The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 171 - 171: Sick Eunji

*Pah!* An Qi slapped him but instead of being angered by this, Nathan felt thankful for her.

The slap was helpful as Nathan immediately snapped out if it and could only gave death glares to An Qi for slapping him. But deep inside, she was also thankful for what he had done.

"Do CPR on her. I'll call my friend for help so we could bring her to the hospital as much as possible.

Nathan could only nod in the process.

He immediately approached Kim Eunji and gathered both of his palms in the middle of her chest to start chest compressions.

"No! Don't leave me wifey! Don't you dare leave me wifey!" Nathan started pumping her chest.

In every pump that he did, he'll beg for her to stay.

The thought of losing her scared him the most.

He kept on pumping and then checked if her pulse was back.

Since they're not sure if the chopper was tampered or not, An Qi asked Marco to call for another back up helicopter so they could bring her to the hospital.

It took thirty minutes for the help to arrive and when it landed, Nathan then immediately carried her out of the room and into the waiting helicopter.

Nathan somehow managed to revive her pulse but it was so weak.

A team of two medical doctors also came in boarding the helicopter to answer the emergency, greeted Nathan and the unconscious Kim Eunji.

They were glad that her pulse was back even though it was very faint and would sometimes be gone for another thirty seconds or two. At least it's there.

Because the facility in the nearby hospital was incomplete, they had to fly all the way to Manila so she could be treated.

The team of doctors boarding with them were busy doing medical procedures on Kim Eunji so she would be ready for operation as soon as they landed in the hospital.

Now...Nathan's worried.

What if something would happen to their babies? He's sure that she would blame herself for this should they suffer from miscarriage.

If he needed to let go of them just to save her, though it was against his will, he would do so.

The moment the helicopter landed on the rooftop, a waiting team of nurse and other specialist hurriedly greeted them. They then asked questions to each other.

Nathan watched as they moved the stretcher down and transferred Kim Eunji on the gurney.

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Nathan followed beside her not letting go of her hand. He was afraid that if he'd let go, she'll be gone.

They brought Kim Eunji to perform further tests on her so they would know what procedure she needed.

It was already past midnight however, the team was busy helping Kim Eunji in the operating room so she'd survive this.

Nathan looked lost as he waited for the door of the operating room to open.

An Qi was inside too so she could monitor the condition of the babies and Eunji.

"Where did it go wrong?" Nathan mumbled on hos breath which was enough for Marco who was sitting beside him to hear.

"Actually Master Boss. It's not your fault. You have meticulously planned everything from start to finish. It just so happen that there are things that are beyond our expectations and control." Marco honestly said.

Nathan could only helplessly look at the still closed door.

"Don't worry Master Boss, the babies will be fine." He said as he tried to lift up Nathan's mood.

An hour after, the door opened revealing the assistant surgeon with a troubled face.

"Whose the family of the patient?" she asked.

"Me. I am her husband. Why? What's wrong?" Nathan anxiously asked.

"There was a ruptured artery in her heart and she had lost a lot of blood. Unfortunately, we don't have an available stock of blood in our blood bank." She said.

"I understand. I belong on the same blood group as her. Please lead the way." Nathan immediately said not wasting any time.

Nathan came back with a slightly pale face. He asked to draw another pint of blood from him so they would have an extra just in case she needed more than what they had.

Marco was walking beside him making sure that his boss was fine as he gave him support.

He was asked to stay in the recovery room so he could recover his strength but declined with the reason that his wife needed him when the operation was finally finished.

After an agonizing six hours of waiting, the door opened revealing Kim Eunji's surgeon.

"Who's the family of the patient?" He asked.

"I'm her husband. How's she?" Nathan immediately stood up asked him.

"The patient had suffered a heart attack. From the looks of it, this is not her first operation. We had to conduct a heart bypass operation in her right coronary artery but then the unexpected happen, the aneurysm ruptured and we had to cut the artery and reconnect it. We also have to replace the stent which was placed in her aorta. As what we had seen, your wife had an ablation on her heart to help manage her AFib or Atrial Fibrillation. And we have to readjust the catheter inside her heart, too."

Nathan was shocked upon hearing that. He thought that his wife was already cured from her heart disease as what Mike Roland had told him.

"What do you mean? I thought she's already cured with that illness." Nathan asked him.

"No, Mr. Bai, AFib has no cure but could be treated. However, there's no guarantee that there won't be any relapse. She also had Coronary Heart Disease. The same with her AFib, there's no cure but there's a treatment. However, since there's a relapse, your wife needed to be extra careful from now on."

He then enumerated the things that should be avoided so Kim Eunji would be okay all through out.

