The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 98 Casuality

Moku sat staring at Deak's dead body. His panting breaths showed how much energy was expended in this fight.

His body became very thin because of the nutrients that were sucked in to become dragon prana. He looked very tired. Even so, the usual smirk still formed on his lips.

Since living in this world Moku has always met with battle after battle of life-and-death. He didn't feel tired because of those fights instead he felt very happy. He felt alive.

Even though he was currently eager to celebrate his victory but Moku knew he had to leave this place immediately, he and all the monsters.

Humans and other mana species will be arriving soon. It's impossible if they don't notice the fight between Moku versus Deak earlier. The destruction and the power they release in this battle are so massive that it's changed the geography of this area. And if what Deak says is true, then the strongest human will have a death grudge against Moku. The current him had no chance of surviving against Deak's teacher.

Moku try to stand up but he lost too much energy which make his knee wobble. Moku ends up falling and laying on his back. He needs to restore his body's nutrition. Moku needs food and orc food is meat.

Moku pulled Deak's dead body closer and cut off his head. Moku will make Deak's head his victory trophy. Then for Deak's corpse...

Moku tears Deak's flesh and starts eating it. Once again there was no disgust or uncomfortable feeling in his heart when he ate the raw flesh of living beings and it seemed the same was true for human flesh.

Slowly the flesh in Deak's body moved into Moku's stomach. His extremely thin body regained its flesh and slowly returned to its original state. What a miracle of orc body metabolism.

Moku stopped tearing Deak's flesh because Deak's current body only had bones left. Moku gulped the last of the meat in his mouth and he regained the strength to stand up.

Moku clenched his fists and crushed Deak's bones with blue flames. He jumped and looked for the bodies of the other two mages then did the same thing he did to Deak's bodies. Beheading them for trophies, then eating their flesh, restoring his strength, before crushing their bones with blue flames.

Currently, Moku is almost fully recovered, he no longer has any injuries and his dragon prana is almost fully charged. Deak and his two students are mages with a lot of mana in their bodies, but Moku eats them like normal meat. Unlike the time eating stugo meat which gave a big reaction to the development of his dragon breath cultivation, the meat of the three mages did not make him climb the stairs too far, it just deliver Moku to half of the steps to reach the next gate. This shows that the nutrients needed for the third evolution are gargantuan.

Moku is very sure that he must eat all living beings on earth for him to reach the 8th evolution. He only sighed for the fate of the orcs who were forced to destroy their own world just to get stronger.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Moku jumped towards where the other orcs were fighting. When he got there all he saw was a vast expanse of empty land. A sylph was seen flying around as if looking for something. Moku knows her, she's his third wife, Nerphyl.

Moku jumped and landed beside Nerphyl. Nerphyl looked very surprised when Moku came but her face quickly turned bright when she realized it was Moku.

Nerphyl flew up and hugged Moku's face "Moku I know you will win... I know you will win... I know you Will win!!!" Nerphyl shouted while rubbing her body against Moku's face.

Moku remembered Nerphyl's naked body and tried to bring his focus back from the beautiful memory "HM..HM..HM.. Nerphyl where are the other orcs? What happened here?" Moku asked.

Hearing Moku's question, Nerphyl releases his face "the other orc won Moku! they kill 2 mages and won! Right now they are being treated by alraune. I came here waiting for you, I'm sure that you won't lose! And I was right!" Tears formed at the edges of Nerphyl's eyes before she wiped them with the back of her hand.

"Thank you for trusting me and the orcs Nerphyl. I managed to keep my promise to take care of you guys" Moku smiled.

"Hmm.. I know if you will keep your promise.. I always believe that" Nerphyl's tears could not be held back anymore.

"Nerphyl let's go back to the other monsters and announce this victory. And also we have to get away from this place quickly before another mage comes" Moku stroked Nerphyl's hair with his index finger.

"You're right, your fierce battle earlier must have been known by other mages. Come on I will be your guide to the hideout of the monsters" Nerphyl flew and landed in the gap in Moku's clothes. Moku leaped to the air.

With Nerphyl as the guidance, they arrived at the mouth of a cave. Nerphyl and Moku entered the cave together.

