The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 188 - 188: Being Played By Fate

Nathan and Aimee once met when he was still an intern on Net International. This was before he discovered that he was the grandson of the true heir of the Johnson tech empire.

It was not love at first sight since Nathan had decided to not give himself another shot in love.

Who would blame him though? Two women had already broken his heart.

The first one was when he was in college. The second was when he was still serving in the military.

These previous two relationships were before he met Ana. He had recalled these two relationships but had unfortunately forgotten the memories that he shared with Ana in the island after he had an amnesia.

He vowed to never love again until he felt that it was the right time as he wanted to focus his attention in building his career so he could provide for the needs of his mother and sickly grand mother.

However, a woman named Aimee happened to come and knocked the still fragile wall that he had just recently built to guard his heart.

She was very sweet, caring and affectionate. Their colleagues had nothing bad to describe her personality.

She was the perfect girl that every man had dreamed of. Many of his male co-workers would pester him to court Aimee as they looked compatible together.

But Nathan was reluctant to give it a try since their social status was far on different level. She was from a wealthy and influential family while he was from an ordinary one.

But Aimee showed to him that his status didn't affect her in any way. She wanted to be with Nathan as she was interested with him.

Maybe due to peer pressure and Aimee's advances, Nathan decided to give it a try and finally dated Aimee.

Aimee was not hard to love, too.

And without Nathan's knowledge, he had slowly fallen deep in love with her. Which Nathan knew would bring him trouble in the end. Why? Because her parents, especially her dad was against the idea of them dating each other.

To make things complicated, Aimee decided to run away from home and live with Nathan. Aimee lose her rights to inherit her parent's properties. But she didn't care because she loved Nathan so much.

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Because of the sacrifice that she had made just to be with him, Nathan vowed to treat her right and had no plans on letting her go.

 All of these happened without Mei's knowledge. Nathan didn't inform her.

Everything was great within the first three months of their relationship.

On the succeeding months, they had these misunderstandings which of course they would make sure to resolve before the day ended.

They had also become the legendary couple in their workplace.

They had this perfect relationship and career goal which made others to be envious.

However, everything changed when they were about to celebrate their first anniversary as a couple.

Aimee suddenly changed. She suddenly turned cold towards him.

She suddenly treated him indifferently.

She was also avoiding Nathan's initiative to have a proper talk. Which was very unusual because it would always be Aimee who would do it whenever they had a misunderstanding.

She would also go home late in the apartment that they shared and would leave early the next morning.

She was clearly avoiding him for some reason that he didn't know. And this made Nathan to be frustrated.

Then one morning, while Nathan was peeing on the toilet, he saw a home pregnancy test kit being thrown at the trash bin.

He picked it up and he was very happy to see two red lines on it. An indication that it was positive.

Aimee was pregnant with their child. His child. And he's going to be a father.

It was the best gift and news that he had received for their upcoming anniversary which was due tomorrow.

He was so happy that he immediately went out gotten ready to go to the nearest jewelry store to buy a ring for Aimee.

He wanted to propose to marry her on their anniversary dinner date the following day and the thought alone made him like he was floating in cloud nine.

He was so happy and excited when he arrived at the jewelry store. His happiness even infected the clerks there.

He walked out of the store with the velvet box containing the ring he had bought for her safely kept inside his pocket.

He hoped that though the ring that he bought for her was not the most expensive out there, Aimee would still love it as he used all of his savings just to buy her this engagement ring.

Also, he's going to introduce himself to her tomorrow. He was hoping that once they knew of his true identity, which he had just learned six months ago, her parents would finally approve him as their in-law.

Also, knowing that she's pregnant, Nathan didn't bother question her behavior of going home late and leaving too early this past few days as he thought that was just one of her pregnancy mood swings.

He didn't want to stress her that's why he made sure to plan their anniversary date as a surprise.

Nathan called out for his friends and told them his plans. The trio were so happy for him and even helped him in decorating their apartment for their dinner.

Seeing that everything was set, Nathan then called Aimee if to come to their apartment as he was waiting for her. Nathan was nervous when he was making that call. The thought of her refusing to marry him was running in his mind at that very moment.

He thought that if he could hear her sweet voice, all those doubts would soon be gone.

Unfortunately, when the call connected he found out that Aimee had forgotten about the occasion.

She had forgotten about their first anniversary as a couple. Which was very unusual because Aimee would always make sure that they would celebrate this special date every month.

Hearing her apologized to him because she had forgotten about it was really a big turn off for Nathan. But Nathan decided to keep it in his heart and made sure that Aimee would not know about it.

Aimee used an alibi. Saying that her parents wanted her to stay for dinner as there was a very important announcement that her father was about to announce. And she should be there with them. But she promised that she would be home the next day.

Nathan immediately gave in as after she left her parent's house, she had lost communication with them, too.

Therefore, he knew that whatever it was, her presence there was far more important than being there with him.

Though he felt sad in his heart, he was happy that Aimee was together with her parents.

So Nathan had no choice but to cancel their date and his proposal.

Then he decided to pop the question to her when she arrived the next day.

Unfortunately, that didn't happen. He didn't got the chance to ask her that question.

For the entire next week since their anniversary, Aimee didn't go home. She also took an indefinite leave of absence from Net International.

He could not also reach her on the phone. She suddenly went missing in action.

He tried to go in her parent's house to look for her there but only the harsh guards would see him.

One night, Aimee's father hired a few thugs to beat him. They even left him a warning message to not look for Aimee or else he'd die.

Nathan was left in the street totally beaten up with those guys despite his background as a former military man.

Good thing help came to the rescue and Nathan was brought in the hospital where he only managed to wake up the next day.

Then, when he woke up, he heard of the news that any man who was deeply in love would consider hearing the news as a form of nightmare.

The news was about Aimee and the heir of MegaTech getting married next month.

Nathan's world collapsed in an instant.

He wanted to leave the hospital but Mo Jing-shing stopped him from doing so.

Mo Jing-sheng also threw a detailed report into his face.

The report showed that Aimee and that man was already in a relationship even before she was hired by Net International. Their relationship was only known between their families. In fact, she was the mole that MegaTech had placed in Net International to spy on their every internal affairs.

It was written there that their relationship was rocky as they were in an on and off relationship.

Nathan knew about her being involved with another man before him as Aimee once told him the reason why her parents was against them dating because she was already in an arranged marriage with a man from an influential family like what she had.

But she reassured him that she didn't like the man.

How come he didn't look into it deeper.

Well, he trusted her every words because he loved her so much to the point that he was being blinded by it.

And now, the woman whom she wanted to marry and was carrying his child was going to marry another man.

Nathan wanted to confront these cheating couple but Mo Jing-shing for the second time had stopped him.

His status in the Johnson was not yet stable and his training had just started therefore it wasn't the right time for him to reveal who he really was to her.

Good thing Nathan listened to him or else he would regret it.

Later on, he also found out that the child on her belly didn't make it as she had an abortion without his knowledge.

As planned, Aimee and the heir of the MegaTech got married and Nathan was away on a business trip that time.

That was the time when he met Eunji and shared an intimate night together.

Who would have thought that the day of his ex married another man would also be the fateful day that he met his now wife who was also now carrying his...their children?

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