The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 97 Trouble At Home Part 2


Anna's scream filled the crowded tent. The goblins were seen busy preparing water and some cloth. Shizz looked calm and sat in front of Anna's straddled crotch.

"Nevare you have to keep pushing. Your baby will be out soon" Shezz pleaded.

Anna didn't hear it, her whole nerves were filled with pain. Her stomach felt like a cloth being squeezed, her body felt like it was being sliced in half from her crotch. There are not enough words to describe the pain she was in. However, Anna still persevered. Maybe because of her strong body or maybe because of her strong will.

The pain she experienced made Anna imagine Cila. A mother who has two children. Cila has experienced this pain twice, but Cila still wants to have another child.

Anna did not understand what Cila was thinking, there was no way anyone would want to experience this pain a second time let alone a third time. Anna could never understand what her mother was thinking.

"AAAHHHHH I'TS SO HURT!!!!!" shouted Anna.

"Nevare push Nevare Push.. You can do it!" Shezz gave Anna encouragement.

Anna's hand tightly gripped Nezena's hand which was beside her. Anna's grip was so tight that it broke Nezena's fingers, but she didn't complain and allowed Anna to keep squeezing her hand. Her mouth kept muttering the prayers to The One for the safety of Anna and the child she would give birth to.

The girls could only sit still with pale faces. Their hands were tightly clenched into fists with wide eyes. They had never heard a scream full of pain like the one that came out of Anna's mouth before.

Anna felt pain more than anything she had ever felt before. She felt like a giant hand was squeezing her body like someone was squeezing sauce out of a bottle. She felt her womb being torn apart before being thrown under the elephant's paw to be trampled to pieces.

There is only one sentence that can describe her suffering 'It's worse than you think!'


"Nevare don't give up! I've seen his head start popping out! You can do it! PUSH!! PUSH!!" Shezz continued to encourage and was on standby waiting for the baby's head to come out.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Anna is in pain. It hurts... it hurts... it hurts... it hurts so much....

She hates everything.

She hated Gilbert who forbade her to become a mage. She hated Artur who had the chance to become a mage just because he was a boy. She hates Cila who is weak and unable to support her dreams. She hated Silvie who just wanted to be an ordinary girl and not fight to become a mage with her. She hated the weak Tristan that was enabled to protect her. She hates Bon who has kidnapped her to be a slave. She hated the goblins who had killed her friends. She hated the orcs who had held her captive. She hated the girls who couldn't protect themselves. She hates Moku.

She hates Moku.

She hates Moku.

She hates Moku.

Where is Moku!!???

Why did he leave his pregnant wife?!!!

Why did he disappear for a month?!!!!

Why did he have to leave again???!!!

Why didn't he keep his promise???!!!!

Are goblins that important?!! Are sylphs that important?!!! Are alraune that important?!!!! Are orcs that important??!!!!

'Don't you love me? why weren't you there when I was in pain? why are you not there when I miss you? why did you come home with two new women? Am I not enough for you? why weren't you there when I was about to give birth? why don't you come after me when I'm angry? why did you have to go again?'

'Do you really love me?'

'What really happened?'

'why am I so unlucky?'

'I just want to be a mage!'

'are women not allowed to become mages?'

'why is this so difficult?'

'Why am I the only one who can't become a mage?'




"Good Job Nevare the baby head is out!" Shezz shouted with excitement. She pulled the baby's head out slowly. The baby was born safely.

"oak! oak! oak!" the sound of a baby's cry was heard, filling the crowded tent. All those who heard him breathed a sigh of relief.

Shezz was assisted by two other goblins to clamp the baby's umbilical cord and cut it. "Nevare I will clean your baby first. I will give it to you after. You be patient, okay" said Shezz softly.

Shezz took the baby to be bathed in the water they had prepared beforehand. But Anna didn't care about them and the baby.

She didn't care about the baby giving her this pain. She wanted to scream to ask them to keep the baby away from her. But her body was so weak that she didn't have the strength to speak. Her hazy eyes could only stare wistfully. Even the body of an orc is not capable of alleviating a mother's suffering during childbirth.

Anna increasingly does not understand Cila. If Cila felt the pain she felt when she gave birth to her, why didn't Cila hate herself and Artur? Why is Cila still able to give so much love and affection to her two children? Why didn't Cila curse her children for giving her this pain? Anna doesn't understand Cila.

"Nevare is your baby, his face is very similar to yours, he is very handsome. When he grows up he will also be as tough as Moku " Shezz carried a baby which was already covered with cloth in her arms.

Anna wanted to scream for them to throw the baby away. But her body was so weak. She couldn't help but surrender when Shezz placed the baby in her chest.

Anna wanted to see the little monster that was torturing her. At least she knew where this hatred was headed.

And when she saw his face...

It was like the sun rising after a cold night. It's like a rainbow that shines after a drenching storm. It was like a shady meadow in the middle of an arid desert. It's like a quiet park in the middle of the bustle of the city. It's like...

How can there be only a few words that can express happiness?

Anna knows that the happiness she feels cannot be written by any poet.

It was as if all the joys of the world were gathered together in his little face. It's like all the sincere smiles of all humanity gathered together in one pursed lips. It was like all the warm light gathered together in his two closed eyes.

All of Anna's hatred seemed to disappear like a speck of magma in the vast ocean. All of Anna's pain vanished like the white mist when morning came.

Anna no longer cares about her human life. Anna no longer cares about her human family. Anna no longer cared about the girls. Anna no longer cared about her dream of becoming a mage. Anna no longer cares about Moku not accompanying her at this time.

The only thing on her mind right now was the face of a baby sleeping in her arms. Shezz was right, his face was very similar to Anna's. Although he had the characteristics of the orc race, such as green skin and pointed ears, he has a facial curve that is similar to Anna's. His thin lips were similar to Anna's, his chubby cheeks are similar to Anna's, and his broad forehead is similar to Anna's.

He is very similar to Anna just as Anna is very similar to Cila.

Anna's lips which were previously wrinkled in pain turned into a wide smile. Her wistful eyes that stared at him with hatred turned into gentle eyes that gazed with love. Her tense muscles which endured the agony turned relaxed providing a comfortable position for the baby on her chest.

Anna smiled with tears in her eyes. Not tears of pain, not tears of suffering, and not tears of hatred, but tears of love, happiness, and gratitude.

Now she really understands what Cila thinks and feels, why Cila loves her children so much, and why Cila is willing to sacrifice anything for her children. Children are the greatest happiness for a woman, it is a fact that can not be denied by anything even though the world's moral is turned around.

There is only one sentence that can describe her happiness 'She is happy more than you think!'

Consciousness returned to Anna's body. She felt that she was holding someone's hand very hard. Anna immediately let go of her grip and saw that the hand had been crushed by her force.

Anna looked at Nezena who seemed indifferent with her bones crushed. Anna didn't know what to say to someone who was beside her in pain and continued to be by her side, holding her hand as she continued to pray even though her bones were crushed.

Anna could only smile and stare gratefully, her voice still hoarse from shouting too loudly, "Thank you and I'm sorry" Anna bowed her head slightly.

"Well.. it's okay my hand will heal soon. After the night I meet Moku, somehow the wounds on my body heal faster and I feel more energetic" Nezena smiled back at Anna.

Anna's smile froze. She was reminded again of the face of the orc that should be beside her right now. Her teeth chattered and a roar came from her throat.

With anger, Anna cursed in her heart 'WHERE IS THAT ORC BASTARD!!!'

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