The Psychopath's Harem

Chapter 143 Xia Tian, New Sect Leader!?

In the heart of the forest, a lone writer sat with his notebook and pen, his eyes drooping with boredom. "Finally wrote something that'll keep my cute little readers entertained for a while..." he muttered, stifling a yawn.

Suddenly, he couldn't resist the pull of a quick nap. He flopped down on the ground, completely naked, like a beached whale.

Two hours later...

Two native tribesmen stumbled upon the writer, their eyes widening in disbelief.

"Hajdiejdjsksnnsnsmn!?[What in the world is this naked man doing in the forest?]" one of them exclaimed in his native language.

The other man shrugged, "Jdnxueb. [Maybe he's having a midlife crisis and decided to run away to live with the animals]"

As they approached the writer, they couldn't help but snicker at the absurdity of the situation. "Well, hot damn!" one of the tribesmen cackled, "Looks like we've got ourselves a real-life Tarzan, swinging from the trees butt-naked!"

The first man shook the author's body with all his might, but the author was out cold, snoring like a hibernating bear.

The other guy whispered, "Maybe he's dead?"

The first man rolled his eyes, "Nah, he's just a heavy sleeper. You should see him after a night of drinking, he's like a log."

But then, their attention was caught by a diary and a pen lying beside the author. The first man picked them up and squinted at the scribbles on the page, "Ubuaszbasmusa? Is this some kind of ancient text?"

The other guy shook his head, "No man, that's just gibberish. But this a suicide note?"

Both men gasped dramatically and broke down in tears.

They wept like they had just lost their own family members, wailing and moaning loudly.

As they dug a grave for the "poor soul," they muttered things like, "He was so young, with so much potential," and "What a tragedy, such a waste of life."

They even made a makeshift coffin out of tree branches and leaves, carefully placing the author's body inside. As they covered the grave, they cried like babies, snot and tears streaming down their faces.

Finally, they bid the author a tearful farewell and walked away, still sobbing and mourning the loss of their new "friend."

Ten hours later...

As the little author slowly opened his eyes, he was greeted only by complete darkness.

"What the eff?" he muttered to himself, "Did I wake up in a black hole or something? It's darker than my ex's soul in here!"

He tried to move, but quickly realized he was trapped in some kind of small, cramped space.

Panic set in as he started hyperventilating.

"What in the actual eff is happening? Who's the small-dicked a**hole who put me in here?!" he shouted, hoping someone would hear him.


Suddenly, the author was jolted by a loud noise.

He screamed, "What the actual eff is going on?! I haven't even crossed off half of my bucket list yet! I still need to bang a pair of blonde and white-haired twins, do a few more mother-daughter combos, and have a steamy reincarnation with a busty MILF mother!"

He frantically tried to break free from the tight space he was trapped in, but it was no use.

He started to feel the walls closing in on him, and he thought to himself, "This is it, I'm going to die like a goldfish in a tiny bowl, never having lived my best life."


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com



After what felt like a century, the little author finally clawed his way out of the mud and gasped for air.


He spat out a mouthful of dirt and grumbled, "Who the hell put the coffin in this mud pit? Do they know who I am? I'm a freaking author, not some mud wrestler!"

He shuddered at the thought of his cute readers waiting for an update.

"What if they think I got swallowed by quicksand and start drinking rat poison?"

"Or even worse, what if they lose their boner?!"

Without wasting another second, he scrambled to his magical diary and started typing furiously, "Chapter update! The author is alive and well, albeit a little muddy. Don't worry, my dear readers, I won't let anything come between us...except maybe a mud pit and a coffin."



[The little Author apologies for late updates!]





The portal opened at some distance away from Holy Water Palace, the sword fairy was nowhere to be seen, as she teleported directly to her palace to rest, while leaving the guiding word to Xia Chen and Xia Ying.

Su Yanling had decided to stay back at her place, while the others followed Xia Tian.

As Ye Suyin and others apprpached the Holy Water Palace, they can't help but feel awe-inspired at the sight of the massive white walls that enclose the vast space within.

