The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 99 Anna's Fear

Moku jumps from one branch to another nimbly. Below him, hundreds of giant flesh-eating flowers lined up slowly moving forward and the horde of goblins followed them from behind.

They are heavily armed, Bog forest remains dangerous mainly because of their large numbers. After all of the orcs are injured, the goblins and Moku are the ones who must oversee the return journey to the Dawnmist tribe.

Within the hundreds of alraune carnivorous flowers, the injured orcs were able to sleep and try to speed up their regeneration abilities. Some of them who still have intact legs want to join guarding this trip but Moku forbids it and asks them to just rest.

It might take several months for the orcs to fully recover with their missing limbs already growing. The battle with five mages took a lot of casualties but the results obtained from the victory were enough to cover all losses. Only one thing is impossible to replace, Laya.

The goblins, sylph, and alraune who initially still had the slightest hesitation about going with the orcs became convinced and submitted to them. After that battle they were very confident in the strength of Moku and the orcs, they also couldn't wait to train to become strong.

Both injured and uninjured goblins viewed the orcs as their idols. The hearts of those who couldn't wait to start practicing were beating fast.

The sylphs who contributed so much to this battle took pride in their abilities as scouts and messengers. Nerphyl can't wait to solve the mystery of how to possess mutated animals.

As for Alraune, they also couldn't wait to arrive at the Dawnmist Tribe but for a slightly different reason. They couldn't wait to research how orcs trained until they could become that strong. It seems that the desire to research the Alraune race has not only been owned by Luna.

Moku watched the Dawnmist tribe's camp gate that was getting closer from a distance. He couldn't wait to get home and see Nevare.

He could only hope that he still had the chance to accompany Nevare during childbirth. Based on his calculations, there were still a few more weeks until their baby was born.

"We'll be there soon! Hurry up!" shouted Moku from the top of the tree.

The alraunes and goblins quickened their steps.

This group just left at sunrise, they had to spend the night in the cave because the orcs' condition was very bad. Moku asks Nerphyl to send a message regarding the delay in their return.

At that time, Nerphyl's face changed slightly but quickly returned to her usual face. Moku didn't ask because he thought it might be because Nerphyl got a message from the sylphs in the Dawnmist Tribe about Nevare getting angry because of their delay.

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However, it seems that Moku's thoughts were wrong. As they got closer, Nerphyl flew and landed on Moku's shoulder.

With a guilty look on her face, she said hesitantly "Eee.. Moku I'm sorry I didn't tell you about this earlier." She looked away. "Believe me when I say I didn't tell you this news because Nevare asked me to keep it a secret." Moku's face became strange when he heard Nerphyl's opening sentence.

Nerphyl didn't wait for Moku to answer "Moku, Nevare has given birth, she named her child Nesh"

Suddenly Moku's face turned pale. He realized that he had miscalculated the days. Moku quickly put on his Bhimasuta Armament and said "Nerphyl, I leave the other to you! I will go first!"

Without waiting for Nerphyl's response, Moku flew towards the Dawnmist Tribe.

Within seconds Moku arrived and landed in the middle of the encampment. Tam is seen running towards him.

"Tam, where's Nevare?" Moku asked.

"She's in your tent with the other girls," Tam replied. They walked hand in hand towards Moku's tent.

"The other girls? Is Nezena there too?" Moku is confused.

Tam just nodded in response.

Moku is getting confused, is female friendship that easy to form?

"Tam, did Nevare say anything about me?" Moku doesn't want to ask about the baby, he doesn't want to be seen as an irresponsible man by Tam.

"Yes, she cursed you" Tam replied in a flat tone.

'Fuck' Moku cursed inwardly.

They arrived in front of Moku's tent. Moku took a deep breath and opened the tent curtain.

Moku's gaze immediately fell on the two girls who were arguing over something.

"That's not how to carry him! You will only hurt his neck" Nezena scolded Nevare.

"What do you know? It's a baby orc, he's tougher than a baby elf!" Nevare snorted.

"Still you're wrong!! Are you his mother or not?" Nezena scoffed.

"Of course, I am the mother, you were by my side when I gave birth. Hmm.. you are just jealous of me! If you want to, make your own baby" Nevare did not accept.

