The Psychopath's Harem

Chapter 263 Playing With Xu Qing's Mind! (2)

Xu Qing, "..." 

She was utterly speechless by Xia Tian's unexpected response. 

A twitch of her lips gave way to a soft chuckle that escaped, a mixture of amusement and admiration lacing Xu Qing's tone. "Master, only you could come up with something like that."

The audacity of Xia Tian's statement was both astounding and intriguing.

Her thoughts raced in wonderment. This man was truly one of a kind.

To dare entertain the notion of plucking out a god's eyes for such a trivial reason?

It was beyond unconventional; it was insane.

Most people hesitated a thousand times before even thinking about cursing a god, fearing some form of heavenly retribution.

Yet, here was Xia Tian, nonchalantly threatening a god as if the divine entity was nothing more than a plaything in his eyes.

His recklessness and boldness bordered on the surreal.

Well, Xia Tian simply said what he feels.

People are too scared, and they fear a bit too much according to him.

If a god is petty enough to kill you with lightning due to a thunderstrike for cursing him, then he isn't a neutral entity. This would shake the very fundamentals of being a god!

Only if people had this much common sense...

However, Xu Qing seemed to loosen her guard, a faint, beautiful smile adorning her face due to the absurdity of Xia Tian's remarks on god.

Her guard was already down, and she appeared to be growing more and more comfortable with him.

There are quite a few ways to make people emotional and lower their guard. Making them angry is just one of those methods, which can be combined with the turmoil of emotions a person feels around you. The more intense the emotions, the stronger the connection.

Initially, Xia Tian wanted to make her angry and frustrated to extract what he wanted from her. However, he is dynamic in his approach and swiftly switched to a better technique—making her comfortable around him.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

When you become too comfortable around someone, it often leads to acting emotionally and revealing your weaknesses and thoughts, forsaking your rational mind.

You start to say things you would normally never share with others...

The insecurities... the weaknesses... everything.

Never let go of your 'wise mind' around anyone, no matter how close you are to that person...

Xu Qing had already made the mistake, falling completely into the old fox's trap.

The cunningness of the old fox was once more evident when he won the game of wits even before it began.

The moment he threw her to the ground to anger her, he had already won, as he decided the time and place of the game!

He determined the battlefield.

He initiated it!

Xia Tian and Xu Qing found themselves in a slightly secluded corner of a lush park, settling onto a bench. Xia Tian occupied most of the space, leaving Xu Qing perched between his legs.

She squirmed slightly, her discomfort evident, as his hands danced evily around her waist. His chin found a resting place on her shoulder, and a warm breath escaped his lips, sending shivers down her spine.

"Hahaha!" The sight of her reaction elicited hearty laughter from Xia Tian, causing Xu Qing to pout in annoyance. "Master, you're so mean!"

"Hahaha," Xia Tian chuckled without reservation. In a bold move, he took a deep breath, inhaling her fragrance, a gesture that deepened her blush.

"Do all royal foxwomen smell like this?" he suddenly inquired, catching Xu Qing off guard.

Her eyes betrayed a hint of embarrassment as she stammered, "I-I don't know."

Xia Tian's words took an unexpected turn. "But I know for sure that each one of you has a distinct and soothing fragrance, as if enticing men to commit a crime," he remarked, his tone low and suggestive. The strap of her dress slipped from her shoulder under his touch, his lips grazing the exposed skin. The sensation made Xu Qing gulp nervously, her heart racing.

In a daring move, his hand ventured further, slipping into her dress and inching toward her pubic region. The thin fabric was the only barrier between his hand and her most intimate area.

Xu Qing's lips were caught between her teeth, her breaths becoming increasingly unsteady as a mixture of anticipation and nervousness coursed through her.

Suddenly, Xia Tian's voice was a soft murmur in her ear, "Your mother's fragrance was different from yours..."



Xu Qing's face contorted in shock, her eyes widening in disbelief as Xia Tian's words unfolded.

His lips trailed over her neck, sending shivers down her spine, and his hushed words brushed against her ears like a haunting melody.

"Your mother, she was quite skilled. Even in her final moments, she outshone the other wives your father had."

