The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 266 Graduation

[Military Academy, Great Hall Meeting]

The Great Hall Meeting, a large room capable of accommodating more than 10,000 students, was adorned with impressive decorations depicting the pride and glory of the military academy.

Artur and the other cadets entered the room, creating a lively atmosphere with the rhythmic sound of their footsteps, the gleaming uniforms of the cadets, and the applause from the audience. At the front of the room stood a large stage that commanded attention. The stage was adorned with national flags and the towering emblem of the Military Academy.

Behind the stage, rows of chairs faced forward, where military officials and honored guests sat. The chairs were draped in luxurious red fabric, exuding a sense of grandeur. Surrounding the room were additional rows of seats for the families and friends of the cadets who were present to show their support.

Dazzling spotlights illuminated the stage, adding a touch of drama to the graduation ceremony. In the center of the stage stood a podium, the focal point for speeches and important announcements. On either side of the podium, large flags proudly waved, representing the courage and spirit of the cadets.

The room was filled with enthusiasm and excitement. Cheers and applause echoed through the air. The cadets sat upright, displaying their discipline and pride. Their faces radiated hope and joy, reflecting the success they had achieved during their time at the Military Academy.

The graduation ceremony commenced with honors and awards presented to cadets who had demonstrated exceptional achievements in various fields. One by one, the cadets' names were called to ascend the podium.

Three years had passed, and Artur was no longer just a student of the military academy; he had now become a cadet of the Military Academy. He and the other A15 class students had the honor of being on the stage.

As their names were called, Artur and the other A15 students walked forward to face the military officials, bowing their heads. The officials drew their swords and placed them above the heads of each cadet one by one. It symbolized the human alliance's recognition of the cadets as not just students of the military academy, but as warriors ready to fight on the front lines.

The graduation ceremony continued with the recitation of the oath. All the attending cadets stood and placed their clenched fists over their hearts. One of the elders from the Gurru Committee, who was responsible for leading the oath, was present.

The cadets stood with enthusiasm and a sense of responsibility, uttering their solemn pledge of loyalty to the human alliance and ensuring that they would carry out their duties with integrity and bravery.

The event proceeded smoothly, filled with heart-stirring national music. All eyes were focused on the stage as if nothing could divert attention from this historic moment.

The next item on the agenda was the speech to be delivered by an elder from the Gurru Committee. However, Artur's generation was different from previous generations. They had a generation leader who was not only recognized de facto but also de jure by the Gurru Committee.

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It was Robert, the class leader of A15.

With a proud stride, Robert ascended the podium. His chest swelled, and his head held high. Although his face appeared relaxed, Artur knew that Robert was extremely nervous.

Countless times, Robert had practiced his speech in front of the mirror, even staying overnight in Artur's room and forcing him to stay awake, accompanying him in speech practice. Artur wanted to kick Robert out, but he realized that his best friend was much stronger than him and didn't care about being polite or not towards Artur.

Stiffly, Robert held the Mana Mic in front of him.

"Ladies—iingg," as the sound came out of his mouth, the mic emitted a buzzing noise because he was too close.

Artur stifled a laugh, his face turning red. It was truly absurd to see Robert, who usually bullied him, now being bullied by a microphone.

Clearing his throat, Robert tried to regain composure and control his body from turning around and pummeling Artur.

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed faculty members, fellow cadets, and honored guests,

Today marks a momentous occasion in our lives as we gather here to celebrate our graduation from the military academy. It is a day filled with mixed emotions—joy, pride, nostalgia, and a hint of apprehension as we step into the next chapter of our lives. Allow me, Robert, to address you all on behalf of the graduating class.

First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to our esteemed faculty members. Your unwavering dedication, guidance, and commitment to our education have been instrumental in shaping us into the individuals we are today. From the early days of grueling training to the countless hours spent honing our skills, you have pushed us beyond our limits and instilled in us the values of discipline, integrity, and perseverance. We are forever indebted to your wisdom and mentorship.

To our families and friends, thank you for your unwavering support throughout this journey. Your love, encouragement, and understanding have been the pillars of strength that propelled us forward during challenging times. Your belief in our abilities has been a constant source of motivation, and we are grateful for your presence in our lives.

Fellow cadets, what an incredible journey it has been! We have endured hardships together, triumphed over adversity, and forged unbreakable bonds of camaraderie. The friendships we have formed will forever hold a special place in our hearts. Through shared laughter, tears, and victories, we have become a family—a united force ready to face whatever lies ahead. Let us cherish these memories and continue supporting and uplifting one another as we venture into new horizons.

As we embark on our respective paths, let us not forget the lessons we have learned within these hallowed walls. We have been equipped with the skills, knowledge, and character to make a positive impact on the world. Let us carry the torch of honor, justice, and compassion wherever we go. Let us be beacons of hope and agents of change in a world that often yearns for both.

The challenges that await us may be daunting, but I have unwavering faith in the abilities of my fellow graduates. We have been tested, molded, and refined into resilient individuals capable of overcoming any obstacle. Embrace the unknown with open hearts and minds, for it is in the face of adversity that our true potential shines brightest.

As we bid farewell to the military academy, let us remember that this is not the end but merely the beginning of a new chapter. We stand at the precipice of limitless possibilities, ready to make our mark on the world. Let our actions speak volumes, our accomplishments inspire, and our character define us. The world awaits our contributions, and I am confident that we will leave an indelible legacy wherever we may tread.

In conclusion, I would like to express my deepest appreciation to each and every one of you. Today, we celebrate not only our individual achievements but also the collective spirit that has brought us to this momentous day. Let us embrace the future with unwavering determination, boundless optimism, and the knowledge that we are the future leaders, protectors, and advocates for a better world.

Congratulations, Demon's Slayer Generation! May our paths be illuminated by success, our hearts filled with compassion, and our lives forever enriched by the experiences we shared at this esteemed institution.

Thank you."

Robert finished his speech and was welcomed with applause from the audience and the exuberant cadets. He stepped down from the podium and locked eyes with Artur, gritting his teeth like a barking dog. Artur simply looked away, maintaining an expression as if nothing had happened.

As the graduation procession concluded, the atmosphere was filled with lively applause and joyful cheers.

Graduation was an unforgettable celebration, marking the cadets' remarkable achievements on their journey to become resilient warriors. The room was brimming with spirit, courage, and pride, illuminating the hearts of everyone present.


"Artur, are you planning to go back to Heles City before heading to the front lines?" Robert nudged Artur's shoulder.

Artur glanced at the concluded graduation event and the cadets reuniting with their families. However, his own family was nowhere to be seen. The expensive train fare was beyond what Gilbert could afford, forcing them to accept that Artur would celebrate his graduation alone.

"Well... It's been three years since I last saw them. We still have two months before deployment, and I intend to spend this time with my family. Who knows, I might even have a younger sibling by now," Artur said with a faint smile on his face.

"And what about you, Robert, or should I address you as Commander now?" Artur teased.

Robert didn't seem annoyed and simply grinned smugly. "Heh... You can make fun of me now, but I hope you can maintain your composure as a cadet during battles. Besides, I haven't become a commander yet, just a captain,"

"Understood, Captain," Artur snapped to attention and saluted Robert.

The two of them locked eyes and burst into laughter.

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