The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 249 Midterm Exam Part 4

[Military Academy, Mana Field 1]

Robert and his group, assigned to spy on the enemy class, moved quickly and discreetly. They all used a camouflage spell that could disguise the scent and sound of their footsteps.

Although the spell seemed simple, its application was very difficult. The mages who used it had to wear special shoes that could channel mana and wet their bodies with a camouflage potion. Thus, the camouflage spell they currently used was only useful for Level 1 Constellation Mages.

For mages with higher constellation levels, they would learn easier-to-apply camouflage spells such as [Shadow Merger], [Smell Disruption], or [Invisible Shield]. However, for this mid-semester exam, the camouflage spell that Robert and his group used was very effective.

Proven by no mutated animals detecting them and no other classmate realizing their presence, even when they passed behind them. Eventually, Robert and his group found their first enemy class base.

The base was located on a hill covered with high shrubs. Although it appeared to be in an open field, by setting up traps around the shrubs, the invaders would not realize what was about to happen to them.

Robert and his group managed to sneak in after using a detection spell to determine the location of the traps. Although they had to sacrifice mana, Robert and his group successfully mapped out the location of the traps inside the shrubs.

Upon closer inspection, Anggi, one of Robert's group members, discovered the class that had a base on the hill. They were students from Class A8 led by a nobleman named Fatah.

Fatah was a brilliant student, but his brilliance sometimes brought arrogance, making it difficult for him to be liked by other students. However, his ability as a mage could not be doubted. He was one of the students who had mastered the most attacking spells in all of Class A.

But Robert and his group had no intention of spying further. Although Fatah had an unpleasant personality, his arrogance prevented him from cooperating with other classes to defeat Class A15. That's why Fatah rejected the coalition proposed by Yin and Milton.

Robert and his group retreated and searched for another Class A base. Several hours later, they found another base located in a remote cave. The cave looked dark with labyrinth-like corridors. Goblin corpses around it showed who the previous occupants of the cave were.

Using the goblin tribe's cave as a base was a brilliant idea. However, goblin-occupied caves usually had traps that were too complicated, which would require a lot of mana and energy to clean up.

Anggi once again succeeded in finding out who owned the base in the cave. They were students from the Milton Class, and it seemed that not only one class occupied the cave. There were several students from other classes wandering around the cave.

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From this discovery, Robert and his group confirmed that Milton had conspired with other classes, but they could not confirm whether the target of this alliance was Class A15 or not. Nevertheless, they did not have a chance to spy further because of the tight cave security.

"Robert, it's better for us to retreat first. We've confirmed where the enemy is, so we can plan a joint attack with the others," Anggi suggested.

"I think we should wait a bit longer. Currently, we haven't seen any students from the Yin class. So, if it turns out that Yin doesn't have the same base as Milton, we will be in a dangerous position where Yin and his class can attack us from behind," Herry disagreed.


One by one, Robert's group members expressed their opinions. Some agreed with Anggi's suggestion, while others had the same opinion as Herry. However, some had new ideas, such as setting traps around Milton's base to slow down their movements.

Robert listened to his group members' opinions one by one without agreeing or disagreeing at all. He waited for all the ideas to be gathered first and reached a consensus among his members. This was how Robert led his group, through deliberation. This way, no class member felt excluded, and their opinions were heard.

Finally, all the opinions were expressed, and two main opinions were found. Basically, both opinions chose to retreat and make plans or wait and make decisions on the spot.

Before Robert could express his thoughts, Anggi suddenly reported what she saw, "That's Yin!" she whispered, looking surprised.

They never expected Yin to actually come to Milton's base, and he did not come alone but brought all of his class members. Even Robert saw that there were students from other Class A following Yin from behind.

The Class A coalition that they had long suspected was happening right before their eyes. Their suspicion turned into fear. No class could stand alone against the attack of two or more other Class A's.

Even for Robert himself, fighting against both Milton and Yin at the same time was a very heavy task. Moreover, the A15 students were not as strong as Robert and were only equal to ordinary Class A students.

"We should start retreating now," he whispered urgently and with a bad tone that couldn't be hidden.

"Ah, I think I've found the sneaky mice."

But before any member of his group could nod, a voice was heard from above them, precisely from a tree branch that was twenty meters away. A woman in a military academy uniform with an open chest was looking at them with a smirk on her red lips.

"Xia Wuhan!" Robert and his group exclaimed simultaneously.

Xia Wuhan was one of the most dangerous students in their military academy. This woman had abilities that even rivalled Yin Wuhan's. The only reason why she didn't compete with Yin Wuhan to become the heir of the Wuhan family was because she was a woman.

"Yeah, it's me guys!" Xin waved her hand excitedly.

"Shit! Retreat!" Robert gave the order to retreat without waiting any longer. But before they could move, suddenly children from Yin's class emerged from the high bushes around them.

And at the same time, Yin Wuhan with Milton beside her stood in the middle of the siege with their arms crossed and big smiles on their faces.

"Well.. Well.. Well.. isn't this our friend Robert? What brings you all the way to our base? Do you want to visit?" Milton's sarcastic voice made the A15 students' faces turn red with anger.

"Compared to our intentions, I would like to ask why you all gathered here? I see many children from different Class A's," Robert didn't back down.

He knew they were already trapped by Yin and Milton's plan. Perhaps they were waiting for Robert's arrival to spy on them and set this trap.

"Robert, why we gathered in this place is none of your business, but it seems like you won't back down with just that answer. So, let me be honest with you, our purpose for gathering here is to destroy you," Yin stated bluntly, showing their true intention.

At the same time, Milton signaled to attack. Robert and his group gritted their teeth in anger, as they were outnumbered and surrounded. However, suddenly before any enemies could attack, the chanting of spells was heard from behind the enemies.

[Fire Palm]

[Lightning Fist]


[Ice Sword]




All eyes turned to the east, where the siege by the coalition of class A was open. From behind the injured children of the coalition of class A, two people walked hand in hand, strolling leisurely. Beside them walked a princess with snow-white hair.

"Awni Mahdavi!"

"Kira Rangkuti!"

"Grrr... why do you from Mahdavi and Rangkuti clans always interfere in our affairs?" Milton shouted in frustration.

"Hehehe... Milton, it seems like you're having a party here. Wouldn't it be better if all the other class A kids join in?" Awni mocked with a broad smile.

"YOUUU..." Milton's body trembled with anger.

"My fiancee likes to talk sometimes, but we don't have much time. Attack!" Kira, on the other hand, didn't like to talk much and ordered their class to attack.

"ZILYA VALYA!!!" But before the battle could commence, Xin leaped from a tree and charged at a snow-white-haired woman.

Since their arrival, Yin and Xin's attention had not been directed towards Awni or Kira, but towards the girl named Zilya Valya. As her name suggested, the girl with snow-white hair came from the House of Valya.

She was one of the strongest women in their batch, with the Ice Sword ability she possessed, Zilya was even promised to rival Robert's Light Sword. However, usually, the House of Valya and Wuhan Clan always worked together, but this time it seemed that Zilya supported another side.

"ROBERT! Take your group and retreat. The class A coalition that is besieging you is not entirely here. They have found your base's location and will encircle you!" A shocking announcement came out of Awni's mouth.


"I won't let you escape!" Milton and his classmates jumped to attack Robert and his group.



Robert drew his sword and swung it. The light was so bright that it dazzled the eyes, but the damage caused was more startling. Three students were sent flying from the impact of the sword of light.

"Shit, that's the Gaht family's Secret Spell, Light Incantation, raised to Light Sword!"

"Anggi, take the other members to retreat. I'll cover you from behind!"

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