The Psychopath's Harem

Chapter 144 The Young Master Is Back!? Xia Tian Begs For Mercy?

Xia Tian paid no attention to the throngs of onlookers and strode confidently into the grand palace. The others were left in a state of disarray.

"Should we follow him?" Xia Ying inquired, her words prompting the other women to turn their attention towards her. Ye Suyin let out a wry smile and shook her head, "Let's not disturb them."

Her statement was somewhat ambiguous, leaving everyone unsure whether she was referring to Xuan Ruyan or Nyx and Xia Tian.

If Xia Tian were present, he would have launched into one of his melodramatic outbursts, reveling in the realization that he had such a loyal companion

Xia Ying pouted, completely aware of everything.

She knew full well that her mother wouldn't allow her to sneak in. She longed to join Xia Tian, but with her mother always hovering around, it seemed impossible.

Wang Wenshu was determined to protect her daughter from Xia Tian's grasp, though her efforts were likely futile. The recent incident with Huo Jingyi only confirmed her worst fears - that Xia Tian was the greatest danger to their safety.

Xia Tian made his way through the palace, ignoring the stairs and barging into the first room he came across. As he prepared to enter, a voice called out from outside.


The voice was so loud that both Nyx and Xia Tian frowned. Nyx turned around with a sharp gaze, piercing through the walls as she spotted a massive crowd waiting outside for Xia Tian.

"It's Su Wei," she commented with a hint of annoyance. "He's back with reinforcements."

If Xia Tian wasn't around, she might as well decimate the Su family today. Xia Tian nodded with a wide smile.

Meanwhile, Xuan Ruyan opened her eyes and murmured, "Again!?" She found it very disturbing to cultivate like this. Instantly, she stood up, ready to check on who the intruder was this time.

Outside the water palace, a new crowd had gathered, all staring at a small group of cultivators in red robes. The red robes were the signature of the Limitless Sword Sect, and their badges clearly identified them as inner disciples. The person leading the group was a core disciple.

Some in the crowd gasped in surprise as they recognized the man leading the group. It was Hao Fan, a cultivator at the tenth stage of the Earth Profound Realm. But it wasn't just his cultivation that made him special - he was the son of the sect leader of the Limitless Sword Sect, Hao Xin.

Standing behind Hao Fan were Jiang Qui and Su Wei, their wounds healed but still bearing marks from their previous beatings. When they spotted Wang Wenshu, they unconsciously shivered and took a step back.

Hao Fan narrowed his gaze at the beautiful women standing in a row, freezing momentarily at the sight of them.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Psst, Brother Fan, that's her," Su Wei whispered in Huo Fan's ear, jabbing a finger in the direction of Wang Wenshu.

Huo Fan snorted and turned away, unimpressed by the group of brats before him. "What do you want?" he growled.

Hao Fan stepped forward, his face twisted in a look of righteous indignation. "Women," he declared, "just because you're an elder of the Holy Water Palace, doesn't mean you can beat up disciples of the Limitless Sword Sect and get away with it!"

"We members of the Limitless Sword Sect aren't ones to be bullied!" chimed in another disciple, brandishing his sword for emphasis.

"An elder should not interfere in a fight between juniors!" declared Hao Fan, his voice ringing with conviction.

The other elders of the Holy Water Sect exchanged confused looks. "She's an elder here?" one of them asked.

"No, I've never seen her before in my life," another replied.

The group nodded in agreement, realizing that they were dealing with a rogue elder who had no business meddling in their affairs.

As the few disciples filled in the rest of the group on Wang Wenshu's arrival, a sudden realization hit them like a bolt of lightning. "What should we do now?" the first one asked, his voice filled with concern. After all, it wasn't every day that someone could just waltz into the Holy Water Palace and start throwing their weight around.

The second disciple, who appeared to be the laziest of the bunch, shrugged nonchalantly. "What can we do?" he remarked. "They're guests of the Sect Master. Let the Sword Fairy deal with this. I wouldn't stick my nose in here if I were you. This isn't just any ordinary brat we're dealing with - this is the son of Hao Xin. Better safe than sorry, I say."

Meanwhile, Hao Fan glared fiercely at Wang Wenshu, who had mistakenly assumed that they were members of the Holy Water Palace. She opened her mouth to speak, but before she could utter a word, the main guest arrived.

"Who's the idiot barking now?" Xia Tian boomed, his voice resonating with the power of his qi.

Hao Fan's face twitched with anger. "It's me! The son of Hao Xin and core disciple of the Limitless Sword Sect!" he declared, his tone dripping with narcissistic pride.

Xia Tian came to an abrupt halt and eyed Hao Fan up and down with a look of pure contempt. "So you're the idiot," he sneered, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Hao Fan bristled with anger. "Yeah, that's me. And you better watch your tone, boy, or else-"

But before he could finish his threat, he realized he had been outsmarted. "Fuck! Who's the idiot now?!" he exclaimed, his face turning red with embarrassment.