The palace is situated near the Ethereal Cloud City, and from a distance, it seems like the palace and the clouds are in an eternal embrace.

Four towering mountains surround the Holy Water Palace, each reserved for a different level of disciple.

The first mountain is the residence of outer disciples, where they undergo their training and cultivation.

The second mountain belongs to inner disciples, and those who pass through the trials and tribulations of this mountain will become core disciples.

The third mountain is reserved for the core disciples, who are the backbone of the sect.

The last and tallest mountain is reserved for the elders and grand elders of the sect, who are the guiding forces of the Holy Water Palace.

The main establishment inside the white walls is common for everyone and can be used by any person, subject to certain restrictions.

The palace is made of the finest white stone, and it stands tall and majestic at the heart of the Holy Water Palace.

This palace is also the residence of the sect leader, Xuan Ruyan, who is also known as the Sword Fairy.

Her sword skills are unparalleled in the Sacred Sky Jade Realm, and many disciples strive to learn from her.

The palace is off-limits to everyone except for the Sword Fairy's personal attendants and advisors. However, the garden and the fountain in front of the palace are accessible to everyone, although none dare to approach them without permission.

The garden is a peaceful oasis in the midst of the bustling sect, and the fountain is said to have healing properties, capable of curing even the most stubborn of illnesses.

The Holy Water Palace is not just a sect; it is a haven of peace and tranquility, where disciples come to learn, grow, and achieve greatness. Its beauty and grandeur are a testament to the hard work and dedication of its disciples, and it is a place that will forever hold a special place in the hearts of all those who have had the privilege of experiencing it.

Ye Suyin's eyes sparkled with excitement as she envisioned her future training in this gorgeous location.

She couldn't wait to become a martial arts master and kick some serious butt.

Xia Chen and Xia Ying, on the other hand, were already core disciples of the sect. Xia Chen had made quite a name for himself, so no one ever dared to mess with him. They strutted around the place like they owned it, and to be honest, they kinda did, other than Xuan Ruyan, no one cared to bother them due to their privileged status.

After what felt like a century, they finally finished exploring the area. Ye Suyin was getting antsy and asked, "Where are we gonna stay, guys?" She hadn't received any instructions from the Sword fairy, so she was clueless.

"You guys can stay in the guest h- wait, where are you going?!" Xia Chen hollered, as he saw Xia Tian strolling towards the main palace with Nyx.

These two were acting like they had nothing to lose, going to the forbidden place of the sect—the Sword fairy's residence.

Xia Chen and Xia Ying had some status, but they wouldn't even think about breaking into the palace.

Xia Tian spun around with a mischievous glint in his eye and declared, "I'm the new sect leader now, so I'm obviously staying in the best damn building there is!"

The people who heard him were speechless.

But little did they know, Xia Tian had a hidden agenda.

He was feeling itchy, but not in his hands, rather near his legs and he couldn't wait to get Nyx alone for some steamy action.

And if he could mess with Xuan Ruyan along the way, all the better!

Xia Tian could have directly told his real motive shamelessly.

So why bother to cook up this new bullshit?

Let's be honest, if Xia Tian had just come out and said that, it wouldn't be very Xia Tian-like.

He lived for stirring up chaos and causing a ruckus.

The other disciples were left with their jaws on the floor and their stomachs churning. "Who even is this lunatic?!" one of them cried out.

The group of outer disciples were now huddled together, whispering to each other in disbelief.

"I can't believe he just said that!" one exclaimed.

"He's either really brave or really stupid," another added.

"I don't think he understands the severity of what he just did," a third chimed in.

Meanwhile, Xia Chen, Wang Wenshu, and Bai Xue, slapped their foreheads at the same time.

They all have same thoughts, 'He is at it again!'

"Brother Tian is the new sect leader? Does it means it also belongs to me now? Doesn't it mean I can enter inside as well," Xia Ying muttered.

She directly believed he would do, what he said, although she doesn't know how, but since Xia Tian said, he would do it, then he would do it.