Moku saw the alraune who looked very busy, some were grinding medicine, some were fetching water, some were making bandages from wood fronds, and some had just returned from searching medicinal plants. Sweat dripped from their white necks and slid into their luscious cleavage. A sight that can be categorized as art itself.

Not far from there, you can see the alraune who look busier than before. They bandaged the injured goblins, trying to save them from death. Some of them stitched up the gaping wound in the stomach of one of the goblins, and Moku could see his intestines moving. The smell of medicinal herbs, blood, and the sound of pain mixed together filled the narrow cave. Some of the dead bodies of goblins were seen lying and piled at the edge of the cave due to the many casualties on the goblin side.

Volx is seen with Hoddurt who looks very old. Maybe Hoddurt wouldn't be dead for old age before they can figure out how to make goblins evolve. His dream of seeing hobgoblins had vanished because of this battle. But he still smiled when Moku saw him, his myopic eyes still burning with the fire of hope that had not been extinguished since he handed over the reins of goblin leadership to Moku.

Moku and Nerphyl walked further, they started to hear sounds that could only be heard from inside a torture chamber. The sound of pain made the chills go down his spine.

Almost all the orcs Moku knew had injuries that could kill any normal human. The alraune tried hard to keep them breathing.

Some of them had crushed chests with almost all of their ribs broken and piercing their internal organs. The alraunes visibly cleaved their chests and removed all the broken bones and splinters. Of course, they did this without anesthetic, orcs were immune to almost any plant that could anesthetize them or at least slightly dampen the pain they felt when their chests were cut open.

To stop them from struggling during the operation, the orcs were chained to the point where they couldn't even move their fingertips. They could only groan in pain as alraune's sharp knife tore their chest and their soft hand tugged at the orcs' bones.

Some of them have their heads turning on the wrong side. With the help of the other alraune, they pulled the orcs' heads and forced them back to their original place. The sound of creaking bones and the orc's groans of pain enlivened the dark cave.

After that, to ensure the orc's head remained in the correct position when their regenerating ability kicked in, the alraune used flat wood and wrapped it tightly around the orc's collarbone. But as a result, they would have difficulty breathing, the orcs could only endure the pain in their neck every time they took a breath.

Some of them had injuries from one leg or hand, or all of their legs or hands, or all their legs and hands being severed. In order to stop the gushing blood, the alraune chooses not to sew it up. They decided to use the quickest and simplest way. Namely by burning the wound with hot metal. Screams of pain and the smell of burning flesh added to the excitement in the dark cave.

Moku's eyes remained calm, as did his heart. He counted the number of orcs one by one...















Laya.. Laya?

Moku saw Swa, hugging Laya's dead body with only hand left. The alraune burned his severed hands and legs wounds but he didn't react in the slightest as his consciousness was lost along with his blank stare staring at Laya's dead body.

Laya's body lay lifeless, unlike the other orcs, Laya still had sufficient limbs. Only the hole in his chest indicates the cause of his death.

Moku said nothing and sat in front of Swa. His left hand caressed Laya's face which was already stiff and cold. Moku just looked at his brother without saying anything. It's enough for his eyes to say how much Moku's grief is right now.

The color return to Swa's empty eyes when he saw Moku's hand caressing Laya's stiff face. He looked up and without realizing it tears were pouring from his eyes.

Stammering, Swa said "I'm sorry, I'm so weak that Laya had to sacrifice his life.. I'm sorry I'm so weak.. I'm sorry I'm so weak.. I'm so weak.. I'm weak" his voice was getting smaller and smaller, his head was looking down with tears which dripped down on Laya's face.

The alraune managed to find Laya's body under the landslide that buried him.

Previously, Swa begged and refused to be treated before they found Laya's body. He kept begging and asking to let Moku see Laya one last time. Maybe Swa did this because of his guilt and his desire to apologize to Moku.

Moku patted Swa's shoulder with his other hand. He didn't know what to say, all his skills in stringing words were dead at that moment, he could only say "it's not your fault"

A simple saying that only someone who doesn't understand anything can say.

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