The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 96 Trouble At Home

[Dawnmist Tribe, After The Orcs Marched Off To Battle]

The Cendet Birds screamed as the goblin horde approached. Tam who had been waiting for their arrival quickly scattered the grains to the ground.

p The loud sound of the Cendet birds stopped, they flapped their wings and landed on the ground where the grain was spread.

They eagerly forgot their previous task and enjoyed their meal. The goblin horde entered the tribal encampment without any of the whining birds protesting.

This is one way to pacify the Cendet birds, which is to give them their favorite food. Cendet birds are creatures that are always alert so they will not eat the gifts of people they do not recognize. However, if people they know give them their favorite food, the cendet will become relaxed and friendly towards new people they meet.

Tam meets a goblin who is the leader of this goblin horde, Shizz. "Shizz, how's the battle going?" Tam asked worriedly.

This was the second horde of goblins that come to take refuge in the Dawnmist Tribe. Previously the sylphs had also arrived but some of them were pulled back into the battlefield by Nerphyl to help coordinate the troops. Meanwhile, all of Alraune did not come to evacuate, they were required to prepare to treat the injured orcs so that they could return to battle quickly.

"Huh... I don't know what's going on right now on the battlefield. I left right after the orcs arrived, but I can still see some goblins being carried by the alraune. The number of casualties that fell from our side I'm sure is not small.

The battle this time could be said to be the decider of the destiny of all monsters. Do they have the power to rival humans and mana species or will they just end up turning back into a pest?

"...Have all the goblins evacuated?" Tam was silent for a moment before asking again.

Shizz nodded then replied "Apart from the men who were fighting to hold off the mages until the orcs arrived, all the goblins had fled and arrived at the Dawnmist Tribe. I was the last group to depart"

"hm" Tam nodded "You better rest too, I'll take you to the goblins' tent"

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"Ah.. before that, I heard from one of the sylphs that orcs have Nevare, I want to meet her first" Shezz remembered something important.

Although goblins and orcs have different ways of life, the two races are still classified as monster species, so they have almost the same culture. If Moku manages to survive this battle then it is certain that he will be appointed as the leader of all monster species. So orcs' Nevare will become monsters' Nevare.

So it was only natural that Shezz would pay her respects to the monsters' Nevare first.

Tam's face turned awry, she didn't know what to say. She wanted to describe what was going on, but she didn't know where to start. After a few seconds of silence and causing Shezz to worry if something went wrong with the orc's Nevare, Tam managed to piece together the words "You'd better not run into Nevare. She's no longer in a state of being able to host guests" Tam breathed a sigh of relief after she managed to say that.

"Hm? What do you mean?" Shizz tilted her head confused.

"Hmm.. Ne's are fighting" Tam shook her head not understanding.

"Hah?" Shizz was getting more and more confused.


Inside Moku's tent, Six girls were sitting cross-legged. Supposedly the gathering of girls will be filled with gossip, jokes, and other noisy things that will come out of their mouths. But that didn't happen in the tent. An eerie silence made the body shiver enveloping the frozen atmosphere.

The girls sat with their gazes down and their breaths held. They don't seem to want to get into the crossfire of the two lionesses in front of them. Their fidgeting hands and their snuggled shoulders show how uncomfortable they are in this atmosphere.

Crunch... Nyam.. nyam.. nyam.. crunch.. nyam.. nyam.. nyam..

The sound of teeth tearing flesh and chewing was heard from inside Anna's mouth. Her mouth was full of raw meat until her cheeks bulged. the blood that was still attached to the meat flowing from between the edges of her lips. Even so, Anna didn't look disgusted at all.

Her growing pregnancy increased Anna's appetite, at this time she had to consume 14 kg of meat per day. As a result, most of Anna's time was spent chewing and swallowing her food before going back to sleep because her body was easily tired. Usually, Anna eats very neatly and politely, she always maintains etiquette when eating. But right now Anna was eating like a beast, or rather Anna was eating like an orc. This was due to an elf sitting in front of her.


Anna gulped down the meat in her mouth with a loud voice. Her hand took another piece of meat that was left on the tray. Even though she was busy eating her food, Anna's eyes never left the elf in front of her. Her sharp gaze and brutal way of eating seemed to want to show that she want to tear up the elf in front of her.

