The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 264 Future Decision Meeting (3)

"In that case, what if we increase the number of ambushes we conduct on human alliance caravans? They always carry plenty of food and weapons. Human flesh is also quite delicious to feast upon," Ez offered another idea.

All the monsters were stunned by Ez's idea. While most of the food carried by human alliance caravans was grains, there were some caravans specifically transporting meat for the mages fighting on the front lines.

In addition to the human flesh they would obtain. Although the amount of flesh in a human body was relatively small, especially in the case of soldiers whose bodies were mostly muscle, it tasted exquisite. Even the meat that had a rancid smell, like that of nobles filled with fat, could still be enjoyed by the monsters.

Particularly, the juicy flesh of human women, especially in the thighs and buttocks. However, that was quite rare because Nevare and Nezena had been fulfilling their duties exceptionally well, so it was very rare for a human woman to refuse to transform into a Valkyrie.

If they calculated all the caravans passing through the Bog forest, even if they only ambushed a quarter of them, the food problem of Wilwatikta Kingdom would be solved.

"Unfortunately, we cannot ambush human alliance caravans for the time being," Moku poured cold water on the fantasies of the monsters, who were imagining the taste of human flesh.

"Why, KuMoku?" Ez asked.

Moku adjusted his sitting position and hugged both his wives tighter. "After our previous ambush, we managed to capture more than twenty mages from the military academy. These children are not ordinary humans like the soldiers we captured before. They are nobles' children who have wealthy and influential parents within the human alliance. Therefore, their parents will surely investigate their disappearance, making the ambush route unsafe for the time being. Until the investigation by these nobles is completed, we cannot ambush human alliance caravans for a while."

All the monsters listened carefully to what Moku said, understanding that if they attacked again from the same direction, the human alliance would become suspicious that there was a force lurking in the Bog forest targeting their caravans. This would lead to a wider investigation by the human alliance, making it impossible for the monsters to conceal the existence of Wilwatikta Kingdom.

Even though the human alliance was occupied with their war against the demon species. Currently, they were not yet ready to directly confront the human alliance. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The monsters felt frustrated and confused. They felt trapped in a vicious cycle. On one hand, they yearned to attack and hunt down those weak humans, while on the other hand, they feared the suspicions that would undoubtedly put them at risk. The problem of dwindling food reserves, which would only last a few months, left them at a loss.

Suddenly, Nerphyl, who had been silent all along, spoke up. "What if we target the other mana species instead?"

The monsters were puzzled by Nerphyl's question. Their goal of inciting a war between the human alliance and the demon species was to reap the benefits of the ensuing chaos. Who else would they attack besides the human alliance?

"What do you mean, Fairy Queen?" Ez turned to Nerphyl.

"Hmm... currently, we cannot attack the human alliance caravans because we fear that Wilwatikta Kingdom will be discovered. However, the war is not limited to the human alliance against the demon species. This is a war between the three mana species against the demon species. Don't we have other targets besides the human alliance?" Nerphyl smiled and glanced at Nezena, who stared at her wide-eyed.

"Nerphyl is right. We still have other neighbors that can be targeted for ambush!" Mige slapped his thigh gleefully.

All the monsters understood what the two of them meant, and all eyes turned to Nezena, who was still in disbelief.

"The elf alliance?" Nezena said with her mouth agape.

"Exactly, we can attack the elf alliance. They are also busy fighting against the demon species, so their rear is likely to be unguarded with minimal defenses," Ez smiled.

"I agree with the Fairy Queen's opinion. I've never fought against elf mages before. I can't wait to start the raid," Goku cheered, his bloodthirsty eyes glowing red.

"Their flesh must be delicious too," saliva flooded Swa's mouth.

All the monsters nodded with a smile on their faces.

"M-Mo-Moku... are we going to attack the elf alliance?" Nezena stammered, unable to believe it.

"If you don't mind, you can lead this attack. What do you think?" Moku smiled, observing his wife's astonished expression.

