The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 172 - 172: Trapped Inside Her Body

Eunji's condition had eventually became better for the next twenty-four hours after Nathan and Mike had a talk. She was pulled out from the ICU and was then transferred to the VIP room to wait for her to wake up.

Thankfully, she bad woken up from her deep slumber that day too.

This gave Nathan the cue that they should leave the hospital as soon as possible.

Nathan, with Marco and Mei's help, worked on Eunji's release papers so they could leave and flew back to Beijing boarding his private plane to continue her treatment there.

Nathan knew Kim Eunji's discomfort when it comes to staying in the hospital so he had to do it before she would even freak out.

Nathan dared not to leave Kim Eunji's side after she had woken up especially after witnessing what had happened yesterday when she woke up without him beside her.

"Wifey...I promise we'll leave this place today so don't be upset anymore okay?" Nathan gently told her.

However all he got was silence from Kim Eunji. She was staring into the skies up above outside the window of her VIP room and didn't even bother looking at him.

Yes...she had finally woken up but she had been ignoring everyone and would even scream and be violent at the nurse who would touch her IV drip or those who would inject her something.

She would throw tantrums and would break everything that she had found inside the hospital room. Then the next second, she would cry and would pass out from exhaustion.

They were afraid that Kim Eunji would hurt herself and more other people around her so they had no other choice but to restrain her in order to protect herself from doing self-harm and harming others.

However, Nathan felt grateful that even though she was ignoring everyone, she still allowed him to be with her. For which Mike had told him that it was a good sign that she was still there. A little part of her was still there.

Nathan felt like he had lost most of her...his Eunji...his wife inside her very own body.

He really wanted her back. He missed her so badly.

Nathan then got up and sat down beside her on her bed.

"A penny for your thoughts wifey?" Nathan talked to her hoping that she would even look at him. But no...for the nth time since she woke up, she didn't look at him.

"Wifey. Please come back to me. Come back for us and for our babies. I don't want to see you like this. Please stop hurting yourself over the things that you have no control over." Nathan told her.

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"I know it's hard for you to accept this again but you must. Your parents are long dead." He added.

Nathan could see tears gushing from her eyes and Nathan took a tissue to wipe them off her eyes.

He tried to hug her but she turned her body away from him and now her back was facing him.

Nathan had no other choice but hug her from behind.

He still recalled what her cardiologist had told him after he checked Kim Eunji's condition when she woke up.

"It's okay baby. Cry all you want. It's okay. I want you to pour everything out. But I hope that when you're done, you'll come back to me." Nathan coaxed her as he kissed the top of her head.

He then got away from the hug and turned Kim Eunji's body to face him.

Kim Eunji finally looked at him and Nathan could see no life in her eyes. They were dull and the sparkles that he always loved to see in them were no longer there.

Her eyes were red due to crying.

Nathan leaned his forehead against hers and shared this silent moment together.

He wanted her to know that no matter what happened, he'll always be there for her. That he would never abandon her.

Mike Roland opened the door to inform the couple that they're free to leave the hospital and fly back to Beijing.

But he paused when he saw the couple in that position.

He felt guilty for what had happened. Nathan was right. He should have not hidden the truth to Eunji that long.

He should have told her everything.

But...he's afraid. He's afraid that if she recalled everything, she would hate him. No...she would loathed him.

Nathan looked up to check on who opened the door and made a quick nod when he saw that it was Mike standing by the door.

Nathan had already helped Kim Eunji in changing her clothes.

The last thing to do was for her to leave this place.

"Is this really necessary to keep this binder around her? She's already calm. And I won't be leaving her. I would be beside her and keep a watch on her." Nathan asked Mike.

"It's for precaution Nate. You have seen what she was capable of doing. Good thing the hospital didn't file a case against her after injuring four of the hospital staff including her doctor who had a dislocated arm." Mike told him.

That incident happened when she woke up from coma and Nathan was not beside her.

Nathan had to go out for a while to talk to her doctor about her possible transfer since her condition was somehow getting better though she had not woken up from coma.

But they were alarmed to hear the alarm that the patient from the VIP room had attacked the nurse who were only doing routine check-ups on her.

When Nathan arrived, she was curling on the corner of the room hugging her torso as she was protecting her belly from any harm. While three of the hospital nurse had passes out on the floor due to pain. All of them suffered from broken ribs and dislocated arms.

The doctor who was with Nathan approached Kim Eunji to give her an anti-depressant drug but Kim Eunji attacked him first before he could even administer the drug into her body.

