he was curious what kind of makeup she used especially on her hair [You changed your hair?]

Lory realized she was overreacting, and she quickly changed the way she spoke [Uh, yeah, there's a straightening shampoo in the box, so I might as well cut my hair to change my look…Do I look weird?]

Zhao Li Xin chuckles at her unnecessary question [You look different but still beautiful] he sincerely said.

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Zhao Li Xin wasn't good at lying especially in front of her therefore Lory was sure Zhao Li Xin was telling the truth immediately her face blushed.

[Oh, I already asked where the guild is, it turns out it's not far from here, let's go!] Lory said while holding Zhao Li Xin's hand, not long after they arrived at a building with a large wooden sign written 'The Beast's Slayer guild'

[Here it is...] Lory sighed as she looked at the tacky sign decorated with colorful lights which made the place look like a questionable cheap bar but considering most of the people in there were drunks, rogue, troublemakers, and other sketchy types of people so it was not wrong to make the guild look like a cheap bar.

Lory pushed open the door and immediately the smell of alcohol and cigarettes mixed in the air then wafted through his nose, Lory twitched her nose at once as she remembered the not-so-pleasant past she had whenever she entered a small guild, Lory then walked towards the registration without paying heed to the noisy crowd of drunkard around her soon she was greeted by a young woman behind the counter table.

"Hello, can I help you?" she asked politely as she flashed her lovely white teeth at Lory.

"I came to renew my membership as a hunter," said Lory.

"Oh what's your name?" he started typing on her keyboard.

Lory has had several aliases since being registered as a hunter at the age of thirteen, but all of these names are under the supervision of the Royal Harland supervisory agency directly under Fredhardt, but Lory is still worried that the name has leaked to other countries, for example, Lucas's alias has been leaked to the Luxemborough country that causes multiple assassinations towards him, therefore, Lory dare not be careless.

Lory remembered that there was one alias outside everyone's knowledge because she created the alias after she left Harland.

"Raven, my name is Raven Jane," said Lory.

"Oh, let me check..." his fingers slid across the keyboard at high speed.

Lory wasn't sure know if her name still exist since Nazareth had destroyed most of the infrastructure whether it was transportation or communication nothing was spared, so it wouldn't be strange if some databases might have been lost in the midst of that chaos.

"Got it!" the woman exclaimed startling Lory.

"It's been seventeen years since your last update!" the woman stared at her in awe "That means you register just a year before the awakening of the black dragon! why do you take so long?"

Lory smile faintly "I take a temporary vacation"

"But now your back!" the woman squeaked excitedly "You have no idea how much we need hunters after the war is over to keep the roads safe because the army and police are becoming scarce as most of them have died as a result of the war,"

Lory didn't know what happened after he left his world, he investigated further "Yeah, I know... did the same thing happen here?"

"Miss Jane, are you kidding me, chaos is everywhere!" The woman widened her eyes, "After the Dark beasts disappeared with Nazareth, bless all the Lucient in heaven!" she'd did not forget to send a prayer to the god for the Lucient before continuing again, "Wild beasts started got out from their hiding and then begin to attack small city and village perhaps due to the extreme hunger during the reign of Demon Beast, I guessed they're just as hungry as us"

Lory lowered her head to hide her shocked expression thought she had a good guess of what would have happened after the war but she didn't expect the situation will become that horrible perhaps she was too naïve or too positive.

"But the luckiest citizens are still the citizens of Harland" the woman sighed "Not only were they protected in L'markieth during the chaos even after the war ended King Lucas immediately rebuilt the five sky pillars to activate the Lucient barrier as soon as possible and only within five months Harland managed to protect his entire kingdom territory by then they managed to rebuild their territories peacefully without having security problem unlike other countries…well, that to be expected from leaders like king Lucas and the Archknights unlike our leader, they were all hide in their bunker without care what happened to us and now they busy fighting to filled the empty seat instead taking care of us!" she spat her anger freely.

