The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 265 The Water God

(Taken from the book 'The Gods of Elves' written by Nevare the Holy Queen)

"In the embrace of nature's serenity, I find solace in the tranquil river and the silent sea. As the day unfolds with a vibrant morning, the sun's radiant rays paint the world with hope and promise. The melodic tunes of birds create a symphony of joy, echoing through the air, while the affectionate smiles of loved ones fill my heart with warmth and comfort. Amidst these delightful moments, worries dissipate like mist, leaving behind a serene canvas where possibilities abound.

The peaceful river flows gracefully, its gentle current soothing my restless thoughts. Its rhythmic murmur whispers secrets of tranquility, inviting me to let go and be carried away by its calming embrace. On the other hand, the silent sea stretches endlessly, inviting introspection and reflection. Standing at its shore, I feel the immense power and profound stillness emanating from its depths, reminding me of the vastness of the world and the peace found in embracing its magnitude.

In this harmonious union of the tranquil river and the serene sea, I find a sanctuary for my soul. Here, I am reminded of the beauty in letting go, surrendering to the ebb and flow of life. Worries and uncertainties fade away, replaced by gratitude for the present moment and eagerness to embrace the opportunities that lie ahead. In the quietude of these natural wonders, I discover the true essence of peace—a respite from the chaos of the world and an invitation to embrace the beauty and serenity that surrounds me.

As the day unfolds, I carry the tranquility of the river and the stillness of the sea within me. They become my guiding forces, reminding me to seek moments of stillness amidst the busyness and find solace in the rhythm of nature. Each new day, I am grateful for the cheerful mornings, joyful songs, and smiles that surround me. Yet, it is the tranquil river and the silent sea that hold the key to inner peace, allowing me to navigate life's currents with grace and serenity."

This passage is found in two different sacred books, demonstrating the calmness and tranquility of the elves created by The Water God. In the book Aegir, this phrase is on page 81, while in the book Mazu, it is written on page 9. And the funny thing is that both holy books have only 90 pages.

There are only two elf races created by The Water God: River Elves and Sea Elves. River Elves worship The Water God named Mazu, while Sea Elves worship The Water God named Aegir. However, both elf races have no problem acknowledging each other's gods.

These two elf races share similar cultures but have different philosophies of life. River Elves consider tranquility as paramount, flowing like a river from highland to lowland. On the other hand, Sea Elves regard silence as the most important, like a calm sea without waves.

Although they have different dwelling places, almost every folk legend in their society tells stories of Sea Elves and River Elves living in mutual assistance. This is remarkable because even if a tribe of River Elves has never met Sea Elves before, they still tell the same legends.

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It is as if it is ingrained in their minds that Sea Elves and River Elves are siblings. Both elf races are highly reclusive and rarely interact with other elf races. They remain in their dwellings and never lead a nomadic lifestyle, unlike Wind Elves and Cloud Elves who constantly move from one mountain to another and from one hill to another.

However, despite being peaceful and silent races, it doesn't mean they are weak and easily disturbed. There have been incidents where ships vanished at sea due to Sea Elf attacks, and there are also stories of villages being destroyed by River Elf raids.

These two races may be peaceful and harmless, but they become formidable creatures when their territories are disturbed. During the First Mana Species War, the number of human casualties caused by these two elf races reached millions.

They possess a unique spell faction that is vastly different from the spell factions controlled by humans or other elf races. The spells they chant have no tangible form and are almost undetectable by ordinary detection spells. Whenever both elf races engage in battle, the fear they bring can make enemies retreat before fighting even begins.

Such is the terror of their attacks that humans refer to them by different names, Siren for Sea Elves and Nixie for River Elves.

After prolonged battles with these two races, humans eventually unraveled the secret behind the spell faction they use. They named the spell faction of these two elves' races the Soul spell faction.

The Soul spell faction shares a similar concept with the Bard spell faction, which involves buffing allies and debuffing enemies. However, the Soul spell faction is not a branch or mutation of the Bard spell faction; rather, it is an evolution from it. When a mage creates a song that can not only affect the mind but also the soul, their Bard spell faction evolves into the Soul spell faction.

There are no known spell factions capable of countering the Soul spell faction. A Level 5 Constellation Mage with Soul spell faction can decimate entire enemy armies with just one spell within their domain. The only known way to counter the Soul spell faction is by also utilizing the Soul spell faction.

Of course, the Asuras' Dream Realm is a different matter. Dragon prana always acts as the predator of mana, so it is natural that a spell utilizing mana cannot control the souls of Asuras bound by dragon prana.

The most impressive event recorded in history involving the use of the Soul spell faction took place during the Battle of Chirp Bay.

At that time, the human alliance gathered their entire naval fleet led by Gu Wuhan to destroy the elven alliance from behind and win the first species war. The water glinted like frosted glass, as though a million diamonds had been tossed into it.

The sunlight reflected off of the deep blue sea and danced on the waves dancing against the shoreline. They sailed with an armada consisting of nearly 3,000 ships decorated in white sails and a force of over three million soldiers and crew.

The mana cannons mounted on the ships boosted the confidence of the human alliance to crush the unguarded rear lines of the elven alliance.

This fleet promised the human alliance victory over the elven alliance. Because at that time the elven alliance still did not have a sea fleet that could fend off their attacks.

With the motto of sinking elves into the sea and enslaving them with ropes. The human alliance's sea fleet sailed with confidence.

However, they never anticipated that their decision would lead to the Sea Elves joining the elf alliance. The thousands of ships they sailed on passed through the territories inhabited by the Sea Elves, disturbing their once calm sea. The terror that had long been dormant awakened.

One by one, Sea Elf warriors emerged from the sea, urging the humans not to sail through their waters. However, their pleas were met with cannon fire from the human ships. Sea Elf blood stained the once tranquil sea, and for the first time, the Sea Elf King became furious.

Without any signal, the wind suddenly ceased, the waves stopped crashing, and the world fell silent. The laughter of the human soldiers halted, their rampaging cannons ceased, and their bloodthirsty smiles turned.

A melodious song filled the air.

♫ Lingsir wengi sliramu tumeking sirno (Towards night, your shadow begins to fade),

♫ Ojo tangi nggonmu guling (Don't wake up from your sleep),

♫ Awas jo ngetoro (Watch out! Don't show yourself),

♫ Aku lagi bang wingo wingo (I'm restless),

♫ Jin setan kang tak utusi (I command the devil),

♫ Jin setan kang tak utusi (I command the devil),

♫ Dadyo sebarang (Be anything),

♫ Wojo lelayu sebet (But don't bring death).

No humans understood the meaning of the Sea Elves' song, but their voices were so melodious as if carrying themselves into a dreamlike realm. Their fierce faces transformed into tranquility, and wide smiles appeared on their lips. Only those with high-level constellations realized something was amiss.

But it was too late to stop the nightmare that unfolded.

Like witnessing beautiful women, abundant gold, delicious food, or any deepest desires in their souls, the human forces plunged into the sea like madmen, wearing broad smiles and roaring laughter. They pushed and elbowed each other to be the first to dive into the sea.

But what they encountered was not beautiful women, abundant gold, delicious food, or any deepest desires. Instead, they faced the sharp spears of the Sea Elves. The ocean churned, and the blue water turned red. The bodies that nearly covered the surface of the sea formed a new land made of human flesh.

That day, a new bay was formed, Chirp Bay, named after the beautiful bird songs.

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