The Psychopath's Harem

Chapter 262 Playing With Xu Qing's Mind! (1)

Abruptly, Xia Tian interjected, "Have the Green Snake Gang reached a decision yet?" His memory of them hadn't faded.

Xia Chen's expression shifted subtly, hiding the ugly emotions beneath, and he responded, "Not yet."

"Make sure they don't take forever. Don't want to be known as the incompetent brother, do you?" Xia Tian taunted, offering a nod. Just then, a small pink fox darted in from another entrance, leaping gracefully to settle on his shoulder.

A sidelong glance from the fox to Xia Chen conveyed more than words ever could. Without further ado, Xia Tian pivoted and exited the scene, leaving his presence to disperse.

'That familiar smirk,' Xia Chen mused, a memory stirred of the last time Xia Tian had worn such a smile—when he had metaphorically trampled all over him.

As for the fox, it struck Xia Chen as rather ordinary, barring the distinct pink fur that set it apart as uniquely intriguing.


A sudden jolt of surprise erupted from the fox perched upon Xia Tian's shoulder, its peaceful repose shattered with a startled "Yelp!" In an instant, Xia Tian's hand darted like lightning, gripping the fox's neck, and with a swift "Whoosh!" motion, he flung it aside.


The scene then transformed, revealing the astonishing sight of Xu Qing. As if from a magical transformation, her fox form dissolved, and she stood before them in her human guise.

Eyes wide with incredulity, her gaze was locked onto Xia Tian in a mixture of shock and bewilderment.

The air practically crackled with the energy of the unexpected situation. 

"How did it feel seeing your father up close?" Xia Tian chuckled, paying no mind to the resentment that clouded her expression.

Xu Qing's brows furrowed as she stood her ground. "Why would I even care about him?" She retorted, genuinely puzzled by Xia Tian's curiosity.

Why would he bother inquiring about something that seemed so irrelevant to her?

Unbeknownst to Xu Qing, the wily old fox was already maneuvering his pieces on the board.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He knew that a great way to unearth information was to trigger an emotional response, and what better way to evoke that than by igniting anger?

The game had begun the moment he tossed her to the floor, a gambit she was completely oblivious to.

Xia Qing remained completely unaware of the old fox's cunning tactics.

"But isn't he the reincarnation of your father? Shouldn't you feel something?" Xia Tian goaded, his grip tightening around her waist as he nonchalantly guided her outside.

With an air of casual audacity, he swept her along on an casual stroll, the unsuspecting Xu Qing caught in the midst of his clever techniques.

Xu Qing raised an eyebrow, her response direct and unwavering. "I don't care about him."

With a quiet acquiescence, she obediently followed Xia Tian's lead. It was a lesson deeply ingrained in her—to follow her master's guidance, no matter his intentions or actions.

Xia Tian, undeterred by her straightforwardness, viewed this mental chess match as child's play. Manipulating her psyche was akin to manipulating a puppet's strings, a skill he could execute with eyes half-closed.

"So, you don't care. That's good, that's good," Xia Tian affirmed with surprising nonchalance. Unexpectedly, he ceased his interrogation, leaving Xu Qing in a state of suspended uncertainty.

His words, indifferent on the surface, carried an underlying tone that set her nerves on edge.

Xia Tian continued, "Given that you don't care about him, wouldn't it be fitting for you to be with me, while I am fucking you right in front of him?" An evil grin danced upon his lips as he captured strands of her hair, wrapping them sensually around his neck.

The passersby on the street were drawn to the spectacle, their curious eyes fixated on the enigmatic pair.

Yet, their stares were met with indifference, as if the world around them had been shrouded in an invisible bubble of isolation.

Xu Qing felt a flush of embarrassment tint her cheeks at his words. "You're my master. You have the right to do whatever you want," she replied vaguely, her voice carrying a mixture of resignation and submission.

"That's not the exact answer to my question, anyways... do you know that... the God... is called an all seeing entity....?" His question cut a different path, diverting their conversation into unexpected territory.

Raising her brows in perplexity, Xu Qing responded, "Yes, I'm aware of that." Confusion clouded her gaze, struggling to comprehend the sudden shift in topic.

Her brows knit as she attempted to grasp the threads connecting the various threads of their conversation.

Unbeknownst to Xu Qing, she had fallen right into the old fox's trap, a self-satisfied smirk lingering on his lips.

