The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 170 - 170: Revelation 2

"--...--" Kim Eunji and Jake were both rendered speechless because of what Nathan had said.

Telling that Jake and Kim Eunji was confused and shocked at the same time was an understatement.

They felt like their heads had stopped responding at the moment.

"Wh-at just say?" Kim Eunji was the first one who had recovered from that shock pushed Nathan and looked at him in disbelief.

"Wifey..." Nathan sighed in as he looked at her mouth agape.

His statement was like confirming that her parents were indeed dead and Jake was not lying about it at all!

"Wifey...can you promise to be calm when I confess to you everything that I know?" Nathan had to make sure that she would be calm and compose before he would admit the truth to her.

"Wha-t are you talking... about?!" Kim Eunji was really confused and at the same time overwhelmed at the moment. She felt like this information was a bug that made her brain to malfunction.

"Promise me first. For me and for our babies." Nathan whispered in her ear with his voice which was enough for her to hear.

"Fine...I promise...." Kim Eunji didn't know what she was promising about.

"Let's talk outside then. Whatever I'm about to tell you, I don't want other people to hear and know." Nathan meaningfully said.

Her existence had been a family secret or only a few selected people knew that a girl named Evelina existed.

So he would never dare to reveal her identity in front of other people. What more to an enemy?

And besides, he's a hundred percent sure that she might broke down and he knew all too well that she would never want to reveal her scars to others, especially to an enemy.

"Let's talk after..." Nathan then stretched his hand in the air and waited for either Derek or Darren to hand his personal gun to him.

When he had his gun on his palm, he then slowly inserted the magazine full of bullets inside and cocked back and then pointed it towards the latter's forehead.

"So, you both are ganging up to kill me?" Jake asked them as he tried to hide the panic inside his mind.

"Of course! We're husband and wife. You disrupted our honeymoon and you're expecting to leave this place unscathed? Ha! You even dared to sneakily attacked my wife while she was resting. You've given me enough reasons to kill you!" Nathan reasoned.

"Fight me fair and square. Let's have a duel and if any of you win, I'll take my own life." Jake proposed to them.

"Nah! That decision was not up to you." Nathan added as he looked at Jake who's face was turning red as the blood in his body had all gathered in his head.

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As expected to the top notch mercenary like him. He could endure this long.

Nathan bet that his head was about to explode because of the pressure gathering inside it.

"Do you really think we're a fool? If we give you the chance to fight us. You will only use that opportunity to finish us off instead." Nathan added.

"Hahahha! Are you underestimating your woman? She can kill me in just a snap of her hand..." his voice trailed off and then continued, "that if I won't give a fight."

"That's the problem. You'll fight and might hurt her. She had exerted much energy just so she was able to put you in that position. So, no...I'll let her rest and I'll finish the rest for her."

"If you'll kill me now, you'll not know who sent me here!" Jake finally admitted that he was lying earlier.

This man's hobby was always to play with his prey's emotions. The audacity to do so when he was the prey now.

This time, Kim Eunji giggled as she looked at Jake.

"No need. You already gave me the answer. So if I were you, I'll try to beg for my life. I might spare you if I find you pitiful." Kim Eunji tried to play with him.

She was doing this in purpose though.

She wanted to crash his pride as an assassin and his ego as a man.

"Over my dead body!" Jake yelled.

"Then...adios!" She said as she pierced the sword on the latter's chest and stabbing his heart.

Nathan also fired the gun and the bullet passed through his forehead creating a hole in the space between his brows.

Kim Eunji didn't stop there as she pulled out the sword from his chest and swung it making his head to fall on the container full of water below it.

Jake didn't even know that his life had ended just like that.

Kim Eunji felt that they should have given him a slow and painful death so he would know what death and pain was.

Jim Eunji then threw the sword on the ground which created a clink-clank sound.

She then turned her attention to Nathan who was standing beside her.


"Speak!" Kim Eunji ordered him as she could no longer take his silence.

The moment they entered their room inside their house, Nathan could not look at her straight in the eye and he had been quiet for like fifteen minutes straight.

Nathan didn't know where to start or which part of the story he should tell her.

Should she tell her that she had a twin sister who had shared the same memories with her literally?

"It's fine if you won't tell me. I'll check on it myself." Kim Eunji said as she stood up from the couch and was about to go towards their locker to pack her things but she staggered in her tracks when she felt dizzy.

Nathan immediately stood up and assisted her.

