The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 102 - 102: Divorce Her


"De-ad? Di-d sh-e re-ally die back then?" Nathan asked him.






"She did. Wait, don't tell me you're going to look for her and leave Eunji if she was alive." Mike Roland taunted him.






"I..." Nathan was at a loss for words. Would he really do that? He asked himself.






"I see. Then...I think you should divorce Eunji as early as now. With your reaction, it was clear that you're going to do it sooner or later. You don't love Kim Eunji that deep as you thought Nathan. Divorce her before you're going to hurt her more." Michael Roland added.






Nathan's mind went blank.






" did you know all of these? Why should I believe you?"






"You're right. Why should you believe me?" Mike stood up and walked towards the window. He looked up at the gloomy sky outside and heavily sighed.






Nathan waited patiently for his answer. Half of him was like hoping that everything was just a dream.






"I was there when everything happened. I was there when..." he closed his eyes as he tried to shake away the painful memory that he wanted to forget but had resurfaced once again.






"I swear to Nam Joon that I would protect his daughters but I failed. I failed my best friend big time. I was there since day one. I was once one of them." He confessed to give his claims the credibility needed.






Mike could only show a sad smile when he saw how lost Nathan was. He knew everything was too much to accept.






"Now that you knew about this...please don't mention this to anyone. Especially to my niece and most importantly not to Eunji. She should not remember about Ana until she's okay. Because if she do...I'm afraid she would do something terrible to herself." Mike Roland warned him.






"What do you mean by terrible? Why would she harm herself?" Nathan didn't know if he could still bear to accept the answer or not but he still managed to ask.






"She had lost herself when she thought Ana died back then. And if she knew she was really dead now, of course she would investigate as to what really happened. She would go back to the camp to investigate. Which was the thing that we should not let her do!" Sadness was evident in his eyes when he emphasized the last part.






Nathan could only listen to whatever Michael was telling him

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"Why?! How about their parents? How could they let her suffer so much? And besides, isn't her father their Leader? How could he such a weak one?" Nathan finally managed to ask.






"Do you think they liked this either? They have no choice, Nathan!"






The people who were opposing them in the union became very clever and even sought the help of the organization's rival/enemy just to dethrone the Watson Family off from power.






"You were right, the military and other International Authorities seiged and destroyed their camp, killing Ana in the process. But that was what the authorities had relayed to the media. The truth of the matter was that...those people came when everything was over. So they had not witnessed what really happened. Someone had already killed everyone even before they came."






"What?!" Nathan asked in disbelief.






"Now...who could do that? Who was capable enough to defeat everyone and kill them without batting an eye?" Michael asked him to see if he had finally caught up on the story.






Ana happened to be there as well. In fact, she had arrived two hours earlier than those people. That was the exact same day that Eve committed suicide to gain freedom. However, Ana did not die the way it was told. Especially not in their hands.






Mike's team who were supposed to bring Eve out of the camp secretly also came an hour before the authorities did.






When Mike and his team came to the camp, they were stupefied and stood rooted in the ground as they tried to process what had happened.






"When we arrived at the place, Ana was already coughing blood and was cradled in Eve's embrace. Eve's face was very pale. I was informed that she had just ingested a powerful poison and lost her heartbeat in seconds. A very fatal move to gain freedom. Also, not far from them was Nam Joon and Layla's body who were both bathing in their own blood. "






Ana confessed that she had done it all with the help of the enemies. She also got bored and decided to kill the members of their rival camp who accompanied her there. And since they had lost contact for almost an hour, the back up would surely be coming which would make their life to be at risk.






They had to leave immediately or else their life would be in danger. Time was clearly not on their side. Of course there's no way Eve would leave Ana alone. There's no way she would lose her again.






Ana begged them to take Eve away from the place. After all, if those people would see that there's two of them, then Eve's life would be in danger, too. Ana knew that she's about to die and decided to use her life to protect the rest of her family.






Having no choice, Ana decided to inject Eve the drug that was contained on the loaded syringe. It was a drug she had found inside her father's lab earlier. Ana did not know the purpose of the drug though. It turned out that it was a stronger version of the drug that Nam Joon would use every time he would do the memory transfer or sharing to Eve.




((A/N: The memory transfer or sharing was done by letting Eve be placed inside a huge cylindrical compartment filled with a liquid substance...You know, just like that on sci-fi movies. A lot of cathodes would then be attached to her head which would bring electric signals that stimulates her brain.




These signals were like the carrier of the new message or new memory that her brain had to store and treat it as her own.