Lory smiled faintly knowing something was still the same, but she was relieved that her kingdom was managed to get back on its feet under the leadership of her younger brother and friends.

"Oh, look how much I'm talking!" she smacked her mouth and laughs before going back to typing on her keyboard and a moment later handed Lory a silver colored card with black writing showing her name, age, nationality, and the top corner of her card there's a letter E that indicating she was a novice hunter "Here is your hunter ID card miss Jane, and you can check the assignment for you on the next computer there" he pointed to the corner of the room where some old computers were kept.

"Oh, can I rent a room in this place?" Lory asked.

"Of course you can, it's just that the accommodation for level E hunters is rather minimal, is that okay?"

Lory didn't have a problem, then she glanced at Zhao Li Xin, she also didn't have any ID which would make it difficult to travel between countries, "I also want to register for my husband"

"Oh, he wants to be a hunter too?" The woman glanced at Zhao Li Xin though his hoodie and long hair covered part of his face still it couldn't completely cover his extremely beautiful face, she thought that man was more suitable to be a model or actor than a hunter but she didn't dare to voice her opinion.

"What's your name sir?"

"Uhm, he only speaks Astern, he's not from here" Lory explained.

"I see, well thankfully I can speak a little bit astern" The woman winks, she didn't find anything strange with Zhao Li Xin's appearance cause he was indeed quite similar to Eastern people.

"Her name is Zhao Li Xin and since she married me can you write she is from Rodant City like me" Lory implied Zhao Li Xin just moved to Rodant City with her to conceal his true whereabouts.

The reason he chose Rodant City was that it was already messy enough even before the war started that it would be difficult for anyone to trace the truth of their identity and that was also the reason she wrote down her origin from the Rodantcity before.

"Oh, what a unique name and yes I can!" the woman kindly said.

"Thank you!" Lory smiles gratefully.

"Okay, here is your ID, Mister Zhao, and here is your room key, Miss Jane."

"Thank you!" Lory took Zhao Li Xin's ID card and room key and they went up to the third floor using the stairs because there was no elevator skip the second and third floors, and talk about different treatments.

[Three zero three...this is our room,] Lory turned the key and they entered.

Zhao Li Xin lowered his hood then looked around the room and muttered, [Small...]

[Yup!] Lory totally agreed, at the same time she locked the door behind knowing the security in a place like this wasn't the best as in the past not once or twice someone breaks into her room.

Lory added a barrier spell on the door as a safety measure after that Lory checked the cleanliness of the bed linen, no strange stains were found so you could say they were safe then Lory continued to the bathroom but she was surprised by Zhao Li Xin who was pressing the toilet flush button with a very serious face then a few moments later he pressed the flush button again gradually Zhao Li Xin's forehead knitted.

[Li Xin, are you okay?]

Zhao Li Xin pointed at the toilet [Is this what you asked me to make for you?] Zhao Li Xin remembered Lory had asked her to make a toilet like in the world she even gave pictures and how it worked.

[Yeah, similar, right?] Lory felt that Zhao Li Xin's creation was as good as the modern toilets in his world.

[only the shape, but the way it works is very different] Zhao Li Xin immersed in his thought for a second suddenly his eyes flickering with interest [ I need to check how it works!]

Lory hurriedly stopped him [No, Li Xin you can't!]

[Why not?] A disappointment flashed on his face.

[This place doesn't belong to us Li Xin, so we can't break it or we would kick out from here!] Lory was scared to see Zhao Li Xin raise his hands ready to dismantle the whole toilet.

Zhao Li Xin lowered his hands dejectedly [Okay...]

Lory breathed a sigh of relief [Well, don't disturb the toilet okay...]

Zhao Li Xin nodded weakly.

Lory breathed a sigh of relief she turned around then took off her old sweater and throw it on the small table in the corner of the room but then she realized Zhao Li Xin had not come out of the bathroom yet.

Lory peeked into the bathroom and this time she caught Zhao Li Xin staring at the shower head and with the same serious face he twist the shower knop back and forth.

[....] Lory frown then let out a long sigh.

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