The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 250 The Earth God

[Taken from the book 'The Gods of Elves' written by Nevare the Holy Queen]

"My beautiful day starts with a cheerful morning, where the sun is bright and full of hope. The happy songs of birds flow, and the joyful smiles of people who love me greet me. In every delightful and blissful moment, all worries vanish, and the doors to beautiful opportunities open."

This is the first passage from the book Terra. The same passage was found at the end of the book Gaia. This passage can be a clue as to how the two largest races of The Earth God view their lives.

The Earth Elves, a species of elves from The Earth God, are the most peaceful and calm of all elf races. They are not thirsty for power and are not greedy for wealth. For the species of elf who call themselves The Earth Elf, happiness is where they can still wake up in the morning and look at the beautiful morning, ready to start work.

The Earth Elves believed that a simple life was the key to true happiness. They spent their days tending to the forests and gardens, nurturing the plants and animals that thrived under their care. Their mornings were always filled with the sweet melodies of the birds, and the gentle rustling of the leaves in the wind.

There are two major races of The Earth Elves, Mountain Elves and Volcano Elves. Both elf races have the same body characteristics that are very different from other elf races. They have burly bodies, bushy facial hair, and narrow eyes.

Mountain Elves prefer to live in highlands where they are surrounded by mountains and vast grasslands. Meanwhile, Volcano Elves prefer to live at the foot of volcanoes and hot places.

Although both races usually live on different mountains, they can still be connected through the use of certain methods, even though they are separated by a great distance. Their habit of debating theology while drinking alcohol is what they most often do when the sun is about to set.

Although their long debates have been going on for centuries, when Mountain Elves and Volcano Elves meet, there will be no bloodshed. They will only make a podium where the smartest elf from both races will go up to debate. Strangely, even though they hate each other, in battle, a Mountain Elf will trust a Volcano Elf more as a partner than any other elf race.

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Although The Earth Elves are a peaceful elf race, their prowess in battle cannot be underestimated. Using earth spell faction, a group of Earth Elves can turn an unfavorable battlefield into an advantageous one for their allies.

Even the Earth Elves were the easiest troops to infiltrate enemy defense lines and wreak havoc on them from behind. The most famous in this regard was Delin the Piercer.

He and his Mountain Elf forces managed to break through the air-tight front line created by the human alliance to stop the advance of the elf army. Brave and fearless, Delin and his 100,000 Mountain Elf soldiers entered the heart of the human alliance and threatened the famous Stonfold Kingdom.

Although Delin was killed by Micheal the Rat, his sacrifice gave eternal pride to himself and his race. The still-standing Mount Delin Rise is proof of the achievement of a determined and brilliant general.

As a result of Delin's sacrifice, other Mountain Elves who also wanted their names immortalized in history began to work harder to find ways to penetrate the human alliance defense lines. Within just a few weeks, hundreds of thousands of new underground tunnels were formed, making the human alliance overwhelmed.

The rival Volcano Elves did not want to be left behind either. Although they did not have the same earth spell faction mastery as the Mountain Elves, they had their own advantages. Using their entire army, Arkasa the Lava led the looting of the largest majestic spell ever in the history of the Meer continent.

The spell succeeded in making the ground boil and the magma inside it push the rocks above it to create a volcano in the middle of the snow. The volcano was located right in front of the defense line created by the human alliance, and Arkasa named the volcano Arkasa Volcano.

He vowed that this volcano and his army's form would be taller and bigger than Mount Delin Rise. He also vowed to crush the human alliance with his volcano.

And true to Arkasa's words, Arkasa Volcano erupted and spewed hot rocks that rained down on the human alliance army. Thousands of people were burned and melted without leaving any bones to bury. At the same time, volcanic ash killed all the farms and plantations created by the human alliance as their food supply, causing the human defense line to run out of food and have to wait for supplies from their faraway kingdoms.

The battle, which should have been balanced, became one-sided due to the presence of Arkasa Volcano. The human alliance army's morale weakened due to having to sleep with volcanic ash and an empty stomach, unable to withstand the attacks launched by the elf alliance.

Every day, Arkasa and his Volcano Elf troops would climb up to the top of Arkasa Volcano and sing loudly, making sure that their enemies could hear them.

♫ I am a Volcano Elf!

♫ I have a tall Arkasa Mountain.

♫ When it explodes *BOOM! *BOOM! *BOOM!

♫ I am a Volcano Elf!

♫ I am a Volcano Elf!

♫ I have a tall Arkasa Mountain.

♫ When it explodes *BOOM! *BOOM! *BOOM!

♫ I am a Volcano Elf!

Every time the song reached the part with "BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!", Arkasa Volcano would explode and rain down hot material that looked like meteors on the human alliance troops. Every night, the human troops would be haunted by nightmares of Arkasa and his troops singing atop the volcano and firing hot missiles at them.

As of the writing of this book, humans still use this Arkasa song to scare naughty children or summon evil spirits from their graves. As Arkasa says, his name has reached greater heights than Delin's.

However, the same could not be said for Arkasa Volcano.

By the third month, the human alliance troops were in disarray and were almost ready to retreat if not for the alliance forcing them to stay. The fighting spirit of the human troops was at an all-time low, and they would soon flee in disarray at the slightest command to retreat or advance.

It was at that moment that the last hope for humans appeared.

Stent Gaht.

His name was well known among the human and elf alliance troops. He was known as a brave warrior who would never give up, even in the most dire of circumstances. In addition to his Level 6 Constellation Magic, Gaht was a respected and feared general.

But his name did not become legendary until that fateful day. Gaht managed to break through the Level 6 Constellation Magic barrier, which was thought to be the limit of the constellation level that anyone could have. Despite the capacity of knowledge that they possessed, no mage had ever thought of Level 7 Constellation Magic. However, Gaht delved deeper into the blue ocean of mana than any mage before him, surpassing the limits imposed by mana and finally seeing the true form of mana.

The Realm of Law.

That morning, as Arkasa and his Volcano Elf army ascended Arkasa Volcano once again to sing, Gaht appeared with his sword. Walking alone in front of the human alliance's defense line, Gaht looked like a general ready to surrender his life. However, what happened next was beyond the comprehension of anyone who witnessed it.

Gaht drew his sword from its sheath and raised it high. Like a rising sun, Gaht's sword glowed so bright that everyone was forced to close their eyes, whether from the human alliance or the elf alliance.

When the blinding light disappeared, they all opened their eyes, only to see an empty, barren landscape. Arkasa Volcano, Arkasa, and his Mountain Elf army vanished as if the terrible volcano had never been there. All the haunting songs that plagued their nightmares disappeared like a pile of dust blown away by the wind.

Only Gaht, unconscious on the ground, remained as a sign that something beyond comprehension had just happened.

From that day on, the name Stent Gaht spread quickly throughout all the living creatures in the Meer continent, becoming a symbol that humans could become gods.

At the same time, the Volcano Elf's resentment towards Stent Gaht reached its peak because he was the perpetrator of the disappearance of the evidence that they were superior to the Mountain Elf. Until now, the Volcano Elf continues to search for Stent Gaht's grave to desecrate it, which forces Robert the Light Hero to keep it hidden.

Humans called that day "The Rise of Man become God," but the Elves called it "The Fall of the Highest Volcano."

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