Ye Suyin, on the other hand, was secretly impressed by Xia Tian's confidence. "Maybe he's onto something," she said, trying to defend him.

But the others weren't having it. "I mean, if he wants to get himself killed, that's his prerogative," one of the outer disciples said with a shrug.

Just then, the Sword fairy appeared out of nowhere, startling everyone. "What's going on here?" she demanded.

The disciples quickly dispersed, not wanting to get on her bad side. But Xia Tian, being the bold and fearless leader he was trying to be, stepped forward.

"Hello, Sword fairy," he greeted her with a smile.

The Sword fairy looked at him with a mix of amusement and annoyance. "What are you doing here, Xia Tian?" she asked.

"I was just looking for a place to stay," he replied casually.

The Sword fairy raised an eyebrow. "You do realize this is my residence, right?"

Xia Tian nodded. "Yes, I do. But I figured, as the new sect leader, I should have the best accommodations."

The Sword fairy couldn't help but be speehcless, with a deadpan look, she spoke, "New sect leader?"

She really couldn't fanthom how his head worked.

When does she handed over the sect to him?

Still, since she didn't wanted to deal with him further, she didn't bother to deny him, "You can go inside, but don't make noise."

She had made this palace restricted to others, as she didn't want someone to disturb her cultivation, so allowing Xia Tian to cross in shouldn't be that of a problem, at least that's what she thought.

Xia Tian surprisingly nodded in agreement.

Xuan Ruyan felt suspicious, but didn't comment.

The disciples couldn't believe their ears.

They looked at each other in disbelief. "Is this guy for real?" one of them muttered.

Another disciple slapped him across the face. "Wake up, man! He's the new sect leader!"

The first disciple rubbed his cheek. "Oh, right. I forgot. I guess I'm still in shock."

Another disciple piped up, "I don't care who he is. If he messes with the Sword Fairy, he's gonna get it."

The group nodded in agreement. "Yeah, she's not one to mess with."

Suddenly, one of the disciples had a thought. "Wait a minute. Did the Sword Fairy finally find her Prince Charming?"

Everyone burst into laughter. "Are you kidding? That guy couldn't charm his way out of a paper bag!"

Another disciple chimed in, "Maybe he's got some secret moves we don't know about."

The group laughed again. "Yeah, right. More like he's got a secret stash of snacks and she's too polite to kick him out."

The female disciples who heard them snorted, "Idiots, he doesn't use any tricks, just look at his handsome face, I would be willing to sleep with him, even If I had to pay him!"

"Right!" another one supported.

The male disciples rolled their eyes at the female disciples' shameless comments. "Yeah, right. Like he needs your money."

But as they looked over at Xia Tian, they had to admit that he was one good-looking guy. "I hate to admit it, but the dude's got some serious charm," one of them muttered.

Another one nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I can see why the Sword Fairy might be a little smitten."

The female disciples overheard them and smirked. "Told you so."

The guys groaned. "Don't get too excited. He's still the new sect leader, and who knows what kind of trouble he'll cause."

The female disciples shrugged. "Eh, I'm willing to take my chances. Besides, it's not like we haven't dealt with troublemakers before."

The guys chuckled. "Yeah, that's true. But let's just hope he doesn't cause too much chaos."

The troublemakers they were referring to were none other than Xia Chen and Xia Ying.

The Sword Fairy's face twitched in annoyance as she glared at all of them, causing their breathing to stop. After a moment, she sighed and walked inside, slamming the door behind her.

She didn't even bother to clear up the misunderstanding.

Every second spent around Xia Tian made her feel like her IQ was decreasing by one.

She couldn't believe how he managed to get a reaction out of her, the ever-indifferent and calm Sword Fairy.

Onlookers were amazed by Xia Tian's ability to irritate the Sword Fairy, who was known for her unshakeable composure.

They couldn't help but wonder what kind of chaos he would unleash in the sect.

The one who were familiar with Xia Chen, shook there head thinking their whole group is full of troublemakers.

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