"For someone who had such a very complicated heart, she's such a fighter. Which made me wanted to ask about the reason why she had a relapse?"

"Her parents died a long time ago and she had just found out about it now." Nathan shortly explained as he didn't want to explain the details of it.

"I understand. The patient should not be exposed to stress or anything that could make her feel down. Especially that she's pregnant."

Nathan's eyes lit up when he heard that she's still pregnant. That their babies are still with them.

"We didn't lose them?" Nathan had to make sure that he didn't hear him wrong.

"Yes. Thanks to Dr. An Qi, whose attention was clearly on the babies." The doctor said.

"However, I have to warn you Master Bai, your wife had a high risk of having a heart failure or worse, death should she have another heart attack. I suggest, we should look for another healthy heart just in case this situation would happen again." He added.

"I understand. Where's she? Can I see her now?" Nathan anxiously asked.

"She'll be in the ICU. You can visit her when she's ready from now." He answered.

"Can we fly her to Beijing two days from now? It's not that I don't trust your facilities here but it would be convenient to fly her to Beijing since our families and friends are there." Nathan asked him again.

"I understand Master Bai, if her condition will get better after two days, I'll give her the clearance to travel. If not, I'm sorry but she should stay here until she recovers. Don't worry, our team would do our very best to monitor her condition." The doctor advised.

After talking for a while, the doctor left him.

Marco then made sure to double the security on the entire floor where Kim Eunji was being confined.

This was one of the reasons why Nathan wanted to bring her home to Beijing and transfer her to Mo Hospital because there, they could make sure that the security could be doubled or tripled as long as they wanted to.

However, the case was different now as they didn't have any connection in this said hospital and he's afraid that what they were doing might cause inconvenience to the other patients being confined in this floor.


Nathan's heart ached when he entered the ICU and saw a lot of tubes attached on her body.

The tears that had been threatening to fall had finally escaped his tearducts.

Looking at his wife who looked so fragile and very vulnerable, Nathan's heart was like being torn to pieces.

He even hesitated if he should approach her or not. He's afraid. Afraid that his actions might startle her and could trigger another heart attack.

Her face was still pale but the good thing was that she now had a steady heartbeat compared to earlier which was very faint and was gone for a second.

"Wifey." Nathan said as he slowly held her hand and dragged a chair for him to sit close to her.

He then gently squeezed her hand to let her know that he was beside her.

"Please wake up. I miss you already and I could not bare watching you like this." Nathan pleaded as he brought her knuckles close to his face and gave them a gentle kiss.

However, only the beeping sounds of the machines answered his plea.

He then reached out towards her flat torso and gently caressed it.

"Thank you for not leaving us, your Mama and Papa my little fighters." Nathan then flashed a sad smile in his face.

He could not help not to be sent in deep thoughts.

Nathan thought on his actions this past few years.

If this was karma for all the things that he had done in the past, Nathan didn't want this at all.

Whoever casted this joke on them, he would make sure to look for that person and punish him or her.

However, Karma is a part of the Law of Nature. 'Do good to someone without expecting anything in return and you'll be rewarded a thousand fold. Do worst to others and the punishment would be a million fold more painful than the pain the person you have wronged had experienced.

Nathan regretted everything that he had done in the past. He didn't like this punishment at all.

But it's too late now. The damage had been done.

Nathan didn't leave Kim Eunji's side for the whole night.


Knowing that Kim Eunji's life was in danger, Nathan decided to call Mei Johnson for help.

He was also hoping that Kim Eunji's Master would come along as well so he could check on her.

Mike had also come over with Mei the following day to check on Kim Eunji when she woke up.

Nathan had received a serious lecture from him for telling Kim Eunji too soon.

But as he learned about what happened, he too found it difficult to deny everything from her.

"What should we do now?" Nathan asked Mike.

Kim Eunji had not yet woken up this morning.

"I don't know Nate. With all this heart problem and her pregnancy, I don't think it was best for us to tell her the truth." Mike said unconfidently.

"No! The more we drag this, the more she would get hurt later on." Nathan opposed.

"And what?! Are you going to tell her now despite knowing the complications?"

"But she'll eventually look for answers which would eventually endanger her life more!" Nathan reasoned.

"If we have to stop her then we will!"

Nathan was left dumbfounded because of what the latter said.

"No! I'll tell her the moment she's ready. When her body's ready to take on everything. I don't want to hide this from her. And you can't do anything to change my decision." Nathan said with finality and left him alone.

Sometimes it's better to lie than to tell the person the truth in order to protect them not knowing that by doing so, you are already hurting that person by hiding this very important information.

They would eventually feel that you betrayed them.

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