Nezena wanted to reply but they heard someone enter the tent. The two of them set their sights on Moku.

A smile etched on Nezena's lips and her eyes sparkled, she was very happy that Moku came home safely. The same feeling was also in Anna's heart, but she immediately suppressed it and looked at Moku with a scornful look.

Moku saw the baby being carried by Nevare, his face was very similar to his mother's. Moku took a deep breath and said "Girls, can you give us time?"

Hearing that Nezena took Nash from Nevare's arms "Let him be with me for a moment" Nevare just nodded back.

Nezena and the other four girls came out of the tent along with Nash.

"Thanks Nezena" Moku nodded.

Now there were only the two of them in the tent. Moku sat cross-legged in front of Nevare, "Nevare I'm sorry if—"

"Did see your son?" Anna asked.

"Son? Ah.. yeah.. I lost a brother but now I got a new brother" Moku could only smile resignedly.

"Brother? What do you mean? who's your brother?" Anna was shocked, she didn't understand what Moku meant, why Moku called Nash 'Brother'.

"Yeah, Laya was killed in battle" Moku replied languidly.

"That's not what I— wait What? Laya is killed!!!" Anna was shocked, her eyes widened in disbelief at what she heard. "What do you mean Laya was killed?"

"To save Swa, Laya blocked a spell cast by a mage. But it's okay, we got our revenge. The orcs managed to kill the killer and I managed to kill the Mana God" Moku smiled at the orcs' success.

Anna's mouth fell open, she was very surprised by this news. She had heard beforehand from Claire that Moku and the orcs had gone to confront five mages, one of whom had the power of a Mana God. But she thought that Moku only intended to distract the mages and make room for the goblins to evacuate to the Dawnmist Tribe.

She never expected that Moku and the orcs would fight with the mages to death.

"Why? Why are you fighting? Can't you save the goblins by just distracting them? Don't you know that the orcs aren't ready to face the mage yet?" Anna asked a series of questions.

She knew very well about the abilities of the orcs, as she had trained with them for more than two months. Even though she could only sleep and eat for a month, she still knew about the training progress of the orcs from Boku and Laya who were in charge of delivering their food.

Only 10 orcs managed to enter the second level of the breathing technique, while the other five orcs were still stuck at the first level. Based on Moku's previous opinion, when the orcs have entered the third level of the breathing technique, they will have the opportunity to fight a draw with a level 1 constellation mage.

However, in the previous battle, Moku was forced to speed up his plans and forced the orcs to fight mages whose abilities were far from what they could match.

Moreover, Bon and Jon were not ordinary levels 1 constellation mages, they were two geniuses who carved out their power from just being adventurers. So it's clear if Bon and Jon have combat experience beyond a newbie level 1 constellation mage.

As a result, the orcs are forced to sacrifice their limbs to launch a single attack on Bon and Jon. It could even be said that only Laya being killed in that unequal battle was a miracle to the orcs.

Hearing Nevare's criticism, Moku couldn't help but take a deep breath, "I have to. If the orcs and I don't fight then the faith of the other monster races in the orc race will be shaken. I can't take that risk."

"The risk? Is that risk greater than your own brother's death? Laya is your blood brother Moku!! I don't understand orcs' culture but I know Laya and Swa mean more to you than the other orcs!!" Tears welled up in Anna's eyes. Her heart was full of fear.

"I also didn't expect Laya to be killed!! But you are right the risk of losing the trust of other monster races in us is far greater than an orc being killed even if that's my own blood brother" Moku slightly raised his voice.

"What do you mean? Why? Why are they more valuable than your own brother?" tears dripped from Anna's eyes and her body began to shiver in fear.

"Orcs are a powerful race, I know that! However, they have too many weaknesses. They don't understand anything about building a civilization, they can't even build their own tents.

I don't want to limit my own race but the truth is I've known it since childhood. That orc can only fight." Moku shook his head in disappointment. "That's why I need another race of monsters. For the creation of an orc civilization, for the creation of an orc legend, and the creation of an orc kingdom" Moku's eyes blazed.

Anna was scared, she was so scared, the fear that used to be just a bad premonition now became a reality. She had to do something, for herself and her baby.


Anna threw the table in front of her and the table smashed against the tent wall.

"For the orcs? It's all for you, isn't it?!!"

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