"Stay still. I'll bring you water."

"No! I want to know the truth!" Kim Eunji looked at Nathan who was looking at her with ripples of emotions visible in his eyes.

Kim Eunji then sighed and took all the courage in her body to ask him the question that she could not bring herself to ask.

"Tell me, are they really dead?" Kim Eunji asked as she looked at Nathan with a pleading gaze. She was pleading him to deny that they're dead but all her hoped were shattered into pieces and fell on the ground when she heard his answer.

"I'm sorry," was all Nathan could manage to say as he tried to make himself to be strong for her. He knew he needed her.

The moment she heard the confirmation, Kim Eunji's mind went blank and she looked at Nathan in a daze.

Seeing that she was silent. Nathan was more worried than ever.

Nathan stood up and approached her to give her a hug but the moment he was about to wrap his arms around her body, Kim Eunji pushed him away.

"!!!!!!!" Kim Eunji cried on top of her lungs while trying to control her breathing.

Nathan bit his inner lip as he tried to suppress the sadness that he was feeling for her.

He watched as Kim Eunji looked down on her feet as she continued to say 'No'.

"Eunji!" Nathan said as he held her shoulder strongly and shook them as he tried to snap her out of it.

Kim Eunji looked up with extreme pain and heartbreak with tears in her eyes.

"No! They're not dead hubby! Oh my god! Please tell me they're not dead! I can't...I just can't accept it!" She said as one of her hand was clutching on his shirt while the other one was on her chest.

Kim Eunji could feel her heart bleeding in pain.

"I'm sorry, but it's the truth." Nathan told her with his gentlest voice. He was hoping that by doing so, the pain that she was feeling would subside.

He gave her his warmest and the most comforting hug that he knew.

His mom, Mei would usually do this to him when he was in extreme pain back when he was still a child.

He hoped that this hug would have the same effect on her though what she was feeling now was more painful than what he had in the past.

He could feel that her body was shaking as she continued sobbing on his strong embrace.

Nathan tried to wipe away the tears that was forming in his eyes that were about to fall.

Kim Eunji then broke off the hug and asked him, "Who told you about this? Is your source even reliable? Who killed them?" she asked in between her sob.

"I told you to calm down…It's not good foe you and our babies." He said.

"How can I calm down when my parents are both dead?! And her I am…living the cowardly life that I chose for myself!"

"Huhuhu! Have you known about this that long?" Kim Eunji asked him but she sobbed even harder when she heard his answer.

"Not too long ago. Uncle Mike told me about this a test. He also warned me to not reveal everything to you yet since you're still not okay. Believe me when I say, I felt guilty for keeping this as a secret. Seeing you now, I could only blame myself for not telling you sooner." Nathan explained.

"I should have been there! If only I didn't leave…I must have had protected them from harm." Kim Eunji blamed herself for what had happened.

"Then...don't blame yourself. It's not your fault."

Nathan could only hug her back to give her comfort.

Then...Nathan's eyes widened in panic when he felt Kim Eunji's uncontrolled breathing and then seconds later, she went limp in his embrace.

"Eunji!" Nathan screamed in horror as he watched her pale looking face with big beads of sweat and her tears mixed up altogether.

He immediately carried her and then hurriedly walked out of the room.

The people whom they met outside started to ask of what happened to her.

"An Qi! Help me!" Nathan said as he looked at his friend the moment he saw her coming towards them.

"What happened?" An Qi asked the moment she saw Kim Eunji's face.

"She passed out." Nathan said and An Qi guided them to the room which was then converted into a mini check-up room during her stay there.

She then checked her pulse and then gasped when she could not find any.

'Did this idiot forgot to check on his wife's pulse?'

"What's wrong with her?" Nathan impatiently asked as he watched An Qi checking on his wife.

"You know I am an OB-GYN and not a general physician right? So please keep quite." An Qi spat as she started to loosen Kim Eunji's belt.

"Help me and unhook her bra!" She yelled at him.

"What are you trying to do?" Nathan asked her.

"I'm trying to revive your wife's pulse. I believe she's having a heart attack!" An Qi answered him.

Nathan's eyes widened in shock as he looked at his wife who was lifeless on the bed.

"Don't stay rooted there. Call for help!" We need to bring her to the hospital or else we'll lose both her and your babies!"

Nathan's hands were trembling in fear. He could not believe of what was happening to his wife.

Seeing that Nathan was in a daze, she raised her hand and gave him a big slap.


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