Nezena who was stared at by Anna didn't budge at all. Her chin was held high and her eyes closed like she was asleep. She sat gracefully with her hands on her thighs. Her arms were pressed together so that they pinched her large breasts. Nezena is showing her superiority in front of Anna.

If Anna is a savage tiger who stares at its prey with a thirst for blood, then Nezena is an eagle perched on a tall tree looking at its prey arrogantly. The two of them had been in this position for several hours. Precisely started when Nezena entered Moku's tent without looking at Anna at all.

No one spoke, no one screamed at each other, and no one cursed one another, but the gazes and gestures of the two of them made the girls break out in cold sweat. They couldn't take it anymore and wanted to get out of this tent.

But on the battlefield between the two great powers, ordinary people can only be quiet and do nothing. They understood this logic and could only lower their heads, hoping the storm would pass.


But the silence was suddenly broken by Anna's moaning voice.

She was holding her stomach with a furrowed brow. All the tent dwellers turned their gazes to her.

At first, Anna thought that her naughty baby was kicking his mother's womb, but suddenly the pain was becomes more intense than she had ever felt.

".....aaaahhahahahAaAAAAAAaAAAHHHH!!!" Anna's cry of pain made all the girls' faces change. They had never heard of anyone screaming in pain like that, except for Nezena.

When she saw Anna holding her stomach she immediately knew something was wrong. Then when Anna screamed and there was blood flowing from her crotch she immediately knew that Anna was having contractions.

"What are you guys doing??!!! Can't you see she's having contractions?! She's about to give birth!! Hurry up and help her give birth!!" Nezena shouted in panic.

Nezena's panicked scream woke the girls from their shock. Their faces turned panicked and their eyeballs were fidgeting. They had never seen a woman give birth before let alone help a woman give birth.

In reality, these four girls were not ex-slaves like Nezena. The four of them are just pampered girls who have been protected from the cruel world by their parents and families. The five human girls who were held captive by the orcs had never even hugged the opposite sex before. For these virgin girls, Moku is the first man they see his naked body.

Seeing the girls turning into panic, Nezena didn't know how to react.

Claire who looked mature could only raise and lower her hands like a devotee praying. Nezena didn't understand what ritual she was doing, but Claire's nodding breast made her think she was worshiping something vulgar.

Widya who looks the smartest can only fan Anna with her clothes. The wind she managed to create could only lift a few strands of hair on Anna's wrinkled forehead. Nezena once again thought that she was doing a human ritual because if she wanted to fan there was a fan right beside where she was sitting.

Lina massaged Anna's legs with a pale face. She didn't realize that massage was too strong and only add to Anna's suffering. Luckily Anna's body is now very strong otherwise Nezena would have thought that Lina wanted to torture Anna.

While Vivi took water back and forth which only ended up spilling in the middle of the road because her hands were shaking violently. Nezena thought that this cute girl had epilepsy or something that made her feel like a burning worm.

Nezena could only stare at them with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. Suddenly she lost all her knowledge of stringing words after seeing the girls acting hilarious in this precarious situation.


Anna's scream woke Nezena from her daydream and made the girls freeze. Clarity returned to Nezena's eyes, she took a deep breath and knew that they didn't have the knowledge to solve this case.

Nezena got up from her seat and ordered in a loud voice "You guys don't do anything! Just accompany Nevare, I will seek the help of the goblins!"

The panicked girls could only nod quickly. They felt like the boulder that was crushing them was lifted by the hand of an angel.

Nezena got out of the tent and immediately ran for help.

"TAM!!! TAM!!!! Where are you?!! We need your help!!" shouted Nezena.

Hearing her scream, Tam immediately ran to Nezena, "Nezena what happen?"

"Nevare will give birth soon, you must help us immediately!" said Nezena quickly.

"What??? Okay wait here! I will call Shizz" Tam immediately ran to the goblins' tent and called out to Shizz.

A few seconds later, Shizz and several other female goblins came to Moku's tent.

Just when Moku was beaten badly by the Treants, his wife was struggling to give birth to their first baby.

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