Good thing Nathan took the syringe who was thrown out on the floor and do it by himself.

Nathan could still remember the look on his wife's face yesterday when it happened.

He could no longer recognize her. She was like a wild animal who had no control over her body.

Mike told him that Eunji might have thought that they were there to hurt her babies. So her maternal instinct had taken over.

That was then that Mike told him that Eunji was back to the time she had woken up from comma six years ago.

And Nathan also learned that it may took months for Kim Eunji to return to normal completely. But this time, it would be different. She would forever remember everything.

The last time that Kim Eunji was like this, Mike took the initiative to let her take a doze of the drug so she would forget what happened.

He and Kelly could not bare watching her harming herself over the death of her parents and her twin who died because of her. She almost took her own life good thing Kelly had found her and stopped her on time.

However, they were hopeful that with Nathan's help, Kim Eunji would recover fast.

The environment was different. At least she now had a family of her own. A loving husband who would do everything for her well-being and the babies inside her womb.

Nathan and Mike could only sigh when they looked at Kim Eunji who was now back at looking up in the sky.

Mei also entered the room after coming back from buying their lunch and felt her heart was being stabbed by a million knives after seeing her son hugging her precious daughter-in-law who was still in a daze.

The moment she had arrived, she had received both good news and bad news.

Of course the good news was Kim Eunji's pregnancy but she was taken off-guard when she learned of the bad news.

Nathan had explained about what happened and she felt very sad for her daughter-in-law.

Of course, Nathan didn't disclose Kim Eunji's true identity as he knew that it was not his position to do so. It should be Kim Eunji who should tell this to her and not him.

"Son...let's eat lunch before we go." Mei interrupted.

"It's not good to leave with an empty stomach." She added.

"It's okay Mom. You may eat with Uncle Mike outside while I stay with my wife. I don't have the appetite to eat." Nathan told his mother.

Kim Eunji's room was like a suite. It was divided into two rooms. One was for the guests or visitors lounge which comes before her room where her hospital bed was.

"You should eat. Remember, your wife is relying on you now. As much as we wanted to help you with her, only you could approach her. Mike and I could not help you son when it comes to her. So if you got sick, who would stay with her? Who would take good care of her?" Mei added.

"Your mom's right Nathan, if you got sick, no one would dare to stay beside her. Among us here, she tolerated your presence which was a good thing to know because it shows that she trusts you." Mike said as he heaved a sigh.

Nathan had no other choice but to obey Mike and Mei's advice.

"Wifey...I'll eat lunch first, okay? I'll be back in a minute." Nathan said as he kissed the top of her head.

Kim Eunji had already eaten her food earlier.

Nathan was thankful to the fact that at least she could eat normal food now. She still got nauseous and dizzy at times but at least she didn't hate the smell of food anymore.

Nathan asked An Qi who was sitting on the couch outside to stay with Kim Eunji on the room.

Though reluctant to be left alone with Eunji, she decided to obey Nathan because she was concerned for the babies.

Especially now that she found out how sick Eunji was, they were discussing if they should terminate the pregnancy and let her be pregnant again when Eunji was better.

Being pregnant with one child while having a serious heart condition is very dangerous to both the mother and the baby, what more if it's multiple pregnancy?

Added with her unstable mental condition, An Qi felt like now was not the right time for Eunji to be pregnant.

She still remember how furious Nathan was with her yesterday when she discussed this option to him.

"So you're suggesting abortion?!" Nathan furiously asked her.

" should have seen your wife. She's in a mess. If her condition got worse, time will come where you have to give up on your babies to save your wife." An Qi tried to argue.

"No! You said that my children are a fighter. They stick with their mom many times despite facing a lot of danger. They didn't give up on her...on us...So who am I to give them up?!" Nathan told her angrily.

"Don't take away the reason for my wife to come back to me. Instead of helping her and me, your suggestion is only adding her pain." Nathan then walked out from her as he went back to his wife's room.

"I trust you to take care of my wife and children all through out this pregnancy. You're the only person I could trust to do the job properly so better don't disappoint me."

That was what Nathan had told her earlier before she entered the room to look after Eunji.

She could only sigh deep inside as she looked at Kim Eunji who was still lost on herself.

"Eunji...if you won't come back. I'll take away Nathan from you no matter what it takes." An Qi whispered to herself but she didn't know that Eunji could hear her.

To her surprise, Kim Eunji turned around to look at her with a blank expression which made An Qi to gasp and feel goosebumps all over her body.

'Even in that state, you're still jealous?'

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