The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 103 - 103: Lovesick Eunji


It was already her second day living inside the campus.




'Twenty-eight more days to go.' She thought.




Yes...she was counting on the days until the thirtieth day. You might know the reason why she was doing this. She missed that someone who didn't even bother messaged her 'Good Night' and 'Good Morning' last night and earlier this morning respectively.




This had dampen Kim Eunji's mood so far. But then she thought that it's not all the time that Nathan would have a time for her. So she should stop acting like a possessive and clingy girlfriend at all. She didn't own his time completely.




As she thought of that, somehow she felt comforted in a way. She's not someone who would casually sent messages to him eaither. So she thought everythings normal and they were fine.






"Hey EJ! Iris!" Fu Rong called Kim Eunji and Iris who was watching over the former from a far. Guo Xiaolan saw her busy taking photos using her Leica camera.






Eunji was wearing a pair of baggy jeans and oversized printed white T-shirt tucked in on the front. She paired her outfit with her grey baseball cap and white Adidas slippers revealing her cute bear printed socks. She was wearing her eye glasses this time. If she had to choose between wearing contact lenses in her eyeglasses, she would rather pick the latter over the former.






Contact lenses were good but wearing it most of the time made her already sensitive eyes to turn red. She had a lot of eyeglasses in position though.






Also, she was now wearing the two rings which Nathan had given her but decided to turn the stone towards the inside of her palm so that her co-students won't suspect of anything. The ring itself was very eye catching. What more of the stone on top of it? By doing so, it would look like a regular ring at first glance. And she wore them in both of her ring fingers.






Kim Eunji who was so immersed in taking photos finally saw them and paused for a while. She flashed a beautiful and radiant smile which immediately captivated the hearts of everyone nearby.






She even took photos of them as they approached her.






"Hey girls!" Kim Eunji greeted them with a hug.






"What are you doing?" Fu Rong curiously asked her.




"Me? Oh, taking photos. This is one of my few hobbies. Do you want to try?" Kim Eunji asked as she handed her camera to her. But the latter politely refused her and said, "Oh, then I have to refuse. I'm afraid I might break it. I don't have enough money to repair it."






Actually, Fu Rong liked photography, too. She had  a talent on it but because good quality cameras are expensive, she could not afford it. What she had was a local camera that she had bought on a bargain online.






As she saw the brand of the camera that Kim Eunji was holding, she knew that it was an expensive one. After all, it was not mass produced.






Kim Eunji had seen that she suddenly become sad. The reason why she offered her camera to her was that she saw the enthusiasm in her eyes earlier.






"Don't worry. This camera...I bought it in a thrift shop abroad. So as you can see, it's not that expensive as the brand suggests." Kim Eunji had to downgrade her camera in order for Fu Rong to not be awkward.






In fact, the camera, though one of her Leica collection, it was the second camera that she had bought during her trip in Germany.






"Really?" Fu Rong hesitantly asked her.






"Yes. Here. Try it."






This time Fu Rong did not refuse and took it from her hands.


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"Can you stand there?" Fu Rong asked as she wanted to take photos of Kim Eunji.






But Kim Eunji suddenly felt shy about it. Therefore, she hesitated.






"Oh come on! Don't tell me you're shy?" Fu Rong asked in astonishment.






The most beautiful woman she had ever seen in her entire existence was shy in front of the camera? This news was very amusing and shocking to know.






Aside from the reason that she's very careful to not get exposed to the public, she felt very shy and awkward being in front of the camera so being a model was a big fat no for her.






Fu Rong could not believe it so did Wen Zhen and Yun Mei who were talking to Iris.






Kim Eunji on the other hand blushed as she admitted to them.






"Oh come on! No one would believe you! As what my favorite photographer EL once said and I quote, 'You are beautiful...and beauty should be shared not to be hidden. Be confident and share your story. Be bold!' So you should." Fu Rong said not noticing that Kim Eunji was a bit startled when she heard EL from her.






"Sadly, she decided to retire. How I wish I got the chance to meet her before she did. Sadly, it never happened. She's supper humble that's why I liked her." Fu Rong shortly explained.






"I see. But she's not that famous, you know. Like she had avoided the media like crazy. Some even said she's ugly because of the thick make-up that she's always wearing." Kim Eunji finally managed to say. She could not believe that EL would have a fan.






"Well, it's true that she had avoided media exposure so well. But that article on the magazine...that interview that she had with New York Magazine made me instantly a fan! She's aahmahazing!" Fu Rong said in a very enthusiastic voice.






"She's known in your circle. Did you get the chance to talk to her?" Fu Rong asked hoping that Kim Eunji did.






"Well, I did not got the chance to meet her, too. But I do heard of her reputation together with her team. Sadly, I worked on small time photoshoots like weddings, pre-nups, debuts, small time modeling gigs and the likes. I didn't get the chance to do big projects." She lied.






"It's okay."












"Here. See? You're beautiful. I'm sorry if I stole a shot from you. I just can't help it. You're so good looking, you know." Fu Rong said as she handed the camera back to her. Hoping that Kim Eunji was not mad by what she had done. It's her camera anyways. She could do what she wanted with it. It's up to her whether she would delete it or not.






"Anyways, have you heard about the news?" Guo Xiaolan asked them.