"Unfortunately, she was an unfaithful wife."

"Her face was worth seeing when she was begging me to leave you alone, rather than begging for her husband."

"Haha, the woman didn't even know you were long gone, already taken by the princess of Destruction."

"Your mother, with tears flowing from her eyes, rode on my dick right on your father's face to save you... haha."

"I promised to leave her alone with you if she survives one hour of my torture."

"Unfortunately, she was quite weak physically, haha!"


With sudden motion, Xia Tian lunged forward, teeth sinking lightly into Xu Qing's shoulder, a fleeting impression of his mark left behind.

Xu Qing's body reacted involuntarily, a slight flinch coursing through her as her eyes took on a complex quality. They glistened like crystalline orbs, their radiance magnified by the thin veil of impending tears that threatened to fall if Xia Tian pressed any further.

"Master, why are you telling me all this?" she inquired, her voice laced with confusion.

Even if he had been responsible for her mother's demise, there was no need for such vivid descriptions, especially at this moment...

Why had he gone to such lengths?

Did he derive satisfaction only from making people suffer instead of allowing them to revel in happiness?

Well, she wasn't completely off the mark; he did have a habbit for making them shed tears.

Xia Tian's lips curled into a smirk. With a subtle adjustment, he turned her head, his thumb gently lifting her chin, forcing her eyes to meet his in a penetrating gaze.

"It's because... your mother's death surely affects you. I'm curious why you seem so detached when it comes to your father," Xia Tian mused, his tone contemplative. In a playful gesture, he flicked her nose gently before releasing her chin.


The touch elicited a cute reaction from Xu Qing.

She absentmindedly rubbed her nose, her lips forming a pensive line as she mulled over how to respond to Xia Tian's probing.

As her thoughts churned, suppressed anger began to manifest on her features, visible to anyone who cared to look closely.

"He is weak!" she burst out suddenly, her frustration evident.

"Oh, really?" Xia Tian feigned surprise, masking his true emotions.

Xu Qing nodded, not just addressing him, but also aware of his other hand stealthily slipping beneath her clothing, the warmth of his touch sending tingles across her skin.

"He was weak, and he died because of it."

"Whether it's my mother or anyone else, they all perished because he lacked the strength to protect any of us!"

Xia Tian restrained a chuckle. The irony of her words wasn't lost on him—why should anyone bear the responsibility of protecting her? Shouldn't she, like her father, be accountable for herself?

Xu Qing's voice held a hint of disdain as she asserted, "I don't have an ounce of respect for a man who is weak. Even now, he's the same pathetic being, suppressed under you."

"That's right," Xia Tian agreed with a nod, though the truth was that Xia Chen wasn't suppressed because of his weakness; it was because Xia Tian was overwhelmingly strong.

The narcissist in him was once again beginning to errupt.

Xu Qing's assessment of Xia Chen was quite accurate. In her previous life, he had perished due to his weakness, and Xia Tian had trampled on him precisely because of that weakness.

Wasn't this akin to what the old fox always preached? Manipulating minds because they lacked the strength to resist.

Xu Qing's current mindset was understandable. Rather than attributing blame to Xia Tian, who had been responsible for her family's downfall in her past life, she was shifting everything onto Xia Chen—a self-protective mechanism she had developed.

Yet, Xia Tian wasn't content to let Xu Qing's thoughts remain in this pattern. He didn't want her to persist in this perspective; that would take the fun out of things.

He wanted to toy with her, toying with this very belief.

Suddenly, he leaned forward, his breath tickling her ear as he whispered, "... Your father is indeed pathetic. But don't worry, you can call me 'daddy' *wink* to fill that void in your heart."

Xu Qing remained silent, taken aback by Xia Tian's audacious words.

"However," Xia Tian continued, his tone oddly serious, "have you ever tried talking to him? Perhaps there's more to the story than you know. Maybe he attempted to protect you but was unable to."

Xu Qing was left speechless, her confusion deepening at the sudden change in Xia Tian's demeanor.

Why was he now acting like a saint, attempting to mend their fractured family?

Little did she know, Xia Tian loved fixing things, only to shatter them again later.

It was a pleasure he took in.

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