The Sword Fairy, who had been watching the whole exchange from above, shook her head in disappointment. "Let's go back," she said to herself, deciding it was best not to get involved. After all, with two powerful immortals standing nearby, Xia Tian hardly needed her help.

Meanwhile, there was still no sign of Evelynn, but nobody seemed particularly worried about her safety. Bai Xue, on the other hand, was more interested in whom she might bring back with her.

As for Xia Tian, as an irresponsible father, he rarely cared what his daughters are doing, until he need them around.

Hao Fan, "Xia Tian, you have offended the limitless sword sect! I as a core disciple of Limitless sword sect would decide your punishment - Right now, come and kneel, beg for mercy and we might leave you alone!"

Xia Tian turned his attention back to Hao Fan, a wicked grin spreading across his face. "Beg for mercy?" he repeated, his voice laced with amusement.


Xia Tian and Hao Fan stood facing each other, their eyes locked in a fierce stare-down. The air was thick with tension as the crowd held its breath, waiting to see what would happen next.

Hao Fan's face twisted with rage. "You have no idea who you're dealing with!" he shouted, his eyes flashing with fury. Xia Tian's expression turned serious as he sized up the core disciple. "Oh, I know exactly who I'm dealing with," he replied, his voice cold and measured. "And I don't care."

Suddenly, a voice cut through the silence. "That's enough, Xia Tian." It was Nyx, and her tone brooked no argument. Xia Tian turned to face her, his expression softening slightly at the sight of her.

Nyx was releasing an first stage overlord aura, giving an likely impression of elder of the sect.

"What's going on here?" she asked, her gaze sweeping over the assembled crowd.

Her sudden outrage surprised everyone, since she rarely spoke, it was the first time many heard her voice.

Hao Fan was left stunned, as although the women was beautiful, her voice was far above that realm, better than those of fairies in the flock tails.

He stepped forward, his face twisted with anger. "This man has insulted the Limitless Sword Sect and refused to apologize!" he declared, pointing an accusatory finger at Xia Tian.

Nyx raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?" she replied coolly. "Well, in that case, I demand an apology."

The crowd gasped in surprise at Nyx's words. Even Xia Tian pretended to be taken aback. Nyx's expression remained calm as she said. "I'm deadly serious, Xia Tian, apologize."

Xia Tian hesitated for a moment, then let out a sigh. "Fine," he said grudgingly. "I'm sorry for insulting the Limitless Sword Sect."

Hao Fan's face twisted with triumph. "That's more like it," he sneered.

But Nyx wasn't finished. "And now, I demand an apology from you," she said, turning to face Hao Fan.

Hao Fan's expression darkened. "What? Why should I apologize to you?" he demanded.

Nyx's voice was calm but firm. "Because you're the one who started this whole mess," she replied. "You and your disciples attacked members of the Holy Water Palace unprovoked. That's not acceptable behavior, and I won't stand for it."

She pointed to some disciples who looked injured, they were standing the front gate, when Hao Fan and his comrades barged in.

Hao Fan bristled with anger, but before he could reply, Xia Tian stepped forward. "She's right," he said, his voice surprisingly gentle. "We shouldn't be fighting amongst ourselves. We're all cultivators, after all. We should be working together to improve ourselves and our world."

There was a moment of silence as the two groups regarded each other warily.

Hao Fan was left stunned, as he believed next party would argue, but it's turned out to be complete opposite, even Su Wei was out of words.

Then, slowly but surely, the tension began to dissipate. One by one, the disciples of the Limitless Sword Sect lowered their weapons, and the members of the Holy Water Palace relaxed their guard.

Finally, Hao Fan let out a sigh. "Fine," he said grudgingly. "I apologize for my behavior. Let's call a truce and move on."

Nyx nodded approvingly. "That's more like it," she said. "Now, let's all try to get along, shall we?"

Once the small skit of him and Nyx was over, Xia Tian lightly smirked, "Now now, brother, shouldn't we shake hands for out new profound friendship." Hao Fan raised an eyebrow in suspicion, with slight hesitation he nodded.

"Fuck!" cursed, Bai Xue.

Bai Xue's sudden exclamation startled the group of ladies, causing them to turn their attention towards her.

"What's the matter? Did you find something?" Wang Wenshu inquired, her confusion apparent.

She was well aware that Xia Tian was putting on an act, along with Nyx, but she couldn't fathom his motives.

To be frank, she was still confused how can someone act so perfectly, wasn't that black haired women always quiet?

How was she able to change her colors like a chameleon?

She didn't knew it was Xia Tian's genes effect!

Both Ye Suyin and Xia Ying appeared troubled by the situation, observing Xia Tian's enthusiastic approach towards Su Wei, Hao Fan, Jiang Qui, and the other members of the limitless sword sect.

They couldn't help but ponder over what he was up to this time.

Once Xia Tian had finished shaking hands with everyone, he calmly returned to his place, leaving the others to contemplate his mysterious intentions.




Note: The novel is going through the process of contracting, if everything goes well, the work might become premium soon!

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