"What news?" Iris asked her in curiosity.






"Well, they said that the production team of a big drama would be coming over here today. It was just announced in the school's online page this morning." Xiaolan answered her.






"Oh, yeah, I've heard about it." Iris confirmed.






Kim Eunji had not read about it but she could already tell what's going on therefore she asked, "Are they really going to film here?"






"Probably. I just hope that the filming won't interrupt our studies though." Yun Mei expressed her worries.






It was the first time in history that Imperial University become a venue for drama or film production.






Well, the drama was an adaptation of a famous novel online about a scholar who was heavily bullied because of her appearance. Half of her face was burnt because of an accident years back. Her mother called her a monster because of her appearance.






Our female heroine came from a rich family but after her father died and her mother married another man, her life turned from being a fairy tale into hell.






Her step-father mistreated and even do inappropriate things to her. To make things worse, her step-sister, poured a bottle of acid on her face which made her face to be burnt.






Facing all of the difficulties, she decided to ran away from home and wandered on the streets for days.






Good thing an old and very kind-hearted man decided to adopt her. Though his life was poor, he had a big heart. Because of him, she had a home to call. Years passed by and she grew up into a fine young lady.






Sadly, his life on Earth did not last long. He died leaving her a letter revealing his true identity. It turned out that he's a very rich man who had run away and left everything behind after his family died in a fire accident. He wanted her to go back and be his heir since his business needed one.






But she decided not to. She thought that she would never be happy if she would accept it. For sure, many from his relatives was after his wealth as well. And she would be like an easy prey for them.






She decided to decline the offer and applied for a scholarship in a university. She was accepted but heavily bullied because of her appearance. If only her face was not burnt, she would be the campus beauty and not the ugly duckling.






In the campus, she met a young man who happened to be the campus heartthrob. He was good to her which made our poor heroine to trust him. It turned out that he was only playing with her.






After they became intimate, he broke up with her and revealed his true nature and even dumped her. The guy had a girlfriend and it turned out that she's part of the bet between his girlfriend and him.






She felt betrayed and broken-hearted. But she decided to be strong and act like she was unaffected. The bullying also worsen.






Unfortunately, one day she found out that she's pregnant. When the guy found out, she was told to abort the baby. There's no way she could have his baby.






But she refused. Though it was unexpected, the baby was innocent and she was willing to raise the baby without asking a penny from the guy.






But the guy's real girlfriend disagreed and had arranged a group of people to beat her up.






Someone found her bleeding and unconscious body inside a cubicle.






They didn't know the ending of the story yet as the second installment of the book had not been published yet.






"What a tragic story. Good thing it was only a drama or else I would really punch that guy's face if it was real!" Yun Mei was angry when she heard it.






Well, she had heard about that novel and knew that it had become popular just recently. However, she dared not read it because she's not a fan of reading novels.






"How long would they be filming here?" Kim Eunji asked them.






"Well, they said for a month in minimum. The School Director had informed me beforehand that the filming will start tomorrow. Some of the crew would be coming over first so that they could prepare and set up everything before the filming officially commenced. In fact, the School Director had already vacated an entire floor for in the Business Administration Building for a week so that they could film the classroom scenes smoothly." Guo Xiaolan shared.






"Woah! And where will the students be having their classes then?" Wen Zhen asked.






"Well, there are vacant rooms in the upper floors. That could be used by us." Guo Xiaolan said.






Aside from Yun Mei, all of them were business students.






"Okay. That's good to know." Wen Zhen said in relief.






"I just wondered if the school needed such publicity. Like it already had the solid reputation right?" Kim Eunji said.






"I don't know though. Imperial University is the top University of the country and no one could easily study here. Maybe the Board of Directors wanted to share what we have to the public. You know...give them sneak peaks." Guo Xiaolan continued to explain.






"Yeah. A good marketing strategy." Iris interrupted.






"Either ways, the major investor of the drama was someone powerful. So the school had no choice but to agree."






"I see." Everyone nodded.






"In connection to that, I heard they would be holding an audition for the extras today." Guo Xiaolan  shared.






"Do you want to audition?" Kim Eunji immediately asked as she got the hang of it.






"Well, not really. But...we could watch the selection process. The School Director wanted a couple of students to help out with the team. And therefore asked my help to recruit."






"Are you telling me that I'm going with you, guys?"






"Do you want to? It's definitely going to be fun!" Guo Xiaolan excitedly said and grabbed Kim Eunji's right hand.



But Kim Eunji decided to decline saying that she's not feeling well.



She recently just acquired a silly disease called love sickness.



However, to not let them feel bad, she asked Iris to go with them. The latter hesitated at first but sensing that it was her wish, the latter soon agreed.



Darren and Derek was secretly watching over her anyways so she's safe.



And around them were innocent kids, not criminals nor terrorists.


Kim Eunji continued to wander around the school alone. She thought she didn't got the chance to tour herself around since she missed it on the first day.



When she was about to turn the corner, someone grabbed her right hand making her to stumble and bumped into a pair of strong chest but Kim Eunji pushed the man away out of reflex which made him to fall on the ground.



She really disliked what the man had done. When she fixed her eyeglasses, her mood immediately become worse when he saw who he was.



"Mr. Ling, I never expected you to resort on this type of method."





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