The fluid would help Eve's body for that and would made her unconscious. Ana need not to be there in order for the process to complete. Nam Joon used the body camera which he let Ana to wear way back when she was a toddler. Min Joon thought that Nam Joon was doing this so he could not miss Ana's growth. So he would send a copy of file recording to Nam Joon regularly. This recording was what Nam Joon used to play in Eve's head during the process. Ana was still wearing it until she found out the real reason why she had to wear it. I hope you get my little explanation.))






Because of the drug inside the syringe, Eve lost her consciousness which made easier for them to bring her out and take her to a safe place that Layla had arranged for her daughter with J and Mike's help.






Before they left, Mike promised to come back and bring her back this time but Ana only smiled and he did not expect that after that painful and sad smile, Ana would took the dagger and stab herself to die.






When Eve regained consciousness, she completely lose it. Her parents were dead. She also left Ana who was heavily injured. She blamed herself for letting everything to happen. Had she not become selfish. Her family would not die. That was what they would hear from her and eventually would break down afterwards.






She was all alone now and the pain of being left alone was too much for someone who was emotionally unstable. The pain was unbearable that she decided to kill herself a couple of times just to end her misery and so she could join her family into the place where they were in.






"Our Eunji had sadly fallen into the darkest pit of depression." Mike suddenly became emotional when he remembered those dark times with her. Eve might or might not remember it but Mike did.






Because of this, J, who now become Eve's closest legal relative and immediate guardian decided to allow Mike to do the procedure of hypnosis. This was so that she could forget everything that had happened before she passed out.






They had no choice but to alter Eunji's memory and let her think that she and Ana are one and the same person to protect her. They had to hide Eve's memories about Ana at the deepest part of her consciousness and let her think that everything was still okay in the camp. That everything was okay just like how she had left it.






But Mike doubted the effects of hypnosis on Eve. After all, she had the strongest mental strength among them.






But he could not believe the results at all. The hypnosis worked. And in result, Eve became less depress. She also thought that Ana and her was the same person. Ana's existence as her sister had completely disappeared in her life.






She also thought that everything was fine back there. Mike thought that this was because of the drug that Ana had used to Eve. Of course he knew what was in that syringe that Ana used to Eve that night.






Why? Because he helped Kim Nam Joon in formulating that drug. Because of the drug, Eve didn't need to get inside that cylindrical glass. Hypnosis alone would do.






In effect, Eve was now treating Ana's memories as her own. However, the drug had side effects on her.






The memories that she had forgotten would come back at her at night in a form of nightmare. Thankfully, she would forget about it the following day when she woke up.






She knew she had a nightmare but she could not remember anything. Also, she could lose her consciousness of what was happening around her. This explained why Eve or Kim Eunji would not realize when Nathan was already approaching her.






Mike was afraid that the more she had a dream, the sooner her memories would comeback. And if she would be reminded about Ana as her sister, it might trigger her memories to come back prematurely.






"Ana might look mentally tough but deep inside, she's emotionally weak. Anything that could make her emotional would tire her. That's why she decided to be detached from the world and only communicate to a few and selected people."






Mike walked back to the couch and decided to take his seat as he was already tired of standing. No one had asked him to stand up while he was explaining the situation to Nathan though. He did it on his own will.






"To tell you honestly, Eve would be in danger if she decided to go back. After all, everyone thought that she's Ana and Ana was already dead. The enemies who were now enjoying their good life after the Watson's were dead would do everything just to eliminate her again. Assassination attempts could be one. Or they might do the same tricks. Which was to mislead the public and the people who imposed the law."






Yes. The military and the International Authorities were there because someone gave them a tip. was more like someone had given them some bribe to be there and capture the International criminal whom they had not even met.






"Eve's life looked promising especially when you came. You taught her how to love again. I was skeptical to allow you in her life at first but you had brought back the sparkle in her life that had been long gone for ages. Therefore I decided to compromise if this could make her happy."






Mike sighed as he paused and then continued, "But with your reaction, it seems like you're going to disappoint her and hurt her. You would bring her back to the deepest part of the pit that she had fallen into. Everything that we had worked on all this time would go into waste."






In desperation, Mike pleaded him and said, "So please let her be free and let her go if you're incapable of giving her the security that she would never ever be alone."






Nathan was silent. It was very evident that he was lost. But when he heard the word the word divorce the third time around, his clouded eyes earlier went  clear.






He managed to regained back his composure which he had lost ages ago.






Without a word, Nathan stood up from his seat and looked at Mike Roland meaningfully.






That look contained his resolve for the matter. He did not need to say it as he knew Mike wanted to see it for himself.






Mike was quite satisfied with it and decided to let Nathan go.






Nathan did not bother saying goodbye and Mike Roland did not mind it at all.






As soon as he got out of his house, only one person was on his mind.... His Wife.

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