Unable to provoke her directly, he cunningly employed the tactics of confusion, seeking to undermine her mental defenses before eventually triggering her anger and extracting the information he desired.

Indeed, confusion was a weapon of subtlety, an artful way to disarm and catch someone off guard. Inserting seemingly obvious questions amidst a conversation, the old fox was skillfully playing his cards.

Amused by his intelligence , Xia Tian continued to weave the web. "So, what do you think the term 'all-seeing entity' means?"

Xu Qing ventured a response, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "It means that he can see everything?"

A chuckle escaped Xia Tian's lips as he acknowledged her answer. "Correct! Here's your reward!"

In a swift and utterly unexpected motion, his hands reached out, fingers extending towards her hips that swayed gently with their walk.

The reward he offered was unconventional, to say the least—a tight and firm squeeze on her buttocks.


Xu Qing froze, a delicate flush creeping up her neck as her face turned a shade of rosy red. She maintained a facade of calm, though her heart raced beneath the still surface 

Impressed by her externally obedient reaction, Xia Tian decided to push the boundaries further.

With a playful glint in his eyes, he dropped a question that carried a provocative edge. "If I were to ask you to strip right here, what would you do, my little fox?"


The sudden query struck Xu Qing like a bolt of lightning, causing her to momentarily forget her composure.

Her gaze darted around, taking in the growing number of onlookers who had begun to notice their presence.

Panic mingled with her racing heartbeat as she managed to force the words from her lips, her voice trembling, "... I would follow your words, Master."

The combination of her blushing cheeks and flustered response painted a picture of innocence and obedience, a sight that only pushed Xia Tian to abuse her futher. 

Xia Tian's nod of satisfaction seemed to seal his intent. "Then strip."


The words hung in the air like a sudden gust of wind, and Xu Qing's eyes widened in astonishment.

"R-right now?" Her attempt to feign calm crumbled, replaced by genuine disbelief.

Xia Tian's nonchalant nod only heightened her bewilderment.


A heavy silence settled around them, broken only by the sound of Xu Qing's anxious foot movements.

Gathering her resolve, she reached for the fabric of her dress, her fingers trembling as they began to move towards her shoulders.

Yet, her actions were abruptly arrested by Xia Tian's laughter.

He caught her in his grasp before she could proceed any further, and chuckled, "I was only joking." 


A sharp intake of cold air escaped Xu Qing's lips, her breath shivering as it left her.

With a deep sigh, she let the complexities of her emotions settle within her eyes, her gaze revealing a mixture of feelings that danced in the depths of her gaze. "T-thank you, Master," she stammered, her voice laced with a hint of gratitude.

Xia Tian's smile held a warmth that seemed genuine. "No need. I'm not fond of sharing my belongings, even if it's with the all-seeing god," he stated with a touch of possessiveness.

A quizzical look clouded Xu Qing's features, confusion flickering in her eyes. All-seeing? Wasn't that what they had discussed earlier?

But before she could voice her query, Xia Tian's mischievous smile returned, his fingers pinching her waist playfully. "Oh, by the way, were you scared when I asked you to strip in front of everyone?" he inquired, his eyes alight with curiosity.

A honest admission escaped Xu Qing's lips, her voice tinged with honesty. "... I was."

"Haha, good," chuckled Xia Tian, his amusement evident.

Yet, in a sudden turn of events, Xu Qing took the initiative and queried, "Master, earlier you mentioned something about the all-seeing god. Could you explain what you meant?" Her curiosity propelled her to seek answers, as anything remotely tied to the concept of a god was shrouded in mystery for everyone.

Indeed, the curiosity about such matters existed within the hearts of many, yet few had found someone worthy enough to ask.

Xia Tian's smile remained faint as he replied, "It's nothing much. It's just remarkable how many fools claim that a supposed god is omniscient and all-seeing. Personally, I couldn't care less if he's a god; if that bastard dares to spy on me while I'm bathing or making love, I'll gouge out his eyes and feed them to dogs, and if he has any wives or daughters, I would make sure to turn them into my personal whores, and fuck them everyday in front of him, until he finally dies unable to bear anymore." 

"You see... Unlike the people around me, I don't have a voyeuristic habit."

Xu Qing, "..." 

She was utterly speechless by Xia Tian's unexpected response. 

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