"YEAAAHH!!!" Nevare leaped with joy, raising both hands to the sky. She behaved like a child promised ice cream by her parents.

All the monsters laughed at Nezena's excitement. It wasn't just Moku; they also understood that their Holy Queen harbored jealousy towards their Progenitor Queen. There were several reasons behind it, but recently, it was because of the increasing number of female humans transforming into Valkyries.

Although she didn't show it, Nezena actually felt lonely because she didn't have any friends from the same species as hers. Seeing the Valkyries, who were once human females, coming to Nevare, the druids seeking advice from Nerphyl, and the hobgoblins flocking to Nedira made her feel alone.

Moreover, hearing many monsters praise the deliciousness of human flesh made Nezena even more frustrated. She wished she could cut her own hand and give it to another monster to show that elf flesh was also delicious. Unfortunately, Nezena was no longer an elf. She had fully transformed into a monster, so her flesh no longer tasted like elf flesh as it did before.

Adding to that, hearing the asuras complain about their Valkyrie wives (who were once human) demanding their share every night made Nezena even more envious. She also wanted to show the asuras that Valkyries from the elf species also enjoyed being impregnated. The proof was herself, even though she wasn't Moku's first wife, she had more children than Nevare.

"Thank you, Moku!!" Nevare shouted, tightly embracing her husband.

Moku laughed and said, "This wasn't my idea, it was Nerphyl's. I just made the final decision."

"Ah... You're right! Thank you, Sister!"

Nezena turned her attention to Nerphyl and hugged her tightly. They twirled around until Nerphyl's head began to spin. "Okay... okay... put me down," Nerphyl said with a wry smile on her face.

Nezena released Nerphyl from her embrace, switching off her grip, and turned to face the monsters. "HAHAHA... It's time for us to show our fangs to the elf species. I guarantee you all that elf flesh is far more delicious than human flesh, and their girls are far more nympho than human girls!"

"YEAAAHH!!!!" All the monsters stood up and applauded.

Nevare smirked and taunted her sister, "We won't know until we try it, so don't get ahead of yourself, Sister."

"Heh... we'll see," Nezena snorted.

"Okay... okay... everyone, take your seats again. Nezena, I entrust you to form your own team. You will map out the route to the territory of the elven alliance and plan everything needed for the raid. Unlike the human alliance, which uses the Bog Forest as a supply caravan route, we will infiltrate the elven alliance territory. So, our target will not be the caravans but the elf settlements around the Bog Forest. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Of course, I must attack them swiftly and leave no survivors to ensure there are no witnesses. I also need to make the attack appear as if a disaster brought by mutated animals emerging from the Bog Forest. Like that, right?" Nevare said confidently.

"That's my girl!" Moku raised his thumb. Then he looked at all the monsters in the room.

"To replenish our dwindling food reserves, we will raid the villages of the elven alliance. I want all of you to assist Nezena in this endeavor and provide for her needs to the best of your abilities. During the preparation and the establishment of the route to the elven alliance territory, I will lead the attack on the platinum-tier danger mutated animals around Bitter Maja. This way, we can focus all our attention on the raid in the elven alliance territory. Are there any questions or objections to this decision?"

Nezena looked at all the monsters with a dangerous gaze. She wouldn't wait or hesitate to behead anyone who opposed Moku's decision. Of course, the monsters wouldn't object to the decision, but seeing Nezena's bloodlust-filled eyes still sent shivers down their spines.

Seeing that no one had anything else to say, Moku continued, "Very well, if there are no further opinions or other matters to discuss, I will conclude today's meeting!"

Moku and Nevare stood up from their seats, as did all the monsters in the meeting room. Nezena, with a wide smile, couldn't wait to start forming her own raid team.

"May we fight together in The One's heaven!" Moku tapped his chest.

"May we fight together in The One's heaven!" and all the monsters gave the same salute.

With that, the future decision meeting came to an end.

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